HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/29/2008 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING � Tuesday, January 29, 2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m, In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Aiderman Condon, Alderman Santi Alderman Wim;ner. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Ma and Director of Community Development Napolitano, Planner Kolner and Deputy Cit C er� Kunzer. Y k Chairman Alder�nan Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Uadatp Director of Community Development Napolitano stated Staff has now completed Chapters 6 and 7 of the Comprehensive Plan revisions. Chapter 6 relates to Economic Development and Cha ter 7 pertains to Parks, Recreation and Open Space. Director Napolitano stated each chapter contains objectives and pc�licy statements to assist in securing the stated objectives. Director Napolitano noted the revisicns to the Comprehensive Plan should be completed by the next committee meeting. There were no comments or questions from the committee. It was the consensus of the committee that Staffproceed with the plan revisions. Main Street Sub-Area Plan � Director Napolitano stated Staff has been reviewing the areas within the proposed Main Street Sub-Area and has prepared an overall vision of redevelopment for the area. Staff looked at the Goals and Objectives previously drafted by the committee, noting the principal goal of the plan is to provide guidelines that would foster redevelopment of the area mto a mixed-use and pedestrian friendly neighborhood, while taking advanta e of maintaining historical integrity. Director Napolitano, refere�ing a large1 cale map of the ub- area, indicated Staff's suggested redevelopment vision for each area. Director Napolitano noted one of the objectives in developing the area was to address needed road connectors and/or transportation issues. Staff incorporated the following to address this issue: a) Modify intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Elm Street to a 4-way intersection, extending Crystal Lake Road to the north and then west, providing frontage road and light signal access for businesses along Elm Street (Taco Bell, Tommy's, Midas, etc. . Su the committee to approach Zion Lutheran Church to inquire as to t e feas bil�y of extending the westerly connection to their drive. This would provide signalized access for their church members when entering or leaving their property. b) Close southern Borden Street at Elm Street. This would provide opportunity to create approximately ;0 public parking spaces south of the Auto Tech Center. Staff was of the opinion that closing the Borden Street access was preferable to closing the alley entry from Elm Street which accesses the Walgreen's site, particularly since the left turn lane was � already in place Por westbound traffc entering Walgreen's from Elm Street. . Community Development Committee Meeting January 29, 2008 Page 2 `" c) Extend Joh�i Street west of Front Street, create an alley behind the Main which would also access the rear of the John Street businesses located on he north s desof John Street. It was Staff's o pinion th e n e w J o h n S t ree t businesses could replicate the Main Street busin��ss facades. d) As the auto dealership properties along Front Street become vacant, redevelop them alon with the lumber yard and other smaller businesses, to create a multi-family neighborhood. Access to the area would be from only two points, one at the north end of the neighborhood and one at the south end of the neighborhood, with a north-south road, parallel to Front Street, connecting them. e) Waukegan Road and Elm Street intersection ro e possible closure of the Waukegan Road ent an e o F�ont StreeteUlt mately thisl ould provide for v��idening of the Front Street/Elm Street intersection, allowing for dual right turns for northbound tra�ic on Front Street onto Elm Street. Director Napolitano went over the possible redevelopment plans/visions for the Main Street Sub- Area including: a) McHenry County Supply/Roller Rink area: potential for family-oriented amusement andlor offices as it is adjacent to residential neighborhoods on Center Street. b) Metra Area: Current industrial uses could be relocated to area more suited to industry. Staff `- believes the uses are good but in the wrong location. Staff noted this would be a good area for a mixed-use similar to the downtown Green Street redevelopment projects. Row houses might be appropriate. If placed at this location, Sta.ff has determined there could be between 27-40 units. c) Southwest corner of Crystal Lake Road and Elm Street: The area currently comprised of approximately eight parcels could be consolidated and redeveloped as a whole. d) Tonyan Building on Borden Street: Staff suggested converting the historical structure to a museum/restaurant. Staff believes it is important to retain the building and find a way to re- use it in a more acceptable use in its close proximity to residential neighborhoods. Industrial use is not the preferred use at this location. e) Industrial area along North Drive: Consider gradual modification and elimination of industrial uses to a use more acceptable as it is adjacent to residential neighborhood. Director Napolitano invited questions and comments from the committee. Alderman Wimmer noted the industrial buildings on North Avenue are in rough shape. He suggested it may be an opportune time to move the industrial uses to a more suitable location. He noted it would likely be a twenty-year project to accomplish this objective, however. .1 , Community Development Committee Meeting January 29, 2008 Page 3 `'' Alderman Santi questioned what Metra's plans are for their McHenry facility and what is their timeframe. He suggested the area from the Library north to Main Street, west of Front Street could be the fir;�t phase of the sub-area redevelopment. Alderman Santi expressed his approval of the proposed r��w house neighborhood north of the Library including the neighborhood road access connect�ons to Front Street. He noted the new configuration would eliminate several unnecessary cur b cuts thereby assisting in smooth traffic flow. Alderman Wimmer noted parts of the sub-area contain some old buildings which are in a blighted conditi��n. Planner Kolner noted the area comprised of the former McHenry County Supply and the roller rink could be a nice redevelopment parcel. She also stated the proposed row house neighborhood north of the Library would aid in providing pedestrian access throughout the sub-area, i.e. from the Library norih to the businesses along Maint Street and the redeveloped extension of John Street. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested it might be helpful to note historical structures on the sub-area plan with an asterisk, in an effort to alert any potential developers. Deputy City Administrator Martin also suggested pedestrian access be shown on the plan to ensure its inclusion when properties are redeveloped. Director Napolitano asked the committee if interim uses should be considered on parcels i awaiting ultimate redevelopment according to the sub-area plan. He noted Portable Tool was considered an interim use at the time it was granted. Chairman Condon stated many sites require several smaller parcels to be consolidated in order to be developed pursuant to the plan. The City needs to work toward filling vacant sites. Deputy City Administrator Martin concurred noting interim uses on certain parcels is appropriate. Chairman Condon referenced recent Council discussion regarding a potential left turn lane from Main Street onto Crystal Lake Road. This matter could also be considered as part of the sub-area plan. Brief discussion occurred regarding the possibility of buildings being purchased and demolished or removed by IDOT, specifically those buildings adjacent to Front Street. This would become an issue if and w}ien IDOT decides to widen Route 31. Some concern was voiced regarding the close proximity oPthe sidewalk to the highway. Director Napolitano stated Staff could contact IDOT and request more separation between the road and pedestrian walkway if and when the road is widened. Planner Kolner nc�ted several Main Street fa�ades require upgrades. Brief discussion followed regarding the po�sibility of creating a TIF District in part of the sub-area. Planner Kolner suggested the new buildings developed along the John Street e�rtension west of Front Street could replicate the building style of the Main Street buildings. � • Community Development Committee Meeting January 29, 2008 Page 4 `'' Chairman Concion noted the row house neighborhood access road would create buildin s havin a double-frontage (visible from Front Street as well as the access road). This point would have to be considered when building plans are submitted. Some discussion occurred regarding the pros and cons of the museum/restaurant in the Tonyan Building on Bo�den Street. It was noted there might be difficulty in accessing the building which is set back so far from Elm Street. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the text of the plan should include language indicating where potential curb cuts might be located. The committee also discussed how to proceed with informing land owners of the City's plans for potential redevelopment of their property. Director Napolitano stated he would make some changes to the plan based on this evening's discussion and bring the plan back for committee review. Future discussion would also include going into more detail and potential ideas for each area of the plan. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested the sub-area plan should be platted out with property index numbers. This document could illustrate to property owners how their parcel could be redeveloped. It would also show property owners how their paxcel fits into the entire redevelopment picture. �. Economic Develonment Plan Director Napolitano informed the committee in early 2007 the Economic Development Commission held a retreat and conducted a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis of the City. The results of the EDC retreat served as the basis for the Economic Development Plan created by Staff. At this point, Staff is seeking committee input regarding the stated vision, goals, objectives and action items. The Economic Development Plan is provided to the committee for review and discussion at a future committee meeting. Director Napolitano opined the document could conceivably shape the way McHenry grows. Director's Report Director Napolitano informed the Committee he had received a recent inquiry regarding the Pacini Property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Route 31. Staff has met with Starbucks regarding the possible location of a stand-alone facility on the Justen Funeral Home property. Initially, the applicant intended to locate a bank on the site as well as the Starbucks. The applicant has been informed the City is not in favor of allowing more banks in the City. The applicant is now looking at other options to companion the Starbucks. It has been suggested they make a presentation before this committee in an effort to acquire ideas regarding what thf� City's plan is for this parcel. �. . ` Community Development Committee Meeting January 29, 2008 Page 5 `-' Director Napolitano reported he and Planner Kolner are preparing to attend the Shopping Center Conference in Chicago on February 21 and 22"a As building permits and inspections have temporarily slowed down, Staff is in the process of updating variot�s department handouts, inputting complaint forms in the computer, and revising permit forms. New Business Chairman Concion noted the next meeting is scheduled for February 26, 2008 at 7 p.m. Items scheduled for the agenda include: Presentation by Starbucks Discussion regarding the Economic Development Plan Comprehensive Plan Updates. Adjournment Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � �1 -, �— --��' '� � c.�l'�e-��ti�' Geri Condon, Chairman �v