HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/22/2007 - Community Development Committee COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT COMM�TTEE MEETING � Tuesday, May 22,2007 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Alsa in Attendance: Director of Community Development Napolitano and City Clerk 3ones. Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Regardina the Main Street Sub-Area P1an Director of Community Development Napolitano reiterated that at its Feb��'y 2007 meeting; the Community Development Committee reviewed the comments received from the public at the October 2006 open house meetings held for the Downtown Sub-Area Plan. Following discussion regarding the comments, the Committee directed Staffto begin drafting text for the Plan. Director Napo'itano informed the Committee that Staff has completed the first several �ages of the plan and included them in the Committee agenda packet for review. He noted that the "Plan Intent" subsection identifies the physical boundaries of the sub-area and discusses what the overall intent of the Plan is. The"Planning Process" subsection reviews the reasans for selecting this sub-area and briefly describes the process the City followed in preparation of the Plan. The "Hierarchy of Sub-Area Plan" subsection is the same as in the Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan, describing where a sub-area plan fits in the overall scheme. �" Director Napolitano pointed out that the"Sub-Area Boundary" section includes maps delineating the boundary of the Main Street Sub-Area. Chairman Condon stated that overall the document indicates a good start. She opined that the third paragraph on Page 2, the notation regarding the Riverwalk might date the document. Additionally, Chairman Condon expressed concern regarding use of the phrase "adds to this perception" on Page 1, paragraph 3 at line 5. She opined that the word "perception" should be deleted as peoples' perception cannot be changed. Director Napalitano stated the word "perception" originated at an open house, but another word could be utilized. Alderman Santi, agreeing with Chairman Alderman Condon, stated it is a good beginning. He added that underutiiized properties need to be addressed. Alderman Wimmer concurred. Alderman Santi inquired whether a draft of the document would be ready for presentation at the next open house. Director Napolitano responded that he hopes to have a draft of the entire document prepared for presentation at the ne� Committee meeting, which, if approved by the Committee, would then be presented at another open house. It is Staff's intent that foilowing the open house the document would again be presented to the Committee and from there to full Council. Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of Council to direct Staff to move forward with further��reparatian of the Main Street Sub-Area Plan. � Community Development Committee Meeting May 22, 2007 Page 2 `- Discussion Regardin�Conditional Uses Director Napalitano informed the Committee that Staff is continuing to review the Zoning Ordinance in order to update terms and make the language more user-friendly. A list of permitted conditional uses for each zoning district was provided to the Committee. Director Napolitano outlined the uses that are no longer appropriate and suggested that Staff has ascertained that the following require further discussion: • Planned unit developments are listed in several instances. The City no longer uses PUD's and therefore, Staff is suggesting removal; • Mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions do not exist in the City. Staff is suggest�ng removal. • The term Air Rights Development is a term that is not clearly defined in the ordinance. The term generally references a right to use and develop the air space above one's praperty. For example, a historic building is surrounded by skyscrapers. The historic building is 3-stories high but all of the structures are entitled to 35 stories of airspace. The city doesn't want the historic building to be destroyed. The owners of the historic building could rnake a great deal of money by selling their building and allowing a 35- story office building to be built in its place. However, if they sell their "air rights" to someone developing an office building nearby they can make almost as much money, if not more, without demolition of the historic building. Staff does not believe that this concept is appropriate for the City. • Automobile Service Stations. The term is outdated. Staff believes the term should be � changed to"Motor Vehicle Fueling Station." • Campgrounds and truck stops should be eliminated. Chairman Condon inquired if there was a time limit on conditional uses. Director Napolitano indicated there are no time limits. The conditional use continues until it is changed. He su�gested the Committee might want to entertain language limiting uses by making no more than 50% non-retail use. The topic of permitted uses was broached. Director Napolitano indicated that a discussion regarding permitted uses would be lengthy and while permitted uses need to be addressed he suggested it be a topic for another Community Development Committee meeting. The Committee