HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/2/1999 - Parks and Recreation Committee � PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES February 2 , 1999 Parks Committee Members : Chairman Alderman Baird, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd Others Present : Mayor Cuda, City Clerk Althoff Parks and Recreation Chairman Alderman Baird called the meeting to order at 7 : 05 p.m. RECREATION CENTER DISCUSSION Director Merkel reported preliminary program statements and budget were received from architectural consultants, Sente and Rubel . The information was compiled based on the committee' s recommendations regarding desirable recreational facility components and accessories identified at the last Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. The committee should review and revise the budget and program statement prior to architectural � consultants, Sente and Rubel, proceeding with a Recreational Center rendering, floor plan and site layout . Director Merkel noted topographical maps and utility information have been previously provided to Sente and Rubel . Parks and recreation Chairman Alderman Baird expressed concern with the Site Work Costs and requested City Inspector Marcinko review the proposed cost/sq. foot totals . Noting the $1, 000, 000 plus cost for the proposed gymnasium he suggested this line item might be an area where expenses can be reduced. He also suggested a field house construction be considered, reducing the cost of building materials . Architectural consultants, Sente and Rubel, have also recommended requiring specific building materials as a means to reduce the total cost of the proposed Recreational Center building. Some discussion followed. Director Merkel explained flooring was the most expensive component in gymnasium construction. Citing public benefit, Chairman Alderman Baird suggested the City of McHenry consider contributing some monies to offset the projects total cost . However, Chairman Alderman Baird also stated lack of community support for construction and operation of a Recreational Facility should result in a reallocation of monies toward the Recreational Master Plan Projects . A lengthy discussion ensued. Alderman Murgatroyd expressed �, concern regarding operating expenditures . He opined an operating Parks ana Recreation Committee Meeting February 2, 1999 �- Page Two deficit would place an unfair burden on the City' s General Fund monies . The Committee also discussed the merits of a referendum. Mayor Cuda suggested consideration of a utility tax allocating all collections toward the Recreational Center. He stated the City of Woodstock imposed a 5o telephone tax and amassed significant dollars . The committee considered allocating all monies collected, from any successful Recreational Center referenda question, to its initial operating costs, not to the center' s construction. The proposed allocation would be stated in the referenda question. Further discussion followed regarding proposed funding of the Recreational Facility. Alderman Murgatroyd noted $1, 000, 000 of developer donation monies has been allocated toward the construction and operation of a Recreational Facility. Possible refinancing of the City of McHenry' s 1990 General Obligation Bonds will result, potentially, in an additional $1, 500, 000 . Mayor Cuda also suggested once the 1990 bonds are redeemed, the City of McHenry cease abating these tax dollars and utilize these monies for the construction and operation of the Recreational Center. Director Merkel noting the significant increase in single family home construction over the past year, opined the developer donation fund will also provide additional revenues for � the construction and operation of a Recreational Center. Chairman Alderman Baird recommended architectural consultants, Sente and Rubel, be directed to proceed with a pictorial rendering and site layout plan. He directed staff to review the site work costs and suggested careful review of specified building materials. Chairman Alderman Baird also requested estimated operational costs for the proposed Recreational Facility as currently designed be obtained. Mayor Cuda, citing similar construction and operating parameters, suggested McHenry Elementary School District #15 Superintendent Dodds and/or Assistant Superintendent for Operational Services O' Connell be utilized as a resource for comparable recreational center operational expenses . PARK MOWING AND MAINTENANCE RECONII�IENDATION Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel referencing the mowing report previously distributed to the committee, explained the report enumerate how additional staffing can accommodate the mowing of public properties, as well as how additional staffing can support parks maintenance in the areas of landscape improvements, natural resource management (wetlands) , forestry programs, park safety issues and ADA accessibility compliance . He noted previous committee and council consideration regarding an increase in staffing resulted in lengthy discussion and no �. action. The principal reservation expressed was the lack of a consistant workload, specifically during the winter season. A lengthy discussion followed. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting February 2, 1999 `.. Page Three In response to committee inquiry, Director Merkel noted the largest park areas were not mowed by a private contractor, but by the Parks Department Staff . Typically each of the parks; Petersen, Knox, Veterans and William H. Althoff require a minimum of two mowing per week. Director Merkel opined the purchase of new larger commercial turf care lawn equipment will reduce the amount of time currently required to mow these park areas . Director Merkel opined a reduction by one-third or one-fourth of total mowing man-hours . The new equipment could be purchased on a lease purchase agreement over several years . The committee expressed reservations regarding the Park Department' s ability to mow all the parks and public properties with only two additional staff personnel even with the purchase of new equipment . The committee recommended the Park Department budget for two additional personnel and focus on all other aspects enumerated in the report, ie : landscape improvements, natural resource management, forestry programs, park safety issues