HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/20/1994 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING MINUTES July 20, 1994 The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Bates at 6:35 P.M. In attendance were committeemen Lawson and Bolger, City �' Administrator Peterson, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, and Recreation Supervisor Lorene Marcinek. The purpose of this meeting was to review the Parks and Recreation's Fall Brochure of programs. Bror_hures were distributed to the Parks' committee members for their review on July 12th. Lawson ob3ected that originally aldermen were given twenty-four hours for review and input. Merkel explained the time constraint was due to the business of the season and that this was the first time the committee required a review. Disc:ussion produced the following comments: Lawson asked how program fees were established. Marcinek replied that any material costs, rental fees, insurance and salaries were all taken into consideration. Lawson felt the fees for the dance program were too high and the program would attract more registrations if the fee was lowered to $95.00. Discussion on profitability of the program followed. Bolger suggested a $98.00 fee keeping the cost below $100.00. The committee decided to use the $95.00 fee and see if the lower amount attracts more registrations. Bates and Lawson expressed concern that the Parks department acknowledge cooperation with the school districts and � fees were ad3usted according to the new agreement established within the taxing bodies. Merkel explained the brochure was written before the agreement was finalized. It will be possible to ad�ust the fees at registration time. Overall comments on the brochure were favorable and recommendation was made to send the brochure to the printer. Bates asked about advertising in the brochure and was informed by Director Merkel that only two businesses took out ads in the fall brochure. Bates questioned the method of solicitation. Marcinek stated a letter went out to all Chamber members informing them of the opportunity. The meeting was a�ourned at 7:25 P.M. Greg Bates L