HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/7/1995 - Parks and Recreation Committee c��y o� �����ry � fn'���1 y,: � �,�%��^.!r 333 South Green Street f''��•��� , McHenry, Illinois 60050-5642 _ �;=,�-�•y�� .,�,� ��' ,> L j�,G�,.r� � � 4�`.S;:i�,_;�^����- _ � �r.�..,� ''�:..---=._L!����'!i TI:"�:���'� ^:^::, �..� _ _,.�.,,,.�-,� r�_. .,.,_ PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY DECEMBER 7, 1995 7:00 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Park Director Merkei, Alderman Greg Bates, Alderman Biil Bolger, Alderman Dave Lawson, Recreation Supervisor Lorene Marcinek, Recreation Secretary Kathy Quick MEMBERS ABSENT: City Administrator Geraid Peterson The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm. � 1) Knox Park Pool Report and Recommendations Financial report for Summer 1995 was submitted and discussed. Park Director Merkel went over some fo the facility improvements that needed to be done at Knox Park Pool. Some of the items discussed were the crack sealing and painting of the pool, instaliation of handicapped sinks in the men's and women's bathrooms, and the installation of new public address system. A copy of the Financial Report ar.d the Facility and Program Recommendations are attached. 2) Concession Re�ort and Recommendations Financial report for Summer 1995 was submitted and discussed. The only repairs that really need to be done regarding the concession program would be that ceiling fans need to be installed at both Knox and Petersen Park. Screens need to be installed at Knox Park on the windows, overhead storage cabinets above the cabinets at Petersen and the repair of the screen in the concession window at Petersen Park. A copy of the Financial Report and the Facility and Program Recommendations are attached. � Clerk's O((ice and Administration Public Works, Parks and Police (815) 3(i3-2100 6uilding and "Loning Kccrcation INon-GmcrGencY) FAX: (815) 363-2119 (815)3G3-2170 (A15)3G3-'L]fiQ (Sl5) 363'L'l00 3) Petersen Park Beach Report and Recommendations � Financial report for Summer 1995 was submitted and discussed. Some of the facility improvements for Petersen Park Beach included wall racks being built for the lifejackets, oars/paddles, sails, masts and inflatables, a rack for storage of windsurf boards along with staff lockers for persona( and equipment storage. Outside storage and improvements included a storage rack for rowboats, storage rack for canoes, the purchase of replacement buoys, new lifeline rope and buoys for shallow swim area, and additional sand being brought in to the beach area. A copy of the financial report and the Facility and Program Recommendations are attached. Discussion on how to get more people to use the beach took place. Some of the ideas that were thrown out were do we even staff the beach, it is really necessary? Would we rent the boats? Why should we have lifeguards at Petersen and not at East Beach? We need to check with the city attorney regarding the boats and not having a lifeguard on staff, can we even do this? Alderman Bates stated we should leave the beach open and staff it due to the fact that the bike path will be coming through that area in the near future. Alderman Bolger thought we should have a sand volleyball court, install basketball courts, put in more shade trees and have a better concession area. If the beach is going to be staffed, the committee