HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/18/1995 - Parks and Recreation Committee MIPUTES FBOM PABK & B.BCBEATIOH CO1rIlKITTEB MEETING TUBSDAY, AP$IL 18, 1995 7:30 PM — BOOM 234 � r�EBS PBESEPT: City Administrator Jerry Peterson, Alderman Greg Bates, Alderman Bill Bolger, Parks & Recreation Director Pete Merkel, Department Secretary Kathy Quick, Mayor Steven Cuda & Barb Gilpin MEMBBBS ABSEPT: Alderman Dave Lawson The meeting started at 7:45 pm. Barb Gilpin arrived at 7:50 pm and Mayor Steven Cuda arrived at 8:00 pm. 1. Knox Park Divina Boards This discussion was regarding whether or not to remove the high dive from Knox Park Pool. City Administrator Peterson explained that in the past we have had two claima from in�uriea off the high dive. One claim was for approximately $15,000 and the other one was over $100,000. The following suggestions were made regarding the diving board situation. 1) Take the high dive out completely and replace it with a low dive board. 2) Take the high dive out and maybe replace it with some type of water slide. 3) Take the high dive out so as to leave 2 lanes open for lap swimming. `-- 4) Leave boards in this year and make a decision next year. RECONIl�NDATION: Committee did not decide on a recommendation. Barb Gilpin asked to speak before the Park Committee at this time rather than wait until the end of the meeting due to the fact that she had a Landmark Commission Meeting to attend. � An�v and all business that can be brouAht before the committee Barb Gilpin came before the committee as a representative for the Friends of the Playground group. She said that this is a perfect situation for the City Council to take the "bull by the horns" and do something positive for the community. There have been many requests to have a bathroom building erected at the Fort McHenry site. Barb has been contacted by the Order of the Raccoons that they would be willing to contribute the manpower to build it plus a donation and that there is still money left in the Fort McHenry account to pay for the building. She said that children have actually been urinating along the fence. They felt that with the McHenry Learning Garden being put in that there will be plenty of people at the park who would be utilizing this washroom facility. Alderman Bates informed Barb that he had told the citizens that a bathroom building would never be built and that he was sticking to it. He requested that Barb and the Friends of the Playground get together with him and have a meeting regarding this. Alderman Bolger felt that a � washroom facility is definitely needed at this location. Park & Recreation Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 18, 1995 Page 2 � 2. Park Closinr� Policv Park Director Merkel informed the committee that there is nothing in the ordinance book stating when parks actually close. The committee reviewed a list of all parks attached to their agenda packet. Three parks were added to the list to be closed at 10:00 pm: Neumann, Webers and Rotary Park. Many of the city parks close at dusk. RECONIlKENDATION: Park Director Merkel was asked to presenf a list of park closings and then present it before the City Council. 3. Namina of Park Addition to Petersen Park The committee discussed what to name the Mass Farm Property addition to Petersen Park. Everyone agreed it should be Petersen Park with the building and pond having the potential to be named at a later date. RECONIMENDATION: To incorporate the Mass Farm property purchase as part of Petersen Park and name it as such. 4. Annezation and Land Bsch nQe of Petersen Park Addition Alderman Greg Bates felt we should contact the Village President of � McCullom Lake, Lois Parenti to see if she would be willing to exchange the piece of property in their ownership for the property ad�acent to the Mass Farm. If that did not work out, we could possibly purchase the property outright. City Administrator Peterson felt we should contact the Department of Conservation to inquire as to any stipulations on the property. RECONIMENDATION: Park Director Merkel was instructed to contact the Department of Conservation regarding the stipulations of the land's use and then present it to the City Council. 5. Herbicide Avvlication on McCullom Lake City Administrator Peterson informed the committee Bob Kirschner from Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission went out to McCullom Lake with the contractor who was going to be applying the herbicide and they could not find any milfoil. Bob cannot figure out why the milfoil has not taken over the lake. Bob Kirschner will be making a report to the City Council on these findings in the near future. Park Director Merkel also informed the committee about the beach sampling for the 1995 aeason. He asked the committee membera if all three beache� should be sampled this year. The overall consensus was yes. Total amount will be $600.00. Visa/Mastercard CharAe `' Park Director Merkel went over the Recreation Visa/Mastercard usage since it has been in operation in the Park Department. Everyone gave the go ahead to keep the machine in use. City Administrator Peterson will be looking into getting a dedicated line installed so we have a faster response time on the machine. Parks & Recreation Department Tuesday, April 18, 1995 Page 3 � SDecial Event Staffinit Alderman Locke had inquired about the overtime that was paid out for special events in the Parks & Recreation Department. He requested that more salaried employees work these events. Park Director Merkel explained to the committee that there are only two salaried employees in the department and that we also use many volunteers at these events. Meetin� With School District 15 Park Director Merkel explained to the committee that he and City Administrator Peterson will be meeting with Dr. Dodds regarding some of the problems we have been having with the schools. We have not been receiving enough notice when being bumped from a facility and having to cancel classes. Alderman Bates felt that we should be in constant contact with Dr. Dodds and keep him abreast of the problems. Basketball Court Maintenance Alderman Bates has received some complaints from residents stating it would be nice if there were some type of nets at the basketball courts at Petersen Park. There were also complaints regarding the bent rims on the basketball courts. Park Director Merkel will forward the information to Director of Public Works, Fred Batt to have the raetal chain nets put np at the various basketball courts. They will also try to replace the bent � rims. The meeting ad�ourned at 9:55 pm. /0089K �..