HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/15/1998 - Parks and Recreation Committee � PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES October 15, 1998 Parks Committee Members : Chairman Alderman Baird, Alderman Glab Others Present : Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Mike Pearson Parks and Recreation Chairman Alderman Baird called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 p.m. MCHENRY MARLINS SWIM TEAM REQUEST Parks and Recreation Director Merkel informed the committee the Marlins Swim team via a letter from Beth Eschner are requesting the City pay a prorata share of equipment costs incurred by the Marlins this year. A laptop computer, software and printer were purchased for a total of $3081 . 00 . In years past the City has contributed a third of the cost for these types of swim team � expenditures . The Marlins parent organization and McHenry High School District #156 have each contributed a third of the cost also. Some discussion followed as to the timing of this request . In past years, however, the parent organization has requested funding assistance prior to incurring the expenditure allowing city staff the opportunity to discuss these expenditures with the finance c�mmittee during budget discussions . Staff noted monies were not budgeted this fiscal year for this expenditure . Director Merkel noting the Marlins parent organization has recently installed all new officers opined the disregard for prior approval was, in all likelihood, an oversight or misunderstanding. A lengthy discussion ensued. Motion by Baird, seconded by Glab to recommend to full council the non-payment this fiscal year of the City of McHenry' s prorata share of computer equipment and software purchased by the McHenry Marlins Swim Team in the amount of $1027 . 00 and to direct the McHenry Marlins Swim Team to request this expenditure be included in the City of McHenry' s 1999-2000 budget for payment . Voting Aye : Baird, Glab Voting Nay: None Absent : Murgatroyd Motion carried. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes � October 15, 1998 Page Two MCHENRY PIGTAIL LEAGUE RE4UEST Director Merkel reported the Parks and Recreation Department was in receipt of a letter from McHenry Pigtail League President Leesa Nuff expressing the League' s interest in contributing to an additional softball field for the league' s use . Ms . Nuff noted the league had been able to accumulate excess funds this past season an3 would like to donate these funds toward the additional field. The League also offered to provide labor, from area businesses, to offset the remaining cost . Some discussion followed �ith staff noting preliminary cost estimates for field lighting was approximately $25-$30, 000 . Cost estimates for fencing were not yet provided. City Administrator Lobaito stated additional participation in the league has further aggravated field scheduling problems . Preliminary discussions with pigtail league representatives regarding readjustment of the softball season' s dates met with strong resistance. Some discussion followed regarding the potential for additional parks maintenance help. It was the consensus of the committee to reconsider the McHenry Pigtail League' s offer during budget discussions when further cost �. analysis for lights, field construction and maintenance will be provided. RECREATION CENTER DISCUSSION Director Merkel distributed the statistical data compiled by staff on non-resident/resident/school district registrations for all City of McHenry parks and recreation programs . The expense portion of the analysis contained costs only for supplies, materials, salaries, rental fees, etc . Janitorial services were not included. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the proposed City of McHenry Recreation Center Basic Facility Priority I building inclusions . Consulting architectural firm, Sente & Rubel provided a Basic Facility List of suggested inclusions along with square footage cost projections . General discussion focused on the desirability of charging non- resident fees to all residents outside the City of McHenry' s corporate limits, even those residents within the McHenry school district boundaries . Alderman Glab recommended the committee prioritize the recreational facility space needs according to current recreational program usage. The committee noted the need to provide services to different age groups including pre-school, ,� teenagers and seniors . Providing an area for babysitting services was also considered. Director Merkel noted all pre- Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes � October 15, 1998 Page Three school cl�sses might be centralized at the Lakeland Park Community Center building. It was the consensus of the committee to include the following amenities : -Administrative Offices -Gymnasium with 3 Cross Courts -Suspended Track -Fitness Center -Locker Rooms including family changing rooms -Community Room or large multipurpose room with dividers including kitchen facilities -2 Dance/Aerobic Rooms -2 Arts and Crafts Rooms -3 Pre-School rooms that could also be used as Classrooms -Equipment Storage Rooms -Public Washrooms -Janitor/Maintenance area -2 Racquetball Courts -Stairs -Elevators � Further discussion occurred regarding a gymnastics program. Staff noted these programs could take place in the multipurpose room. Director Merkel also noted if a gymnastics program became successful, a room, specified for only this use, might be required due to the large equipment required for this program. Further discussion followed regarding the feasibility of designated the Lakeland Park Community Center for City of McHenry Senior Citizen use and moving the pre-school programs to the proposed new facility. It was determined a specified room for only teen usage was not desirable. Video and arcade game features can be included in a centralized common area. Chairman Alderman Baird suggested the committee consider an outside roller blade/skateboard park. After a lengthy discussion staff was directed to investigate the inclusion of this feature more thoroughly. It was the consensus of the committee to prepare and plan for a Phase II Aquatic facility with an indoor and outdoor pool . This amenity might be included as part of the fitness center. The location of this proposed recreational facility will be addressed � at the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Staff was Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes � October 1�, 1998 Page Four directed �=o present two or three site recommendations for committee consideration providing the positive and negative considerat=ions for each site. Some discussion followed regarding the recreational center' s competition. The Committee noted a recreational facility of this nature will provide services for all ages . The facility' s use must be affordable however and maintained impeccably. The committee noted the facility would not, in all likelihood make money, however operational costs should be recovered through services provided. Other city funds should not significantly subsidize the operation of a recreational facility, particularly after the first few start-up years . Staff was directed to present preliminary operational cost figures iricluding janitorial and maintenance services . Staff noted comparable operational costs of other area recreational facilities would be difficult to obtain as these specific items are usually not broken out from other municipal expenses . Further discussion included the possibility of inerchandising via private entities, i .e . snack shops, clothing, etc . Staff noted �. the installation of vending machines would be more cost effective altho the addition of food services might be desirable with aquatic facilities . Architectural consulting firm Sente and Rubel have expressed their wish to have a site location determined before proceeding with their orientation plans and facility layout design. Sente and Rubel have also offered to review the potential site locations and provide an analysis for each site. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Merkel reported cost estimates were being prepared to return the property maintenance program to the Parks Department . He noted the greatest expense will be the equipment . Director Merkel also noted the 1998-99 budget reflects expenditures for turf management, playground improvements and forestry items . All these items will be expensed in the Spring of 1999 . Staff is also drafting the RFP for architectural services to expand the maintenance building at Petersen Park and for Petersen Park Beach front improvements . \.. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes � October 15, 1998 Page Five Motion by Glab, seconded by Baird to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 25 p.m. Voting Aye : Baird, Glab Voting Nay: None Absent : Murgatroyd Motion carried. The meeting was ad�ed at 9 :25 p.m. � Wi liam <�ird, Chairman � �