discussed whether or not to � charge city residents. City residents should be free and raise the feel for non- residents to $2.00/adults and $1.00/children. Do we want to place coupons in the NISRA book and the Parks and Recreation Brochure for either a free admission or a free boat rental? No recommendation was made. This would need to be taken before the finance committee. The committee discussed having a long term goal for the new area along the beach. We should start working on having a plan drawn up. We could contact some of the area service groups to see if they would be willing to help out. ''� 4) Tree Citv USA - Recertification � The recertification for Tree City USA status is due by December 31, 1995. In our original application in 1994, there was one area that the National Arbor Day foundation noted that we were deficient. One of the four standards require that either a volunteer board or City Department be charged by ordinance to develop and administer the communities tree management program. The tree program is currently managed by the Public Works Department. Recommendation: To have the City Council adopt an ordinance designating the Public Works Committee and the Public Works Department responsible for the City of McHenry's Tree Management Program. IDOC letter attached. 5) Parks and Recreation Directors Report A) Meetinq of Athletic Leaque Officials in January - A meeting needs to be held in January with the league officials from the Soccer Federation and Youth Leagues. Topics that need to be discussed are field usage, � scheduling of fietds and general information. B) Canoe Donation - McHenry District#156 - Park Director Merkel explained to the Committee that District#156 has donated the six canoes to the Parks and Recreation Department. We have used the canoes in the past for our moonlight canoe rides and also for camps during the summer. The High School District no longer uses the canoes and have donated them to us. The trailer for the canoes needed some repair which was completed by the Public Works Department. C) Brookside Park Update - Park Director Merkel explained to the Park Committee that we should be hearing mid January regarding the grant for Brookside Park. Director Merkel has spoken with Ken Fiske and he seems to think it looks good for us. Alderman Lawson inquired that if for some reason we don't reason that grant, will we still go ahead with the Park. Director Merkel explained that funds for development will be put in the budget for FY 199G-97. � D) Committee Meeting Schedule - 1996 - Director Merkel explained that � the next Park Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 24th. The committee discussed the proposed meeting schedule. There were a few conflicts but they decided changes could be made and everyone agreed upon the schedule. 6. Any and all business that May Properlv Come Sefore the Committee The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. '"� "� CONCESSION PROGRAM FACILITY AND PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS � SUMMER 1996 Facilitv I�rovements Knox Park: - Ceiling fan in concession room - Installation of screens in all windows Petersen Park: - Ceiling fan in concession roo��n - Overhead storage cabinets above counter - Repair of screen in concession window Program Recommendations - Continue to use concession supervisor position for operation of program. - Review