HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/20/1996 - Parks and Recreation Committee Cit of McHenry y 1 �.��.� . � 333 South Green Street �� ' °`�� McHenry, Illinois 60050-5642 _�--� __ �� �-- _�`' �Ll �� � �"� 4 � � ; , , . - . .- . . .. . .. _'� ,��- PARK COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY MAY 20, 1996 ROOM 234 - 7:30 PM Members Present: Alderman Bolger, Alderman Lawson, Park Director Merkel, City Administrator Jordan, Departmental Secretary Kathy Quick, Lorene Marcinek, Recreation Supervisor Members Absent: Alderman Bates The meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm. 1. Brookside Park A) Communitv Block Grant Develoament Proaram Park Director Merkel informed the committee that he attended a � hearing at the Woodstock County building on Wednesday, May 15th. Due to many cutbacks, the Community Block Grant does not look very promising. B) IDNR Grant Program A brief discussion was held on the IDNR Grant for the development of Brookside Park. It was the consensus of the committee to submit the application. C) Turf Develonment Bid Saecifications The turf development specifications were reviewed and the site plan was presented. Specifications and plans are ready for public bidding. All bid documents were prepared by Smith Engineering and Consultants. Recommendation of the committee is to present bid documents to City Council for approval to bid. � Clerk's Office and Administration Public Works, Parks and Police (815)363-2100 Building and Zoning Recreation (Non-Emergency) FAX: (815) 363-2114 (815)363-2170 (815)363-2160 (815)363-2200 2. Summer Programs and Registration Re� Park Director Merkel informed the committee that Summer registration has been going very smoothly with the new computer � system. Recreation Supervisor, Lorene Marcinek and Departmental Secretary, Kathy Quick both spoke regarding the new registration procedure. The majority of users are very happy with the new procedure and were very impressed with the quick turn around time. Recreation Supervisor, �orene Marcinek handed out facility sheets to the committee to keep them aware of where classes are being held. 3. Tree/Nursery Donation Director Merkel informed the committee that Mr. Ed Voss contacted him wondering if the City would be interested in some trees. He leased some of his property to Klemm's Nursery and after a few years Klemm�s did not make his lease payments and left the property with a substantial amount of trees and shrubs. Committee instructed Director Merkel to look into having some of the trees moved. 4. Park Plannina Funds were allocated in the FY 1996-97 budget for park development plans for the following sites: `.- Petersen Park - Lakeside Site Plan North Oak Park - Site Plan Neumann Park - Site Plan Pebble Creek Park - Site Plan Director Merkel informed the committee that local landscape architects would be contacted regarding submitting qualifications and costs to prepare these site plans. This information will be brought back to the committee for review. A decision was made to remove Neumann Park from the list of park sites. This park can be considered when the Green Street Downtown Program is implemented. Plans for this site should be consistent with the proposed development on the corner of Green Street and Route 120. � 5. Parks and Recreation Directors Reaort A) Lease of Recreational Space Director Merkel informed the committee that he was � approached by the owner of the McHenry Tae Kwan Do Academy who recentlypurchased the old Gary Lang building located next to the Roller Rink. She offered to rent the back of the building to the Parks & Recreation Department. After some discussion, the committee decided it would not be feasible to rent this