HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/21/2006 - Community Development Committee COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING
� Aldermen's Conference Room
November 21, 2006
In attendance: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Wimmer, City Clerk Jones, Assistant City
Administrator'Viartin, Community Development Director Napolitano, City Planner Zeller. Absent:
Alderman Santi
Also in attendance: Tom Suminski of Banner Apartments and Tim Carson of Gillespie Design.
Also in attendance: Members of the Landmark Commission: Chairman Gerhard Rosenberg,Shelly
Trost and Gretchen Thomas
Chairman Alderman Condon convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Portable Tool Site Develonment Proaosal
The Applicants responsible for the proposed redevelopment of the Portable Tool Site on the corner of
Main Street and Crystal Lake Road addressed the Committee regazding their proposal.
Tom Suminski of Banner Apartments stated his firm is considering the purchase and re-development
of the former Portable Tool site located at 4030 W. Main Street. The site consists of approximately
1.4 acres with frontage along both Crystal lake Road and Main Street. Mr. Suminski noted he has
`-- discussed with Staffthe possibility of high-density apartment housing with ground floor retail suites.
Staff noted that with the site's proximity to the Metra train station, the redevelopment project has
potential and encouraged the Applicant to formulate a conceptual proposal for presentation to the
Director of Community Development Napolitano informed the Committee that the site is zoned I-1
Industrial. The Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan designates the site as commercial.
He stated the property is included as part of the proposed Main Street Sub-Area Plan. Director
Napolitano indicated the Main Street Sub-Area Plan identifies the site as a priority redevelopment
parcel, suitable for transit-oriented development.
Mr. Suminski indicated the concept plan includes a four-story building fronting on Crystal Lake Road.
The structure would contain affordable housing and a parking garage on the first floor,together with
outside parking behind the building. He stated there would be a mix of one,two and three-bedroom
units for a total of si�y-two(62)units in the project,creating a density of approximately 44 units per
acre. A community room would be provided for residents on the first residential floor. Mr. Suminski
informed the Committee that additional amenities and services are planned for the residents.
Director Napolitano indicated that Staff has the following concerns regarding the project:
� The site plan shows little open space. The apartments are geared toward working
`' professionals, however, open space is still desired.
• Small children may be living in some of the apartments and suitable amenities (i.e., small
play€;round and open space seating axeas should be considered.
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• The first floor parking,under the building, does not have openings or windows,which creates
a bland appearance for the street level. Adding windows or openings would provide a more
pleasin�;landscape appearance for pedestrians along Crystal Lake Road together with better
security, allowing police to see into the structure.
• The prcposed building height is appro�mately 56 feet high, which would be taller than any
existing building in the area. Staff is cognizant that given the constraints of the site and the
need tc provide parking, there is a need to build upward to accommodate a viable
Director Napolitano stated Staff recognizes that the site has been vacant and blighted for several
years. The majority of individuals expressing interest in the site have expressed a desire to maintain
the existing structures and introduce some sort of outside display or storage. As the site is located in
the middle of the City, in proximity to the downtown shopping and Metra station, Staffbelieves the
site is no longer appropriate for industrial use. Additionally, it was noted that maintaining the site as
cornmercial may not be viable due to limited access(i.e., there is no access from Crystal Lake Road
or Elm Street). Staffhas recommended to potential buyers that the property be re-zoned to create a
mixed use project,rather than retain the Industrial Zoning. The Applicant is proposing m�ed use for
the property.
� Director Napolitano opined that over a11, Staff is supportive of the concept, the mi}rture of units,
parking calculations,building setback and general elevations. Staffrecommends the IDD(Integated
Design District) zoning be pursued as the site would not work under the conventional multi-family
residential zoning standards. It is Sta.f�s recommendation the Applicant be encouraged to move
forward and submit a complete set of plans for review.
Mr. Suminski reiterated that the concept is for affordable housing. He noted the project would be
financed in part with tax credits issued by the Illinois Housing Development Authority(II-�DA). In
accordance with the requirements of the II3DA, appro�mately 79%of the homes would be reserved
for and priced to be affordable for households earning$34,000-$47,000 annually,providing new and
attractive housing for moderate income families in the community. Mr. Suminski noted that 10
dwellings(approximately 15%of the total units)would be reserved for residents with special needs,
i.e. residents with physical handicaps.
