HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/17/1998 - Parks and Recreation Committee � PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES November 17, 1998 Parks Committee Members : Chairman Alderman Baird, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd Others Present : Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, City Inspector Marcinko, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Mike Perkins Parks and Recreation Chairman Alderman Baird called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 p.m. He stated the purpose of this evening' s meeting is to continue discussion on the feasibility of a recreation center. Possible funding sources and site selection were to be considered. FUNDING SOURCES BUILDING. . . . � Capital Funds- Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel explained funding for both the construction of the proposed recreational center facility and some operational costs need to be considered. Chairman Alderman Baird requested current financial information be provided in the future for committee reference. Alderman Murgatroyd reminded the committee capital development funds, in the amount of $750, 000 were segregated for recreational center use. A specified percentage of capital development fees received from this point forward to be allocated for recreational center construction has not yet been determined. Staff is estimating a total of $240, 000 for the 1998-99 fiscal year in capital development fees based on $1600/house. Some discussion followed. Director Merkel noted capital development monies can be supplemented with bond revenues. In addition council might consider allocating future annexation fees to this project or require contributions during annexation agreement negotiations . Further discussion followed regarding the desirability of using water and sewer fund monies for service extensions to the site. It was the consensus of the committee the water and sewer fund monies would not be a viable funding source for the recreation center project . �. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes November 17, 1998 �-- Page Two Monies fr�m the General Fund might also be allocated for recreation center development if council approved said action. Donations- Director Merkel stated the following donation means could be investigated and considered: -corporate and business donations -fundraising activities -private sponsorships and/or donations . A lengthy discussion followed regarding bonding and referendum options . Alderman Murgatroyd reminded the committee monies to subsidize first year start-up costs should be included in the total funding figure . He noted currently the City' s general fund subsidizes the parks and recreation department operating costs by approximately $150, 000 . City Administrator Lobaito opined it might be difficult to garner support for an increase in property tax monies to be utilized for recreation center operational expenses . Additionally he opined the inability of the City' s general fund to subsidize any additional operational expenses associated with the recreational center. City Administrator Lobaito, in response to committee inquiry, stated the estimated cost of constructing a recreational facility was $1, 000, 000 for � every 10, 000 square feet of building space. Alderman Glab stated it was his opinion to proceed with the development and construction of a recreational facility while council consensus was firm. Alderman Murgatroyd reminded the committee refunding of the 1990 GO Bond was being considered as interest rates are low. The current principal of this bond is approximately $1, 400, 000 . If this 1990 bond amount is extended back to the original principal amount of $3 , 000, 000 the $1, 600, 000 additional fund amount could be used as the designated public benefit percentage for the recreational facility construction. Chairman Alderman Baird reminded the committee monies would be needed within the next few years for the construction of a new larger public works garage . Discussion regarding recreational project phasing ensued. In response to Alderman Glab' s inquiry Director Merkel stated public opinion will be solicited after a blueprint/footprint of the proposed recreational facility including any phasing is developed by architectural consultants, Sente & Rubel . Some discussion followed regarding the marketability of a $3 , 000, 000 recreational facility as opposed to a $8 or $9, 000, 000 facility. OPERATIONAL. . . . \,,. Chairman Alderman Baird again requested staff provide the committee with current park and recreation income and expense figures for reference . Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes November 17, 1998 `,, Page Thre? Director Merkel noted currently 80-810 of the recreational program revenues cover operating costs . Staff has suggested the size of the recreational facility be 54 , 000 square feet . Discussion ensued regarding hiring a consultant to solicit donations and sponsorships . The committee stated the need to have a footprint/rendering of the recreational facility with cost estimates prior to soliciting public comment . Input from area school children should also be sought . City Administrator Lobaito suggested the committee not consider an advisory referendum question to determine the community' s interest and support for the project . PHASING. . . If phased the building should be constructed to make expansion cost effective. It was the consensus of the committee to eliminate plans for an indoor ice rink and prioritize expansion amenities in the following manner: Aquatics/indoor additional multipurpose gymnasium `- fitness center community room It was the consensus of the committee to combine an in-house soccer facility with a multipurpose room constructions . Some discussion regarding a potential Phase III for an outdoor swimming pool and aquatics center occurred. PLANNING ISSUES/SITE SELECTION After some discussion it was the consensus of council the best site for the proposed future recreation center is on city property located directly behind and to the west of the Municipal Building. The committee cited the proximity to the center of town and opportunity to expand existing parking amenities . It was also the consensus of council the Petersen Park site should remain open space and house large outdoor community events, ie : Fiesta Days, car shows, fireworks, etc . After some discussion it was suggested architectural consultants Sente and Rubel should review the site and provide the committee with suggestions as to the proposed building' s elevation and orientation on this site . City Inspector Marcinko recommended soil borings be done prior to final site decision as area water table levels are high. Architectural consultants Sente and Rubel will be invited to the � next Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. At this time a Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes November :L7, 1998 Page Four � sketch pl��n with cost figures will be provided. Prior to this meeting C:Lty Administrator Lobaito and Director Merkel will meet with Sentf� and Rubel representatives to review the committee' s suggestioris and recommendations . Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 07 p.m. Votirig Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Vot irig Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourne at 9 : 07 p.m. � �T.c.l�X-._ U� � William Baird, Chairman � �