and ADA accessibility compliance. Citing time constraints, Aldermen Murgatroyd and Glab also noted the potential difficulty of initiating a complete in-house mowing program this year. Alderman Glab recommended the committee � consider phasing, over several years, the mowing of public properties by the Parks Department . In conclusion, Director Merkel recommended all volunteer Beautification activities be significantly reduced and reallocated to the parks Department Staff . He also requested the committee develop a job description for the forestry position and address inequities between the Public Works Department and Parks Department supervisory positions . The committee instructed Director Merkel to develop and present a job description for the forestry position and provide specific information regarding the discrepancy between the Public Works and Parks Department supervisory positions . The committee also suggested forestry expert, Thomas Schmidt, be involved in the coordination and supervision of the City' s tree-trimming program. The committee expressed extreme concern with current City efforts . Director Merkel noted the Parks and Recreation Department was awaiting copies of the final inspection report conducted by City of McHenry Risk Management personnel . Preliminary comments suggest electrical upgrades and removal and replacement of all City playground with sand ground cover. ARCHITECTUR.AL SERVICES FOR THE PETERSEN PARK MAINTENANCE BUILDING Director Merkel informed the committee $10, 000 was allocated in � the 1998-99 budget for architectural services for the expansion of the Petersen Park Maintenance Building. The initial design of this building allowed for future expansion to the west . The addition would be utilized as a garage and equipment storage facility. The services of an architect will be needed to prepare Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting February 2 , 1999 �. Page Four cost estimates, drawings and bid documents for the proposed addition. It was the recommendation of the committee to develop a Request for Proposal and obtain two or three proposals for comparison. The proposals can be brought to full council as an agenda item. Director Merkel noted a new, larger furnace may be necessary to accommodate the expansion. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PETERSEN PARK BEACH Director Merkel reported $10, 000 was allocated in the 1998-99 budget for engineering services for preparation of cost estimates for the Petersen Park Beach improvements . The developmental plan was prepared in 1997 by Ecologic Planning. The plan includes improved waterfront accessibility, road improvements, shelter installation, path development and landscaping. In order to properly plan for the development of this area cost estimates are required. The project may require phasing. Director Merkel noted grant funds are available for this type of development from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources . Boat Access Area Development Grants provide up to 1000 of the projects cost . South Riverfront Park, soon to be Miller � Riverfront Park, was developed with funds from this grant program. These grants are not cumulative like the Open Space Land Acquisition Development grant monies . Some discussion followed. Director Merkel reminded the committee consideration restricting horsepower on McCullom Lake should be addressed prior to the initiation of boating season. The committee instructed Director Merkel to proceed and obtain an engineering services agreement with Smith Engineering for this project . SZTMMER CONCESSION PROGRAM PROPOSAL Director Merkel reported last year the committee considered a request by Ed Burley of Julie Ann' s Frozen Custard to sell frozen desserts in City parks . The service would compliment and not compete with items sold in the City' s concession sites at Knox, Petersen and Althoff Parks . Previous attempts to privatize concession operations has meet with no interest . Some discussion followed. The committee directed staff to contact Mr. Burley and ascertain his interest in operating the concessions stands as well as selling frozen custard. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR' S REPORT Youth and Adult Athletic League Meeting- Director Merkel � reported the league meeting will be scheduled sometime toward the end of this month. The new Boy' s Baseball League President is Vic Freund. The Girl' s Pigtail League has yet expressed interest in contributing toward the purchase and installation of lights at one of the Petersen Park fields . The Boy' s League has also Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting February 2, 1999 L. Page Five offered to construct a score booth at Petersen Park. They have requested electrical assistance from the City. Some discussion followed regarding the donation of a new scoreboard by the Boys Baseball League and the availability of advertising space . In conclusion Director Merkel stated the Petersen Park dugouts need repair and should be addressed along with any score booth construction efforts . The committee instructed Director Merkel to contact the Ball League Presidents and coordinate these projects keeping the committee apprised of developments . NISRA Report- Director Merkel reported the Village of Barrington has recinded their request for withdrawl . Potential new members include Algonquin, Huntley and Lake-in-the-Hills . NISRA is also considering relocating corporate offices to McHenry Avenue in Crystal Lake . Knox Park Pool/Spring Equipment Purchase- Director Merkel reported staff is soliciting bids for pool lockers, a deck canopy, and diving boards in an effort to accomodate equipment delivery and installation prior to Knox Park Pool opening day. NEW BUSINESS � Fort McHeriry volunteer coordinators, Debra Glick and Debbie Hessler h�ive expressed an interest in hosting a five year anniversai�y celebration for Fort McHenry. The committee stated their support for the idea and directed staff to invite the women to a regu].arly scheduled council meeting. The women should present a proposal for celebration activities, etc . Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8 :45 p.m. Voting Aye : Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent : None Motion carried. The meeting was a 'ourned at 8 :45 p.m. ��,� , William Baird, Chairman �