HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/17/2006 - Community Development Committee COMMIINITy DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEE�JG � Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Martin � irector of Community Development Napolitano, City Planner Zeller , Also in Attendance were Greg Tripani and Richard Smith of Concept & Design Inc; Walter Hainesfurther, Architect and Planner for Kurtz Associates; Jack Minero, Prudential First Commercial Realty; Donna Schaefer, Brett King, Tom King, Harold King—Property owners. Chau-man Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. King Farm Develonment�rouosal Mr. Tripani noted his firm has been seekmg property to develop commercially. He stated he is very interested in developing the King Farm Property. The developers and architect have met with Staff and discussed at length the possible development of the King Farm. The proposal before the committee this evening is a concept plan for the development of this property. Engmeering questions have not yet been answered, but the developers are seeking committee mput regarding the proposal. Mr. Tripani stated the proposed development is for commercial use. It involves a strip mall plus � a stand along commercial building. It would be a neighborhood convenience retail center. In addition the middle portion of the strip center would have a second floor office and professional oi�ice use (dentists, pediatricians, etc.). The building design is not a typical strip center. The building is designed with architectural integrity and will blend well into the existing neighbarhood. Mr. Hainesfurther addressed the committee, noting the developers will be seeking C-3 Commercial zoning. The developer is attempting to utilize natural materials and non-traditional commercial architecture. One advantage to having the second story on the center section is the fact that it breaks up the linear structure of the strip center and provides architectural interest in the building. Mr. Hainesfurther stated there is an outbuilding included on the site where a drive-through facility would be located. A soft color palette would be used to create a more la�d-back atmosphere for the development. Users would be market driven; however, neighborhood service providers would be sought. Mr. Hainesfurther stated adjacent residential properties would be protected by landscape buffers. Two access points are shown on the site plan: one onto McCullom Lake Road; one onto Blake Boulevard. Ample J�arking is provided on the site. A high quality development is the bottom-line goal of the develop��r. The developers are seeking character, quality and neighborhood mix. � Community Development Committee Meeting October 17, 2006 Page 2 `' In response to Alderman Wimmer's inquiry regarding other ro'e Mr. Hainesfurther stated the developer recently constructed he shops at Route 14 �dVM pers, Crystal Lake. There are other projects in the area which the developers have created. am m Brief discussion occurred regarding technical issues regarding the right-of-way needed for B Boulevard versus the City's need for additional McCullom Lake Road right-of-wa l�e Y Alderman Santi inquired if the second story of the strip center would accommodate disabl persons. Mr. Hainesfurther responded an elevator would be installed as required by the ADA, Some discussion occurred regarding the use of adjacent lots along McCullom Lake Road as well as other lots not currently within the corporate boundaries. Responding to Alderman Santi's further in ui g � q rY, Mr. Tom Kin stated the buildings were constructed in 1944, so there are no historical or landmark issues with removing them. In response to inquiries regarding the outbuilding, Mr. Hainesfurther stated a drive-thru is shown on the site plan The internal traffic flow works well for stacking and exiting onto either McCullom Lake:2oad or Blake Boulevard. Chairman Condon inquired if there would be any site clearance or visibility issues with a full access onto Blake Boulevard. She specifically expressed concerned with left-hand turns onto Blake Boulevard. Chairman Condon stated her other concern for residents living across McCullom Lake Road from the project. Mr. Tripani responded a berm could be utilized and `- other landscape treatments to soften the view for residents across the street from the development. Of primary concern is preventing overflow of vehicle headlights onto the residences. Brief discussion followed rega.rding potential signage for the development. Discussion followed regarding the second story in themed-portion of the strip center. The committee acknowledged having the building blend in with existing neighborhood structures is e�remely important. Director of Community Development, in response to Chairman Condon's request, provided Staf�s report regarding this project. Staffhas looked at this project. It appears to be a good fit for the area. There may be concerns from residents regarding the additional traffic which could arise from the development. These developers are willing to work with the neighbors and do what it takes to make the project acceptable to all. The project is a good fit for this site. Mr. Tripani stated the developers are willing to meet with the neighbors in order to create good will and respond to their concerns and questions. Alderman Wimmer� stated he is in favor of the development, the character of the buildings proposed