HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 10/25/1999 - Parks and Recreation Committee Partcs and Recreation Committee Meeting �. October 25, 1999 Members Present: Chairman Alderman Baird, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd Also Present: Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, Assistant City Administrator Maxeiner, Deputy Clerk Kunzer, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Park Maintenance Superintendent Schmidt, Athletic Program Supervisor Perkins,Nick Daurio (MASF), Jeff Hurckes(MASF). Chairman Alderman Baird called the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. on Monday, October 25, 1999. Chairman Baird, noting the presence of Mr. Daurio and Mr. Hurckes from the McHenry Area Soccer Federation (MASF) requested Agenda. Item #2 Scheduling of Soccer Facilities be considered first. The Committee concurred. Scheduling of Soccer Facilities Director Merkel provided an overview of the history of soccer field usage in the City of McHenry. He noted the dedication of Althoff Park provided five fields, in addition to the Knox Pazk Field and the two fields at Petersen Pazk. The Petersen Park Fields have been created in the field west of Petersen Park Road, which serves to accommodate overflow pazking during Fiesta Days. Fields are also provided by McHenry Township (three) and the Village of Richmond � (two). The MASF is comprised of children from throughout the greater McHenry Area, including McHenry,Richmond, Ringwood, Johnsburg, Spring Grove, Wonder Lake, Woodstock, and rural County areas in this general vicinity. Director Merkel eacplained that with the development and completion of Althoff Park, the soccer fields would be eliminated at Petersen Park. Chairman Alderman Baird commented that this was not his understanding. The Committee concurred. Director Merkel noted there has been concern voiced recently regazding the fact that McHenry soccer players aze traveling to Richmond each week to play their games, even though the City of McHenry has eight soccer fields. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the complaints received from residents regarding the use or non-use of McHenry's fields by McHenry residents. The suggestion was made to seek land for fields from the Village of Spring Grove, as there aze approximately 200 soccer players from that area, and the Spring Grove Community has provided no facilities. In response to an inquiry from the Committee, Mr. Hwckes stated soccer games are scheduled on Saturdays only. The Committee suggested implementing Sunday games in order to accommodate McHenry residents playing on McHenry soccer fields. Additional discussion ensued. Mayor Cuda suggested representatives of the City meet with representatives from the Village of Spring Grove in an effort to secure additional soccer fields or land to create the fields. .� � Page 2 Parks&Recreation Committee 10/25/99 Mr. Hurckes reported the federation would have a mandatory spring cleanup weekend in which a1192 managers and coaches and board members are required to help clean up the soccer fields and manicure them for use for the new soccer season. Mr. Hurckes and Mr. Daurio were excused at 8:10 p.m Alderman Glab left the meeting at 8:10 p.m. The Committee directed Staii�to maintain three additional soccer fields at Petersen Park: ■ 1 in the Beach azea;and ■ 2 in the field west of the park entrance. These fields along with five fields at Althoff Pazk and one field at Knox Park would provide the soccer federation with a total of nine fields. It was noted the Knox Park field is scheduled to be graded and re-sodded next year. The Committee directed Staff make every effort to accommodate the needs of the MASF while Knox Park Field is under reconstruction. Lightins of Ballfields/Petersen Park Chairman Alderman Baird noted the McHenry Junior Youth League had been approached for � fmancial assistance towa.rd the lighting of the ballfields at Petersen Park. At this time, the League is unable to provide any financial aid. The McHenry Pigtail League was also approached; however, there has been no response to date. Director Merkel stated he is requesting direction to develop the bid documents at this time for the lighting of the Petersen Park Ballfields for installation in winter 1999 for use in Spring 2000. Discussion followed regarding replacement of bases on the ballfields. Staff will investigate the different styles of bases, and types of breakaway bases available. Input will be sought from the McHenry Junior Youth League and the Pigtail League. The compiled information will be brought back to the Committee for a recommendation. In response to an inquiry, it was noted the City would provide the electricity for the lighting of the fields and far the scoreboard. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Baird, to recommend to the full Council that Staff be directed to prepare bid specifications and documents for providing electricity for the lighting and scoreboard of Field No. 2 and the lighting of Field No. 4 at Petersen Park. All ayes. Motion carried. � � Page 3 Pazks and Recreation Committee 10/25/99 Landscaqe Architect Director Merkel reported City resident Todd King has offered his services on a part time basis as a Landscape Architect for the City's pazks landscaping and development. Mr. King is employed by the Village of Schaumburg Pazk District. He would retain that position and be compensa.ted on a part time basis if selected for this position. Mayor Cuda stated the City of McHenry would require a letter from the Village of Schaumburg granting permission for Mr. King to be compensated for his services by the