HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/11/2003 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, September 11,2003 Aldermen Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Peterson, Aldertnan Condon. Absent: Alderman Murgatroyd. Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant Cit��Administrator Lockerby, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintenden# Park Maintenance Schmidt, City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Steve Pool 1909 Trappers Court Jim and Patti Witt 4019 Boone Creek Circle Steve Fugiel 2103 Olde Mill Lane Gary and Norine Polidori 401 S N. Prestwick Steve Jarecki 2027 Olde Mill Lane Paul and Rita Jaffe 2106 Olde Mill Lane Merle Janssen 3215 Bay View Lane Marty and Judy Knutilla 4017 Boone Creek Circle Mike McLaughlin 6206 Longford Drive Vic Freund McHenry Baseball Association Jeff Diedrich McHenry Area Soccer Federation Pat Simon McHenry Area Soccer Federation Diana Mantzoros 1904 Oak Drive Mark and Sharon Christopher 4007 Boone Creek Circle Walter Schapals 2019 Olde Mill Lane �, Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Chairman Peterson announced Alderman Murgatroyd would not be attending tonight's meeting but has submitted comments and suggestions regarding some of the topics on the Agenda, which would be read throughout the meeting. Discussion Regarding Revisions to the Petersen Park Plan Director of Park and Recreation Merkel stated Concept Plan Nos. 4 and 5 have been submitted by SEC Planning for discussion regarding the development of the Petersen Park 22- acre addition based upon input received at a Public Planning Meeting held on Tuesday, July 1, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. He noted Concept Plan No. 4 illustrates an active use of the Park with athletic field and some landscape screening and Concept Plan No. 5 was developed to show the potential for more passive recreational activities. Director Merkel noted Concept Plans 4 and 5 can be compared to Concept Plan No. 1 which illustrates a passive use with no through street. Factors which continue to influence the plan are: • Drainage issues; • Soil types and limitations; • Utility extensions; and • Desirable setbacks and landscape buffers. � Responding to Alderman Condon's inquiry Director Merkel affirmed that whichever plan is ultimately chosen it could be constructed incrementally. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee September 11, 2003 `- Director Merkel sta.ted there is no lighting planned, as the park is planned for daylight activities only. Recognizing Orleans and Donavon are busy streets, Director Merkel assured traffic issues would be addressed in a study. Chairman Peterson opened the floor to audience questions and/or comments. Mrs. Diana Mantzoros of 1904 Oak Drive stated she has reservations regarding any plans that might affect drainage issues in the surrounding vicinity. Mr. Steve Fugiel of 2103 Olde Mill Lane suggested parking should be separated from the residential area. He also suggested prioritizing the separate phases of development would spread out the cost of construction. Responding to a resident's inquiry, Director Merkel informed the Committee construction is projected to be completed within the next 3 to 5 years. Mrs. Sharon Christopher of 4007 Boone Creek Circle noted concerns regarding trespassing and inquired about screening the park property from residences in the vicinity. Director Merkel stated screening is being explored. City Administrator Ma.a�einer read Alderman Murgatroyd's comments into the record: � Alderman Murgatroyd opined: • Consideration of a concept plan is premature, noting soil tests have not yet been conducted; • Neither Concept Plan No. 4, nor Concept Plan No. 5 indicates passive use of the property and stated he would like to see consideration given to more passive use; • A current inventory of the City's soccer fields and ballfields should be tak�en. He believes the City of McHenry may have more than the Crystal Lake Park District and is reluctant to encourage more facilities Director Merkel informed the Committee that Land Technology, a local engineering firm, has conducted core testing on the lower third of the 22-acre site. Mr. Jim Witt, a resident of 4019 Boone Creek Circle, stated with the number of subdivisions being built throughout the City of McHenry the needs of the children in the community should be addressed. Alderman Condon concurred. Director Merkel, responding to an inquiry from Mrs. Pat Witt of 4019 Boone Creek Circle, noted the property would stay in agricultural production until a decision has been reached regarding its ultimate use and a Concept Plan determined. Vic Freund representing the McHenry Baseball Association suggested baseball practice fields might be constructed where occasional temporary parking is located. � Rita Jaffe of 2106 Olde Mill Lane suggested a more senior oriented facility incorporating: Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee September 11, 2003 �-- • Meditation gardens; • Walking paths; • Use of the park as a showcase for the talents of local artists; and • Wheelchair