HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/13/1998 - Parks and Recreation Committee a 1 � , ' � � CITX tyF McHENRY S&R P�rof cct#9siZ3 �au�Ex. ' . r « , ' ' ` ' + May 13,1998 �r �'Yt�GRAM�'TA�NT •Be¢resttion Ccnter BAS,�CFACILlT1' ,��,I Square�'e�f Administrativc Offices 2,238 E Gy�nnasium vvit�Clross Courts 9�900 Suspcnde;d Track 4,Od0 �. Fit�Css Ceuter—s izev.�r'��d°4 4,500 5. Sa�mas�" 274 � Y,ocker�tooms 4,500 �.����g��;���''�+�,`^ ' SO4 8. Commuaity Room 8s-�� � 3,610 9. Kitctien.:� or ��(��`'F'`"� `�'`�"t . 800 �� 62S ��R(�'�.�celAaobic Roams=�► . 2,004 12. Arts and Cra£ts R.00n�s"Z 1,300 13. G'�assrootxt A,ativit�es.__. �,,�i�..a� �,U09 14. Pre-Scha�l Rooms-3 • 1,2Q0 15. Equipment 5tarage R,00ms 1,600 �� 900 public Waslaooms . � b00 � 18. 7auitorlMainttnance 30Q 19. Activit��s Room $� 20. Racquetball Co�ats_2 1,6Q0 21. Stairs 7�0 ' 22. �levamrs 900 Sub-Total 43,467 Mcchan�ical S�ccs 10% . 4,34? Circulation 15% 6,52fl TOTAL 54,334 . . Pr�ority II 1. Pre-School Pa,rty Activity�toomJAr�a � 2. Additional C�asaroor�/Activity�toom k,000 4. 1,ouage Area for Fimess Ce�ter � � 5. Increase to Community C,enter � S00 SuL�-Total 3,000 IviGchanical Spaces 10% 3� Cir�u]z�tiolt 15°l0 . 450 TOTAL ' 3,754 �,r,r�;a�ta�s sP t�►sau�.seus.ao� _ � ----- � � � �� a � CT�'Y UF 14icSENRY s�Rua�e. . . . _ . . . , , . S&�t Pm�eet��81Z3 � �'RQGItAM S'fATENffi1TT �relimin�ry�atimttes A2ay 13,1�8 Ree�reat[on Center-�rogrum Spaces 1�8�Ser�s-F�'rat Floor �RAcii�nlAre�pe�cae � : , � ' . : .. c� fiiae�tnn.�.�se�'1"ptiou� : ' � - : . �- � � � � Notea •• • • .S�,g.F'� "' .. • � � � ' .i � '; , . ,. - .: ,� ... . • ,. • . .. � • . . • . ' - :i;' ' - . . - � . � �- • . . 104 Gyxnaasium C3yinn�sium with centcr high s�hoal siz,ed ma�n court and 2 cross courts. 1 $4's SO'+12'side aprons 3 sidesand fokting bleachers an onc side for 180 spectatoxs. Ma�c occnpam.y 3Q0 9,9�SF averail�4Q'x 110'main Eloor. 101 � Suilding 8t For: I Equipment Storage A.}Crym equi�nt�t 18'x 12' � : � - It�ax occupanoy N1A 12{I SF B.} Soecer e�uip�xnE 8'x 8' 64 SF C.}Volley b�lt equipment 8'x 8' 6�5F . D}Archery equipment 10'x,12' � 120 SF E.) t3yrr�astics eqc�iptnent 12' x 12' 1�4 SF �.) Tables and chairs 16'x 10' I�SF G) Miscel�aneous 128 5F � A.)Building storag� 8fl0 SA 1,btfU fiF Total 1tYl Sauns Me.n and Womcn 8'x]0'ea�ch 2 required ' � . ' i��s�� 27a sF 1�rlax occt�pancy 10 total � 103 1 Community Room Mniti-purpose Ro�n with seating fa 15U. Minimum 10 eaeh 34'x 64'movab�e partitians Max occupancy�15U 3,118 3F EntrylLaunge with attachtd toilets(160 SFj,and storaSe�2Q0 SF?. Service fram l�hen,aut�idc access and , labiry accxss. Has Gght and sou►�d contc+aI. ' . - Page 1 (� � � �: � . -�Renml�ArealSp�ce - . . • . _ Fa�ction�Descriptfan- � , .. � .� '. -- . � • 1Va�tfs • .� �. �54FG.. ��. . . . : _ . . - . . . ; . � . .. • � . . - . - . . . - _ � � . � . _ . . . - . � . 104 � 1 Kitchen Service I�ibct�cn near Commi.mity�Room and Activity areas. 3 basin sink,range and Max occupancy=4 800 SF coders,microwave,and food�ep ereas. Near exterior access far suppty and v�astc , handling with sta�rage(2(IQ S�"j 28'x 28=. 105 2 rcquirod. Azts&C�afls CraRs Room witb douabic s#nk. 3Q SF ea. Roam f,or large and smsil tables. Dryic�g areas, Ma1c occupancy=25 sta�a�ge fo�materisls(200 SF convnon to bot�h moms}. Near trn�leta,cornmosi equipment dS0 SF�ach � in each. Windows. 1,300 SF total 106 I Classroom Teaching/aerivity morn. Tables and chair,chalkboard�wdio aud video conirol. Yart Max aa;upancy=35 I,000 SF and windows. 