menu and solicit different food items for more variety. -Attempt to secure a local and more reliable ice cream/frozen dessert distributor. - Consider set up of concessions at different special event programs, ie: band � concerts, 4th of July, etc. - Encourage athletic organizations to consolidate schedules at Petersen Park. - Provide additional staff training in proper food handling requirements, information provided by the County Health Department. - Inventory management will be set up in the new Rec-Trac computer system. �- • � C i ty o f McLlenry � � Depaztment o£ Parks & P.ecreation Concession Progzam I'inancial Re�ort — 1995 '� Revenue Knox Park Concessions �15,460.80 Petersen Park Concessions 9,755.75 Miscellaneous ].7_G.25 :�25,362.80 �xnenses Salaries �10,807 .04 Supplies 12,255 .53 Repairs b: MainLenance—�quipment ].,278 .35 �24,341.22 1�95-96 Bt�d,�et- 1995-96 ActUal. Revenue: $20,000.00 Revenue: �25,3b2.80 "1 �xpenses: 21.100.00 Expenses: 24,341..2?_ Deficit: (:� 1,100.00) Surplus: � 1,021.5S . /00050 � ' . � City of McIIenzy � DepazCment of Parks & Recreata.on Concession Pro�ram Fi.nancia� ReporL- — 1995 � Revenue Knox Park June :{, 6,112.9 0 July 5,954.25 Au�ust 3,222.00 September ].71.C5 $15,4G0.80 Petersen Par.k Aprzl $ 58G.50 May 1,470.30 June 5,115.30 July 1,684.90 August 341.35 September 280.85 October 306.55 � 9,785 .75 Miscellaneous April $ �F2.00 July 38 .25 October 36.00 � :� 7.l.b .2 5 Total. Revenue �25,362.30 � . . � Ci�y of McIIenzy • ' Depaztment o£ Parks & Recreation Conccssion 1'rogram Financi.ul Report — 1995 '� ' Exn erxs e s Salari.es Knox Park � 6,931. 66 Petersen Park 3,135 .03 Overtime 737 .35 , $10,807.04 Sunvlies Vendor Ttems Amount Bjorkman's Ace Misc. supplies $ 38.81 Continental Baking IIot Do� I3uns 53.10 Deboer �nterprises Caiuled Pop/Bottled Water 2,919.15 Eby Brown Candy, Gum, Paper Products 3,719 .44 Gold Medal Carmel/Nuts/Nacllo misc. 1,089 .15 Leonardi's Pizza Pretzels, Italian Ice 3,652.50 Petty Cash Misc. supplies 24.92 Sullivan I'ood Apples, hotdogs 642.76 Wal—Mart Misc. Supplies ].].6.00 $12,255 .83 Renair & Mai.nt-enance—T:qui.pment Vendor Amount � Paul Bohanek Repair Popcorn Popper 183.�0 J & B Business Sys. Repair Re�ister 305 .00 Partners Freezer 474.90 Sam's Club Cash Re�i.ster, Microwave 31.4 .95 � 1,278 .35 Total �xpenses p24,341.22 "-� PETERSEN PARK BEACH FACILITY AND PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS � SUMMER 1996 Facility Improvements Storage revisions in beach building to include: -UJall racks built for lifejackets, oars/paddles, sails, masts, and inflatables. - Rack for storage of windsurF boards. - Staff lockers for personnel and equipment storage. Outside Storage and Improvements: - Storage rack for rowboats. - Storage rack for canoes. - Purchase replacement buoys. - New lifeline rope and buoys for shailow swim area. -Additional sand brought in to the beach area. � - Two new rules and regulation signs. - contract - Parking area designated and fenced along utility poles. -Additional picnic tables in beach area. Pro�ram Revisions - Review salary structure for aquatic staff. - Canoe rentals. - Scout group use of boats for water safety programs and merit badge opportunity. - Coupon promotion for increased attendance. - Continue sailing lessons program. - Cooperate with Jaycees for additional special event activities at beach for fireworks. /96recomm L� � � ' City of McIIenzy • � Ae�artmen,L- of Pazks & l:eczeation Petersen Pazk Beach ' Financiul Re�ort — 1995 ' � Revenue Daily Admissions ;� 262.00 Beach Passes 0.00 Boat RenL-als 367.00 Sailing 59 .00 ;� 688 .00 Exnenses Salaries $ 8,907 .43 Uniforms 255.00 Utilities 307.00 Equzpment, Repair & Maintenance 901.00 Capital Outlay 507 .00 . �10,377 .43 �' J.995-96 Bt�dP.,et 1995-96 Actiial Revenue: :� 5,000.00 ltevenue: ."p 658 .00 Expenses: � 17_,450.00 �r.penses: .