HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/17/1997 - Parks and Recreation Committee � PARKS AND RECREATION CONIIriITTEE MINUTES August 27, 1997 Parks Comm:�ttee Members : Bill Baird, Chairman; Andy Glab and Steven Mur<�atroyd arrived at 7 : 14p.m. Others Present : Mayor Steven Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, and Alderman Bolger arrived at 7 : 13p.m. Parks and Recreation Chairman Alderman Baird called the meeting to order at_ 7 : 07p.m. Chairman Baird stated the first agenda item was to continue the discussion on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, specifically the feasibility of constructing and operating a Recreation/Community Center. Chairman Baird also noted the need for public input and ideas . He suggested a committee of interested city residents be created. Director Merkel noted the Parks and Recreation Master Plan can be divided into two distinct categories; Indoor Facilities and � Outdoor Facilities . He stated existing outdoor facilities also needed to be evaluated for repair and/or renovation. Mayor Cuda suggested the architectural firms previously interviewed in 1994 and 1995 be contacted again. Intrviews could be scheduled with two or three of these firms and the committee could become better educated with regard to financing options, public input procedures as well as standard recreational center designs . Alderman Bill Bolger arrived at 7 : 13 p.m. Alderman Steven Murgatroyd arrived at 7 : 14 p.m. Discussion continued. City Administrator Lobaito concurred with Mayor Cuda' s suggestion noting public input might be better coordinated after the committee had a stronger concept of financing and design options. Alderman Baird suggested the next newsletter solicite preliminary input, asking the community at large what types of activities and amenities might be desirable . The committee concurred and directed City Clerk Althoff to include such an article in the October newsletter. Director Merkel referenced the attitude and interest survey conducted in 1990 . He noted the results of this study were still valid. These results supported the need and �- desire for a recreational center. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes August 27, 1997 '� Page Two Alderman Murgatroyd stated any recreational plans should account for existing programs and services . He stated currently park programs are conducted in numerous locations throughout the city. Alderman Glab opined a recreational center should serve the whole community with a family orientation. It was the consensus of the committee to direct staff to schedule interviews with two architectural firms, one prior to September 22, 1997 and one the first week of October. Chairman Baird suggested additional time be scheduled at the end of the second interview session in October providing the committee with an opportunity to discuss the next step. Alderman Glab noted expertise from the community should be solicited. Alderman Bolger expressed concerns with the operational costs of such a facility and suggested a percentage of the city' s retail sales tax dollars be allocated for the Parks and Recreation Department . Some discussion occurred regarding the offer by the Cunat Brothers to construct a recreational facility and lease it back .,.� to the city on a lease/purchase basis . In response to committee inquiry City Administrator Lobaito noted site selection would most likely be a separate process as consideration of access points, utilities, and numerous other issues need to be reviewed and analyzed. Director Merkel also noted the necessity and desirability of choosing a location near existing outdoor facilities in the event of inclement weather, staffing, etc. Discussion followed regarding obtaining community input . The committee recommended the next city newsletter be utilized to solicite preliminary ideas and volunteers for any possible committees. Director Merkel suggested open commu:�ity meetings be considered as well . Chairman Baird stated the need to bind the recreational center with the Parks and Recreation Master/Capital Development Plan to permit the implementation of the balance of the Master/Capital Development Plan if determination is made by the committee not to pursue the development of a recreational facility. Chairman Baird also opined binding the recreational facility and the Master/Capital Development Plan to each other permits the opportunity to inform the community of future plans for the city' s parks . ' "'� Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes August 27, 1997 �- Page Three Chairman B��ird recognized city resident, Mrs . Valerie Hobson. Mrs . Hobsori addressed the committee expressing her interest in developing a recreational center for the community. She informed council hei� idea of a recreational center would be to provide activities for everyone in the family including seniors . Alderman Bc�lger suggested other facilities be contacted for input and suggest:ions . Alderman Glab suggested consideration be given to leasing space to commercial entities . Director Merkel drew the committee' s attention to the article attached