HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/15/2005 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING � Tuesday,November 15, 2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Wi�nmer, Alderman Glab (arrived at 7:05 p.m.). Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant to the City Administrator Martin, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City Planner I,iz Zeller and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Regarding Sisn Code Uadate Director of Community Development Napolitano reiterated that at the last Committee meeting Stai�' presented a draft update of the sign ordinance. The issues still to be resolved included: ♦ Signs on the rear of outlot buildings in a shopping center; ♦ Size limitations for electronic changeable message signs and display board signs; and ♦ Allowable size for construction signs, as identified at the last City Council meeting. Director Napolitano addressed each issue as follows: ♦ Language has been included in Table 18 to allow one wall sign on the rear fa�ade of an outlot building having multiple tenants of two or more. The signs must be exact duplicates of the tenant's main sign and shall be one-half the size of the main sign. � ♦ Language in Section D.3, page 7, would limit the area of a business sign that is devoted to an electronic changeable message, or a display board to 33%, or 1/3, of the total area of the sign. Staff has looked at some existing signs, which currently have changeable copy. The signs observed range from 26% of the area to 40% of the area of the sign consumed by changeable copy. Staff opined that 33% is a reasonable amount. ♦ Staffproposes to increase the allowable size for a construction sign from 32 s.f. to 64 s.f., and would also propose increasing the height from 8-feet to 10-feet. Director Napolitano stated that recognizing these changes, Staff is requesting a recommendation from the Committee to finalize the language and present the sign code update to full Council for direction. Chairman Condon requested clarification of the language at Page 10 [e] and [fJ regarding the number of allowable signs. Alderman Santi requested clarification regarding signage in outlots. Alderman Glab arrived at 7:05 p.m. Chairman Condon briefly outlined Director Napolitano's summarization prior to Alderman Glab's arrival. � ; Community Development Committee Meeting � � November 15, 2005 Page 2 � Alderman Wimmer commended Staff on the proposed revisions and complimented their effort's on the project. Alderman Glab opined that one-half the size of the main sign for the rear fa�ade of the outlot buildings has the potential to be too large. Additionally, he suggested flashing signs be limited as to how often the message changes. He cited safety concerns. A discussion ensued regarding flashing signs currently in use and whether, or not, the current signage would be grandfathered i n. Chairm�n Condon stated she favors the process moving forward. She suggested recommending the ordinance amendments be presented to Council subject to further review and revisions being researched by Staff and addressed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairm-�n Condon opined she is not in favor of increasing the size of construction signs to 64 s.f.. She stated she would consider increasing the size from 32 s.f. to 48 s.f., but indicated the height should remain at 8 feet. Following a brief discussion it was the consensus of Council to recommend construction signage be increased from 32 s.f. to 48 s.f., with a height of 8 feet, and a 10-foot setback. Motion by Glab, seconded by Wimmer, to direct Staff to finalize the language of the � revised Sign Ordinance and to present the revised ordinance to Council for direction, subject to the following changes: ♦ Wall signs shall be permitted on the rear fa�ade of an outlot building having multiple tenants. The signs must be exact duplicates of the tenant's main sign and shall be no more than 50%. of the size of the main sign. ♦ Language in Section D.3, page 7, shall limit the area of a business sign that is devoted to an electronic changeable message, or a display board to 33%, or 1/3, of the total area of the sign. ♦ The allowable size for a construction sign shall be increased from 32 s.f. to 48 s.f., and would have a height maximum of 8 feet with a 10-foot front property line setback. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Regarding Landsca�ing Reauirements in Zoning Ordinance City Planner Zeller informed Staff that at the August 16, 2005 and the October 18, 2005 Committee mee�tings Staff discussed amending the Landscaping Ordinance. She stated some of the more significant changes address the following: ♦ Residential Screening Strips �,,, ♦ Parking Screening Strips -, Community Development Committee Meeting • November 15, 2005 Page 3 \... ♦ Interior Parking Lot Landscaping ♦ Found�ition Base ♦ Acceptable Plantings. City Planner Zeller stated the purpose of the ordinance requirements is to provide landscaping aiid screening of parking and other outdoor areas that would: ♦ Protect residential environments from effects of more intensive adjacent uses; ♦ Protect users of parking areas from excessive wind, glare and temperature extremes; ♦ Reduce the adverse effects on public streets and adjacent properties of noise, blowing dust artd debris, and motor vehicle headlight glare; ♦ Discoiirage unsafe access to, and circulation within, off-street parking areas; ♦ Contribute to improved community appearance and maintenance of property values; ♦ Promote environmental conservation; and ♦ Be functional with deciduous trees providing natural shading for windows in the summer and evergreen trees providing year round screening and protection from winter wind. Alderman Glab expressed concern regarding screening strips over vegetation. He requested that the City's replacement policy be more stringent for vegetation. Chairman Condon, Alderman Wimmer and Alderman Santi supported Staff's � recommendations regarding Foundation Base. Alderman Wimmer opined he is in favor of landscaping in parking lots. Alderman Santi commended Staff regarding the results of the proposed revisions to the Landscaping Section of the Zoning Ordinance. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to finalize language in the revised ordinance for presentation to Council. Discussions Regardin�Homeowner Association Auproval for Minor Permits Chairman Condon stated that while this matter was approved at the June 20, 2005 Council meeting, by a vote of 5-2, she feels the topic should be revisited and followed by an official recommendation to Council from the Committee. Alderman Santi opined the burden of responsibility for obtaining approval from the homeowners' association should rest with the homeowner. He stated it should not be Sta�s responsibility. Alderman Santi recommended Staff be provided with a receipt of certified mail as evidence the homeowner has performed due diligence. Alder�nan Wimmer reiterated that the City Attorney has indicated the matter is not enforceable should a homeowner receive permission from the City to construct and receives a permit from the City. The homeowner cannot be forced to obtain permission from the homeowners' association. � ; Community Development Committee Meeting � November 15, 2005 Page 4 L Chairman Condon, Alderman Wimmer and Alderman Santi each stated they stand by what was apprc�ved at Council on June 20, 2005. Director Napolitano opined the homeowner is presented with a copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of the subdivision upon purchase of the property. A brief discussion ensued. It was the consensus of the Committee to remain with the policy voted on by Council at the June 20, 2005 City Council Meeting. Chairman Condon stated she would bring the decision forward under Committee Reports at the next Council meeting. As a pc�int of reference, Chairman Condon informed the Committee that Staff would be notifying home�owners' associations, by letter, that the new policy would be taking effect on January l, 200ti. Year End Summary and 2006 Meeting Schedule and Goals Director Napolitano presented the Committee with a proposed schedule for Community Development Committee meetings for the year 2006. Staff suggested the meeting continue to be held on the third Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m., in the Aldermen's Conference Room. A two month on, one month off rotation was recommended and a calendar for meetings in 2006 was presented. Committee members were requested to review the calendar to determine � conflicts. Director Napolitano presented the Committee with a list of accomplishments from 2005 and a list of proposed goals for 2006. He requested the Committee provide information regarding any additional items they would like to discuss. Some of the suggested goals are: ♦ Update of Comprehensive Plan ♦ Establisl�/Expand Design Standards for Buildings ♦ Discuss Regulations for Inflatable Pools ♦ Special Service Areas ♦ Prepare Sub-Area Plan for Main Street/RR Tracks Area ♦ Develop Regulations for Riverwalk-related Activities, Vending Carts, etc. ♦ Develop Regulations for Bed and Breakfast Establishments ♦ Discuss Code Compliance Activities ♦ Implement Low-Interest Loan Program for powntown Fa�ade Development Chairman Condon thanked the Committee for their contribution to the accomplishments of 2005 and commended Staff. Other Business No new business was discussed. ti.. . , Community Development Committee Meeting . � November 15, 2005 Page 5 L Adjournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, . �� � Geri A. Condon, Chairman � �.