HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/27/2008 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING �.. Tuesday,May 27,2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance= Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab and Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, City Planner Kolner and City Clerk Jones. Chairman AldeT-man Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input No one spoke during Public Input session. Review of Draft Main Street Sub-Area Plan Deputy City A3ministrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff has completed the draft copy of the Main Street Sub-Area Plan and distributed copies for the Committee's review. Following the Committee's review and approval, Staff would like to schedule a second Open House. The dates proposed for the Open House are June 18, 2008 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and June 21, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the purpose of the second Open House is to permit the public to review the draft Main Street Sub-Area Plan. Staff plans to have multiple copies of the Plan available for review, together with comment � sheets for public input. Staff will also have maps of the existing land uses, proposed land uses and proposed transportation improvements. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff intends to post the proposed Open House dates on the City's website, in the Northwest Herald and by providing handouts to the businesses located on Main Street. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding proposed parking, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that public parking would be located at the lumberyard and the gas company. Alderman Glab requested that Staff discuss the accumulation of debris at the lumberyard with the owners. Alderman Santi opined he was comfortable with the Plan. Alderman Wimmer stated Staff has incorporated e�erything requested into the draft Plan. Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding the significance of the building on Borden Street, Deputy City Administrator Martin responded that the building was an old dairy that the Landmark Conimission has expressed an interest in. Chairman Alderman Condpn opined she believes the building on Borden Street has historical significance. She stated she wbitld like to keep it. Alder�nan Glab suggested a more detailed description be incorporated into 't�e Plan for clarification. L Community De velopment Committee Meeting � May 27, 2008 Page 2 �' Alderman Glat� indicated he continues to have concerns regarding the traffic flow near the library. He stated he does not want to see T`IF funds used to pay for road improvements. City Planner Kolner informed the Committee that part of the plan is to retain the historical significance of pertinent buildings while encouraging that the structure have a more updated use. Chairman Alderman Condon requested the following corrections to the document: • Confirrri the planning process began in 2006; • Typographical error on Page 8,third line down; and • Page 18, Land Use Planning, requested clarification of the last sentence. Alderman Glab inquired as to whether, or not,the buildings proposed to be saved on Main Street are structwally sound. City Planner Kolner informed the Committee that because the property is on the list of buildings to be saved does not necessarily mean they are to remain. Staff is hoping fa�ade improvement grants would encourage owners to bring buildings back to their original state. The intent is to maintain the historic flavor of the neighborhood. Discussion ensued. Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to direct Staff to prepare to hold the Open House on the dates proposed and to proceed to full Council unless major changes to the document are deemed to be required. `- Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent None. Motion carried. Review of Draft Amended Comprehensive Plan Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff has completed a draft of the Amended Comprehensive Plan for review. Following the Committee's review Staff is required to obtain a recommendation to present the draft to full Council for direction regarding scheduling a Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Alderman Condon commended Staff on the fine job they have done on the document. She suggested a heading at the top of every page would provide easy access for the reader. Alderman Wimmer opined the documents looks good. Alderman Glab requested a color copy so he could bette��review the maps prepared by City Planner Kolner. City Planner Kolner provided Alderman Glab with a colorized version of the Amended Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Ald��rman Condon suggested the following changes: • Page 5. change"young" families to"new" families; • Page 6 suggested removing the word"ultimate" and changing it to"full;" • Page l4, change the wording in the document from Community Development �, Depart ment, since it effectively no longer e�sts by that name; Community Development Committee Meeting ` May 27, 2008 Page 3 �' • Page 16, remove Wicke's Furniture from the list; • Page 1;', include the South Waste Water Treatment Plant, to keep the document as current as possible; • Page 52, questions the word"hold," suggested"encourage" instead; • Page 63, Under Public Safety, re-word the 4�'Fire Station on Dartmoor, which is already open. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested it would be helpful if, when there is a new development, the Amended Comprehensive Plan is referenced on the Agenda Supplement as a clear indication the Plan is being used. Alderman Glab stated he would not be supporting the Amended Comprehensive Plan because he remains in disagreement regarding the Comprehensive Transportation Plan and the maps in the Plan. He noted the map in the Amended Comprehensive Plan does not match the map in the Transportation Plan. He requested that the map in the Amended Comprehensive Plan be revised. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi, City Planner Kolner sta.ted the next revision to the Comprehensive Plan would likely not occur unti12012 or 2013, following the 2010 census. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to present the draft of the Amended Comprehensive Plan, with the corrections indicated, to full Council for direction regarding the scheduling of a Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. �`-' Aye: Condon, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Regarding the Creation of a Municipal Zoning District Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff is proposing the creation of a Municipal Zoning District. He stated that currently all municipal property has the same zoning classification as its adjacent property; consequently, City properties have various zoning designations on the zoning map. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that if the municipally-owned property is in a commercial district, the property is zoned commercial; properties in an industrial area are zoned industrial. All City parks are zoned residential, because they typically lie within residential areas. Park areas are permitted uses in all residential districts. Public uses are either defined as permitted or cunditional. Permitted public uses are: poles, towers, wires, cables, pipes, etc. Conditional public uses include: sewer plants, government/public offices, street garages, water garage/offices, etc. Public uses are either permitted or conditional uses in every zoning district depending on the use except the Agricultural-Mining Overlay District, Health Care District and Business Park l�istrict. Staff believes the use of a Municipal Zoning District would make sense because a sewer �. treatment plant should not be a conditional use in a residential district and parks should not be Community De velopment Committee Meeting . May 27, 2008 Page 4 �— zoned resident al. Staff proposes that a11 City-owned properties be included in the Municipal Zoning District, which would include: • the Municipal Center; • the new Public Works Garage; • parkland; • all wat��r towers; • water treatment plants; and • pump houses. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that any easements or right-of-ways owned by the City would not be included in the Municipal Zoning District. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that in order to facilitate the creation of a Municipal Zoning District, four actions would be required: 1. An amendment to the zoning ordinance deleting all municipal uses from every district other than the municipal district; 2. Zoning text amendment to create a municipal zoning district to include all municipally- owned property and all defined municipal uses; 3. Zoning map amendment to create the Municipal Zoning District on the zoning map; and 4. An amendment to exclude notice to abutting property owners for municipal zoning map amendment requests is required. Due to the large and varied number of abutting property owners, it would not be feasible to notify all abutting property when a property is being `— proposed to be zoned Municipal Zoning District. This would be particularly true during the initial map amendment relating to all cunent municipally-owned properiy. Statutorily, notice to abutting property owners for a map amendment is not required but is simply a requirement in the City's zoning ordinance. Publication in a newspaper is required. Alderman Glab opined he does not see the benefit of a Municipal Zoning District as the description is too broad and uses could be abused. Chairman Alderman Condon inquired whether Staff has looked into surrounding municipalities and what they are doing and whether a lack of notice to abutting property owners is legal. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he has discussed the matter with City Attorney McArdle who suggested the municipal zoning. Chairman Alderman Condon concurred with Alderman Glab regarding possible abuse in uses, and suggested Staff explore possible uses and designatians to be included in the Municipal Zoning District to prevent abuse. It was the cons�;nsus of the Committee to direct Staff to incorporate the Committee's suggestions and return to the Community Development Committee in July for further discussion regarding a Municipal Zoning District. � Community Development Committee Meeting � � May 27, 2008 Page 5 `' Prouosed Amendment of the Definitions of Subdivision and Resubdivision Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the term subdivision is generally defined as the c:reation of two or more lots and is governed statutorily by the Plat Act. The Plat Act is an act which requires subdivision. It includes ten exemptions to the Act, which state that if one of the plat act exemptions is applicable then a subdivision plat is not required. If a plat act exf;mption is utilized a formal plat of subdivision is not recorded, so the division of land occurs by metes and bounds legal descriptions, which are typically very long. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that if an owner of property decides to divide a parcel where a plat act exemption applies, the owner may never contact the City, but simply go to a surveyor and an attorney to effectuate the transaction. Currently, the definition of subdivision in the City's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance does not include plat act exemptions. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the problem with the City's current definit�on of subdivision and resubdivision is that they do not include plat act exemptions. T�e City Attorney has advised Staff that there was an opinion given by the Illinois Attorney General in 1976, which states that a non-home rule community may not require a subdivision plat when a plat act exemption applies. The following year the Plat Act was amended. It is Stai�s opinion that the City's definition of subdivision in the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance should be amended to include Plat Act exemptions. � Alderman Glab opined that the more restrictive the Ordinance the better. Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to direct Staff to present the revised definition of subdivision to full Council for direction to schedule a Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission for Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance amendment. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion canied. Discussion Regarding Business Retention and Visitation Program Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that business retention is an important aspect of economic development, noting that 75% of new jobs are created by existing business. One of the goals of the draft Economic Development Plan is to develop and implement strategies to retain existing businesses in the City. Staff has been looking into ways to implement a business retention progam, with the intent of visiting area businesses and establishing a relationship with them. Staff met with ComEd who has purchased the rights to a business retention computer program, which they ofl=er to all their clients to utilize free of charge. The theory behind ComEd's involvement is that if the City does a good job retaining business then ComEd retains customers. � Deputy City A�iministrator Martin informed the Committee that ComEd has established business Community Dfrvelopment Committee Meeting � May 27, 2008 Page 6 `— retention programs throughout the Chicagoland area. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a copy of the forms used to supplement the program, which could be used by Staff when visiting local businesses. Staff feels useful information about area businesses cou id be gained by implementation of the program. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the City's logo would be printed on the forms. Once the informatiori is obtained the forms would be sent to ComEd, who enters the information into the computer ��rogram. After a number of businesses are visited the reports generated provide useful statistics to the City. ComEd has stated that they do not utilize the information obtained by the City for any purpose. Staff is propos�ng the implementation of this program, which will target industrial and business park companies. Medela has offered to host a kick-off event. Businesses in the corporate center would be invited to the Medela building where the program would be fully explained. Deputy City Administrator Martin explained that no formal action is required by the Committee. Staff is providing the information as an introduction to business retention. Once some useful data is obtained, Staff will present the information to the Committee with ideas of ways to utilize the information in pursuit of other goals in the Economic Development Plan. Chairman Alderman Condon opined the program has the potential to establish a rapport between the City and the business community. � Alderman Glab requested assurance that any participating company be fully informed that the program is being presented as a joint effort between the City and ComEd. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding whether City Staff would be making the presentation at Medela, Deputy City Administrator Martin responded affirmatively. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Wimmer regarding how long ComEd has had this program, Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated, while the program is little known, ComEd has had it in effect for several years. A discussion ensued regarding the structure of the program and the potential benefit of the program to the community. Discussion Regarding Measuring Buildins Height Deputy City A�ministrator Martin informed the Committee that in response to an inquiry from Alderman Gla�, Staff provided information on measuring building height, including the definition of biiilding height and a diagram depicting what the definition states. Additionally, Staff did some preliminary research on building height and provided information from Crystal Lake, Woodsto�k and Algonquin. � Community Development Committee Meeting • May 27, 2008 � Page 7 �, Deputy City ��dministrator Martin provided information regarding the height limitation of accessory stru�•tures in residential zoning districts and measuring of a building height. City Planner Kolner drew a diagram regarding precisely how the height of a building is measured. Alderman Glab opined that measuring the height of a building should be clear to everyone so there is no misiznderstanding. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested Staff assemble some information clarifying building heighl, amending the ordinance to some specific amount in order to address Alderman Glab's concerr�s. Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the Committee that Staff would work with Dirf�ctor of Construction and Neighborhood Services Schwalenberg and the building inspectors in or der to come up with an appropriate height and means of its measurement. Chairman Alderman Condon requested Staffaddress the subject and proposed resolution in the Friday Report so a11 elected officials will be aware. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to prepare a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for further consideration and discussion at the Community Development Committee meeting scheduled for July 22, 2008. Staff Reaort Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he and City Planner Kolner had � met with developer, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, regarding the possible construction of an affordable senior apartment complex on Front Street, across from the Warsaw Inn. The developer is proposing a 60-unit complex. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff has again been approached by Banner Construction regarding the development of an apartment project at Crystal Lake Road and State Route 120. Banner first proposed a complex of this type at this location in 2006. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the plans have not noticeably changed and Staff continues to have concerns regarding mass, height and density regarding the project. Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that the Open House for the Charles Miller [Zoad project is scheduled to take place on May 28, 2008. Other Business Alderman Gla� opined that Dominick's has done a poor job on the signs used to block out the windows of the now closed store at Route 31. Additionally, he noted the building next to the fire department is boarded up poorly. He inquired as to whether or not the City Ordinance addresses or controls the l�oarding up of vacant establishments. City Planner Kolner responded that there is definitely a preper and an improper way to board up windows. She assured the Committee she would look intc�the matter. � Community Development Committee Meeting ' May 27, 2008 _ ' Page 8 �" Chairman Alderman Condon stated the next meeting of the Community Development Committee woald be on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. She indicated some of the potential topics on the Agenda would be: • Tree Preservation Ordinance; • Municipal Zoning District; • Public Art; • Marketing/Tourism; and • Heights of Buildings. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, �� ���,�� Geri Condon, Chairman � �