HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/19/1994 - Parks and Recreation Committee (2) Cit of McHenr y y 333 South Green Street ��'i�;�,Y��'''� � _ , " , McHenry, Illinois 60050-5642 -}�_� _ �, � ,. _ ` jW � , _ ,�, y. . - -_ - -- _ ,; ,� . -- . .--���, .. . . :�� - - .��.r MEMORANDUM T0: Parks and Recreation Committee FROM: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: September Committee Meeting DATE: September 16, 1994 1. DISCUSSION OF NISRA FINANCING Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Bates will give a report on the NISRA Finance Committee meeting that was held on Tuesday, September 13, 1994. 2. PRELIMINARY PLANNING OF RECREATION BUILDING � Discussion on the planning and development of a recreation center facility within the community. This facility has been included in the FY 1994-95 budget in the Parks and Recreation Developer ponation Fund. The committee can discuss the first steps we need to take in development of this facility. 3. REVIEW OF PARKS AND RECREATION MASTERPLAN The Parks and Recreation Masterplan has not been completed and adopted by the City Council. Attached to this memo (blue) is the outline for this masterplan and the status of each section. The capital projects/facility renovation (Section 5) draft has also been attached. ' I would suggest the committee set a timeline for the completion of this masterplan and its adoption by the City Council. It is important to complete this planning document so that facilities and programs will be developed to meet the leisure needs of our residents. L Clerk's O(fice and Administration Public Works, Parks and F'olice (815)363-2100 Building and Zoning Recreation (Non-Emergency) FAX: (815)363-2119 (815)363-2170 (815)363-2160 (815)363-2200 � 3. REVIEW OF PARKS AND RECREATION MASTERPLAN — (Continued) Objectives of this masterplan process are: 1. To involve elected officials (Mayor and City Council) in the planning process. 2. To get input and refine the plan based on the community's participation in the planning process. (Attitute and Interest Study completed and public hearing to be held prior to adopting masterplan) . 3. To motivate staff and give them a direction in the future development of programs and facilities. 4. DISCUSSION OF ATHLETIC FACILITIES SCHEDULING AND POLICIES AND 5. DISCUSSION OF PICNIC RESERVATIONS AND SPECIAL EVENT POLICIES The Parks and Recreation Department Staff will be discussing these items at a staff ineeting that is scheduled for Monday, September 19th at 12 noon. � There may be several policy changes that may be recommended from the staff as a result of this meeting. Any recommended change will be brought before the committee for their review. We would request that any policy changes related to the picnic and special events be approved by the committee at its October Committee Meeting. The policy changes would go into effect as of January 1995 and would be included in the Winter/Spring brochure that goes to print in late October/Early November. NOTE: Picnic reservations begin January 3, 1995. The committee should also discuss the scheduling of athletic facilities and policy changes for the 1995 season. The Parks and Recreation Staff will suggest some changes in the use of these facilities by athletic organizations. REMINDER: We made a committment to the Pigtail League and Youth League to address the scheduling in October/November. 6. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTORS REPORT A) Request from Harmonv Snowmobile Club Attached in yellow is a request from the Harmony Snowmobile Club to hold a racing event in Petersen Park on October 16, 1994. A recommendation from the Committee should be forwarded to the City Council. \ .. ' 6. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTORS REPORT - (Continued) �. B) NIPC Greenways Renort A brief report will be made on the NIPC Greenways report that has �ust been published. C) Javicee Park Dedication Park dedication has been scheduled for October 8, 1994 at 1:00 pm. D) Whisuerin� Oaks Park Clean Un/Public Meetin� on LearninQ Garden Mrs. Hamilton is scheduling a park clean up on October Sth at 9:00 � am. A public meeting on the development of the Learning Garden is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11, 1994 at 7:30 pm. NEXT 1�ETING: OCTOBER ??, 1994 NOTE: Two meetings will need to be scheduled for October. One meeting is to discuss the regular Park Committee business and another meeting with the Athletic Organizations to discuss facility usage and policies. � /0227H � .T � V U,LLil`L� � P�BKS AHD BECBEATION MASTEBPLAft � � 1.993 - 1997 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTIOI� AND BACKGROUND IRFORMATIDR (Completed - Ro Council approval needed) SECTION 2 - PARK CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM • (Completed - Approved by City Couucil) SECTION 3 - OPEN SPACE AND FUTURE FACILITIES (Recommendations drafted - Needs Council approval) SECTION 4 - BIRE PATHS (Map and plan in draft form - Need Council approval) SECTION 5 - CAPITAL PROJECTS/FACILITX RENOVATIOIQ (Five year Capital Development Plan drafted - Needs Council appraval) �. SBCTION 6 - GRANT FUNDING AND GIFTS This section to be written after Sections 3-5 are completed. This section will. list park improvements that are targeted to be funded through Grants and Gifts (donations). �= ' :a � � SECTION 5 ����� --� `.s CAPITAL PROJECi'S/FACILITY RENOYATION 5 YEAR PROGRAM FY 1993/94 - FY 1997/98 The attached development plans are based on current and future leisure needs of our community. Projects are listed in the fiscal year of developnent and expenditures. Revenues are projected at $200,000/year in the Deve7oper ponation Fund. The bal ance of funds on hand and a 5 year co17 ecti on of Devel oper ponati on is illustrated below: Balance 5/1J93 $ 950,000 FY 1993/94 - FY 1997/98 �1 ,000,000 (5 yrs @ $200,OQ0) $1 ,950,000 ?he above figure daes not include any accummulated interest or consider any increase in Developer ponation Fees. Any excess revenues due to interest, except�onal building year, or increased fees or danations would allow us to accelerate the development of any proposed facilities. � ' Lack of adequate funds �voul d requi re us to al ter the scal e of our pl ans or delay development until funding is available. Some major park improvements included in this pl.an would depend on grant funds for completion. Improvements at Brookside Park, Petersen Park � Waterfront, and all Bike Paths (Class I) would all be eligible for State/Federal grants. Two proposed funding options have been developed for review. OP T� Anticipates no IDOC Grant Funding for acquisition of the Mass Farm Property. �stimated costs are $400,000. Direct purchase of this property would allow us to sell the 16.6 acres of property fdorth of , McCullan Lake Road and recover some of our costs, . �1 � - ✓ � SEC T� � � OP TI O�J 2 - Anticipates �200,000 IDOC reimbursement grant for Mass farm property. Total cost o€ acquisition by City $200,000. (Approx.) The above funding options DO �lOT consider: - Any donations by citizens., athletic organizations, or service clubs to assist in development. - Funding for bike path development monies from City funds. (lst 5 years) - Emergency repairs or capital investment on damaged facilities. - Any funding for recreation facility developrnent in joint effort with new schoo7 development (Backhaus Property) - Any funding for municipal golf course development. � . � SECTION 5 CAPITAL PROJECTSlFACxLITY RENOVATIUN (Option 2) ����T Indiv. Tota� E�rnenses Ex�enses Revenue Balance Beginning Balance $ $ $ $950,000 Fiscal Year 1993194 J.. Furchase of Petersen Park Addition 200,000 IDOC Grant for $200,000 land acquisition Z. Recreation/Leisure Center 15,000 sq f� building 400,000 ($800,00� total cost - installment contract on balance of buildin� $400,000 over 10 years) 3. Boat Launch 20,000 Cost to City for improvements - IDOC to reimburse City for development of pro,ject 4. North Oak Park 8,000 Preliminary site improvements 5. Te�uiis Court Renovations 50,000 Seal and color coat - Freund Field & Petersen Park Resurface and color coat - Knox Park 6. Miscellaneous Park Improvements 10,000 ADA compliance - washrooms - 3 sites 7. Park Planning - 6,000 Plans and specifications for Brookside Park & Petersen Park waterfrant, ADA compliance _ 8. Tree Planting/Landscape Improvements 3,000 . 