��' ].0,877 .43 Deficit: ($ 7,450.00) DeficiL• : (�;10,189 .43) /00050 � � ' • ' CiCy of M�IIenzy � Departmen� of Pazks & Recreation Petersen :?ark Bcach Financial Report - 1995 � Revenne Dai].Y Adm i_ssions May � .00 June 91.00 *July 0.00 Augus t 17]..00 $ 262.00 Beach Passes Resident Fama.ly $ 0.00 Non-Resident �amily 0.00 � 0.00 I3oat Rentals June $� 29 .50 . July 286.50 August 51.00 :� 367 .00 � Saili�ru� Lessons 59 .00 T.ot-al Revenue $ 688.00 Tree Passes Beach Admissions 19 Boat Rentals 57 *month of July was free admissions � KNOX PARK SWIMMING POOL FACILITY AND PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMER 1996 �' Facility Improvements - Crack sealing and painting of pool. - contract - Electronic ignition instailed on pool heating system. - contract - Installation of handicap sinks in men's and women's lockers. - contract - Convert gas chlorine to calcium hypochlorite feed system. (puisar chlorinator) - Install screens in office/concession area as required by McHenry County Department of Public Health. - Ceiling fan installed in concession room. - Faucets in locker rooms repaired or replaced as required by McHenry County Department of Public Health. - Installation of new public address system (amp and microphone). - Grate installed over filter pit. "\ Proqram Revisions - Revise salary structure for aquatic staff. - Designate area for parent seating during swim lessons. - Program evaluation forms given to all swim lesson participants. "` � � • � City of MrIIenzy � � DepartmenL of Pazks & 12eczeation Knox Park Swimmin� Pool Financial. Report - 1995 �' Revenne Daily Adm:.ssions � $1II,360.00 Pool Passe;s 28,886.00 Pool Rental 1,350.00 Swim Lessons 19,47G.44 Swim Team ].5,268 .00 Misc. 781.00 Misc. Refunds - 519 .44 ;�83,602.00 Exv ens e s Salaries �39,320.87 Uniforms 832.00 Utilities 6,208 .00 � Supplies, �quipment Repair b: Maintenance 11,655 .00 Fee Supported Programs 1,356.00 Contin�encies• 49 .00 �59,420.87 J.995-96 ]3ud,�et 1995-96 Actna.l. Revenue: $70,000.00 Revenue: �53,602.10 Expenses: 70,500.00 ��:penses: 59 .420.87 Deficit: ($ 500.00) Surplus: :�24,151.13 /00050 � `_ " City o£ McIienry • ` Department of Parks & Recreation Knox Park Swimmin� Pool Financial. Report - 1995 '"y, RevenUe pai'iv Admi.ssi.ons June � 7,G63.50 July 5,899.50 August 4,534.00 September 263.00 $18,360.00 Pool Passes Resi.dent I'amily $20,800.00 Resident Adult 200.00 Resident Child 1,470.00 Non-Resident Family 5,850.00 Non-Resident Adult 160.00 . Non-Resident Child 280.00 . Replacement/Additional Ta�s 12G.00 �28,886.00 Poo�. Renta].s r 1,350.00 Swim I.essons Resident $13,319 .44 Non-Resident 4,725.00 Lifeguarding 1.432.0_0 _ � $19,476.44 Swim Team Resident :� 5,894.00 Non-Resident 5,868 .00 Relay/Conference Reimbursement 406.00 Late Fee — �-��'�� .�'p15,268 .G0 M•��' 426.00 Terrific Tuesday Party � 66.00 Wild Wednesday Party �89 .00 Jaws Party �h �� ' Sub-Total �r84,121,44 Mi.sc Refunds: -�4 Tota]. Revenue �83,602.00 � , � •City o� Mc�enrY S & Reczeat�o� � pepazt�ent of Paxk �og Par�c Swimu:in� Poo� Finan��-al Report - 7-995 �.