HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/25/1998 - Parks and Recreation Committee � , r ,-., � � �" PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES March 25, 1998 Parks Comn.ittee Members : Bill Baird, Chairman; Andy Glab, Steven Murgatroyd. Others Present : City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Jeff Varda, McHenry resident Parks and Recreation Chairman Alderman Baird called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 p.m. RECREATION CENTER CONCEPT PLAN FIRM SELECTION Chairman Baird noted three Recreational Center Concept Plan proposals were received from the following selected architectural f irms; Burnidge Cassell Associates Sente & Rubel Architects Williams Associates Architects, Ltd It is the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Committee to make a recommendation to full council as to which firm should be � selected to develop the City of McHenry' s Recreation Center Conceptual Plan. Director Merkel explained once a firm has been selected negotiations can begin to establish fees . The 1997-98 budget reflects a $20, 000 expenditure for these services . Based on the materials submitted, staff is recommending the architectural firm of Sente & Rubel . Some discussion followed. Aldermen Glab and Murgatroyd concurred with staff' s recommendation. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab to recommend to full council the award of contract to the architectural firm of Sente and Rubel for the development of a Recreational Center Concept Plan not to exceed $4 , 925 . Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. It was the consensus of the committee to place this recommendation on the April 15, 1998 regularly scheduled council meeting agenda. McHenry resident Jeff Varda stated as a parent and city resident � he adamantly supports the development of a recreational center and offered his assistance and support . ♦ ' ^ 4 Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � March 25, 1998 ; Page Two The committee concurred funding options should not include increases to the city' s portion of property taxes . Any municipal bonding funding mechanism should be reimbursable through sales tax revenues . Alderman Baird noted the cost of constructing the facility was, in all liklihood, feasible. Council and staff have expressed concern with operating costs . In response to Mr. Varda' s inquiry, Director Merkel noted a time frame of eight months to one year before bid specifications for a recreational center could be developed. Public input from the community at-large will also be sought prior to developing any specifications . BROOKSIDE PARK EQUIPMENT BIDS AND PURCHASES Director Merkel explained as part of the Brookside Park development grant, park equipment costing in excess of $10, 000 must be competitively bid. A list of park items were presented for committee review. Director Merkel noted bid specifications are being prepared for all items in excess of $10, 000 . In response to committee inquiry, Director Merkel noted Smith Engineering is completing the final engineering for the park' s utility and playground installation as well as the parking lot � construction. The firm of Direct Design is developing the specifications for the concession/storage building and will serve as the project' s construction manager. Director Merkel noted although all items over $10, 000 will be bid competitively, a minimum of three quotes will be obtained for all other items . Chairman Baird requested Director Merkel contact the Soccer Federation regarding their offers of assistance for equipment purchase, etc. Director Merkel noted meetings with this organization were underway. It was the consensus of the committee to go forward with the bid specifications for all Brookside Park equipment in excess of $10, 000 and to obtain a minimum of three quotes on all other required items. CONSERVATIION SERVIGES PROPOSAL TO PREPARE LAND ACQUISITION GRANT FOR PETERSEN FARM PURCHASE Director Merkel provided a copy of the service contract for preparation of the land acquisition grant for the Petersen Farm property with Conservation Services of Woodstock, Illinois . The Committee should make a recommendation for full council consideration and action. Some discussion followed. Director Merkel stated the focus of this grant application will be on the historic value of this property to the McHenry Community. � � . � • :� � Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to recommend to full council the award of a service contract to Conservation Services of Woodstock, Illinois to prepare the land acquisition grant for the purchase of Petersen Farm not to exceed $2, 000 . Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC USE OF HICKORY CREER AND PETERSEN FARM Director Merkel noted there has been some discussion at staff level with regard to the public use of Hickory Creek Farm and Petersen Farm. The Parks and Recreation Committee should begin preliminary discussion on future use and access to the public. Director Merkel also noted the completion of the bike path will increase public traffic to these areas. Some discussion followed. Director Merkel presented the following suggestions : -tours of the facilities during the annual Fiesta Days celebration -hayrides -development of a picnic area in conjunction with the bike path. A dedication ceremony, planned for this Spring, at the Petersen Farm property could also incorporate a tour of the Hickory Creek Farm Barn. The committee discussed the desirability of � developing a newe five year parks and recreation plan incorporating development of these sites. Chairman Baird suggested staff develop and maintain a list of use ideas for these sites for future reference . Staff concurred. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Pool Staff and Schedule Director Merkel provided the committee with an update on the summer part-time help staff hirings . Discussion ensued regarding the 1998 summer schedule of Knox Pool. Director Merkel noted the unusually late September 7th Labor Day holiday date and the difficulty in staffing the pool this long. He explained college and high school students hired for the summer have returned to school by the end of August . A lengthy discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee to keep the pool open on a daily basis throughout the month of August until August 30th. If the weather is unusually warm arrangements can be made to open the pool the weekend of Labor Day, September 5th, 6th and 7th. Tree City USA Director Merkel informed the committee he and Tom Schmidt attended the Tree City USA award program at the Morton Arboretum on Tuesday, March 24th. Alderman Glab suggested the Tree Preservation ordinance be resurrected and brought before full council for consideration. Chairman Baird suggested this item be � addressed at the next regularly scheduled council meeting under New Business . Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting � March 25, 1998 Page Three Veteran' s Memorial Park Plaque Director Merkel informed council a consortium of Veteran' s organizations has requested a new plaque be placed on the commerative stone in Veteran' s Park. The original plaque was donated by representatives of the DAR organization and upon contact, representatives of this organization have given their permission to replace the original plaque. The consortium would like to dedicate the new plaque at the annual Memorial Day celebration. Some discussion followed regarding preservation of the old plaque. It was the consensus of the committee to grant permission to the consortium to replace the existing plaque and to review the feasibility of preserving the old plaque at a new site in Veteran' s Park after it' s replacement . Director Merkel was instructed to obtain cost estimates for the old plaque' s preservation at that time for committee consideration. Request for Concession Sales in City Park Director Merkel informed council a request from the owner of Julie Ann' s frozen custard service has been received regarding selling frozen custard at park locations during special events and when recreational activities (baseball, softball, soccer, etc) are scheduled. Director Merkel explained, in response to committee inquiry, this type of request was previously denied � because of competition with City concessison services . The City currently offers no soft service custard or ice cream concessions so no conflict exists . Some discussion followed with regard to the City' s past attempts to privatize the concession services . Further discussion occurred regarding financial arrangements . It was the consensus of the committee to postpone this issue until further information could be provided. Director Merkel was instructed to provide the committee with more detailed information including payment schedules, timeframes, information from other municipalities and the names of other city licensed ice cream vendors . Request for use of Whispering 0aks Park for Easter Egg Hunt Director Merkel informed the committee a request has been received from the Interact High School club for use of Fort McHenry for an Ester Egg hunt on Saturday, April 11 from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Director Merkel noted as this event is a fundraising effort for the club, a fee would be charged each participant . City of McHenry ordinance does not permit charging for use of city parks therefore council must waive this criteria. Some discussion followed regarding parking restrictions and limited public access to Fort McHenry. It was the consensus of the committee to grant the Interact Club of McHenry' s request to use a city park to conduct an Easter Egg Hunt fund raiser on April 11, 1998 from 11 a.m. to 3 : 00 p.m. at either Petersen Park � or Knox Park. Fort McHenry was not a viable site . � ,, .. r Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting � March 25, 1998 � Page Four Some discussion followed regarding the April 1, 1998 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. The agenda was reviewed and Director Merkel was instructed to create the agenda supplements . Chairman Baird noted he had been contacted as to the Parks and Recreation Department' s interest in obtaining a used electronic scoreboard at no cost . In addition would the Parks Department consider a civic organization' s donation of constructing a • storage/broadcast booth at Petersen Park. Some discussion followed with regard to installation and maintenance costs in addition to availability and ease of access . Alderman Glab inquired as to the availability of statistical data on non-resident/resident/school district registrations for parks and recreational programs . Director Merkel informed the committee these figures were currently being compiled for future review. Alderman Murgatroyd requested committee input with regard to developing a policy dividing park developer donation fees into two separate funding catagories of Park and Recreation operating expenses and Recreation Facility Fund. Some discussion followed. The committee agreed with Alderman Murgatroyd' s recommendation �, and suggested the Finance Committee determine the percentage breakdown between the two funds. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab to adjourn the meeting at 8 :45 p.m. Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :45 p.m. I,��,�- V. �� � - r� -s � William Baird, Chairman �