HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/23/1999 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING � MINUTES August 23, 1999 Members I'resent: Chairperson Alderman Baird, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd Others Present: Mayor Cuda, City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Parks Superintendent Schmidt Chairman Baird called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. RECREATION CENTER FUNDING Chairperson Alderman Baird reported full council discussion at the August l ltn regularly scheduled council meeting had determined the proposed construction and operation of a city recreational facility could not be funded solely through general fund revenues. It was the consensus of the council to consider a referendum question. The committee discussed the advisability of initiating a public awareness program informing city residents of the recreational center proposal. Copies of the proposed architectural design, cost information, location etc. could be � provided at public meetings held throughout the community. General public opinion could then be obtained regarding possible plan revision and support of the concept. It was the consensus of the committee to recommend to full council the hiring of a consultant to develop and manage a public awareness campaign for the proposed development and construction of a recreational facility. Alderman Murgatroyd recommended the joint meeting between the McHenry City Council, the High School and Elementary School Boards address the recreational center proposal. He also suggested the committee investigate operational costs and determine if subsidizing is necessary. Alderman Glab suggested present user fees be reviewed and if appropriate increased. Director Merkel stated architectural consultants, Sente and Rubel, have available data which supports an average cash-subsidizing period of three to four years. Alderman Glab recommended Director Merkel obtain operational expenses and revenue figures from other recreational centers in the area. City Administrator Lobaito suggested these recreational centers be of comparable size and structural amenities. Some discussion followed. The committee suggested the following procedural steps: 1] abtain/develop operational costs 2] solicit public input 3] implement revisions `.. 4] place referenda question on November, 2000 ballot Parks and Recreation Committee MInutes � August 23, 1999 Page 'I�vo In the eve�nt the referenda question fails, Committee Chairperson Alderman Baird recommended the committee consider obtaining a facility to house, minimally, recreational classrooms. He suggested this option be placed in the Parks 5-year Capital Projects Program. Alderman Murgatroyd reminded the committee, several entities have offered significant monetary contributions toward a recreational center. He also recommended obtaining public input from different age groups insuring the proposed recreational facility provide appropriate services for the entire community. Motion by Murgatoyd, seconded by Glab, to instruct Parks and Recreation Director Merkel develop the necessary criteria to obtain quotes from a minimum of three consulting firms to conduct a public awareness campaign for the City of McHenry's proposed recreational facility referenda question and to obtain the quotes for committee review within the next three weeks. Voting Aye: Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. � F�.irther discussion occurred regarding the city's corporate limits versus the elementary and high school district's geographic boundaries. City Administrator Lobaito suggested Director Merkel obtain operational costs from the Village of Mundelein citing similar population and facility size. Operational costs should be segregated into two categories, costs with a pool and without a pool. BALLFIELD LIGHTING PROGRAM/PETERSEN PARK Director Merkel reported as per previous discussion Youth League officials have broached the possibility of installing additional lighting at Petersen Park fields number 2 and number 4. Staff subsequently has been working with Musco Sports Lighting to obtain specifications and cost estimates. The 1999-2000 budget includes $100,000 for the installation of lights at Petersen Park. Director M:erkel provided cost estimates and specifications for committee review. Some discussion followed regarding cost and lighting levels. It was the consensus of the committee to accommodate all types of ball play, ie: girl's softball, hardball, etc. Director Merkel stated staff would meet with representatives of the Youth Leagues to determine volunteer commitments and monetary contributions. � Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � August 23, 1999 Page Thre<y Further discussion occurred regarding bid specifications. It was the consensus of the committee to require the use of Musco Lights Systems as specified but to obtain installation bids. It is anticipated the project will begin this winter and be completed in the Spring of 2000. The committee also unanimously recommended including yearly maintenance and inspection services in the bid specifications. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT and POOL CONSULTANTS LANDSCAPE CONSULTANT...Director Merkel reported the park mowing and maintenance recommendation that was submitted to the City Council in January 1999 recommended the selection of a Landscape Architect to provide professional services for park projects. The development of a long-term relationsh�p fosters consistency with bid specifications and design as well as ADA com��liance standards. He noted the future development of Neumann Park, Petersen Park Beachfront, the theatre park, and downtown streetscapes. Some discussion followed. The committee instructed Director Merkel to proceed with the selection of a landscape architect consultant scheduling an interview with the final candidate during a Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. � POOL CONSULTANT...Director Merkel reported the 1999-2000 budget includes $10,000 for the selection of a pool consultant. A study of Knox Park Pool was suggested during 1999-2000 budget discussions. Architectural consultants Sente and Rubel have recommended two aquatic design firms whom have vast experience with pool renovation work. Alderman Murgatroyd expressed support for safety and maintenance renovations. In response to his request, Director Merkel reported most of the pool's equipment has been repaired and/or replaced. The only original piece of equipment remaining is the furnace. This past season included new locker installation, pool surface painting, and main pump replacement. Renovations would feature additional pool amenities; slides, wading pool, etc. A lengthy discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee not to pursue the addition of major pool amenities and the hiring of a pool consultant for Knox Park Pool only if the proposed recreational center referenda question fails. Director Merkel also noted additional amenities might require additional mechanical equipment. The pool's current location may not be practicable. He also expressed concerns with limited parking at the pool's current location. The committee directed staff to select a pool consultant and budget for normal maintenance and safety improvements. \.. Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � August 23, 1999 Page Four F1VE YEAR CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Director Merkel presented a preliminary list of possible capital projects. He requested the committee review and prioritize these projects . Noting the recreational facility would, in all likelihood, be financed with bond monies he suggested capital projects exceeding $50,000 be financed with Developer Donation monies. He also noted a financial plan could be developed insuring the completion of selected capital projects within 5 years. Petersen Park Beach E�ansion $200,000 to �300,000 includes road access, utility extension, picnic area, installation of fishing piers and boat access Director M:erkel noted the Petersen Beachfront improvement is eligible for grant monies. He stated an 80% cost reimbursement grant award would be typical for this type of project. Fox Ridge Park Development $250,000 west of Boone Creek includes parking lot and ballfield installation �.. Director Merkel reminded the committee of the city's commitment to begin turf maintenance at this park. Some discussion followed regarding mowing versus burn-off. Determination of temporary facilities should be considered, including a parking lot, soccer and baseball practice fields. In response to committee inquiry City Administrator Lobaito stated monies were included in the 1999-2000 budget for required wetland maintenance, specifically burns. The committee suggested any decision to burn West Fox Ridge Park be coordinated with other burns managed by contracted consultant, Hey and Associates. Committee Chairperson Alderman Baird inquired as to the status of the Boone Creek Venture Phase III plans. City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee Phase III was scheduled to appear before the City of McHenry Plan Commission on September 2, 1999. Some discussion followed regarding the installation of a temporary gravel lot. Alderman Glab suggested the committee consider the development of a dog park on the remaining acreage owned by the City, adjacent to the school site. The committee instructed Director Merkel to include this proposal as part of the 5-year Capital Development Plan. Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � August 23, 1999 Page Five � Freund Field Improvements $100,000-�200,000 ballfield renovation, parking improvements, playground installation, skatepark facility Director Merkel noted this park is located in the middle of town and is very visible. Alderman McClatchey has previously expressed interest in the installation of playground equipment. Director Merkel suggested the committee consider the development of a skateboard facility on the existing tennis court area. Committee Chairperson Alderman Baird suggested a skateboard facility be located near the recreational center and have easy access to the bike path and Police Department. Some discussion followed regarding the advisability of locating a skateboard facility in this park. Director Merkel noted the tennis court fencing could facilitate security if a skatepark facility was to be developed. He also informed the committee he would be attending an October seminar on skatepark facilities. Information provided at this seminar will be distributed