HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/18/2006 - Community Development Committee COMMiTNITy DEVEI,OPMENT CO �- MMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, July 18,2006 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m, In Attendance: Committee Members: Chauman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant to City Administrator , artin, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City Planner Zeller and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Conversion of SinQle-Familv Hom�s to Multi Familv Units Director of Commumty Development Napolitano summanzed Staff's report regarding wa s to address the issue of conversion of sin�le-family homes to multi-family units in the City. He stated it is Staf�s recommendation to: 1. Increase enforcement of property maintenance; 2. Discuss possability of pursuing implementing an amortization ordinance to bring existing illegal multi-family unites back into compliance as single-family dwellings; 3. Develop a registration form for all multi-family property owners and landlords to begin actual registration in 2007. Director Napolitano stated Staff is going to begin walking neighborhoods at the end of July to ascertain properties which have maintenance issues.Director Napolitano distributed a letter � provided by City Attorney McArdle which explained the ramifications of implementing an amortiza.tion ordinance with respect to non-conforming multi-family units. Director Napolitano noted this step would require Council consideration and action. Chairman Condon stated the City may be required at some point to implement the ordinance should property maintenance continue to be an issue. Chairman Condon, Alderman Wimmer and Alderman Santi stated they are comfortable utilizing Option 1 at this time, to increase enforcement of property maintenance. Alderman Santi inquired if certain areas of the community would be targeted initially. Alderman Santi suggested the increased enforcement would begin on Green Street, Grand Avenue, Waukegan Road and Timothy Avenue. Director Napolitano stated no specific area would be targeted. The plan is to walk neighborhoods city-wide. Director Napolitano believes keeping more accurate database of property owners would assist in code enforcement compliance. Alderman Condon requested that the registration form be modified and brought back to committee for further review before implementation of the program. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to direct Stai� to increase code enforcement of properties having rnaintenance issues and to modify the multi-family unit registration form as ... Community Development Committee Meeting July 18, 2006 Page 2 `— suggested and bring it back to Committee for further review prior to im lementati multi-family unit registration program, p on of the Voting Aye: Santi, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay; None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Carnivals/Circuses Director Napolitano summarized the Staff Report regarding carnivals and circuses. He noted Algonquin has recently passed an ordinance enforcing the following regulations regardin carnivals and circuses: g 1. Limits duration to ten days or less. 2. Must be sponsored by a not-for-profit organization which is based in the Village. 3. No living, sleeping or otherwise remaining overnight on the premises of the carnival, except for authorized security personnel. 4. Ail carnival workers must have a government-issued photo ID on their person at a11 times. 5. Background checks must be performed on all carnivaUcircus employees. No person shall be allowed to work on the public event site if: a. he/she is a registered child or sex offender, or b. he/she has been convicted of a felony in the last five years, or c. he/she has been convicted of any other crime involving moral turpitude or violence, or d. he/she is identified as a known gang member in the Illinois State Police LEADS system. � 6 Completion of a questionnaire regarding procedures the carnival operator uses for employment, safety records of equipment and compliance with manuals and standards for rides. Director Napolitano noted Staff reviewed the Algonquin regulations and has suggested the following be incorporated into the City's ordinance governing circuses and carnivals: 1. Require carnival operator to provide a copy of a valid Amusement Ride Permit issued by the Illinois Department of Labor. 2. Require an accurate list of workers be provided, including legal names, birthdates, home addresses and social security numbers. 3. Require a background check for all workers. 4. Require all workers to keep on their person a government-issued photo ID when they are working. 5. Do not allow anyone to sleep or remain on the premises overnight, except for security personnel. 6. Provide evidence of adequate insurance. A Certificate of Insurance in the amount required by the City shall be provided. 7. Provide waivers of liability for all employees working the event. 8. Complete a questionnaire regarding employment and safety practices. 9. Provide a copy of the Health Department's Certificate of Approval. 