HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/28/1997 - Parks and Recreation Committee � PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES January 28, 1997 Parks Committee Members : Bill Baird, Chairman; Andy Glab, Steven Murgatroyd Others Present : Mayor Steven Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel Parks and Recreation Chairman Alderman Baird called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 p.m. Chairman Baird stated as the committee had viewed and obtained valuable information from the two presentations by the architectural firms of Sente and Rubel, Inc . and Burnidge Cassell Associates discussion should occur regarding the next phase of the recreational facility feasibility study. He noted $20, 000 remained in the 1997-98 budget earmarked for recreational concept development plans . Once a concept plan is developed, estimates of operational and construction expenses can be determined. Chairman Baird suggested the committee review the City of �. McHenry' s recreational program and determine what type of facility components would best support our current needs . City Administrator Lobaito drew the committee' s attention to a floor plan of the 56, 000 square foot Wheeling, Illinois recreation center built in 1993 at a cost of $5, 600, 000 . Some discussion followed regarding project phasing . The committee suggested any indoor or outdoor water facility be considered for a later phase . City Administrator Lobaito suggested looking at other recreational facility' s basic components including gymnasiums, locker rooms, office areas, multi-purpose rooms, fitness rooms, aerobic/dance rooms, arts/crafts rooms, and pre- school/daycare rooms . He suggested the committee consider a 40- 50, 000 square foot building initially. Once a concept plan is established, community input can then be solicited. City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee it would be staff' s recommendation to hire the architectural firm of Sente and Rubel to develop the recreational concept plan. In response to committee inquiry City Administrator Lobaito stated staff felt Sente and Rubel had more experience, specifically in the area of operational and construction cost analysis . In response to further committee inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito noted the final recreational center design and subsequent construction would certainly be bid. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting � January 28 , 1998 Page Two The committee instructed City Administrator Lobaito to obtain the final cost figure for the City of Mundelein' s recently constructed recreational facility. It was noted Mundelein' s population was approximately 26, 000 . Some discussion ensued regarding community involvement and the possibility of corporate and/or individual contributions toward the recreational center. Alderman Glab recommended this committee or the finance committee allocate specific funds and revenues for the recreation center. He cited the anticipated Meyer Material annexation as an example as well as 1998 developer donation monies . Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to recommend to full council the development of a Request for Proposal for the development of a recreational center concept plan to be sent out to a minimum of three architectural firms including Sente & Rubel and Burnidge Cassell with a not to exceed budget amount of $20, 000 . Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None �. Motion carried. Staff was directed to have the Request for Proposal completed and placed on the regularly scheduled February 11, 1998 council meeting for council review and action. Alderman Glab suggested potential recreational center site locations be discussed, particularly in light of the proposed temporary road construction on the Municipal Building property during Bull Valley Arterial construction. Alderman Glab also suggested timeframes be developed outlining the anticipated length between concept development, public input, bid specification development, bid openings, groundbreaking, etc . Some discussion followed regarding the Backhaus school site location along the extension of Dartmoor Road. Staff was directed to determine if Elementary School District #15 was still interested in this site . Alderman Murgatroyd suggested the allocation of revenue and funds be reviewed during 1998-99 budget discussions . He recommended the Park Developer ponation Funds be segregated into two subaccounts; (a) existing park projects and (b) recreational center project . � Alderman Glab suggested the finance committee recommend staff thoroughly investigate the availability of funds to begin the Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � January 28 , 1998 Page Three developmer,t and construct a recreational center in the near future . ATHLETIC LEAGUE PLANNING MEETING Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel provided the committee with a brief background regarding the scheduling of City field usage between the various ball leagues . He noted scheduling has become easier over the past year and recommended staff be authorized to process scheduling requests under Park and Recreation Chairman Baird' s supervision. Some discussion followed. A group ball league meeting will be scheduled regarding field usage . Council will be informed of the date, place and time . Any committeeman or aldermen wishing to attend may do so. 1998 COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE Director Merkel distributed a tentative meeting schedule for the balance of the 1998 calendar year. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to adopt as a tentative Parks and Recreation Committee 1998 schedule, the following dates : L., Tuesday, February 24 , 1998 Tuesday, March 24, 1998 Tuesday, May 26, 1998 Tuesday, August 25, 1998 Tuesday, October 27, 1998 Tuesday, November 24, 1998 Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Merkel reported the Brookside grant contracts had been executed and returned to Springfield for procssing. All expenses from this date forward can be expensed through this grant . Previous engineering services are not eligible . A project schedule is currently under development and will be distributed for council review. Projects will go out to bid as soon as approved. Director Merkel noted the grant terms stipulate project completion within eighteen (18) months . Director Merkel also reported an ad had been placed in the Northwest Herald advertising for part-time summer help. Many of � thesse jobs are key summer positions including a pool and beach manager. Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � January 2� , 1998 Page Four The Villace of Barrington has stated their intention to terminate in 1999 tr.eir association with the Northern Illinois Special Recreatior. Association. They have cited the expense and lack of village participates as the cause . Some discussion followed regarding the dues structure of NISRA. Director Nerkel also noted the Twin Cities/Chicago Aids Ride has changed its name to Twin Cities/Wisconsin/Chicago Aids Ride in response to comments from the state of Wisconsin. A request to utilize City of McHenry parks for the 1998 ride will be made to full council sometime in February. Director Merkel also noted the originators of this event are scouting the area for a larger site. Each year since it' s inception the participants of this event grow. The City of McHenry has obtained its TREE CITY USA designation for the 1998 year from the State of Illinois . Motion to adjourn at 8 : 55 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :45 p.m. � Respectfully submitted, 1 j,c1�11.�.,—� ,�c�,...—✓ William Baird, Chairman �