and the fact that this will be a unique neighborhood convenience retail center. Assistant Administrator Martin expressed his pleasure with the proposed development, noting it is a good infill pr�ject. He complimented the developers on the architectural style of the � Community Development Committee Meeting October 1?, 2006 Page 3 �" structures. He expressed a couple of concerns, stating the rear buildin addressed, and questioned the full access onto McCullom Lake Road. g design should be Planner Zeller stated Staff was pleased with the site plan and fresh ideas presented b the developer. Very few concerns were raised. Y Chairman Condon encouraged the developers to move forward with their plans, takin into consideration the roadway concerns and issues. Alderman Wimmer and Santi concurred. g Riverwalk Vendors Director Napolitano reminded the committee it had previously reviewed Municipal Code Chapter 19 regarding Peddlers and Solicitors. The consensus of the committee was: � that a license should be required for Riverwalk vendors; • a limit an the number of Riverwalk vendor licenses issued each year should be established; • licenses would be valid for one year; • preference would be given to in-town/local businesses; • hours of operation should be established; • types of businesses/uses for vendor licenses should be determined. Director Napolitano stated uses which may be appropriate for the Riverwalk include: �.. • Food and non-alcoholic beverages • Candy, ice cream, nuts, popcorn and yogurt; • Flowers; • Artwork, ca,ricatures or face painting; • T-shirts, hats and similar apparel; � Newspapers and magazines; • Souvenirs and postcards; • Balloons, toys or other trinkets. He suggested the committee review these uses and add/delete as they choose. Alderman Wimmer stated the list is appropriate and a good starting point. Eventually, the City may consider adding other uses as the Riverwalk grows. Alderman Santi and Chairman Condon concurred. Some discussion followed regarding how to delineate the boundary of the Riverwalk. Determination will have to be made as to what is sidewalk and what is Riverwalk. Chairman Condon suggested that each vendor be assigned a designated location and not be free-moving within the City. Assistant Administrator Martin concurred with Chairman Condon regarding the designation of a specific area for each vendor. As recommended �y the committee, Director Napolitano stated he will create a potential Riverwalk vendor Ic►cation site map for review by the committee at its next meeting. � Community Development Committee Meeting October 17, 2006 Page 4 �" Assistant Administrator Martin suggested a list of restrictions indicating the specific location of the approved vendor's license. A 1 st maght n lu e�th a map as: such things • Site includes size of area; • Hours of operation allowed; • Limitatian on the types of items sold. Alderman Wimmer suggested this issue be placed on hold until the need for it is created. Director Napolitano stated Planner Zeller went over the current Solicitor's/Peddler's ordin and suggested various amendments to incorporate the peddler's license into it. A brief discu s o e followed regarding the pro posed am e n d m e n t s. n Director Napolitano was directed by the committee to refine the draft ordinance, create a m indicating ten proposed Riverwalk vendor locations, and provide a list of guidelines/restriction for vendors. This information will be placed on the next agenda of the committee. S Retain d Pe onnel Fees in Subdivision ontrol an Develo ment Ordinanc Planner Zeller noted she has been working closely with the Finance Department on the cunent balances in the various developers' retained personnel accounts. She explained to the committee what the retained personnel accounts were used to cover, i.e. City Attorney fees, engineerin fees, Planning and Zoning Commissioners stipends, water quality tests, etc. Planner Zeller stated � confusion occurs when developers make the initial deposit into their retained personnel account and believe that is the total amount of expense to be incurred. The deposit is not meant to be a fee paid, but a deposit made to cover specific expenses incurred by the developer durin the course af development review and approval. Consequently, a monthly update and occas onal requests for additional deposit of funds occur. Planner Zeller stated increasing the initial deposit required may give the developers a more realistic view of potential expenses to be incurred. Planner Zeller stated Staff is suggesting a change in deposits required as follows: Re uest A lication Fee/RP Fee Minor Variance $175/$250 NEW Fee/RP Fee $175/$250 Rezoning/CUP/ $460%$500 [$960 Variance � $450/$500 Ifmultiple zoningrequests are made,i.e.rezoning and �$950] CUP,then the RP Fee shal]be doubled to$1,000 [$1,450] Preliminary plat $250, <1�e=$S00 5450/0-4 acres=$900/acre 1-5 acres=$400/acre S-9 acres=$700/acre 5-10 acres=$300/acre 10+acres=$500/acre Final Plat $250i<1 acre=$500 $450/0-4 acres=$900/acre 1-�acres=$400/acre 5-9 acres=$700/acre 5-10 acres=$300/acre 10+�eS_$S00/acre Developments (site $0/<] acre=$500 pl�).This may also 1-S acres=$4p0/acre $450/0-4 acres=$900/acre be in conjunction 5-10 acras=$300/acre 5-9 acres=$700/acre with a zoni 10+�es=$500/acre ng 10+acres=$200/acre re est � Variation from $0/$0 SCDO $450/$500 [$950j Community Development Committee Meeting October 17, 2006 Pa�e 5 `' Planner Zeller noted the