City of McHenry on a part time basis. Alderman Glab returned to the meeting at 8:24 p.m. Director Merkel suggested Mr. King be invited to attend the next Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting to meet members of the Committee. Director Merkel noted prior to that time a letter will be secured from the Village of Schaumburg and a proposed. hourly rate of pay be deternuned. The Committee concurred. Plav�round Epuiament Removal and/or Realacement Director Merkel presented the Committee with a letter da.ted October 24, 1999 from Robert Combs, Certified Playground Safety Inspector. Mr. Combs is Pazk Maintenance Foreman for the � City of McHenry. Mr. Combs noted several pieces of playground equipment should be removed as there is splintering, entrapment zones, and no proper replacement parts available. Director Merkel stated the existing playground equipment would require a major renovation within the next few years. Director Merkel is seeking direction from the Committee as to what if any immediate action should be taken wfth regazd to the defective equipment. Chairman Alderman Baird asked that the report from Mr. Combs be organized and presented in a more legible type. He noted this matter should be brought back to the Committee for action at the next meeting. Director Merkel noted Staf�'s recommendation is to remove the wood climbing unit at Knox Pazk, and the swings and slides at both East Beach Park and West Beach Park. It was the consensus of the Committee to follow Stai�s recommenda,tion. The replacement of park equipment will be included in budget discussions for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. Recreation Center Discussion Director Merkel reported he, Mayor Cuda and City Administrator Lobaito met with Sente & Rubel. Sente & Rubel is recommending the next step towazd the development of a Recreation Center should be to hire an outside consultant to determine proposed operational costs of the Center. Sente & Rubel has recommended a consultant to Director Merkel, who noted Staff is seeking a recommenda.tion to begin the process of hiring this consultant. City Administrator Lobaito noted the consultant would be able to show the City how to sell memberships. He suggested the consultant be brought before the Committee in November. � � Page 4 Pazks and Rec�•eation Committee 10l25/99 Chairman Alderman Baird noted the Center should have a facility ma.nager. The Center would be open seven days per week from approximately 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. The cost for ma.nagement and staff'mg of the Center would be computed as a part of the operationa.l costs determined by the consultant. It was the consensus of the Committee to invite the consultant to the November Committee meeting and that a determination as to sending this issue before the pubIic in the form of a referendum shall be made at that time. Mayor Cuda noted the City must decide by January 18, 1999, if there will be a referendum question in the March Primary regarding the Recreation Center. Director's Renort Fencing Projects: Director Merkel stated there are several proposed fencing projects in need of work. He is recommending the specifications and bid documents be prepared and that the work be let as one bid. As the project will cost more than $10,000, Director Merkel will bring this request to full Council for authorization to move forward in preparing the specifications and bid documents. Vehicle Purchase: Director Merkel noted he would work with Assistant City Administrator Maxe'vner to develop the � specifications and bid documents for a full crew cab truck to be used for the transport or part time staff. This vehicle would not be utilized for snowplowing. The pmposed cost of the vehicle is$36,000. This matter will be presented to full Council for authorization to go out for bid. Park Rangers: Director Merkel reported a third part time Ranger position was added this year. The addition of this position facilitated scheduling. Director Merkel noted there were only one or two days during the entire eight-month Ranger Season in which coverage was not provided by the rangers. It was also noted pazks vandalism was at an all-time low. A wrap up and evaluation meeting is scheduled with the Park Rangers and Police Department on Friday, October 29, 1999. Funding Requests: Director Merkel, citing the potential availability of Illinois First Program Funds, stated Staff has determined projects, which could be funded by these monies if received from the State. Notable projects include: • Peterser►ParkL�ghting $100,000 ■ Neumann Park)�velopment $ 50,000 • Playground Renovations $ 80,000 ■ Petersen Pazk ■ Fox Ridge Pazk ■ Petersen Park Utility Extensions $125,000 ■ Watet/Sewer to beach area ■ Freund Fietd Renovation $125,000 • Playground ■ Parldng � � Page 5 Pazks and Recreation Committee 10/25/99 Chairman Ald�rman Baird suggested full Council be invited to pmvide input of potentia.l projects to be submitted for funding. Director Merkel reported the grant application has been prepared for the Open Land Trust Grant request. Once grant guidelines ha.ve been received, the information will be provided to full Council. New Business Chairman Alderman Baird reported a City of McHenry expanded baseball program is in the process of de��elopment. More information regazding this program will be provided to the Council at the next City Council Meeting. Adiournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd,t adjourn at 9:10 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried. `'' Respectfully submitted: ' , � - William Baird, Chairman McHenry Pazks and Recreation C 'ttee �