- Pass Re ort ���n.1. 7ncome Swiin��nP PooJ. �ota� ;`;2p,800.00 @ ,'`p 6 5 320 200.00 Resident I�ami1.Y � �40 5 �,470.00 gesi.dexLt Adult � �;35 42 5 ,850.00 Residenti Child � ��30 45 160.00 I�ion-Resident FamilY � �80 2 280.00 Non-Resident Adult. @ $70 � 1� Child � �3,00 Hon-Residen.t 42 �28 ,856.00 Rep7-acement/Addl. Ta�s � � . of Mc�enrY & R�cr�aL�On . , � �it9 park� . pe�artme�-tSwi.mmi.n� �ool �ox �ax�' _ 1995 Fin�-cia�' Reporti Undez/�ver *Xear �° �vd eti •-1 Date �x� Bud eL ncct �ccount � 268 .93 No. �; g,731.07 713.23 � g �p00 1g�286.77 g73•$4 Sa].� Sur�r�lsoxs 14�p00 6�7.26.1G Aq'xat�.�s 7 ��� � 220.05) Lifeguar 5�720.05 305 .19 47 0 ds � 471 InstrucLors 5 ,500 2�1q4.81 ���262.01) 472 SwimmCo cll & Ass�sCants 2�500 3�262.01 4�3 SWa.m 2,000 �££��e �.ttendantis 474 Overtlme 68 485 832 155 7„�.es/Uti.l.:i.t.i.es 900 245 200 Sv �40� . Uniforms � 707 492 �el�phone 200 4�293 4�p37 502 Supplies 5,000 5,963 505 Offi.ce SupP�-�-�5 10,000 & 2�638 527 Materials 7 ,362 ** U�j�ities 451 529 Repair b: Maintenan�� � �p�000 49 �}4 537 500 2'1 �qui.pment 1,356 -_ t�,ngencies Pro� S 3,500 575 �ee SupP�x�ed ram -- �� 605 �apital Outlay $11,079 •13 700 �59 ,420 .87 To tal Swimmin� Pool E}:.PeTises' �7�,500 '"1 �OTES: 1995 • dare• pate as o£ October 37-� cost to S estimated � anel• *year �� an Ser��� p d tl�is cost 1 the main c in Ynox Parlc °n SoftUall li6hts an�o �lectri Costs tric eter ool, eas' end d�e **Util�-r�on1Y on� ele� m ser��-�� tO �lze Pht1Y Lo Y S Thaxe is electri� will zise sli� This meter z���-Shtss This cost � SecurieY l�.�lzts• courti 1�� ted ana rh th�ls beinv bu�ldi�.lv hea � ' ` � ' City of McIienzy • � Knox Par)t Swimmin� Pool �nterpri:�e Account �und Commonwe:ilth �dison Bills 1995 � Dates Amount Tenni.s Lights Softbal.7. Lirhts Pool/I3uildinp 02/24 to 05/25 1,109.15 150.00 200.00 759 .15 05/25 to 06/2G� 1,691.52 200.00 300.00 1,191.52 06/26 to 07/26 1,857.79 200.00 300.00 1,357 .79 07/26 to 08/24 1,830.17 300.00 400.00 1,130.17 08/25 to 09/26 1,255.2G 300.00 300.00 655 .26 09/26 to 10/25 668 .51 300.00 300.00 68 .51 TOTALS �8,412.40 $1,450.00 :�1 800.00 , "�5,162.40 Clerk's Renort Corzections En�ervrise Account/General I'und� Account No. Acconnt Debit Cr.edi.t 61.42.529 Utili.ties �3,250.00 01.09.529 Utilities �3,250.00 NOT�S- The electric was adjusted to show the pool electric use only. $3,250.00 should be taken out of the Parks and Recreation DepartmenC General Fund � Utilities Account. $100.00 per month for buildin� - li�hts and heat during the winter months $200.00 per month for tennis courts* $300.00 per month for softball li�hts** balance per month for pool filter/building (02/24 to 10/25) *August, September and October have shorter days - lights on earlier. I,ights tuzned on for parking and security for I-Iaunted House. ��August, September and October have shorter days - li�hts on earlier; so£tball tournament and playoffs in August. I'all softball was located at Knox Park this year. � f�o. Family Res . Passes 500 : _ - ------__ _ --- _ _ _. __ _ _ ..._...._.._..---.---....__...--�---_..._._.386Y396-----...__..__...------�---._.._....---�--....___.-----__..______ 400 � 351 � 348 :. � :::::::.�:::::: :: : :: . 322 320 �� : �: ::_3._�7_ 3p_4.___3:_:_:_._ :: . : ...::::::::::: ._...--------____...._....