new fees would not entirely cover all retaine but would come closer to projected development expenses. She stres ed d e lopersew uld se�� have to be billed for additional expenses, should their deposit not be sufficient. t 11 Planner Zeller noted the smaller in-fill projects often require the most review and incur the greater e�enses. Director Napolitano stated the smaller developments are the ones which should have an increase in fees at the very least, as they require a higher rate of Staff time, includin legal and engineering review. g Director Napolitano provided the committee with a compilation of what neighborin municipalities charge for development and require on hand for retained personnel deposits. He contacted Algonquin, Lake in the Hills, and Woodstock and received their fees and deposits required. He noted the biggest difference he found was that a11 three of the other communities require a larger initial retained personnel deposit. The City of McHenry is currently at $500, while Algonquin is $1,000, Lake in the Hills is $2,000 plus administrative fee, and Woodstock is $2,000 plus. Some discussion occurred regarding the reason for application fees and the need to increase retained personnel deposits. Alderman Wimmer stated he does not see a problem with the proposed changes to the fee schedule. � Assistant Administrator Martin stated he has been working with the Finance Director ta create a series of letters to be sent to developers who are in arrears in their retained personnel accaunts. He noted much time has been expended by the Planner Zeller, Director Napolitano, the Finance Department and Administration in attempting to collect past due retained personnel fees. Director Napolitano suggested some towns impose fines when fees remain unpaid, and some towns post stop �vork orders. He would opt for utilizing either or both of these options if approved by Council. He also noted Lake in the Hills has instituted a Reimbursement of Fees Agreement which includes the account number, the project name, the owner, telephone numbers, who the invoices should be mailed to, etc. An agreement such as this might eliminate some of the problems incurred by the Finance Department in collecting past due fees. Director Napolitano suggested the agreement could be attached to the initial check for deposit and provided to the Finance Department. It was the consensus of the committee to have Staff create a Reimbursement of Fees Agreement form. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to draft an ordinance for Council review increasing the application and retained personnel deposit fees as presented, and to include language authorizing fines and stop work orders be implemented if retained personnel fees are not paid in a timely manner. All ayes. Motion carried. Code Enforcement Procedures � Community Development Committee Meeting October 17, 2006 Page 6 �'" Director Napolitano reminded the committee that one of the oal the committee was to review and possibly update the cod eenfor e ent procedures He ed by over the process currently being used: went 1. Document the violation by taking photogaphs; 2. Leave door knockers or send a letter to the property owner; 3. Fqllow-up inspection; 4. Ordinance vic�lation notice is sent; 5. Issue ticket; 6. Fine is doubled; 7. Hearing before Administrative Adjudication Officer. Director Napolitano recommended the fines be increased as they remain at the initial amount set in 1994. He noted offenders might take more notice and comply if the fines were increased. With the adjudication process, compliance is ultimately achieved. Chairman Condon suggested the committee review and evaluate the current process. Director Napolitano clearly explained each step in the seven step enforcement process. He noted it is typically a maximum of twenty_ei�ht days (four weeks) until the violation is resolved or until a adjudication heanng is scheduled. n Chairman Condon stated she does not have any problem with increasing the fees. Alderman Wimmer suggested the fines be doubled, i.e. $25 and $50 be increased to $50 and $100. `-- Chairman Condon concurred. Chairman Condon also stated the form letter notifying the property owner of the violation and/or the ordinance violation notice i�nclude the amount of fine which would be assessed if compliance was not attained. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to recommend to Council the fees contained in Chapter 2 o�the Municipal Code, Settlement of Offenses be doubled. A11 ayes. Motion camed. The committee re�uested Staff bring back a revised violation form letter and ordinance violation notice including lan�ua�e clarifying the fines which would be assessed if not found in compliance. Other B___usiness Chairman Condon announced the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, 2006 which include discussion regarding low interest loan program for downtoum redevelopment in the historic district, Riverwalk vendor location and guidelines, code enforcement violation letter and notice. Planner Zeller noted a potential developer of the Portable Tool site on Route 120 would like to address the committee with a concept plan. Director Napolitanc� stated the 2007 meeting schedule will be introduced as well as goals and objectives for ne�S eaz. 1 Community Development Committee Meeting October 17, 2006 Page '7 � Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, ���C/�, �" Geri A. Condon, Chairman � �..