to the agenda supplement regarding recreational centers and recommended the committee peruse its contents . DIRECTOR'S REPORT Knox Park Handicap Accessibility Director Merkel reported a letter had been received regarding the absence of a handicapped access to Knox Pool . Director Merkel noted the difficulty of installing a permanent access because of the pool' s current construction and activities . The purchase of � equipment faciliting handicap access is recommended. Some discussion followed. City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee this item will be included in the 1997-98 budget for council approval . The committee stated approval of this action. Proposal for Engineering Services Director Merkel referred the committee to the copies of the engineering service proposals from Smith Engineering for the North Oak Park and Pebble Creek playground. The proposals include services for final engineering and bid specifications for the projects . Some discussion followed with regard to street parking and the apparent overflow of cars in these neighborhoods, specifically North Oak Park. City Administrator Lobaito noted the absence of a parking lot at these park locations was due in fact to the idea that the parks were to be neighborhood parks . He suggested this issue be addressed when park land is donated to the city, perhaps parking should be provided by the developer. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd' s inquiry regarding the difference in budgeted price per park for development yet the same cost for the engineering services, City Administrator Lobaito noted the scope of the design, engineering and bid specifications were the same regardless of the size of the project . � Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes August 27, 1997 � Page Four Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to recommend to full council the approval of the engineering service proposals by Smith Engineering for the engineering, design and bid specification development for the North Oak Park and Pebble Creek Park in the amount of $4 , 060 . Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd �'oting Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. Director Merkel noted the playground equipment desired for purchase for these parks is manufactured by several entities with a wide discrepency of material type and durability. He suggested the committee recommend to full council the waiving of the bid process and approval for a Request for Proposal purchase approach for this playground equipment . Director Merkel stressed the need for commercial quality equipment as oppose to the retail backyard variety equipment . Project Update Director Merkel provided an update on the following projects : ..� Fort McHenry Washrooms-the brick work is completed, roof framing and shingling will be completed next week. All materials are now in and completion is anticipated within the next 30 days . Brookside Park Turf Establisment-the grading has been completed and seeding will be done on Friday and Saturday, August 29th and 30th. The grant has been submitted and hearings are scheduled for mid-October. Director Merkel is hopeful the City will be successful this year. Bleacher and Picnic Table Installation-picnic tables and bleachers have been delivered and installed. The older equi�ment was moved to Knox Park for continued use . Roofing of the three Picnic Shelters-the two shelters located at Petersen Park will be reroofed with fiber glass shingles . Every effort will be made to match the reroofing at Veteran' s Park with the gazebo roofing to maintain symmetry and consist aesthics . It was noted if the project cost is over the 1997-98 budgeted figure, the project will be rebudgeted for the 1998-99 fiscal year. Parking Lot Resurfacing at Lakeland and Petersen Park- this project is tentatively scheduled for late fall, 1997 or early spring, 1998 . '�, Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes August 27, 1997 `— Page Five Green Street Park-work began Monday, August 25 and the brick paver sidewalk is completed. Planting will be done in the fall �ahen the weather is more appropriate . City Admin=_strator Lobaito also noted the city had contacted the propei�ty owner to the east and attempts will be made to coordwnate this project with his property. Director Merkel inforned the committee that Mark Justen of Justen Funeral Home has pledged a donation of four trees, the Polish Legion has pledged the purchase of a memorial bench. City Clerk Althoff was directed to send a letter of thanks to landscaper pon Heinz for his donation at Hickory Creek Farm and Green Street Park. PARK CON�IITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE Director Merkel recommended the committee establish regular meeting dates for the balance of the fiscal year. Some discussion followed. The committee instructed Director Merkel and Chairman Baird to develop a schedule for the committee' s future review. � Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab to adjourn the meeting at 8 :35 p.m. Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ��--�_ � Chairman William Baird �