space. A list of the facilities that programs will be held in the Fall of 1996 was submitted to the committee. A copy of this list is attached. (Blue) Additional classes this fall will be held in the Municipal Center outside of the Recreation staff offices. Staff has informed the committee of the need to install a wall enclosure and doorway for the recreation supervisors office. This will provide for a noise barrier from class activity and allow privacy for any staff functions. B) Ballfield Schedule - 1996 Re o�rt A brief report was made on the scheduling of athletic facilities by area youth organizations. Some facilities were reassigned `-- this year as a result of discussions held with league officials and the Parks and Recreation Committee at their February 1996 meeting. The unauthorized use of soccer facilities at Whispering Oaks by adult leagues was discussed. The informal city policy on use of athletic fields has been that all organization�s must submit a league schedule, list of league officials, rosters with address, and certificate of insurance. This information must be submitted prior to any games scheduled on city facilities. This policy has also been applied to any leagues scheduling games on school districtfacilities in the summer months. The city has the responsibility to coordinate all summer athletic schedules at school sites according to our cooperative agreement. The committee suggested that this policy should be presented to the City Council for formal approval. The committee was informed that the Whispering Oaks soccer field will be closed for turf renovation at the conclusion of the MASF spring season on June 1. �.. C) Ft. McHenry Washroom Updatp Director Merkel reported to the committee that the concrete work for the Ft. McHenry Washroom is held up due to it being `- their busy season. D) Twin Cities/Chicago Aids Ride Re or Director Merkel informed the committee that the Chicago Aids Ride is going along well. Everything is scheduled and the Director of the ride has been in contact with him. \pkmtg520 � �.. �r, t ' ,i � MGHEIVRY PARKS �[ RES,�ATION DEPARTNiENT FA I ITy LIST[NG OF FALt� i 996 PROCRAMS � EAS�,CAMPl1S Archery 10/24 - 12/12 Thursday 5:30-7:30 pm F��EBROOK ELEMENTARY Things You Wanted To Do 1 l/22/96 Friday 9:30-1 1:30 am Things You Wanted To Do ] l/22I9b Friday l 2:00-2:00 pm HOME STATE BANK SteplSljmnastics 9/3-10/24 TueslThurs 9:00-1 Q:OC} am StepfSlimnastics 9/3-10/24 Tues/Thurs b:45-7:45 pm SteplSijmnastics ]0/29-l 2/l 9 TueslThurs 9:00-]0:00 am Step/Slimnastics ]0/29-12/]9 Tues/Thurs 6:45-7:45 pm � 1 AKE -AND PARK COMMt1N[TY CENTER Ghoulie Workshop 10/24i96 Thursday 5:45-6:45 pm Make A Jack O Lantern l 0/24/96 Thursday 4:15-5:00 pm Make A Jack O Lantern 10/24/96 Thursday 5:15-6:04 prn North Pole Stop 12/23/9b Monday 9:00-11:00 am North Pole Stop l 2/23/96 Monday 1 ]:00-1:00 pm Christmas Luminaries 11/19/9fi Tuesday 7:30-9:00 pm Chr�stmas Wreath 12l7/96 Saturday 11:30-t:00 pm Holiday Grapevine 12/14/96 Saturday 10:00-11:00 am Holiday Glass 10/5/96 Saturday 10:00-1 1 :00 am Sjgn Language 1 t0/2$-l2/16 Monday 7:00-8:00 pm St#ffy Bow Basket 10/9/96 Wednesday 6:30-9:00 am Women's Self Defense l 0/l 7-1 ]/21 Thursday 7:00-9:00 pm � �` �.