HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/22/1994 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COI�IITTEE � '„�.,r,,, •� ru MINUTES �q � � June 22, 1994 � � The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Alderman Bates � at 7:35P.M. In attendance were Committeemen David Lawson and Bill Bolger, Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Peterson, City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Intern Sheila Roy, Officers of the McHenry Pigtail League, Lorie Porter of the JayCees and Marilyn Hamilton a Whispering Oaks resident. A] A presentation was made by the officers of the Pigtail League regarding scheduling difficulties at Petersen Park with the Boy's Little League Association. Discussion centered on the overlapping of field use and the increasing needs of the growing league rosters. Alderman Lawson presented a plan sketch of field availability throughout the summer. Lawson's plan outlined how each league could share the same facilities by increasing the length of the summer season. It was the concensus of the Park Director and the committee to work with the leagues involved and invite representatives of each league to the November Park Committee Meeting to formulate a schedule for 1995. B] A tour of the newly purchased park facility and horse barn was taken by city staff and officials. Potential future usage of thefacility was then addressed by City Administrator Peterson and Director Merkel. C] Marilyn Hamilton of Whispering Oaks made a presentation to the committee about her idea for a learning garden in the Whispering Oaks Park. Suggestions included planting fall bulbs, a community � Christmas Tree Lighting and carols. Continuing care of the park was a concern. Mrs. Hamilton has approached the beautification committee and Boy Scout Troops for help. The Whispering Oaks Garden Club will also help with suggestions and supervision of workers, but cannot committ to the care of the pro3ect. Tom Carl has expressed an interest in helping and suggested the environmental club would be willing to help. D] Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel gave an update on various park projects: BROOKSIDE PARK development grant is being written and will be submitted in July. The grant will cover landscaping, seeding and potentially a parking lot. RIVERFRONT PARK hasn't been opened to the public as yet. Care of the landscaping and grass must be given before cars are allowed entrance. Spring 1995 is the target date for opening. PURCHASE of the horse barn and surrounding lands should be finished in four to six weeks. FIESTA DAYS and the Park Department involvement was discussed. The River Run, open track meet for boys and girls as well as other activities for young people were mentioned. The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 P.M. �.. Greg Bates PARKS AND RECREATION I�ETING MINUTES � July 20, 1994 � ' � $ 1�.... The meeting was called to order by Committee Chairman Bates at 6:35 � P.M. In attendance were committeemen Lawson and Bolger, City Administrator Peterson, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, and Recreation Supervisor Lorene Marcinek. The purpose of this meeting was to review the Parks and Recreation's Fall Brochure of programs. Brochures were distributed to the Parks' committee members for their review on July 12th. Lawson ob3ected that originally aldermen were given twenty-four hours for review and input. Merkel explained the time constraint was due to the business of the season and that this was the first time the committee required a review. Discussion produced the following comments: Lawson asked how program fees were established. Marcinek replied that any material costs, rental fees, insurance and salaries were all taken into consideration. Lawson felt the fees for the dance program were too high and the program would attract more registrations if the fee was lowered to $95.00. Discussion on profitability of the program followed. Bolger suggested a $98.00 fee keeping the cost below $100.00. The committee decided to use the �95.00 fee and see if the lower amount attracts more registrations. Bates and Lawson expressed concern that the Parks department aclrnowledge cooperation with the school districts and � fees were ad3usted according to the new agreement established within the taxing bodies. Merkel explained the brochure was written before the agreement was finali2ed. It will be possible to ad�ust the fees at registration time. Overall comments on the brochure were favorable and recommendation was made to send the brochure to the printer. Bates asked about advertising in the brochure and was informed by Director Merkel that only two businesses took out ads in the fall brochure. Bates questioned the method of solicitation. Marcinek stated a letter went out to all Chamber members informing them of the opportunity. The meeting was ajourned at 7:25 P.M. Greg Bates � PARKS & gECREATION CO1rIlKITTEB MEETING WBDI�BSDAY, JUNE 14, 1995 7:30 PM - BOOM 234 � COMMITTEE MEMBEBS PBESENT: Park Director Merkel, Alderman Bates, Alderman Bolger, Alderman Lawson OTHERS PRESEPT: City Administrator Peterson, Barbara Gilpin, Kay Bates, Debbie Heisler, Debbie Glick, Kathy Quick The meeting started at 7:40 pm. Alderman Bates arrived at approximately 7:45 pm. 1. BROOKSIDE PARK GRANT - Discussion took place regarding the Brookside Grant. Park Director Merkel informed the committee that Kenneth Fiske will be hand delivering the grant which is due July 1, 1995. City Administrator Peterson explained that there were three items that need to be taken care of. 1. Authorize the resolution supporting the grant at the June 21st City Council meeting. The committee voted to recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the City's grant application. 