accessibility. Walter Schapals of 2019 Olde Mill Lane concurred with Mrs. Jaffe's suggestions. Chairman Peterson sta.ted he prefers active use of the fields rather than passive use. Director Merkei stated the next step would be to incorporate the various suggestions and discuss further revisions with SEC. He assured participants that all adjoining property owners, user groups and the Olde Mill Pond Property Owners Association would continue to receive notice regarding any Petersen Park Planning Meetings. Discussion Regarding the Shamrock Farms Park Plan Director Merkel informed the Committee the Shamrock Farm Annexation Agreement required a$3,000 contribution to the City of McHenry for the cost of park planning services. He noted the 17-acre parcel has been graded and seeded by the developer and the turf is becoming well established. Sta.ff requested a proposal from 3D Design Studio of Grayslake, Illinois to provide park planning services for the site, which would include the development of a detailed basemap, two � initial design concept plans, a follow-up for revisions and refinement and a final concept plan. Staff is seeking a recommenda,tion from the Committee prior to entering into an Agreement. Mr. Mike McLaughlin of 6206 Longford Drive inquired about the possibiliiy of construction of a recreational facility or clubhouse on the property. City Administrator Maa�einer informed Mr. McLauglilin originally a swim club and dubhouse was planned for the pr�perty, but the idea was eliminated in exchange the project's reduction in density. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to Council the entering into an Agreement with 3D Design Studio of Grayslake, Illinois for professional services associated with the Shamrock Farms Park Plan, in an amount not to exceed�3,000. Ayes: Condon,Peterson. Nays: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. Chairman Peterson suggested taking the next two topics out of sequence as a courtesy#o the representatives of the McHenry Baseball Association and McHenry Area Soccer Federation. Discussion Regarding the City-Owned Lot in Boone Creek Subdivision Director Merkel informed the Committee the City received a parcel of property as a result of the Boone Creek Annexation Agreement. The land is located adjacent to the detention/wetland � property at the North end of the development. The property is comprised of approximately 5 acres and has been established as turf area. He noted the grass is currently being mowed by Krohn Landscaping under a contract with the City of McHenry. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee September 11, 2003 � Director Merkel stated the City has received inquiries frorn residents in the area regarding future use of the property. Several inquiries have been made regarding its development as a park facility. Director Merkel stated the City did not accept the parcel as a Park Donation under the Developer's Donation Ordinance. He noted the wetland soils in the parcel and the property to the north prevent any residential development. The two-parcel property to the north is owned by the neighbonc��od property owners association and maintained as open space. The parcel to the northeast is the storm detention pond for the development. City Administrator Maxeiner read Alderman Murgatroyd's comments regarding this matter into the record as follows: • He supports the City continuing to keep the parcel mowed; • He expressed concern regarding utilizing the acreage as an active park development. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to Council the Boone Creek 5- acre City parcel continue to be maintained as green space with no improvements initiated. Ayes: Condon, Peterson. Nays: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. � Discussion Regarding the Purchase of HoGday Lighting Fixtures Director Merkel requested direction from the Committee regarding the purchase of holiday lighting fixtures. The matter was referred back to the Committee following the August 18, 2003 City Council meeting. Director Merkel recommended the following options: • Purchasing the equipment as originally recommended; • Modifying the amount of equipment to be purchased and revise the price; and • Not order any additional equipment this season. Director Merkel suggested if any equipment is to be ordered it should be done expeditiously to allow for delivery and mid-November installation. Chairman Peterson expressed concerns regarding the cost of the items and opined he prefers holiday decorations be concentrated in the downtown business area. Mayor Low stated she is a proponent of decorations in the center of the Cily, suggesting Veteran's Park. Alderman Condon suggested purchasing one of the high priced equipment items. Chairman Peterson suggested purchasing neither. � Alderman Murgatroyd's comments were read into the record as follows: Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee September 11, 2003 � • He supports the original displays approved by the Committee, noting the other items considered are too small to be effectively observed from Route 120. • He noted at this late date he