�,j-►,�� '' MGHENRY �R HICH SGHOOL Teen Dance 10i]4/96 Monday 2:30-4:30 pm Teen Dance 11/11/9b Monday 2:30-4:30 pm � Men's 1/2 Court Basketbatl 10/a-12/3 Tuesday 7:00-10:00 pm Pre-Gymnastics 9/]6-12/9 Monday 4:30-5:15 pm Gymnastics 1 9/l 6/-12/9 Monday 5:15-b:04 pm Gymnastics tl 9/16-]2/9 Monday 6:00-6:45 pm Tumbting 9/12-12/5 Thursday 4:30-6:45 pm MCHEI`RY MLN(C'IPAL CENTER Computer Explorers 10/21-l 1/18 Monday 4:30-5:00 pm Computer E�cplorers 12/2-12/23 Monday 4:30-5:00 pm Computer Tots 10/2]-1 1 I 18 Monday 4:00-4:30 pm Camputer Tots 12/2-12/23 Monday 4:00-4:30 pm Gobbters Workshop 11/21/9b Thursday 1 1:00-11:45 am 1 Love To Paint l 0/28-]2/1 fi Monday � l 0:30-1 1:15 am Little Learners 9/11-10l30 Wednesday 9:45-l�:45 am Little Shakespeares 9/9-10/21 Monday 1 l:45-12:30 pm Motor Midgets 9/11-10/16 Wednesday 9:45-10:30 am Motor Midgets l 0/30-12/4 Wednesday 9:45-10:30 am My Playdough 9/l 2-10/24 Thursday 9:30-10:15 am My Playdaugh 10/31-l 2/19 Thursday 9:30-10:15 am Parent at Tot Art 9/3•10/l 5 Tuesday ]O:QO-10:45 am � Parent at Tot Art 9/6-10/18 Friday 10:00-1�:45 am Parent 8t Tot Art 10/29-12/10 Tuesday l 0:00-10:45 am Parent 8t Tot Art l 1 I1-12/20 Friday 10:00-10:45 am Story, Song s� Craft Time 9/9-10/2] Monday 9:30-10:15 am Story, Song � Craft T[me 9/9-1 012 1 Monday 1 :Q0-1 :45 pm Story, Song 8t Craft Time 1 Q/28-12/9 Monday 9:30-10:15 am Story, Song 8t Craft Time 10/28-12/9 Monday ]:00-1:45 pm Tumbling Tots 9/4/-1012 Wednesday 9:l 5-10:00 am Tumbiing Tots 10/9-11/6 Wednesday 9:15-10:00 am Tumbling Tots 11!13-l 2/18 Wednesday 9:15-10:00 am 3D Arts 8t Crafts 11/4-12/]6 Monday 5:00-5:45 pm Babysitting Clinic 12/30 8t 31 Mon/Tues 9:00-12:00 noon Cartooning 9/]0-10/15 Tuesday 6:00-6:45 pm Cartooning 10/22-11/26 Tuesday 6:00-6:45 pm Functional Art 12/21,23,28,30 Sun/Mon 10:00-1 1:00 am Out of This World Center l 1/4-1 211 6 Monday 4:00-4:45 pm Way Cool Watercolors 9/16-10/28 Monday 4:00-4:45 pm Way Cool Watercolors 9/16-10/2$ Monday 5:00-5:45 pm Young Rembrandts 9/10-t 0l 15 Tuesday 5:00-5:45 pm Young Rembrandts 9/10-10/15 Tuesday 6:00-6:45 pm Young Rembrandts 10/22-11/2b Tuesday 5:00-5:45 pm � Young Rembrandts 10/22-11/26 Tuesday b:00-6:45 pm Creative Memories 11/13/96 Wednesday 7:00-9:00 pm Long Term Health care 10/16/96 Wednesday 7:00-9:00 pm ., -- � IA�'•R�F= � PARKLAND �R. HIGH SCHOOL Halloween Spooktacular 10/30/96 Wednesday 6:00-7:30 pm Father/Son Night 11/8/96 Eriday 7:00-9:00 pm �, Youth Olympics 12/23/46 Monday 9:Q0-10:15 am Tot Olympics 12/23/96 Monday 10:30-1 1:45 am Baflet 1 9/96-4/97 Thursday 4:30-5:15 pm Ballet I 9/9b-4/9? Saturday 10:00-10:45 am Ba(let 11 9/96-4/7 Thursday 5:15-b:00 pm Baliet I11 9/9fi-4/97 Thursday 7:30-8:] 5 pm Character II 9/96-4/97 Tuesday 6:30-7:30 pm Beginner Jazz 9/96-4/97 Wednesday 4:30-5:15 pm )azz I 9/96-4/97 Wednesday 5:15-6:00 pm ]azz 11 9196-4/97 Wednesday 6:00-6:45 pm Jazz lll 9/96-4/97 Wednesday 6:45-7:30 pm Advanced )azz 9/96-4/97 Tuesday 4:45-5:30 pm Ballet/Tap I 9/96-4/97 Saturday 10:45-11:30 am Ballet/Tap 11 9/96-4/97 Thursday 6:00-6:45 pm Ba�let/Tap 111 9/96-4/97 Thursday 6:45-7:30 pm Open Basketball 9I23-12/1 b Monday 7:00-9:00 pm Open Gym 10/20-12/15 Sunday 6:00-8:00 pm Basketball Ski[Is Clinic 10/21-11/13 Mon/Wed 5:00-7:00 pm Basketball Ski[(s C(inic i l/8-12/1 1 Mon/Wed 5:00-7:00 pm Giris Basketball Camp 10/19-12/7 Saturday 9:00-1 1:00 am T-Ball 9/14-10/26 Sawrday 9:Q0-12:00 noon Open Volleyball 9/17-l 2/17 Tuesday 7:04-9:00 pm � RIVERWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Preteen )am 9/18/96 Wednesday 2:30-4:30 pm Freteen Jam l0/23/96 Wednesday 2:30-4:30 pm Holiday Activities 12/7/96 Sawrday 9:30-12:00 noon ZION Ll1THERAN CHtIRCH Creatfve Rhythmic Movement 9t96-4/97 Thursday 9:15-10:Q0 am Pre-Ballet 9/96-4/97 Thursday 1:00-1:45 pm Character Dance I 9/96-4/97 Tuesday 5:30-6:15 pm Tap 1 9/96-4/97 Saturday 10:00-10:45 am Ballet/Tap 1 9/96-4/97 Thursday 10:00-10:45 am Mom 8t Tot Playtime 9/9-]0/28 Monday l Q:15-1 ]:00 am Mom 8t Tot Playtime 9/9-10/28 Monday 1 1:00-1 l:45 am Mom 8� Tot Playtime 11/11-12/23 Monday 10:15-1 1 :00 am Mom 8t Tot Playtime 1 1/l 1-12/23 l�Ionday 1 1:00-1 1:45 am Tunes 8t Tumbling 9/5-10/7 Thursday 10:] 5-1 1 :00 am � Tunes 8�c Tumbling 10/3 l-12/19 Thursd�y 10:15-l 1 :00 am \kathy\faclsc