HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/4/1997 - Parks and Recreation Committee . �-� t�-�� � � � �_� �_ , � PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES November 4, 1997 Parks Committee Members : Bill Baird, Chairman; Steven Murgatroyd Absent : Andrew Glab Others Present : Mayor Steven Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Representatives of the architectural firm Burnridge and Cassell, Charles Cassell and Gerald Burnridge . Parks and Recreation Chairman Alderman Baird called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 p.m. Chairman Baird stated representatives from the architectural firm of Burnidge and Cassell were in attendance to provide the committee with planning and financial information regarding the feasibility of constructing a recreational facility within the City of McHenry. Mr. Cassell distributed informational brochure about the firm noting their areas of expertise were in architectural design, � land planning, landscape architecture and historic restoration. The firm also specializes in recreational, educational, and governmental facilities . Aquatic consultants were also on staff . A slide presentation of recently constructed area recreational facilities was shown. Mr. Cassell noted one such facility supported its operational expenses with a daycare facility. All architectural designs permit total control of the facility by one staff inember. Access to the fitness center usually incorporates a higher or additional fee structure. The committee expressed interest in the aesthetics of Judson College . Mr. Burnidge explained in a cost savings effort, a metal facility was constructed however the front portion of the recreational center was constructed with masonry brick permitting an aesthetically pleasing look. The interior of these building types are of block and perforations as well, the metal is an exterior look only. Mr. Burnidge also informed council phasing options existed. Communities often constructed exterior pools with future plans for enclosure. Some discussion followed with Mr. Cassell stating the importance of incorporating financial strategies into the overall recreational facility plan prior to construction. Mr. Cassell informed council their firm could also offer consulting services � with regard to feasibility studies, financial projections, sample pro formas, marketing studies, etc . Parks and Recreation Committee � November 4 , 1997 Page Two Mr. Burnicige reviewed several methods of construction including architectual design, construction management, and design build. He also noted one general contractor could be utilized or multiple prime contractors . Alderman Murgatroyd inquired as to whether, in their years of experience, are recreational facility operations profitable . Mr. Cassell and Mr. Burnidge responded in the affirmative subject to a balanced multi-use blend of activities and equipment . Sample operational financial statments were reviewed and discussed. Mr. Cassell noted no mortgage or bond payments were reflected in the sample expense sheets . Some discussion followed regarding referendum preparation and passage . Mr. Cassell also stated the importance of nonresident fees which should be significantly higher than residential fees . He also noted many municipalities were forming partnerships with area hospitals . In response to committee inquiry it was noted a 5-8 acre site � would be sufficient and allow for on-site detention. Mr. Casell and Mr. Burnidge left the meeting at 8 : 10 p.m. BROOKSIDE PARK UPDATE Director Merkel informed the committee Smith Engineering has recommended a change in the engineering to correct a drainage problem located in the southwest corner of the park. A low area with poor soils exists which still retains water. Smith Engineering is recommended channeling the water into the existing storm drainage at the end of Spruce Lane. Some discusssion followed. City Administrator Lobaito noted installation of drain tiles might also correct the process and could be incorporated into the landscaping plans . City Administrator Lobaito also noted Brake Parts has landscaped a portion of the proposed area which will reduce the city' s overall cost . It was the consensus of the committee to proceed with the drainage correction at a cost of $3600 . 1998 COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE Director Merkel distributed a proposed committee meeting schedule for the balance of the fiscal year. It was the consensus of the committee to review the proposal and make a determination at the next committee meeting. � Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes � November 4 , 1997 Page ThreE ANY AND ALL BUSINESS Director Merkel informed the committee quotes for the playground equipment to be installed at Pebble Creek Park and North Oaks Park were obtained from two companies . Gametime, Inc. had the lower quote and better recreational quality equipment . Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee to recommend to full council the award of bid to Gametime, Inc . Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Baird, to recommend to full council awarding the playground equipment purchase to Gametime, Inc . of Oswego, Illinois . Voting Aye : Baird, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : Glab Motion carried. Motion to adjourn at 8 :45 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :45 p.m. � Respectfully submitted, William Baird, Chairman �