Director Napolitano provided the following comments on behalf of Alderman Santi,who was unable
to attend this evening's meeting:
• He approves of the project overall;
• He would like to see landscaping along State Route 120;
• He has issues with the appearance of the facade on the first floor;
• He woi�ld like to see more of a visualization regarding integration of the structure into the
surrounding area.
�. Responding to Chairman Condon's inquiry, Mr. Suminski indicated the monthly rent would be
� $700 fcr a one-bedroom unit;
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� $875 for a two-bedroom unit; and
• $950 for a three-bedroom unit.
Mr. Suminski stated the project would be marketed traditionally, with the exception of the specia.l
needs units, which would be marketed through special interest groups.
Chairman Condon expressed concerns regarding the open space and the density of the units. She
opined that she could live with a three-story structure on the property but not four stories. Chairman
Condon stated she does not want to discourage the project, but was unable to support a four-story
structure on th<;property.
Alderman Wimmer indicated he is most concerned with the density and the configuration of the
structure on the site. He opined he has no issue with the height of the structure. Alderman Wimmer
suggested a reconfiguration regarding the placement of the building to address the Committee's
Chairman Condon suggested other properties in the City be considered by the Applicant for the
project, however, she indicated she would consider the project if the structure was reconfigured on
the site.
The Applicant requested the Committee's permission to contact the other Aldermen on the Council to
ascertain their feedback concerning the project. Chairman Condon indicated there would be no
objection from the Committee. Chairman Condon suggested because of the newness of the concept
the Applicant might wish to make a presentation to a Committee of the Whole. Director Napolitano
indicated that due to the holidays the first available date for a Committee of the Whole would likely
be in January or February.
The Applicant thanked the Committee for their consideration and input, stating they would review the
concept and contact Staff in the near future.
Representatives of Banner Apartments departed the Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:50 p.m.
Historic District and Design Guidelines
Landmark Conunissioner Shelly Trost distributed proposed Historic District and Design Guidelines
for Committee review and input.
Chairman Condon suggested that,prior to discussing the Historic District and Design Guidelines,the
most recent minutes of the Landmark Commission should be discussed. At issue was a statement
made by Shelly Trost regarding a "last minute" request for documentation from the Landmark
Commission that was allegedly made by City Planner Zeller. Chairman Condon indicated she took
exception to tt�e statement since this documentation was requested in May, six months ago, she
� requested the I,andmark Commission amend the minutes to reflect a correction.
Landmark Conunission Chairman Gerhard Rosenberg noted the minutes had already been discussed
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with Mayor Low. The members of the Landmark Commission contended the minutes accurately
reflected the meeting and refused to amend the minutes. Chairrnan Condon stated the matter had not
been discussed with her and, since she was Chairman of the Community Development Committee,it
was appropriate that she address the issue. A lengthy and contentious exchange ensued between
Chairman Condon, Chairman Rosenberg and Shelly Trost.
Chairman Condon stated the only matter on the Agenda concerning the Landmark Commission she
was willing to discuss this evening was the map of the proposed Historic District. She opined
sufficient time was not allowed to review the handouts provided by Commissioner Trost this evening.
Landmark Cornmission Chairman Rosenberg indicated the handouts conformed to the Secretary of
the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Chairman Condon reiterated that she had not had
sufficient time to review the documents and they would not be discussed. Chairman Condon
expressed that the Committee was willing to work with the Landmark Commission, but not if the
Landmark Commission was unwilling to reciprocate and cooperate with Staf�s requests for
Chairman Condon suggested postponing this Agenda item. City Planner Zeller expressed Staf�s
concern regarding discussing Historic District and Design Guidelines tonight as specific information
had not been provided to the Committee for review prior to the meeting.
