HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/29/2006 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING L, Tuesday,August 29,2006 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendanc�: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Martin, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City Planner Zeller and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Walt Taylor 1501 North Green, McHenry, IL 60050 Chairman Alderman Condon ca.11ed the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Regarding Watertower Marina Redeveloament Director of Community Development Napolitano informed the Committee that John Curtis, of Curtis Commercial, has the Water Tower Marina property under contract. He noted that Mr. Curtis had another commitment and was unable to attend tonight's meeting. Directar Napolitano stated the property is approximately 6 areas in area and is improved with a marina having 110 boat slips and related buildings. Mr. Curtis l��s met with Staff on several occasions to discuss his development plans and gain an understanding of zoning, utility and storm water management issues relating to this site. Mr. Curtis, prior to spending significant dollars on engineering work, is seeking further direction from the City regarding the project. Director Napolitano informed the Committee that Mr. Curtis' plans include three 5-story �"" buildin s azden level arkin under the buildin s three surface arkin lots a ublic arkin g , g P g g , P g , P P � area for access to the boat slips, a private swimming pool and tennis courts, a convenience store, fuel storage tanks, boat ramp, a boardwalk area and 110 boat slips for both residential and public use. Staff has noted that because the property is somewhat removed from downtown McHenry and a major road, it is not suitable for a significant commercial development. Therefore, Staff believes that residential land use is appropriate for the property. Chairman Condon opined that she likes the concept, but is unable to support a 5-stary development. She would be most comfortable with 3-stories, but could live with four. Chairman Condon stated she would be interested in discussing the project with the developer. Alderman Santi opined he could not support anything higher than four stories. Responding to an inquiry regarding density, Director Napolitano stated the project would have approximately 100 condominiums. Alderman Wimmer concurred with Chairman Alderman Condon. He stated he would like to discuss the pr��ject with the developer. � Community Development Committee Meeting August 29, 20U6 Page 2 L— Discussion ReQardinQ Conversion of Single-Familv Homes to Multi-Familv Units Director Napolitano reiterated at the July 18, 2006 meeting the Committee continued discussions regarding the illegal conversion of single-family homes to multi-family dwellings. As a result of the discussion. the Committee directed Sta.ff to increase property maintenance enforcement efforts in an attempt to prevent further deterioration of existing residential neighborhoods. However, the Committee decided to not pursue legal action against owners of illegally converted units. Additionally, the Committee supported Staff's suggestion to develop a database of property owners having rental units. To establish this database, a Rental Property Registration Form has been developeci. The form would be sent to all known property owners having rental units. It requests information regarding the property, including the number of units and emergency contact information. Having this information will assist Staff in reducing the time it takes to resolve property maintenance complaints on rental properties. Responding to Chairman Condon's inquiry, Director Napolitano indicated that waiting until January to impl ement the Form would provide Staff an opportunity to compile information. Mr. Walt Taylor informed the Committee that he has recently observed people living in the basement of the property located at 1507 North Green Street. He stated that he has called for enforcement of the situation on a number of occasions. A brief discussion ensued. Director Napolitano assured member of the Committee that he will walk the Green Street neighborhood, L send out notices of compliance where required, and will notify Staff and Council of the enforcement progress via the Friday Report. Director Napolitano suggested Staff develop a booklet for landlords providing educational material about what the City expects from a landlord and how to look for a tenant. Motion by Santi, seconded by VVimmer, to direct Staff to implement the Rental Properry Registration Form beginning in January 2007. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion camed. Discussion ReQarding Carnivals/Circuses Director Napolitano reiterated that at its July 18, 2006 meeting, the Committee discussed some changes to the City's regulations regarding carnivals and circuses. Because these are family- oriented events, the Committee determined that the e�sting regulations found in the Zoning Ordinance were inadequate and requested Staff provide additional information regazding the following: • Define c�arrnival and circus; • Determine if the City charges for water usage at these events and if so, how much; • Determine the costs associated with providing background checks; � • Prepare a checklist and questionnaire for carnivals and circuses. Community Development Committee Meeting August 29, 2006 Page 3 � The proposed c�rdinance before the Committee for consideration this evening includes provisions discussed by the Committee, including the following: • Require the carnival operator provide a copy of a valid Amusement Rider Permit issued by the lllinois Department of Labor; • Require an accurate list of workers, including legal names, birthdates, home addresses and social security numbers; • Require a background check for all workers; • Require all workers to keep on their person a government issued photo ID when they are working; • Prohibit anyone from sleeping or remaining on the premises overnight, except for security personnel; • Provide evidence of adequate liability insurance; • Provide waivers of liability for all employees working the event; • Provide a copy of the Health Department's Certificate of Approval; and • Pass an inspection of premises prior to beginning operation by the City and Fire Protection District. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to recommend City Council consider adoption of an ordinance g�>verning the operarion of carnivals and circuses in the City. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. �" Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Re�arding Bed and Breakfasts Planner Zeller reiterated that Staff was directed by the Committee at its July 18, 2006 meeting to draft language regulating Bed and Breakfast establishments. Director Napolitano summarized the draft proposed text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. The Committee suggested a minor revision, changing the language regarding the rental period from four to five consecutive nights. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to recommend to City Council consideration of creating Bed and Breakfast Establishments and authorization to conduct a public hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance text amendment. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Re�arding Main Street Sub-Area Planner Zeller informed the Committee that pursuant to the Committee's instruction Staff has prepared a list of proposed Main Street Sub-Area properties and a mailing list of Main Street � Community Development Committee Meeting August 29, 2006 Page 4 `— Area property owners. At this juncture Staff is proposing notification to property owners regarding meeting dates. Staff proposes holding three neighborhood meetings, two prior to working on the written documents and one mid-way through the process after a draft has been developed. The meetings would provide the public with ample opportunity for comments. Chairman Condon opined she liked the tentative scheduling of the meetings in the afternoon and early evening. Aldermen Wimmer and Santi concuned. Alderman Wimmer suggested that residents be informed that this discussion concerns long-term planning and no specific action would be taking place in the near future. Assistant City Administrator Martin suggested that the meetings should be advertised in the newspaper, via issuance of a press release. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to move forward with preparations for the neighborhood meetings regarding the creation of the Main Street Sub-Area. Discussion Re�ardin�Riverwalk Vendors Director Napolitano informed the Committee that with construction of the Riverwalk underway, it is necessary to discuss what types of controls the City should have in place for vendors and peddlers who may want to sell their wares along the Riverwalk. �. Staff believes that allowing vendors on the Riverwalk is an appropriate activity. Some things that should be considered are: • Should a license be required; • If so, should preference be given to in-town businesses over out-of-town business; • Should the number of licenses be limited to prevent overcrowding on the Riverwalk; • Should the duration of the license be limited to calendar year; • Should specific areas be designated for vendors or should vendors be allowed to move along the Riverwalk with carts, or both; • Should hours of operation be limited; • Should the type of items sold be limited, such as allowing only food and beverage sales. Director Napolitano noted that once these questions have been addressed, Staff would be in a position to de�•elop specific language for a text amendment. A draft ordinance amending the Municipal Code could then be prepared for the Committee's consideration and recommendation. Aldermen Wimmer and Santi concuned that the number and types of vendors should be limited. Chairman Alderman Condon opined the first year the vendors should be first come/first serve. Afterward, a lo!tery system could be considered. �.. Community Development Committee Meeting August 29, 2006 Page 5 `— Assistant Administrator Martin suggested a list of uses be prepared for potential vendors. Alderman Wimmer opined this is a good concept. A discussion ensued regarding possible types of vendors and potential sites. Other Business Planner Zeller requested the Committee consider the fees in the Subdivision Control Ordinance. She requested an amendment be considered to establish fees that are in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance. It was the consensus of the Committee to discuss fees at the next Community Development Committee meeting. Chairman Co�idon informed the Committee that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee is scheduled to take place on October 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Tentative topics on the A�enda would be: • Fees; • King Property Development; • Water Tower Redevelopment; and • Code Compliance Activities. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. � Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, �y��{� .�. Geri A. Condon, Chairman ��—