HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/25/2008 - Community Development Committee - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMI'TTEE MEETING � Tuesday,November 25, 2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab, Alderman Sarti and Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, City Planner Kolner and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Public Inaut No one spoke during the time put aside for public input. Discussion: Amendments to the Historic Preservation Ordinance Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that at the August 26, 2008 committee meeting amendments to the Historic Preservation Ordinance were first discussed and the Committee directed Staff to work with members of the Landmark Commission to facilitate the review and drafting of any modification or revisions to the Ordinance. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that the last time the Ordinance was revised was in 2004. He stated there were no substantive changes and that the majority of the revisions are minor text edits and the deletion of items that typically do not fall under the auspices of the `'" duties performed by the Landmark Commission. He stated that other revisions and changes pertain to the process of historic district designation. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the topic regarding the number of inembers in the Landmark Commission was discussed and the commissioners indicated they would prefer to maintain the current requirement of twelve members, including one student member. Alderman Santi inquired about the timetable for adoption of the revised ordinance. Planner Kolner informed the Committee that the Ordinance is currently being reviewed by the Landmark Commission and following their review it would be submitted to full Council for consideration. Alderman Santi, referencing Page 17, Paragraph H (the amount of time during which a recommendation must be provided regarding a Certificate of Appropriateness) inquired if ninety days is typical. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded affirmatively. Alderman C�lab opined he would have preferred if Staff had first worked with the Landmark Commission prior to submission to the Community Development Committee. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the Landmark Commission has seen the revisions. L. Community Development Committee Meeting � November 25, Z008 Page 2 Chairman Alcierman Condon inquired about attendance at meeting of the Landmaxk Commission. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that lack of attendance has occurred in the past. He ir.formed the Committee that if attendance becomes an issue the individual is asked of their intent i n remaining active on the Commission prior to any action being taken. Chairman Alderman Condon noted that on Page 8, U, it is not specified when the Landmark Commission is required to submit the annual report of its activities to the City Council. She suggested a specific date be defined in the Ordinance. Alderman Wimmer concurred with Chairman Alderman Condon and suggested the Annual Meeting of the City Council might be an appropriate date. Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab and Alderman Santi concurred. Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to direct Staff to prepare the proposed amendments to the Historic Preservation Ordinance, to present to full Council for consideration, subject to the following revisions: • At Page 8, U. The annual report of the Landmark Commission activities shall be submitted to the City Council at the Annual Meeting of the City Council. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. � Motion carried. Discussion• Citv of McHenry Core Downtown Sub-Area Plan Including Introduction,Vision Statement and Planning Areas One and Two Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that in accordance with the timeline approved by the Committee, Staff is presenting a Vision Statement and introduction to the Plan. Additionally, Staff would like to begin discussing future land uses and Planning Areas One and Two, south of Illinois Route 120. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a Vision Statement proposed by Stai� to serve as a basis for discussion. He noted that, upon further review, it has been determined that the current Statement is convoluted and difficult to understand. He proposed something more simple and direct. Chairman Alderman Condon concurred with the Deputy City Administrator's assessment of the current Vision Statement indicating she would like to see a new version in print. Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the Introduction to the Plan, which he notes essentially spells out the approach proposed for the Plan. He reiterated that the City of McHenry's Core Downtown Sub-Area Plan (CDSAP) is designed to articulate a vision of how McHenry would develop and re-develop its core downtown area, which would sustain its citizens' values for the area. The CDSAP makes basic policy choices and provides a flexible framework for adapting to real conditions over time. The vision, goals and policies derived from the Plan have been formulated through a citizens' input process. The basis of the goals is � Community De velopment Committee Meeting � November 25, Z008 Page 3 derived from the values expressed by the City of McHenry and its citizenry through several forms of publlc participation. Sustainability refers to the long-term social, economic and environmental health of a community. The City of McHenry's sustainability is supported by the proposed CDS,�P. Sustainable cit�es use resources efficiently and effectively. They reuse and recycle, recognize constraints, buqld on assets and use existing local resources where possible. They minimize exportation of environment risk, provide physical and economic security and distribute these and other benefits evenly. The need for growth is balanced with the need for stability and prudent use of resources. The CDSAP's vision focuses on the following central concepts: • Subtainability; • Walkability; • Connectivity; and • Establishment of a sense of place for children and families alike. The Plan seeks to find ways of maintaining the areas quaintness and charm, historic character and integrity and pedestrian orientation, while increasing density and searching for ways of � calming traffic and providing substantial parking in all sectors of the Core Downtown Sub-Area. The primary goals of the Plan are: • To identify and recognize sustainable assets in the Core Downtown Sub-Area; • Recognize how asset-synergy can be maximized; • Remove barriers that hinder asset synergy; and • Institute strategies for sustainability. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that throughout the CDSAP, these goals are referenced, discussed and evaluated on the basis of how they can be altered and amended to achieve the ultimate vision of the Core Downtown Sub-Area. Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the planning area. He opined the traffic pattern at the corner where Sullivan's currently is situated would not be suitable for a proposed CVS Pharmacy. Chairman Alderman Condon opined she envisions that corner with quaint stores and perhaps a restaurant. She indicated the facades should blend in with historic architecture. Chairman Alde�rman Condon stated that along Green Street she would like to see sustainable local shops, which would sustain Green Street as a shopping destination. Alderman Win�mer expressed concerns with the cunent state of the economy. City Planner Kolner reiterate�d that the Plan is a vision. � Community De•velopment Committee Meeting � November 25, �008 Page 4 Alderman Glat� suggested that Chamber of Commerce be approached regarding strengthening retail business ;ilong Green Street. Responding tc a suggestion by Alderman Glab regarding converting the intersection of Richmond Road and Elm Street from a three-way to a four-way, Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated a four-way intersection at that location would impede tr�c flow and the state would not fund the project. City Planner Kolner indicated that due to the different grades on some of the properties, different levels of parking could be explored to ma}umize the use. Alderman Santi opined that Green Street from the bridge to the corner of State Route 120 would provide a pedestrian friendly environment. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding potential development around Venice Drive. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she envisions some type of residential for the property. Alderman Glab concurred, opining townhomes or row houses would be appropriate. Chairman Alderman Condon inquired if there was a reason for Venice Drive not being e�ended to Riverside Drive. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated if the area was predominantly residential it would not �. be advisable. Alderman Glab suggested professional offices along State Route 120. He opined that massive amounts of parking are necessary along Riverside Drive. He noted he would like to see structures that architecturally complement Dobyn's House. Alderman Wimmer noted that the Riverwalk has already been tied into the Dobyn's House property. He opined a performing arts theatre or art centre would be a nice addition. Alderman Wimmer stated that on-street pazking on State Route 120 is uncomfortable. The parking situation on 120 should be made more user-friendly. City Planner Kolner noted that if Court and Park Streets were made into one-way it would add approximately 100 parking spots. Alderman Glab suggested a brick wall be constructed to separate the pedestrians from the street on State Route 120. He noted that when next discussing the Sub-Area he would like to concentrate on alleviating tr�c, particulazly on Green Street. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that during the months of December and January, Staff intends to interview business owners within the sub-area to obtain feedback on the downtown area. Additionally, Staff intends to conduct random on-the-street interviews to obtain the opinions of people visiting and/or shopping in the downtown areas. � Community Development Committee Meeting � November 25, ?008 Page 5 Alderman Glat� opined that he is unsure if conducting additional research would be productive. Chairman Alde�rman Condon stated she disagrees, indicating she likes the idea of public input. She stated she is interested in knowing what it is that brings people downtown to shop. Ms. Helen Glab suggested a bed and breakfast establishment would be a nice addition to the area. Year-end Review and Establishment of 2009 Meetin�Dates and Goals Chairman Ald��rman Condon inquired if anyone had any conflicts regarding the scheduled meetings for•2(►09. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a year end review of the Committee's accomplishments in 2008, which included the following: • Comprehensive Plan • Main Street Sub-Area Plan • Economic Development Plan • Collection Agencies • Public Art • Tree Preservation Ordinance � • Core Downtown Plan • Business Retention Strategy • Creation of a Municipal Overlay District • Measuring Building Height • Discuss Code Compliance Activities • Building Permit E�ensions • Development Review • Neon Signs • Consideration of Amendments to the Definition of Subdivision and Re-Subdivision. Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the goals of the Community Development Committee for 2009, which include: • Review/Modify Riverwalk Vendor Ordinance • Provide Feedback on Development Proposals • Core Downtown(Green Street) Sub-Area Plan • Discuss Code Compliance Activities/Process • Continued Discussions on Public Art • East Gateway Sub-Area Plan • Conservation Development Guidelines • Zoning Various Te� Amendments • Historic District Designation �. � Community Development Committee Meeting ,� November 25, Z008 Page 6 Chairman Alde;rman Condon stated that if any Committee members have additional goals or suggestions they should contact Deputy City Administrator Martin. Alderman Glab suggested that property maintenance be addressed. He opined that with foreclosures or the rise the City should be ready to address the issue. He stated he would like to also discuss thE: fencing ordinance at some point. Staff Reaort Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he and Planner Kolner have spoken with parties interested in developing an assisted living facility for the disabled on Bull Valley Road. The developer is awaiting funding. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the developer of Walgreens has continued to ex:press interested in developing the corner of Bull Valley and Crystal Lake Road. Other Business Chairman Alderman Condon opined her concern regarding empty structures in the Shoppes on the Fox development. She encouraged Staff and the members of the Committee to aggressively bring forth ideas regarding new business. `'' Alderman Wimmer complimented Deputy City Administrator Martin on his efforts to be proactive in light of the current economy. Alderman Glab continued to express concerns regarding signs in the right-of-way. He opined that repeat offenders should be fined. Alderman Glab informed the Committee that there is an overgrown tree on Greenbrier. He stated the tree was planted years ago and now covers two properties. Planner Kolner indicated the dispute regarding the tree is a civil matter and needs to be addressed by the parties. Adiournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, <�L�-�'��4 � �����1.1r-- Geri Condon, (;hairman �