2. The need for underground drainage needs to be addressed. If the � drainage is not done correctly from the start, it will never be right. Do we move ahead with drainage installation before we have notification of the grant? The committee recommended proceeding with the development of a Request for Proposal to install necessary drainage and work with a consultant to develop the specifications. 3. Staff questioned whether seeding of the fields should progress after drainage is insalled prior to any grant award. The committee recommended to proceed with seeding after drainage installation regardless of the status of the City's grant application. Alderman Lawson questioned as to when the fields would be ready for use. Park Director Merkel anticipates the field would be ready for use in either the Fall 1996 or Spring 1997. They need approximately one full year to grow. Director Merkel also noted that we should be receiving a letter from the Soccer Federation in the near future because they have shown interest in contributing towards equipment for this new field. , � Page 2 � 2. RENAMING OF LAKELAND PARK BASEBALL FIELD - Kay Bates addressed the committee regarding the renaming of Lakeland Park's Little League field. Several area residents have come to her requesting that the field be renamed the "Frank Sweeney Field" and a plaque be placed on the field stating so. Frank Sweeney has been involved with the Lakeland Park Little League for over 20 years. If this gets approved, could they possibly have it done by Angust 8th which is the Lakeland Park Little League picnic. RECOI�Ilr1ENDATIOR: Alderman Bolger made a motion to check with some of the old-timers in town to verify that they agree with the renaming. Alderman Lawson made a motion to rename the field to the "Frank Sweeney Field". Alderman Bolger seconded the motion. A recommendation will be brought before the City Council. 3. WHISPERING OAKS PARK - WASHROOM FACILITY - Park Director Merkel informed the committee that at the last City Council meeting the council approved the washrooms at Whispering Oaks Park. The next step is to have an architect draw up a concept sketch of the washroom building. Discussion took place regarding where in the park the washroom would be located. City Administrator Peterson noted that 4 things need to be addressed: 1) What type of design? 2) Where will it be located? 3) Will we go out to bid or will this be a Pro�ect Playground decision and 4) What happens if it exceeds the $19,000, who will pay for it? Alderman Lawson asked Debbie Heisler and Debbie Glick if they felt comfortable contacting an architect � to get pro�ect going. Debbie and Debbie both agreed with help from Barb Gilpin they felt OK about starting the pro�ect. Barb knows Dennis Wonderlick and will be contacting him regarding the plans as he is well informed regarding ADA requirements for washrooms. City Administrator Peterson questioned the type of structure they were contemplating: cinder block, wood to match the playground, brick, etc. Administrator Peterson suggested that the Playground Committee meet with Fred Batt and Pete Merkel regarding the utilities. Debbie Heisler and Debbie Glick also requested that they be added to the Wednesday, June 21st City Council meeting so they could present the Council with the Governor's Home Town Award Plaque. RECOI�IIKEftDATIOft: The Parks and Recreation Committee recommended the following actions: 1) Temporary porta potties be installed with decorative fencing on three sides. 2) The playground committee members retain the services of an architect to design permanent washrooms facilities at the northwest corner of the parking lot. 3) Further discussion take place when costs are obtained. � Page 3 � 4. MCCULLOM LAKE SWINIlKING BEACHES - UPDATE - Park Director Merkel informed the Park Committee that the beach has been closed due to the severity of calls that were received in the Park office. There is no real test for the parasite that is causing swimmers itch. Administrator Peterson informed the committee that a leading researcher from Vermont is here checking into the milfoil disappearance. They feel that there is a weevil that has bored into the plants and has killed them naturally. They feel this is great news for the lake. Alderman Bates suggested that when the beach reopens that admission should be free for the month of July to really try to promote it. BECOIrII�NDATION: The committee decided to offer free admission to the beach for the month of July. 5. RECREATION CENTER VISITS TO BE SCHEDULED - Three recreation center were visited during the month of April - Park Ridge, Mt. Prospect and Dundee. The committee would like to visit approximately three more centers. BBCONIl�NDATIOft: The Park Committee will bring this before the City Council at the June 21st meeting to see what day of the week is good for everyone. � /0109K �