3torage 20 SF. 107 3 required 1're-Schoot Rooms Pre-Sc3ioollAdivity P1ay Roama with tower cabinets for sto�age. Sink lvith base cabinets Max occupancy 24hm 1,200 SF s�nnd overhead cabinets. Toikt Ruom access,outdoor access,natural daylight Adjscent to 250 SF each Party Room. ZO'x 25'. � 108 2 re4uired Locker Rooms Mcns and Womea�s each£or l50 vs►ith 60140 separstion beEween C�ym and Fitness areas. 2,250 SF each 4,SQ4 SF 140 tineal fe�t af 1 and 2 lo�kers with to'(ets and showers. 15 SF each per uscx tMal. 2 at . ZS'x 94'. 109 2 required Family Changing Rooms Family changing areas with toilets an�shoPwer areas. �.ock�rs for 10 each 10'x 25'=28' 250 SF each 500 SP x 25'. . 110 1 requic�ed Community Entry Lob6ylcamman spacel�ending ar�alvcraiting. Msx uccupancy=12 120 SF . a.) S vehding machines with candimcnt.countcr-6'x 2{}' . b.) Spaee for lnunge area with TV-1 a�x i o° 10U SF a} Space for four 2 persau�tab2es SU SF esch 2n0 SP - d.) Display eascs-4'x 12' • 50 SF emch 50 SF Cic�cula�ion space+SO°Yo 500 SP Tota1 Paga 2 � � � w. � �RoamJ,ArealSpace . : � : - - � k�uctionl�esCrlpt�on �� - � �:. � _ � . I�ofes . : .Sq.�'t.'. ;^- . . . J _ . . . _ .. . . . . . . - , . 1 I1 1 racNiretl Tccn Room Game and play space for teen activity with starage. Audia and vi�eo confiroi with]ounge Max accupancy=45 900 SF � seating-24'x 38'. Near toitets and�try area. t12 Adivities& Child care and Activities Room with sink,base cabinets,and ov�rhead cabinets. Play 11oor Max occ;tpancy=30 80t1 SF Babysitting ILoom tabla and chair storaga adjacent to outdoar play. 113 � • � Game Area Game areahvaiting,adja�xnt te Pady Room. ZS'x 25'. �� 114 Admi�s4ratian a.) Administratia�Uffi�ee(A'}12'x 15'each(180 SF} 4 r�quired 7?,p SF Officcs b.) Workstations(B')-12'x I2'(without circulatioa-144 S� 2 r�qmred � 128 SF c.) Counter ares 8'a 12' � 1 requn+ed � . 26t)SF d) Opea of�icc area-4(C') 16'x 25' 1 r�equired Q00 SF e.) F'�le st�age►8'r 14' 1 required • 80 SF f.) Equipmcnt storage-8'x]0' . I reqmred 8Q SF g,} Conf�re�ct Rooms- ]4'x 18' 1 reqoired 474 SF -h.) Staff toikts-8'a S' d8 SF�cAch 9b SF 2,238 SF Total � 1 I S 2 cflw�s • 800 SF each 1,bU0 SF Racquethall • Stairs Between floors and as exit 184 SF each. 4'x 24' 2 reqaired 720 SF � Elevatar Elevatar 10'x !0' 2U0 3F Machine Room 10'x 14'. 140 3F 300 S� Note: All spaces tfl meet State bf Illmois Accessi�7ity xequirements. ' • Page 3 � � _ � � w �88 Ser�es-S�cortd Flovr . RoomlAi�ealSp�ee � � _ � � : . .�unctio�tlDeaciiption :- � . - . . . �.-. . � � . -k�tots� _ . - 'sa:� �. - -r � � • • � - •' - � • . • . . ' .. •. ' ._ • , . . . . 240 1 Track Sttspended Running Track with 3lanes. Minimum ID'wide x f 4001ineal fcet. Has Max occ�pancy-2a 4,0(10�F stretching ar�ea. Trackhas access from Fitness. . 2fl1 1 . Fitness Area Fitness/w�orkou#spacx�40 items cach t 85 SF each with 1 S%cirettlation. Cireuit Max occupancy=120 4,500 SF Total training,aerobic,fi�e weight iiaining area. F'ttness area bcsting and admin area with of�`ices and waiting arca. 2a2 2 required Aerobies R,00m Dance and acrobics roams with hardwood flaaring,mirrors,ballet bars,windoK►s with Max o�ccupancy=30 eacl� 2000 SF ea c�ntrol,cubbics for s�ttoe storage,36 SF ea. 3ourrd and air systGns cont�ol,eo8t and equipRncnt st�. ZS'x 4Q'each � • - J�nit,orial Spacts � Sa0 SF Puhlic Wasirno+oms 60t1 SF Sub-Total 43,�+67 SF Mochnnical spaces,walls,atxl partitiotts 16'/0 4,347 SF Circulativn I5°/. 6,524 Si7 �TOTAF. 54.334 3F' Nate: Al]sp�acrs to mcet Sbte of Iitinois A�cCessibility r�equirements. ' ���� Page 4