concurred. Director Napolitano informed the Committee that Article XIV includes the administrative aspects of conditional use permits and provides the criteria for approval. Staff has issue with the current language in Item F, Revocation of Permit. The current language specifies when a conditional use permit may be revoked by the City Council and implies that some type of action by the Counc�l is required before a conditional use permit can be revoked. However, this action is rarely takeri. Unless the ordinance granting the conditional use permit includes a provision for revocation it runs with the land, meaning that it is allowable indefinitely. Staff is suggesting tightening u�� the language. Instead of the word "may" the word "shall" is suggested. Additionally, Staff believes no Council action should be required to revoke a conditional use � permit and provisions for such revocation should be included in the text of the ordinance. Community Development Committee Meeting May 22, 2007 Page 3 `-- Director Napolitano informed the Committee that to change the lan�uage in the ordinance, a public hearing must be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Should a positive recommendation be received from the Planning and Zoning Commission an ordinance would be brought before Council for consideration. Alderman Wimmer indicated he had issues with Item d. He opined he does not like property sitting vacant for twelve months, stating that 90-days is a more reasonable amount of time. Chairman Condon stated she is also comfortable with a 90-day period. Alderman Santi concurred. It was the consensus of the Committee that if any of the conditions indicated under Paragraph F, Revoeation of Permit, Items a through d, are not complied with, the conditional use permit would be considered null and void after 90-days. It was the consensus of the Committee for Staff to continue with revisions to Conditional Uses in each zoning district and Article XIV, Conditional Uses. It was determined that Permitted Uses would be addressed at a future meeting of the Community Development Committee. Signase—Grand Opening and Real Estate Si�ns Grand Opening Signa�e Director Napolitano informed the Committee that following the appearance before Council recently of certain individuals requesting additional signage for grand openings Staff and the � City Council determined it was necessary to review the current language for temporary signs. Additionally, it was noted that Alderman Wimmer has contacted Staff regarding the legality of real estate signs in shopping centers where there is no space available for lease. Director Napolitano explained to the Committee that currently grand opening signage fa11s under Temporary Signs. The ordinance allows one temporary sign or banner not-to-exceed 32 square feet for a period not-to-exceed 30 consecutive days per occasion. A temporary sign is allowed for up to four occasions per year. The permit fee is $30 and there is a$30 refundable deposit. Staff believes the current language is more suitable for existing businesses having a special sale or event, but not for a grand opening. The cunent language allows businesses to advertise a special sale four times a year, which coincides with the four seasons. Grand openings are a one time event and are generally larger than a sales event. Staff is suggesting the following new language be added to address grand openings: • Banners are the preferred type of sign, either securely affixed to a building or affixed to poles securely mounted in the ground. Single-sided is recommended. • One bf�nner should be allowed per building or tenant space, two if the building or tenant space�ibuts a road or public parking area on two or more sides. • Size sYiould not exceed 72 square feet (6 x 12). • Durati��n should be 30 to 45 days. • Consideration should be given to allowing balloons and pennants. • Regul�itions should apply to Crrand Re-Openings and stores Under New Management. � Community Development Committee Meeting May 22, 2007 Page 4 � Alderman Wimmer stated he continues to have concerns regarding signs advertising space in shoppin�centers while the shopping center appears to be full. Chairman Condon suggested discussing the grand opening signage first and then moving on to a discussion regarding advertising signs. It was suggested that the duration of signage for a Grand Opening be limited to a 30-day period. Additionally, it was suggested that Grand Opening signage be limited to the first business in a strip mall that applies for a perrnit. Chairman Condon opined she prefers a 30-day limit on signage, rather than 30-45 days. She stated the size of the sign should depend upon the size of the building. Director Napolitano responded, stating Staff is encouraging a sliding scale to make the sign proportional to the business. Responding to Chairman Condon's inquiry regarding the positioning of signs affixed to poles, Director Napolitano responded the ordinance states that signs must be set back a minimum of 5- feet from the property line. Alderman Santi indicated he would be comfortable with raising the permit fees. Director Napolitano suggested a$250 deposit initially; then, if the ordinance was not complied with, a fee of$50 per day fee would be deducted from the deposit. �. Chairman Condon stated she believes that balloons and pennants are distractin� and she does not care for inflatables. Alderman Wimmer concurred with Chairman Condon that they are obnoxious, but indicated no strong feeling one way or another. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staff should continue working on language for signage and return to Committee for further discussion and comments. Real Estate Si�na�e in Shoppin� Centers Director Napolitano stated that this is a difficult issue to resolve. Some real estate signs in shopping centers remain in place for an extended period of time because sometimes space is difficult to lease. Staff believes the following approaches could address the situation: • Strict enforcement of existing language, with no exceptions; • Enforcement of the language, but in instances where an owner/landlord has leases up for renewal within the next 60 days, have them provide the City with a copy of the lease or leases. The City would then know when the lease expires. If a tenant renews the owner would then be responsible for removal of the sign; • Requir� that landscaping be provided at the base of the real estate sign. Since they often becom�� permanent fixtures on a site, the City could try to make the signs as attractive as possible by requiring landscaping at the base. � Community Development Committee Meeting May 22, 2007 Page 5 `-- Director Napolitano indicated that in order to change the language in the ordinance a public hearing would have to be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission and an ordinance brought before City Council for approval. Following a brief discussion Alderman Wimmer stated he did not care for the idea regarding landscaping at the base of the signs. He indicated that landscaping would only encourage permanency of' the signage. Alderman Wimmer opined that the current language in the ordinance is adequate if it is enforced. He stated he supports strong enforcement of the existing language in the ordinance. Chairman Condon concurred with Alderman Wimmer. She stated that if an owner desires a variance they can come before Council with a request for consideration. It was the consensus of the Committee that strong enforcement of the language in the ordinance is the best way to remedy the situation. Director's Reuort Director Napolitano informed the Committee that Staff was approached by the owner of an award winning winery. He and representatives from thirty-two other communities were invited to tour the winery. The winemaker is from Chile. They are running out of space and are looking to expand their operation to a 30,000 to 50,000 square foot facility. Director Napolitano indicated that the winery owner was shown some properties in the City and Staff believes they � were impressed with the community. Director Napolitano informed the Committee that Target Stores is looking at the Blake property for expansion. Staf�is waiting to hear back from Target. Director Napolitano stated that Rich Adams and Mary Beth Adams will be coming before Council on June 4th to request a sign variance. It is the intent of Adams Enterprises to take down the two pole signs currently on the property and erect a more modern sign. Director Napolitano informed the Committee that Town & Country would be approaching Council. They have indicated to Staff that potential buyers have expressed a lack of interest in the proposed community center and Town & Country will, therefore, be suggesting that the property remain open space instead. Director Napolitano informed the Committee that Meijer will be before the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 7, 2007, requesting relocation of their existing drive-thru pharmacy. Alderman Wimmer inquired about the progress of Olive Garden. Director Napolitano stated that Staff has not hf�ard anything. However, Director Napolitano announced that the permit has been issued for Old Navy and Bambino's is scheduled to open in a couple of weeks. Responding to Chairman Condon's inquiry, Director Napolitano stated that renovations continue � at the site form��rly occupied by Whale's Tail. Community Development Committee Meeting May 22, 2007 Page 6 `" Other Business Following a brief discussion with Director Napolitano, Chairman Condon informed the Committee that the ne� meeting would be held on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's CQnference Room. No meeting is required for June because the Committee appears to be on track�vith agenda items. Chairman Condon informed Staff she has received numerous complaints regarding the mound of dirt on Crystal Lake Road from the Living Springs development. Director Napolitano stated he would look into the matter. Chairman Condon informed the Committee that topics on the next agenda would include: • Possible update regarding the Main Street Sub-Area Plan; • Permitted Uses; • Continued review and modification of Conditional Use Permit requirements; • Grand Opening Sign language; and • Non-conforming section of the Zoning Ordinance. Adiournment Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. �— Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, . � .��V�� eri A. Condon, Chairman �