HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/27/2007 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMIVIITTEE MEETING \.. Tuesday,February 27, 2007 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Wiinmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Director of Community Development Napolitano and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Di�cussion Reearding the Low Interest Loan Pro�ram for Facade Improvements Director of Community Development Napolitano reiterated to the Committee the incentives discussed at the January meeting which could be offered to assist property owners interested in making improvements to their buildings. Following the review of low interest loan programs offered by the municipalities of Algonquin and Libertyville, the Committee d'uected Staff to prepare an Ordinance to offer such a progam in McHenry. The City, working with local banks would arrange to buy down the interest rate by a certain percentage and pay the difference in monthly payments. This would result in lower monthly payments for the property owner. Director Napolitano informed the Committee tha.t a letter was sent to area banks in an effort to gauge their interest in the program and ascertain if the banks had serious concerns regazding the program. � Director Napolitano presented a map to the Committee outlining the properties in the TIF District and those on Main Stree�t to whom the program would be offered. He noted that the boundaries could be expanded depending on the Committee's direction. Expansion of the proposed boundaries was discussed. Alderman Santi suggested expanding west of the railroad tracks on Main Street. Director Napolitano noted the property in that area is zoned Industrial. Deputy City Administrator Martin opined the map could be expanded at some point, however, at present the goal is to present a uniform commercial exterior. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested adding information regarding the Chamber of Commerce to the proposed brochure. It was the consensus of the Committee that Director Napolitano should meet with the interested bank representatives and if no significant changes to the proposed agreement are forthcoming the Agreement would be presented to full Council for consideration,. Main Street Sub-Area Ptan Director Napolitano summarized that at the May and July 2006 Committee meetings; the Community Development Committee began discussions regarding the Main Street Sub-Area Plan. A boundary was finalized, e�usting conditions reviewed and the Committee discussed an overall goal for the sub-area together with some objectives. In October 2006, Main Street property owners were invited to attend one of two open house meetings. The purpose of the Open House meetings was to obtain comments from the property owners regarding how they � Community Development Committee Meeting February 27, 2007 Page 2 � envisioned the development and re-development of Main Street. The comments of the property owners were compiled and the Committee discussed each of the comments in turn. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that the City is currently concentrating on the Riverwalk project and it is premature to consider expanding the TIF. The topic of a common theme for the area is considered unrealistic. Some of the suggestions are out of the City's control and others would be considered on a case-by-case basis. Regarding the suggestion regarding a design workshop, it was opined that more interest in the project should be exhibited prior to time and expense being considered for a design workshop. Director Napolitano suggested following the same format as the Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan with Sta�'beginning formulating the Plan and drafting a preliminary te�. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to begin drafting text for the Main Street Sub-Area Plan for consideration by the Community Development Committee meeting scheduled for Apri123, 2007. Aye: Santi, Wimmer, Condon. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Discussion RegardinE Front Yard FencinQ Director Napolitano informed the Committee that recently the City Council has considered variances for fences in the front yard of residential properties in the downtown area. He noted that in these instances the fences were wrought iron, ornamental aluminum or wood picket and the Council approved the requests, which they considered were in keeping with the aesthetics of the downtown chazacter. At Alderman Glab's suggestion the Community Development Committee has considered current restrictions on fencing in the front yard and proposed certain modifications. Staff believes it is appropriate to allow ornamentaUdecorative fencing in a front yard without requiring a variance provided there are certain limitations: • The style should be limited to wrought iroq ornamental iron and wood picket. Board-on- board and chain link fences should not be allowed. • The height of the fence should be limited to no higher than 42 inches, which should not obstruct pedestrian and vehicular sight lines. • The fences should only be allowed for single-family homes in certain areas (i.e., downtown). Ornamental and picket fences in the front yard were common around the turn of the century and therefore, is considered appropriate for older homes. A map of locations for front yard fencing was attached for consideration. � Community Development Committee Meeting February 27, 2007 Page 3 � Chairman Alderman Condon stated she liked the map and the wording of the Ordinance, which was prepared by Staff. She suggested beginning with the designa.ted area and expanding as necessary. Alderman San*i concuned with Chairman Alderman Condon. He stated his only concern would be that the ornamental fencing not obstruct vehicular sight lines. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to recommend the proposed Ordinance be forwarded to fuil Council for consideration. Aye: Santi, Wimmer, Condon. Nay: None. Absent None. Motion carried. Director's Reaort Director Napolitano stated City Planner applications are due by March lb, 2007. Director Napolitano informed the Committee that on Monda.y, February 26, 2007 he met with a developer who expressed interest in putting the Joey T property under contract for the purpose of constructing upscale condominiums. `.,, Director Napolitano stated a meetin� has been tentatively scheduled to meet with a potential user who is imerested in the Portable Tool site. Director Napolitano noted that Dick's Sporting Goods would be approaching Council regazding a variance for two banners for the Grand Opening and the Gizmo's property owners would be approaching Council regarding a use variance. Other Business Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that the next meeting would be held on April 23, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. The topics on the agenda would include: • Main Street Sub-Area Plan • Review and modification of Conditional Use Permit Requirements • Crrand Opening Signs Alderman Wimmer opined that strip malls currently have no limited uses in the City's ordinances. He noted he has lately observed a number of duplications in businesses occupying strip malls and opined that service businesses generate no tax revenue to the City. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested a comprehensive review of uses might be timely. Staff will canv:3s surrounding communities regarding strip mall uses. At Alderman Wimmer's suggestion Staff will differentiate between service and retail businesses in their review. � Community Development Committee Meeting February 27, �007 Page 4 L Adiournment Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Aye: Santi, Wimmer, Condon. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, , �A..(, �C� �1,-����,�ti----- Geri A. Condon, Chairman � �