9. Petersen Park Horse Farm 10,000 Electrical, plumbin� & other improvements Fiscal Year 1993194 Total Expenses 707,000 243,000 Fiscal Year 1993/94 Revenue $200,000 443,000 1 . ( > > � Capital Projects/Facility �enovation (Option 2) page 2 Indiv. Tatal E�menses F.�aenses Revenue Balance Balance brought forward $ $ $ $443,000 Fisca7, Year 1994/95 l. Knox Park Pool 80,000 Waterslide and deck expansion 2. North Oak Park 15,000 Playground installation 3. Ice Rink Development 15,000 Liner, lights & fence improvements at Fox Ridge & Freund Field 4. Recreation/Leisure Center 50,000 Installment payment - lst year 5. Miscellaneous Park Improvements 10,000 6. Tree Planting/Landscaping Improvements 3,000 7. Brool�side Park Development 125,000 Installation of parking lot, soccer/football fields (4), playgraund, shelter, sanitary facilities. � IDOC Development Grant applied for in May/July 1995. �Development Grant to cover up to 50% of costs. Fiscal Year I994/95 Total Expenses 298,000 145,000 Fiscal Year 1994/95 Revenue 200,000 345,000 1 � � � � Capital Projects/Facility Renovation (Option 2) page 3 Indiv. Total Eguenses E�enses Revenue Balance Balance brought farward $ $ $ $345,000 Fiscal Yea� 1995/96 1. Petersen Park Waterfront Improvements 30,000 Access road, parking, shelter, boat access, fishing piers & lighting. Estimated cost $150,000-$200,000. IDOC Boat Launch Access Grant application submitted July-September 1994. � 2. Miscellaneous Park Improvements 10,000 3. Tree Planting/Landscape Improvements 3,000 4. Recreation/Leisure Center 50,000 Installment payment - 2nd year Fiscal Year 1995/96 Total Expenses 93,000 252,000 Fiscal Year 1995/96 Revenue 200,000 452,000 � r, C � � � Capital Projects/Facility Renovation (Option 2) P�ge 4 Indiv. Total Ex�enses E�nenses Revenue Balance Balance brought �orward $ $ � $452,000 Fiscal Year 1996/97 1. Knox Park Pool 325,000 New wading pool and play equipment 2. Recreation/Leisure Center 50,000 Installment payment - 3rd year 3. Miscellaneous Park Improvements 5,000 4. Tree Planting/Landscape Improvements 3.000 Fiscal Year 1996/97 Total Expenses 383,000 69,000 Fiscal Year 1996/97 Revenue 200,000 269,000 Fiscal Year 1997/98 1. Petersen Park Horse Farm 200,000 Building improvements and renovations - roof & ou�door fencing 2. Recreation/Leisure Center 50,000 Insta].lment payment_ - 4th year . Fiscal Year 1997I98 Total Expenses 250,000 19,000 Fiscal Year 1997/98 Revenua 200,000 219,OU0 �i.sGal Year 1998l99 Implementation of 1998/99 through 2002/03 5 year Capital Improvement Plan. Plan to be develaped in � 1997198. Plan to take in consideration _of leisure needs of community and using- ad3usted deveZoper donation funding. .,,. < < � � � ♦ � � r � gARMONY SNOWMOBILE C�UB 1 POST OFFICE BOX 503 . � McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 September 15, 1994 , Mayor and City Council 333 South Green Sfreet McHenry, IL.60050 ' To Whom it May Concern: � . As requested by the Parks & Recreation District, I am making this request on behalf of the Harmony Snowmobile Club for permission to use the Northwest Portion of Peterson Park for a sndwmobile grass drag on Sunday, October 16, 1994. Specifically, we would like to use that,part of the park north of the railroad tracks and w�st of the main entrance. The Har�nony Snowmobile Club will host the competition, provid.ing the proper insurance, restroom �acilities, and personnel for setup, clean-up and repair, as needed. I anticipate approximately 250 people would attend. . Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter. Harmony Snowmobile Club . . � ti , � . ti James P. Kottke Vice President JPK:apk � � �. '