HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/23/2007 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMIT'I'EE MEETING � Aldermen's Conference Room January 23, 2007 In attendance: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Deputy Clerk Kunzer, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Community Development Director Napolitano, City Planner Zeller. Absent: Alderman Wimmer. Chairman Alderman Condon convened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Comurehensive Plan Uodate Planner Zeller explained Staffhas been working on the update to the City's Comprehensive Plan for several months. A draft of the first three chapters is being provided to the Committee in order to obtain comments and suggestions regarding the proposed format and content.The first three chapters cover the Introduction, Community Profile, and Land Use Plan and Development Policies. Planner Zeller stated Staff would like feedback regarding the format of the document, the type of information to be included, additional information or clarification required, inclusion of goals and policies, etc. Chairman Condon inquired if the City's previously adopted plans/studies such as the Downtown Development Plan would be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. Planner Zeller responded � they would be included by reference only.Likewise,the in-progress Transportation Study/Plan would be included by reference. Alderman Santi requested clarification regarding the Integrated Design District (IDD). Director of Community Development Napolitano explained the IDD is a mixed used zoning district targeted for development of parcels which may otherwise be difficult to plan or develop. Director Napolitano stated the Town and Country subdivision Oaks at Irish Prairie is an IDD project. The IDD could also be utilized in the redevelopment of the downtown or Riverwalk areas. The bulk area requirements are typically less stringent in IDD's. This enhances the possibilities for diversity and creativity requested by developers for such projects. Planner Zeller responded to an inquiry from Chairman Condon regarding the goals and policies proposed for inclusion in the Plan. She noted Staffwill utilize the stated goals and policies as tools to evaluate potential developments. She stated the Comprehensive Plan should be used as a guideline when considering new developments or redevelopment of e�sting parcels. Director Napalitano noted the first nineteen pages of the document are merely introductory and provide back�round information regarding the Plan.He stated Sta�will continue to use the Plan as a means of reviewing proposed developments prior to making a recommendation to Council for consideration, review and action. Chairman Cor�don requested clarification regarding the goals and policies of designated sub-areas. �' She inquired ii'the Committee needed to review each of these areas in more detail.Following general discussion, it��vas agreed each of the sub-areas would be referenced in the Plan. However,the plans developed for each of these azeas would be stand-alone documents incorporated into the Community Development Committee � January 23,2007 Page 2 Comprehensive Plan by reference only. Planner Zeller stated Staffwill continue to develop the Comprehensive Plan utilizing the format used in the first three chapters. She noted the proposed format would also be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their comment and input within the next couple of months. Deputy Administrator Martin stated the Plan will be open for comment and change through the Public Hearing process which would not occur until the draft of the entire document has been completed. Weed Mowing Program Director Napalitano explained the current Weed Mowing Program. Annually,Staffinquires ofvacant property land owners if they would like the City to mow their property during the course of the growing season. The City hires a contractor to mow these properties. The City bills the property owners for the expense incurred. The contractor is paid 70%if the proceeds and the City retains 30%. Director Napolitano stated the fees charged are well below what the market can bear. He suggested the program provides an easy out for property owners to keep their property maintained. Director Napolitano also noted due to the development of so many of the vacant parcels in town, there are only about 14 parcels annually included in the Progam. � Staff is recommending an increase in mowing fees, plus the implementation of an administrative fee when the City is required to secure services to clean up neglected properties.Proposed fee schedule is as follows: Lot Size Current Fee 2006 Fee with CPI Staf� Ad'ustment Su ested Fee Under 10,000sf $50 $60 $70 10,000sf to 20,OOOsf $60 $72 $85 20,001sfto 1 acre $70 $84 $100 For each additional $70 $84 $100 acre or fraction thereof Director Napolitano noted he has contacted surrounding municipalities.No other municipality offers such a Program. Director Napolitano suggested the Program be discontinued after this year's growing season. This would free up Staff time to concentrate on other department issues and concerns, particularly code compliance matters. Chairman Condon stated if the Program is discontinued after this year, the property owners would have ample tim e to make other arrangements for their vacant property maintenance prior to the 2008 \.- growing season. In response to Chairman Condon's inquiry, Director Napolitano stated Staff bills property owne rs following each mowing by the contractor. If the fees are not paid,a lien is placed on the property b��the City. Community Develcpment Committee � January 23,2007 Page 3 Some discussion followed regarding the areas outside of the fencing along Crystal Lake Road. Deputy Administrator Martin stated the City has mowed these areas in the past; however,this land actually belongs to the homeowners and it is their responsibility to keep it maintained. The City will no longer maintain these azeas. Director Napolitano stated if the homeowners do not maintain these areas and the City is required to contract for the gass to be cut, the property owner will be billed accordingly. If the fees are not paid, the property would be liened. Alderman Santi opined he likes the City's proactive approach.He concurred property owners need to maintain their property. He stated he is in favor of discontinuing this Program after this year. Chairman Condon stated if property maintenance complaints occur as a result of the change in policy and dropping the Weed Mowing Progam, the matter could be revisited by the Committee. Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to recommend to City Council: 1. Increase in Weed Mowin Pro am Fees as follows: Lot Size Staff Su ested Fee Under 10,000sf $70 � 10,400sf to 20,OOOsf $85 20,001 sf to 1 acre $100 For each additional $100 acre or fraction thereof 2. Elimination of the Weed Mowing Program following the 2007 growing season; 3. Implement a 15%Administrative Fee for maintenance of neglected properties. Voting Aye: Santi, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Wimmer. Motion carried. Low Interest Loan Program for Facade Imarovements Director Napolitano stated the City would like to encourage enhancement of the City's streetscape, particularly with the first phase of the Riverwalk nearing completion. Improving the fa�ade of commercial buildings in the TIF District and the Main Street Business District is desirable.In order to accomplish this Staff is proposing the implementation of a Low Interest Loan Program with the proceeds bein�;used at least partially for fagade improvements. Director Napo litano noted while the City has a Fa�ade Crrant Program administered by the Landmark \.- Commission, � Low Interest Loan Program could provide much needed funding for improving not only the fa�ad�;of a structure but the inside of the building as well. Community Development Comtnittee � January 23,2007 Page 4 Director Napolitano explained how the Program would work. He stated the City would assist in buying down the interest on the loan,thereby reducing the overall cost to the owner. He noted on a $100,000 loan, if the City were to buy down the interest by 2%,it would cost the City approximately $100/month or$1,200/year.If the property was located within the TIF District,the buy-down could be taken from the TIF Fund. Director Napolitano cited both Libertyville and Algonquin as having successful Low Interest Loan Progams in place. He opined this would be a good way to inspire interest in downtown redevelopment. He noted ifthere were eight loans approved with a maximum amount of $125,000 each, the City's annual liability would be about $100,000. Alderman Santi inquired if the Program would be available to Main Street business owners, even though this area is not within the TIF District.Director Napolitano responded the intent would be to include the Main Street businesses in the Progam. Deputy Administrator Martin stated there a.re several financial institutions in McHenry which have expressed interest in such a Program.He stated if the Committee concurs with the implementation of the Program, Staffwould create Requests for Proposals and submit them to all banks in the City.The City would then come up with a list of those financial institutions which would like to participate. � When a business owner makes application for a loan, Staff will provide them with the list of banks who have ageed to participate. They will be able to choose a financial institution from the list in order to secure their loan. Chairman Condon stated her preference to cap the number of loans as opposed to the amount of funds available. She suggested a maximum of eight loans per year. Some discussion followed regarding how the loan proceeds could be utilized. It was the consensus of the Committee that a minimum 50% of the loan proceeds be utilized for fa�ade improvements,with the remainder to be utilized anywhere in the building. It was noted the Program be designed for commercial buildings only. Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to direct Staffto draft an ordinance creating a Low Interest Loan Program for commercial building improvements in the TIF District and Main Street Business District, to be presented for Committee review at its ne�rt meeting. Voting Aye: Santi, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: "JVimmer. Motion carried. Director's Reuort '`.. Director Napolitano reported on the following: 1. Planner Zeller has submitted her resignation effective 2/2/07; 2. Code Enforcement will be discussed at the Committee's ne�rt meeting following the implementation Community Devel�>pment Committee � January 23,2007 Page 5 of the re;cent organizational restructure approved by Council; 3. Main Street Sub-Area will be discussed at the ne� Committee meeting; 4. Matters going before Council for consideration in February: Carnivals Increase in ticket fees; 5. Wickes has submitted plans in-house for their facility on the north side of the City; 6. Fat Mans anci Taqueria on Crreen Street are awaiting Health Department approval prior to permit issuance; 7. Staffis meeting with Target on January 24,2007 regazding their desire to expand in their shopping center; 8. Staff will be participating in the Shopping Center Conference in Chicago on February 6`�and 7�`; 9. EDC Retreat is being scheduled for February 15�`to develop an Economic Development Plan. Planner Zeller provided the Committee with items soon to be presented before the Planning and Zorung Commission for recommendation: 1. Final Plat of Townhomes at Prairie Lakes(Gilger Property); 2. Annexation of single parcel on Riverside Drive; 3. Fat Man's conditional use permit to allow outside seating area; 4. Crizmo use variance. � Director Napolitano also noted Olive Garden has approached the City re�arding the north lot of the DDR Development,provided they can convince the Illinois Department of Transportation to remove the existing trees on their FAP420 property adjacent to the site. Other Business Chairman Condon noted the next meeting is scheduled for February 27, 2007. The agenda will include the Main Street Sub-Area and the Low Interest Loan Program. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Condon Voting Nay: None Absent: Wimmer. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, r r. ' J �+r� _` '� �_ ���-f'�.�V�--- �. Geri A. Condoii, Chairman