---2_88 -- _. ..---.__._...__._ , _._..._ ._.._.._. . . ............ . �. � � � ............ :: :. :: 274 300 �� � � " :` 237 �' 230 .. < : :. . ; : ............. : : 06 � � - - -- :. :: :: .............. . ; .: �:�a . � : : . . : : : ; .. : .. . . :: , .; :: > :: .: :: : ; � 200 ; ._ 100 < 0 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 � � � ( � ( - . Res. Family Pass Revenue Thousands 25 20 15 . ::.:: .:. :� , ... : .: ..... .... . :: :: ; :..�..::::. :: ,: :: :: �� ;� . :: :: :: : :: : : : _. ....__. ......__.... : .. --- � N � . � < : � : pNp . N � j ; < I'` ; N ,.. 10 r-- � � ;� � ;: � :: cv > � : � : �: � : � :: oo ; : � � � :' N > � � N � ,� : .�-. ' � � � : � ? � ' t- : ; � . ' `_' �-- d- � d' � . ►.n � ' � ` � ' r' � ; :� � ; �''� > 5 '� � `- � 'd" � 81 82 83 84 85 8� 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 � � N -P � Oo O O O O O O O � O� �`�'. � �20,251 � ; � U� :........:..:.:...:...::.:. i � N C� � � � �29,572 . ` O � ................................:....... ; '. � O � ` � c�, � � i � $37,433 ': � I i � � � � Q � „p, j� ; I � �40,604 � � ! � ' ' : � � ' � �35,0£36.... ...... � ' � � f�� :.. C)`1 ' ' � ........:.......:::.....:::......::..::::.::... : ; ; � � � :: W � $37,947 ' � : ; . � , "'� ; � Oo .......................... < , . ; . ............................ : ; �1 ' ; i `C > > > , �' $44,503 ' . -¢ ' � � ............................................................ ; � � � � � $52,079 ` � � ' � 00 N � I CD � , � � � $48,467 : � ; � � � ............:.:.....................:..:................:........... : CJ"i O j � $57,355 .. ,� � � � C4 , � ..:.,::..:.:,.:�:...:...:.::.::::.:�:.�:.�.,..::.::_..:::::......... .. . �. � :: � � �60,043 : � � .............:.......................................................................< ; � t N ` � $51 ,279 � � ! ; : � ' I � ; i � c� .,. ;� �62 ,294 .. :N � � � � �� � ! � $72�,566 � I � W I � .......................................................................................................�� , � �:' � $83 ,602 ; � ...,..............,.........,.....................,.................................... ....... ..... . � i I I i � , • �'� �� • •i � � lli��oi� �e;��f����i o�� G��sQ�v���ion � u t. I,tMC�1LTlTUIVi;R]'�/�;,\ . 5�.1;;(lUT1:�EC0Y05�ri[E7 • ,'..�n:::,^�FI'clOG:i0�.i7d7 Ci�1C�:C.00FFIC( • ROU.��.1G0 • tCq�':F.STRANOOIPH . Ct�iCAG04LVI� , Drent Manning, Direetor Jehn V�. Comr;;io. Oepuly Oirector pruce F. Ciay, A;si;lnnt Director � .'i�` � ^ ;1 '? t; 1, �--.-� ��+ �Y �.,y '�`^"�a .Apri7. �_2, 1995 Ms. Tiiia l�otrous Tree C-wty USA Coordinator 100 Arbor Avenue Nebraska City, NE 68�10 Dcar Tina: As pex� our discussion, ��e agzeed to accept the 199� Trce City USA application �Cor t2zc Ci.i:y o� McHenry on orobationary tezms . Future acceptance will bc dependent upon the community adopting an oz-dinance that speci.�ies who has trcc authority. FaZlure �l-..o comply will result in ir.eligibility in future yeaAs until the ordinance is revised to standards . If you have any qucsti.ons or conceYns, please advis�. The City of McHenry appreciatcs their 199�. anplication being reconsi.dered. Thank you for your assistance on �hi� impor�an�: m�tter. Sincercly, � �� ���J �-----`"� �JL'���',�'��._ '�� �. _ Reinee Hildebrandt � � � Urban Conservation Program Nanagcr � Division oi Forest Itcsourccs � RH: amb Encl.osurc: Tree City USn �'ile cc: Stevcn Cuda Pete M�rkel .%'� • \..