to the committee for further review. Alderman Baird supported the ballfield renovation and the installation of playground equipment. Alderman Baird also noted the current ballfield's eastern infield had numerous holes and requested staff correct the problem as soon as possible. � F�zrther discussion occurred regarding skateboard park location and the extent of Freund Field Park improvements. Playground Renovations �200,000-$300,000 includes removal of existing equipment and installation of new playground equipment and safety surfacing as delinated: Creekside Park (SS) East Beach Park (R & SS) Fox Ridge Park (N 8s SS) Jaycee Park (N & SS) SS - Safety Surfacing Kiwanis Tot Lot (SS) Knox Park (R) R - Removal Lakeland Park (SS) Malibu Playground (SS) Petersen Park (R & SS) Veteran's Memorial Park (R 8v SS) West Beach Park (R) Director Merkel reported Gallagher Bassett Risk Control Consulting Services conducted a safety audit of all City of McHenry Parks including equipment. He also informed the Committee, Parks Maintenance Foreman Robert Combs has attained his certification as a Safety Inspector. � Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � August 23, 1999 Page Six Several p��rks require removal of existing playground equipment due to new federal AI)A standards as well as insurance safety requirements. Citing the $50,000 cost of North Oak Park equipment, Director Merkel stated the cost of new equipment even for a tot lot park is significant. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee to increase the proposed cost figures from $100,000 - $200,000 to $200,000 - $300,000. Director Merkel also noted new safety surfacing would be required at several parks. Sand, which is the current material used by the City of McHenry, for park surfacing is no longer an acceptable material. Wood fiber will be required. Bike Path Development $ No Cost Estimate Provided within various parks and/or public property City Administrator Lobaito noted the County Board has submitted an ISTEA grant application to fund the extension of their bike path between Route 31 west to the Union Pacific railroad tracks. Notification should be forthcoming in October. Director Merkel noted grant monies were available for bike path development, � specifically connections to the state's Grand Trail. The State has placed a high priority classification on the completion and enhancement of this trail. Committee Chairperson Alderman Baird suggested staff obtain cost figures for the construction of.5 miles of a bike path. Alderman Glab also noted the walking paths in Whispering Oaks Park need maintenance. He opined if the city developed bike paths future maintenance costs and schedules should be considered. Petersen Park Farm $ 50,000 includes wetland rehabilitation, trail system development, children's farm and development of picnic area In response to inquiry Director Merkel noted the $50,000 figure was developed based on the �45,600 donation by McHenry Savings Bank for wetland mitigation of their property on Route 31. Director Merkel informed the committee of a new state grant program, Open Land Trust, to maintain and develop open space. He suggested this grant program be investigated and if applicable the purchase of Petersen Farm Property be submitted for consideration. Meanwhile the original grant application to OSLAD for purchase was resubmitted. The field inspection was conducted on Wednesday, August 18th. Notification is anticipated by October. � Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � August 2�,. 1999 Page Seven Some general discussion followed. Director Merkel suggested the committee consider recommending to full council the acceptance of only cash contributions for parkland during annexation negotiations as the city was currently land rich. Committee Chairperson Alderman Baird also recommended, in the event the development of a recreational facility is eliminated, a building to house recreational classrooms be included within the 5-year capital development program. Alderman Murgatroyd reminded staff to incorporate staffing needs for all future park developments including the recreational center and/or park maintenance. In response to Director Merkel's inquiry the committee noted no immediate interest in obtaining additional land east of the Fox River. Director Merkel stated the next step would be to prioritize the projects and determine available grant funding. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Merkel reminded the committee of the Althoff Park dedication � ceremony on Saturday, September 11+�. He noted turf establishment and landscaping improvements would be continued over the next few years. The park's development will not be complete until 2001. Parks Superintendent Tom Schmidt will be submitting quarterly project status reports for council review. City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee Developer, Roger Gerstad, has verbally inquired as to the city's interest in accepting the detention pond in Phase III for an ice skating area. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee to respectfully decline Mr. Gerstad's offer. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Voting Aye: Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. , � . �,�� �- William Baird, Committee Chairperson �