HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/18/2005 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING � Tuesday, October 18, 2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Wimmer, Alderman Glab. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant to the City Administrator Martin, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City Planner Liz Zeller and City Clerk.fones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Re�arding Curb Cuts Along Crvstal Lake Road Assistant to the City Administrator Martin reiterated that during the course of planning for the Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area the Committee expressed an interest in meeting with representatives from Ace Hardware, First Midwest Bank and the Post Office to discuss the consolidation of curb cuts and traffic patterns along Crystal Lake Road. He noted that in the past City Staff has met with property owners in the area of discussion however, no action has resulted from those meetings. Mr. Martin informed the Committee that in 1999 Staff met with all the property owners with the exception of First Midwest Bank. At the meeting Staff proposed two access alternatives: ♦ Option A: A public street behind Ace Hardware and the Post Office along Northfox � Lane extending from Royal Drive to Lillian Street. o This proposal was not favorably looked upon by the homeowners of the Northfox Condominiums; ♦ Ontion B included the following: o Combining access driveways of the Post Office and Ace Hardware and constructing a right-in/right-out; o Connecting the parking lots of the Post Office and Ace Hardware; o The construction of an access driveway from Ace Hardware, behind the bank connecting with the existing driveway to hook-up with the signal at Lillian Street; o Connecting Whispering Point Center to the driveway leading to the traffic signal at Lillian Street and closing access onto Hanley Street. Option B was viewed more favorably by the business owners and residents of the area. Subsequently, the topic was discussed at length at the January 20, 1999 Council meeting. The following comments were brought forth by Council at that meeting: o Form a special assessment to pay for the costs involved o What would be the road specifications for the west Lillian eartension? o Concerns were expressed regarding the vehicular traffic pattern through Ace Hardware and the Post Office parking lots; o What intersection improvements would be required at the Lillian Street/Crystal Lake Road intersection? � Community Development Committee Meeting October 18, 20(�5 Page 2 � Mr. Ma�tin stated that following the January 20, 1999 meeting Council directed Staff to again contact representatives from Ace Hardware and First Midwest Bank and propose that those entities come up with a proposal to present to Council. He noted that in the interim the Crystal Lake Road Corridor Study was completed and the Royal Drive/Crystal Lake Road traffic signal was installed. It is Staffs' opinion that Option B is the more viable and practical option. Both Ace Hardware and the Post Office have two means of ingress/egress, therefore combining them is feasible. Further, cross-access with Ace Hardware and First Midwest Bank allows customers from Ace Hardware to access the Lillian Street traffic signal. Additionally, connecting Whispering Point Center to Lillian with the traffic signal is also feasible. This would reduce traffic from the entrance/exit to the north, bring more tr�c to the signal and provide a safer means of ingress/egress. Staff opined the first step in the process is to have a general discussion at the Committee level to ascertain what the City's involvement in the process should be and formulate a plan of action. The second step would be contacting the affected property owners in a effort to gauge their interest in pursuing the issue. The ne� step would be a joint meeting between the property owners and the Committee to discuss the matter in detail. Alderman Glab opined that Option B does not address all the issues. He stated the L, entrance off on Hanley causes excess traffic, which backs up in an effort to reach the stop light at Crystal Lake Road. Alderman Glab suggested either the Ace Hardware access or the First Midwest Bank access be eliminated. He stated he could support a right-in, right-out at the Bank and Ace Hardware, but would prefer combining the curb cuts. Alderman Wimmer stated he supports Option B. He recognizes it is difficult to alter the current set-up, but supports combining the Ace Hardware and Post Office accesses. Alderman Wimmer suggested seeking funding from the parties who would most benefit. Alderman Santi concurred with Alderman Wimmer. Alderman Glab stated he could not support a public road behind First Midwest Bank. He suggested pulling Lillian Street a11 the way through and leaving the resolution of the remaining issues to be negotiated between the property owners. Chairman Alderman Condon agreed with Alderman Glab that a public road should not be behind First Midwest Bank. She stated she would support Option B, with the understanding that there would be a drive-way behind the bank and not a roadway. Director Napolitano stated the First Midwest Bank property is key to the success of the operation. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to move forward with discussions � with the property owners, conveying the suggestions in Option B. Community Development Committee Meeting October 18, 2005 Page 3 L Alderman Glab suggested the discussions take place with an individual in an decision- making position. Discussion Regarding Crvstal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan (Draft Plan) City Planner Zeller informed the Committee that Staff has continued working on the Crystal Lake Sub-Area Plan. She provided the Committee with a draft containing the following: o Preliminary exhibits showing the existing land use conditions; o The existing transportation conditions, with numerous driveway curb cuts; and o The proposed land use and transportation plan for the sub-area. City Planner Zeller also noted that the draft contains a preliminary list of permitted uses, as well as proposed development restrictions. Staff is seeking feedback from the Committee regarding the draft and direction regarding sending the matter to full Council for consideration, prior to scheduling a Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Alderman Glab opined the initial Comprehensive Plan contained a much better balance for existing land use than currently exists. � Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry Ms. Zeller explained the Cold Springs Park access. Chairman Alderman Condon expressed favor with the proposed road connections and the commercial and office uses. She noted while she would prefer only residential the reality exists that vehicular traffic on Crystal Lake Road will continue to increase. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she supports the Plan, as presented, as a future plan to have in place if necessary. City Planner Zeller stated she has had conversations with the principal at West Campus. He indicated he was comfortable with the mixed uses that would not impact the high school and would provide a service to the students. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, directing Staff to provide the Crystal Lake Road Subdivision Plan before full Council for consideration prior to being presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Public Hearing. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Community De��elopment Committee Meeting October 18, 20(�5 Page 4 � Discussions: Sign Code(Draft Ordinance) Director of Community Development Napolitano presented a draft Ordinance to the Committee encampassing further refinements regarding the language in the Ordinance suggested by the Committee at the last meeting.. He noted the revised draft addressed the following: o Signs in the right-of-way o Non-Profit Organization Displays o Seasonal Decorations o Under Canopy Signs o Prohibited Signs o Regulations for Billboards o Tables were designed to be more user-friendly and easily interpreted o Some unused definitions were deleted and others were updated and clarified. Director Napolitano informed the Committee that the City Attorney indicates that billboards cannvt be prohibited. However, new billboards would require a Conditional Use Permit and existing billboards would be considered non-conforming signs. Director Napolitano noted that electronic changing message signs were of particular concern to the Committee members. The definition for electronic message signs has been changed to indicate the message conveyed would have wording or numerals only, without distracting graphics. In addition, Staff has restricted content and illumination. � Staff is requesting direction from the Committee regarding finalizing the language of the Ordinance and sending the revised Sign Code Ordinance to full Council for review and direction. The Committee requested Staff further restrict the electronic changing message signs by restricting the size of the sign and the number of words; restricting the size of the message portion of board; and limiting graphics. The Committee commended Staff on the effort and the progess made on this item. The Committee suggested Staff prepare a separate category, which addresses a uniform sign for outlots. Director Napolitano assured the Committee that Staff would further research billboard sign restrictions and changeable message signs. Review of Landscaae Ordinance Revision—Prouosed Language City Planner Zeller reiterated to the Committee that the following topics of discussion from the landscaping section of the Zoning Ordinance were presented at the August 16, 2005 Committee meeting: • Berming; o Staff proposes eliminating the requirement of the berm and adding language to allow the develop to choose between landscaping and berming to adequately � screen the parking lot from road right-of-way. Community Development Committee Meeting October 18, 2005 Page 5 � • Width of Screening Strips; o Staff suggests amending the 5-foot strip for landscape screening adjacent to residential and parking lots to require a 15-foot screening area between office, c ommercial and industrial areas and single-family residential areas; a 10-foot screening area between higher density residential areas and single-family residential areas and a 10-foot screening strip between parking lots and right-of- �vay. The additional area would allow a variety of landscape material to be sufficiently placed in the new strip making room for some larger trees and giving the developer the ability to use both berms and landscape clusters to screen an area. • Screening for Parking Lots; 0 7'he current Ordinance requires a continuous row of shrubs be planted along the edge of a parking lot, providing a minimum of 50% opacity. Staff recommends in addition to increasing this strip area to 10-feet in width a smaller cluster of a �ariety of species and size of shrubs be required with the ability to use berms. C'lustering of shrubs would allow for adequate screening of vehicles, but also provide interest at the site. Staff would review the Landscape Plan to ensure that a variety of plant material is used and that density and height is adequate. • Acceptable Plantings; 0 7'he current list of acceptable plantings for right-of-way is small. Staff proposes adopting a list of plans for each of the following categories: screening, �- ornamental, evergeen, ground cover and right-of-way. It is Staffs' intention to select native northern Illinois plants as a preferred species. Plants would be r�viewed on the functionality to provide year-round screening or protection from vainter elements. • Size and Location of Plantings; o �taff proposes retaining the 1 tree per 40-square feet on-center planting rVquirements along a right-of-way, but increasing the minimum tree size to a 4" caliper. Also, Staff recommends requiring building sites provide a minimum of 3" to 4" caliper trees and 12 shrubs, or ground cover per 100-feet of frontage. 7'he change would require larger plant material and allow grouping around the site. This would be in addition to any screening strip requirement. • Landscaping Around Signs. o A minimum square footage of landscape area shall be required per square footage of sign area. Alderman Glab opined his support of better landscape maintenance in parking lots. He stated that landscaping issues could be addressed with appropriate vegetation. Assistant to the City Administrator Martin stated Staff is encouraging developers to use diversity in landscaping. Other Business �, There was no other business discussed. Community Development Committee Meeting October 18, 2005 Page 6 � Adiournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � �. Geri A. Condon, Chairman � L