10. Pass an inspection of the premises prior to beginning operation, by the City and Fire Protection District, .,. Community Development Committee Meeting July 18, 2006 Page 3 `'' Staff suggests the Committee might also like to discuss: -Maximum duration of the event— 10-day limit? - Whether or not the not-for-profit sponsor should be based in the City - Expanding the provisions to address other outdoor events such as concerts, festivals shows etc. , , - Fees and whether or not additional charges should be required to cover the cost of back oun checks and fingerprinting. �- d Some discussion occuned regarding who would pay for background checks and fin e rintin . Chairman Condon stated her belief that carnival owners/circus owners should pay�hecost of background checks and fingerprinting. Alderman Santi expressed his opinion that the background checks and fingerprinting should be required. Responding to an inquiry Director Napolitano stated he would check with the Police Department to research to what extent background checks should be done. Chairman Condcn noted if a background check is not provided by a company, the company should be chargt;d for the checks to be done. She suggested a $500 fee be assessed to the company plus $��0/individual, Chairman Condon requested Staff create a checklist for use in evaluating carnivals/circuses and bring it back to the committee for further consideration. Regulations for Bed and Breakfast Establishments Planner Zeller summanzed the proposed text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance which would � provide for Bed �ind Breakfast Establishments as a permitted conditional use in the City. She pointed out the ciefinition of Bed and Breakfast Establishments as currently being used in Geneva, St. Charles, Woodstock and Ga.lena. Planner Zeller suggested McHenry's definition could be as follows: "Bed and Breakfast Establishment: An owner-occupied single-family dwelling having no -nore than five guest rooms for rent to transient guests for a period not- to-exceed f our consecutive nights per guest which also serves at least one meal to overnight�;uests only." Planner Zeller notE;d regulations regarding Bed and Breakfast Establishments should include not only the definition, but also should a boundary be set for areas of town where they would be permitted, off-stn�et parking needs, business license requirements, health department licenses/permits, a�id signs. Alderman Wimmer stated his concern that someone might convert a basement into a guest room. He noted he likes tlie idea of initiating a Bed and Breakfast use in the City. Alderman Santi inquired about escape route requirements which may prohibit converting a basement area intc a guest room. Director Napolitano stated he would research escape route requirements. Alderman Santi suggested boundaries where this use would be permitted can be defined as areas develop. �. Community Development Committee Meeting July 18, 2006 Page 4 �" Assistant to City Administrator Martin stated consideration should be iven re ar ' restrictions that would be imposed for any Bed and Breakfast Establishment. D ector Napolitano also stated he would research Health Department inspection requirements regarding the service of food at these establishments. Assistant to City Administrator Martin noted the distinction between Bed and Breakfast Establishments and Hotels. Alderman Condon stated she likes the characteristics of Bed and Breakfast Estab)ishments. Main Street Sub-Area Plan Planner Zeller presented the Committee with a proposed boundary map of the Main Street Sub- Area based on previous Committee discussion which occurred at its May 16, 2006 meeting. She noted the overall goal in establishing the Sub-Area Plan is to provide guidelines to foster redevelopment into a downtown mixed-use and pedestrian-friendly neighborhood while taking advantage of public transportation and maintaining the existing historical integrity of the area. Chairman Cond�n stated that it is important for the Committee to be cognizant of the current property owners and avoid any misunderstanding. The Sub-Area Plan provides a vision for redevelopment of this area. Director Napolitano suggested the Main Street Sub-Area Plan be presented at an Open House to glean property owners' suggestions, ideas and intentions for this area. �. Chairman Condon stated she is comfortable with the goals and objectives as cunently outlines for this area. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to work on plans for an Open House to bring forward for discussion at the ne� Committee meeting. Other Business Chairman Condon announced the next meeting is scheduled for August 15, 2006 at 7 p.m. Agenda items will include: -Riverwalk vending cart activities - Update regarding the Historic District. - Update Main Street Sub-Area Plan - Update on Carnivvals/Circuses - Update on Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Chairman Condon stated the Mayor and Assistant to the City Administrator met with Landmark Commissioner Pat Schafer. They discussed establishment of the Historic District. Discussions regarding this issi�e should be postponed until there is more definitive direction from the Commission. Alderman Wimmer complimented Staff on the preparation of Agenda Supplements for this evening's meeting. ... Community Development Committee Meeting July 18, 2006 Page 5 � Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, `,�lu ����-�'" Geri A. Condo�, Chairman � �...