HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/10/2008 - Community Development Committee Memorandum � To: Chairntan Alderman C ndon Fm: City C erk Jones Date: March 10, 2008 Subj: Comm�,�nity Development Committee Minutes Enclosed is a copy of the February 26, 2008 Community Development Committee Minutes. Please review, comment/correct or sign and return to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Enc � � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi and Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, City Planner Jixrs and City Clerk Jones. Chairman A1dE;rman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Discussion: Comarehensive Plan -Public Facilities and Implementation Chapters Deputy Crty Admimstrator Martin outlined Chapters 8 and 9 of the Comprehensive Plan, which deal with Publi c Facilities and Implementation. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the Public Facilities Chapter generally reviews all City, as well as school, library and fire district facilities. Additionally, the chapter lists future goals and objectives for public facility construction, expansion and/or alteration. He indicated the Implementation Chapter discusses the process and means by which the entire Comprehensive plan would be implemented moving forward. Following the overview, Deputy City Administrator Martin noted suggested revisions would be provided by the April Community Development Committee meeting with revised Comprehensive Plan maps provided at that time. Chairman Alderman Condon opined there was a lot of validity to having all the information spelled out in the Comprehensive Plan. Alderman Wimmer concurred. A brief discussion �- ensued and some typographical and grammatical errors were addressed. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staff move forward with the Comprehensive Plan with Staff providing revised comprehensive plan maps at the April meeting of the Community Development Committee. Discussion Regardin� Draft Economic Develoument Plan Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the draft Economic Development Plan was prepared by Staff with input from the Economic Development Commission. The purpose of the Plan is to create a vision statement along with the goals and objectives deemed necessary to establish the vision. Staff is seeking the Committee's input regarding the goals and objectives as well as the action items, particularly marketing the City and increasing tourism. Deputy City Administrator Martin highlighted the two most important factors of the Plan: 1. A vision for the City of McHenry; and 2. An economic development strategy. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested tourism be moved from Goal Item 8 to Goa1 Item 5, with an additional eYplanation. Additionally, Chairman Alderman Condon opined the Plan lacks a tie-in to Character Counts, which is an important component of the City. She suggested Character Counts be identified in the document at Goal Item 6. � Community Development Committee Meeting February 26, 2008 Page 2 `-- Responding tc> an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Wimmer provided historical info��mation relative to when the Economic Development Commission ("EDC") was established, it� membership composition and its affiliation to the City of McHenry. Alderman Wimmer state� that, at this time, the EDC is dormant and it is unlikely that it would be re- established. Il e noted that the Plan was prepared with the intention that it would be used by the City, followin�;the usual standards of approval. Responding tc� Chairman Alderman Condon's inquiry, Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated the ne� step would be addressing the suggested revisions and then, following direction from the Comrlittee, presenting the Plan to full Council for consideration. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to add Character Counts to the Economic Development Plan and then to present the Plan to full Council for consideration. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Staff Report Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Wicke's Furniture was closing. He indicated the owner is currently seeking a purchaser and that would determine the fate of the company. � Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Dominick's Food Store would be closing on April 19, 2008. The structure is appro�mately 7,800 square feet in size and Staff has suggested another grocery store or possibly a banquet facility might be appropriate for the site. Chairman Alderman Condon re-iterated that it might be an opportune time to continue negotiations for the right-of-way, which has been discussed for a significant period of time. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that representatives from the Olive Garden made a site visit last week and were pleased with the placement. He has been informed that representatives from the Olive Garden would be contacting City Staff shortly with a plan to move forward on the site. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the supported living facility currently under construction on Crystal Lake Road is moving forwaxd. They are hopeful for a June 15, 2008 opening. Responding to an inquiry regarding a surplus clothing box near Sears, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee the clothing box is the property of Helping Hands. He placed a call, left a voicF message regarding the clothing box and is waiting to hear back from them. Other Business An outline of ;�uggested goals for discussion by the Community Development Committee in � 2008 was prese rted as follows: Community Development Committee Meeting February 26, �008 Page 3 `-' • Finish Comprehensive Plan Update January—April • Finish Main Street Sub-area January—October • Finish Economic Development Plan February—May • Reviev��/Modify Riverwalk Vendor Ordinance June—August • Consider Use of Collection Agency for Unpaid Fines April • Consider Public Arts Ordinance August—November • Provid�;Feedback on Development Proposals As needed • Reviev��and Update Tree Preservation Ordinance As needed • Core Downtown (Crreen Street) Sub-Area Plan • Establish Business Retention Implementation Strategy • Review-and Modify Existing Marketing and Tourism Strategy • Discuss Code Compliance Activities/Process • Collection of Sales Tax from Outside Vendors Chairman Alderman Condon stated the next meeting of the Community Development Committee would be on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. She indicated some of the topics on the Agenda would be: • Consideration of the use of a collection agency; and • The Comprehensive Plan. Alderman Santi inquired about discussions regarding Riverwalk vendors in the suggested goals �,. for the Community Development Committee. He indicated he has recently been approached by a potential Riverwalk vendor and voiced concern regarding the timing of the discussions. Chairman Alderman Condon assured Alderman Santi that discussions in June or August on the subject would not hamper any potential vendors. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion earried. Respectfully submitted, Geri Condon, C'hairman �