HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/8/1997 - Parks and Recreation Committee j'�w . � � � ����,� L MCHENRY PARKS 8t RECREATION DEPARTMEN �f �p � `�`� _ �" PARK COMMITTE MEETiNG MINUTES � TUESDAY, 1ULY 8, 1997 C��� ���lL � 7:30 PM ���; � Members Presen� Committee Chatrman Bill Baird, City CIG ab am Althoff, Park Dtrector Pete Merket, Alderman Andy pxhers presen� Reporter Kim Palmiero from the Northwest Herald, Departmenta[ Secretary KathY Qutck Members Absent: Alderman Steve Murga�oyd The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm. . ��.� �* d�.�ation Canit�al D��t�rm�nt Plan 1 � \ d A ■ . ook lace on the items that have not been compteted on the 5 year Capital Discassion t p Devetopment Plan. The items are as fotlows: �) grookside Park Development �� 2} Petersen Park Waterfront lmprovements � 3} Knox Park Pool Development 4) Recreat�on Center Development Breaks� e Fark Park Dlrector Merkel informed the committee t�►at the �'ant for Bro��oin e�ea�rk was onee again sabmitted including the washroom bulldtng, storage and conc Aiderman Baird lnquired if we do not rece�ve the grant this�y�on of it�1� �o ahead with it, Director Merkel respanded that they will go ahead with a p �tp�rpa*�an Centt� Discussion took place on the prio�ies of the Parks 8� Recrea�on Departmen� The foflowing flve toptcs were brought up: 1. Athletic Fields _ 2. Recreatton Center 3. t�nox Pool 4. Petersen Park Waterft'ont tmprovements � 5. Bike Paths 4 . � A� � 3. Knox Pool 4. Petersen Park Waterfront (mprovements 5. Bike Paths Alderman Glab brought up the fact that if a recreation center ts going to be built he felt as though something needs to be put at the Southwest end of town. He also fett that the following concerns should be considered: 1 . Capital Devetopment . 2. Land Issues 3. Funding Chairman Baird commented that if a Recreation Center is to be built we first need to form a community group iri order to Ideas. Also discussed was if the Recreation Center would be paid for by passing a referendum or by issuing bonds. Director Merkel noted that approximately 3-4 architectural firms should be contacted to come in with some concepts of a recreation center. � � Items that need to be�determtned are: � - A financia( plan � - A steering committee - Tax rate - Location Parks 8� Recreation Director Re� Director Merkel informed the committee that the name of the park at the corr�er of Green Street and Route 120 is now Green Street Park. Custom Landscaping came in with the low bid of $23,000. for the landscaping of this new park. Director Merkel a(so informed the committeed that the Aids Ride wi11 be at Knox Park Friday night, July 1 1 th and will be leaving Saturday, Jufy 12th. Committee discussed when would be a good time for the next meeting. The 2nd or 3rd week August was agreed upon. Meeting adjourned at 9:]0 pm. /pete/agenda � r ��� v � . W�u� �� Park Conmittee C1�.a�zrnan