would just as soon wait until next year to make any purchases to take advantage of discounts, which may have been lost by having waited too long. No recommendation was made to Council regarding the purchase of holiday lighting fixtures. Mayor Low departed at 9:17 p.m. Director's Report a. Request for Securitv Li htg in Javicee Park Dire�tor Merkel reported a request has been made for the installation of a security light at Jaycee Park. Groups of children have been gathering at the park shelter in the evening and residents feel a security light would deter this type of activity. The City's ordinance closes the parks at dusk. Parks with lighted athletic facilities or programs are open until 10:00 p.m., or when the scheduled activity is over. Director Merkel noted the installation of new electric service and lighting would be in the area of $2,700 - $4,000. The cost estimate was obtained based upon similar service installation. L Director Merkel informed the Committee the matter was discussed with Chief of Police O'Meara. Chief O'Meara noted installation of security lighting in other neighborhood park sites has had mixed results. In some cases the lights encourag� people to gather in these areas and remain longer in the evenings. Alderman Condon sta.ted she has been told of incidents of vandalism in the vicinity of Jaycee Park. It is her understanding neighborhood residents are in the process of forming a Neighborhood Watch. Alderman Murgatroyd's comments were read into the record as follows: • He has reservations regarding installation of a security light, stating the park hours are dawn to dusk and anything beyond is an enforcement issue. � He is not convinced installation of a security light would eliminate the problem. Chairman Peterson concurred with Alderman Murgatroyd. The matter was discussed briefly and it was the consensus to pursue other alternatives. b. Wetland Miti�ation Plan in Wheeler Park to Assist with Wastewater Treatrnen� �'iant Expansion Report Director Merkel presented a brief report on the cooperative efforts of the Parks and Recreation Department and the Public Works Department on a Wetland Mitigation Plan `„ using part of the Wheeler Park property. He stated inclusion of part of the park property into the Illinois Nature Preserve Commission Dedicated Preserve would meet the Army Page 6 Parks and Recreation Committee September 11, 2003 �-- Corps of Engineer requirements for mitigation purposes and provide greater protection for the Wheeler Fen. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to Council that Staff draft a letter to the Illinois Nature Preserve Commission requesting the original Wheeler Park parcel be included in the Illinois Nature Preserve Commission Dedicated Preserve. Ayes: Condon, Peterson. Nays: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. c. Report on Aquatic Weed Problems in McCullom Lake Director Merkel stated in the last two years Staff has received numerous complaints regarding the increased amount of weed growth in McCullom Lake. He informed the Committee the main problem is the amount of Eurasian Milfoil that has spread across the lake. In mid-1990 the plant was identified as a potential problem in the lake restoration program and funds were budgeted for a chemical treatment of the weeds after fish stocking was completed. However,the following spring there was no sigr�ificant stand of the Milfoil found in the lake. It was determined a native water weevil was responsible for the decline of the Milfoil plant. � Director Merkel stated the Clean Lakes Program Grant was extended two additional years to monitor the biological control of the Milfoil by the water weevil. He noted lake ecology is a delicate balance and it now appears the Eurasion Milfoil has expanded again to levels which threaten the balance. Possible chemical treatment options are again being considered. A brief discussion followed regarding chemicai treatment and possibl� side effects. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to direct Staff to investigate the eradication of Eurasion Milfoil in McCullom Lake. Ayes: Condon, Peterson. Nays: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. d. Plans for Ballfield Dedication in Petersen Park—Curt Bremer Director Merkel reiterated to the Committee that a recommendation was made at the May 15, 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee to name Field No. 1 in Petersen Park in honor of Curt Bremer. Director Merkel informed the Committee he has met with Mr. Bremer to confirm details of the program and to assure that Mr. Bremer would be in town for the dedication. � Staff suggests recognition of the honorary award be made at a City Council meeting in September 2003, with Mr. Bremer in attendance. Director Merkel noted signage has Page 7 Parks and Recreation Committee September 1 l, 2003 L- been ordered and an opening da.y ceremony is scheduled for May 2004. Mr. Bremer would umpire the first game. New Business There was no new business discussed. � Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Ail ayes. Motion carried. Re ctfu s ' d, r A �� Robert J. Pete on, Chairman � L