�" Chairman Condon stated that as Chairman of the Community Development Committee, she was
striking the item regarding Historic District and Design Guidelines from tonight's Agenda. This
matter will be discussed at the Community Development Committee meeting scheduled for January
23, 2007. Chairman Condon suggested the Landmark Commission provide the proposed map for the
Historic District to School District 156 for their input.
The members of the Landmark Commission departed at 8:07 p.m.
Riverwalk Vendors Location Maa
Director Napolitano stated that its October meeting the Committee discussed amending Chapter 19 of
the Municipal Code to a11ow Riverwalk Vendors. He outlined possible appropriate locations for
vendors on the Riverwalk. Director Napolitano indicated the difficulty in designating specific
locations is Staffwould like to discourage food vendors from situating near a restaurant or a flower
vendor from situating near a florist, so e�sting businesses are not deprived of sales. Staff suggests a
way to accomplish this is through spacing limitations. An example would be to not have a vendor
within 250 feet of an existing similar use.
Director Napc�litano outlined the handout,which explained the process for obtaining a license,while
providing standards for maintenance and upkeep. Additionally,the handout explains how locations
would be detc;rnuned.
�, Chairman Co�don suggested the following:
� Language be added to protect e�sting businesses;
� Locations be assigned on a first come, first serve basis; and
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• An additional vendor site be added to Miller Pointe.
Alderman Wimmer suggested that it be stipulated in the handout that the vendor should be self-
contained and that the vendor cannot block access or egress on the walkways. Additionally, he
suggested decorative signs be provided to each vendor to designate their location. A brief discussion
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon,to direct Staffto address the Committee's suggestions and
provide the revi sed Municipal Code Chapter 19 Solicitors and Transient Merchants and the Riverwalk
Vendor Locatic�n Map to full Council for consideration.
Ayes: Wimmer, Condon
Nays: None
Absent: Santi
Motion carried.
Retained Personnel Fees in the Subdivision Control and Develonment Ordinance
City Planner Zeller reiterated at its October meeting the Community Development Committee
discussed amending the fees collected for zoning, subdivision and development applications to more
closely reflect the actual billing costs. City Planner Zeller stated that Staffhas been working closely
� with the Finance Department to ensure that developers are keeping positive balances in their reta.ined
personnel accounts and continue to pay promptly when billed.
City Planner Zeller stated pursuant to the Committee's direction, an ordinance was prepared adjusting
the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance and Municipal Code regarding the retained
personnel fee structure as well as application fees for subdivision platting, variances, and other
development issues.
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to direct Staff to present an ordinance amending the
Municipal Code and Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance regarding retained personnel
fee structure and application fees relative to development, zoning and subdivision to full Council for
Ayes: Wimmer, Condon
Nays: None
Absent: Santi
Motion carried. '
2006 Recaa and 2007 Goals and Meeting Schedule
Director Napolitano provided the Committee with a recap of some of the items discussed by the
Committee duri ng the past year. Director Napolitano also provided a list of suggested goals for 2007.
Director Napol tano informed the Committee that Staff is proposing a change to the 200'7 meeting
� schedule. Rath�;r than meeting on the third Tuesday of the month, Staffis requesting the Community
Development C ommittee meetings be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Director Napolitano
stated the reaso n for the change is the third Tuesday has proven to be a challenge for Staff, due to the
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fact there is usually a Council meeting and a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting during the
third week of the month. Director Napolitano provided a calendar of proposed meeting dates as
Tuesday, January 23, ZOQ7 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Tuesday, Apri124, 2007 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7 p.m. Aldermen's Conference Room
Other Business
Chairman Condon complimented Community Development Department Staff on their efforts and
accomplishments during 2006. She suggested the fence ordinance be discussed in 2007,particularly
regarding wrought iron fences in the front and corner side yard.
Assistant City Administrator Martin concurred with Alderman Condon. He suggested the addition of
;� the Low Interest Loan Program be added to the proposed Goals and Schedule for 2007.
Chairman Condon requested the Goals and Schedule for 2007 be revised pursuant to the suggestions
made and provided to the entire Council in the Friday Report.
Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.
Ayes: Wimmer, Condon
Nays: None
Absent: Santi
Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
��. ,�'`
Geri A. Condoii, Chairman