HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/22/1994 - Parks and Recreation Committee (2) PARKS AND RECREATION CONII�lITTEE MINUTES June 22, 1994 The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Alderman Bates � at ��:35P.M. In attendance were Committeemen David Lawson and Bill Bolger, Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Peterson, City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Intern Sheila Roy, Officers of the McHenry Pigtail League, Lorie Porter of the JayCees and Marilyn Hamilton a Whispering Oaks resident. A] A presentation was made by the officers of the Pigtail League regarding scheduling difficulties at Petersen Park with the Boy's Little League Association. Discussion centered on the overlapping of field use and the increasing needs of the growing league rosters. Alderman Lawson presented a plan sketch of field availability throughout the summer. Lawson's plan outlined how each league could share the same facilities by increasing the length of the summer season. It was the concensus of the Park Director and the committee to work with the leagues involved and invite representatives of each league to the November Park Committee Meeting to formulate a schedule for 1995. B] A tour of the newly purchased park facility and horse barn was taken by city staff and officials. Potential future usage of thefacility was then addressed by City Administrator Peterson and Director Merkel. C] Marilyn Hamilton of Whispering Oaks made a presentation to the committee about her idea for a learning garden in the Whispering Oaks Park. Suggestions included planting fall bulbs, a community � Christmas Tree Lighting and carols. Continuing care of the park was a concern. Mrs. Hamilton has approached the beautification committee and Boy Scout Troops for help. The Whispering Oaks Garden Club will also help with suggestions and supervision of workers, but cannot committ to the care of the project. Tom Carl has expressed an interest in helping and suggested the environmental club would be willing to help. D] Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel gave an update on various park pro3ects: BROOKSIDE PARK development grant is being written and will be ;;ubmitted in July. The grant will cover landscaping, seeding and pote�ntially a parking lot. RIVERFRONT PARK hasn't been opened to the public as yet. Care� of the landscaping and grass must be given before cars are alluwed entrance. Spring 1995 is the target date for opening. PURCHASE of the horse barn and surrounding lands should be finished in four to six weeks. FIESTA DAYS and the Park Department involvement was discussed. The River Run, open track meet for boys and girls as well as other activities for young people were mentioned. The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 P.M. � Greg Bates