HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/28/2000 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE � MINUTES February 28, 2000 Members Present: Chairperson Alderman Baird, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd Others i�l Attendance: City Clerk Althoff, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, .�thletic Supervisor Michael Perkins, Park Maintenance Superint:endent Tom Schmidt Volunteer Project Zone representatives: Carol Chrisman, Marty Kampmf�ier and Bud Smith Chairperson Baird called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He noted the purpose of this evening's committee meeting was to interview two architectural firms interested in designing and developing bid specifications for the City of McHenry's �roposed skate park. Architectural Firm Presentations `.• 3D DESIGN STUDIO-- Mr. Daniel Dalziel of 3D Design Studio of Grayslake was introduced. Mr. Dalziel provided the committee with information regarding P��s fir.ms qualifica�ions and expertise. He no�ed his firm designed the Grayslake Skateboard Park working closely wi�th both village Officials and the community's youth. The firm is interested in designing both the Skate Park and the BMX track. He and equipment manufacturer TrueRide have formed a development partnership. In response to committee inquiry Mr. Dalziel also noted the 3-5 acre site could easily accommodate both a BMX track and a skate park facility. He also suggested a separation between the two components noting the proposed site area's natural terrain will facilitate this design recommendation. Addressing maintenance concerns Mr. Dalziel noted as the F�MX bikes are non-motorized track maintenance will be minimal. TrueRide provides technical expertise and has designed both skate parks and BMX trails. TrueRide ramp equipment is modular permitting redesign and variation. The ramp equipment has a ten-year guarantee. Further discussion followed regarding vandalism, insurance liability, safety issues and design accommodations for different levels of expertise. The committee recommended full council consider passage of an ordinance requiring all persons utilizing City of McHenry Park facilities to �-- wear the appropriate safety equipment. `,,, Parks ar.d Recreation Committee Minutes Februar�r 28, 2000 Page 'I�vo In concll�sion Mr. Dalziel stated his firm should be selected because of their tec:�nical support partnership with TrueRide and their recent exhaustive research and review of American skate parks. He also noted his prop,�sal contained no cost figures as the submittal directions specified only qualification and experience were to be addressed. Mr. Dalziel was excused at 8:15 p.m. Thompson, Dyke 8� Associates—Mr Todd Reese and Daniel Ditscheit from the architectural firm Thompson, Dyke 8� Associates were in attendance. Mr. Reese provided the committee with the skate park design qualifications and expertise of Thompson, Dyke 8s Associates. He presented a six-minute power point presentation highlighting skate park demographic information. He also noted his firm was familiar with the McHenry area as Thompson, Dyke 8v Associates had done some work for the City of McHenry in the recent past. He also noted the value of a clay- model and suggested the committee consider commissioning one. He � also noted the proposal as submitted did not include any plans for the BMX track. Thompson, Dyke 8v Associates typically do not design BMX trails. Mr. Reese noted the firm recommended a concrete design citing low maintenance. In response to committee inquiry he noted design alteration and variation could be accommodated via sawcuts. Further discussion followed weighing the merits of wood and concrete design. Drainage grates are installed, however the design and location do not impede usage. Mr. Reese suggested the skate park be fenced and usage rules be posted. The typical fence is chainlink and is approximately 3' in height. Some discussion followed regarding liability and safety and skate park maintenance. Mr. Reese suggested the committee consider installing steel edges along some concrete features to enhance skate "grinding". In response to committee inquiry Mr. Reese stated the concrete contains no precast sections. Ms. Chrisman, ProjectZone volunteer, noted some area tradesman have offered to donate time and material to this project. In response to her inquiry Mr. Reese noted the donation of concrete would be welcome. � Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � FebruarS� 28, 2000 Page Three Further discussion followed. Mr. Reese noted a fourteen-week period was typic;ally needed to obtain area input, develop a design and draft bid specifications. An additional eight to twelve weeks is needed for construction. Mr. Reese iterated the Thompson; Dyke proposal did not include BMX trail design and construction. He noted this component could be addressed separately and the additional cost would be minimal. Mr. Reese stated his firm should be selected because they had the most experience in skate park design, had ready resources as a large firm, and had successful completed three parks in the Chicagoland area. Mr. Reese and Mr. Ditscheit were excused at 9:30 p.m. A brief discussion followed. Chairperson Alderman Baird suggested the volunteer• committee meet separately and submit a recommendation to the Parks Committee before their next meeting, Wednesday, March 22na at 6:30 p.m. A cost estimate will also be obtained from 3D Design. This � information will be provided the volunteer committee before the next meeting. Parks and Recreation Director's Report MCHENRY 3HAMROCK BASEBALL ASSOCIATION GUIDELINES- A copy of the guidelines were distributed for committee comment and review. C:hairperson Alderman Baird also noted the appropriate insurance had been obtained and field usage schedules had been coordinaied with other ball leagues. Some language modifications were suggested. Item #13 should provide for a higher percentage of McHenry County participants and Item #22 should provide better notification to the City of McHenry's Park and Recreation Department when guideline revisions and/or amendments are made. Chairperson Alderman Baird stated thc�se revisions will be incorporated into the guidelines and submitted to full council for review and comment in Friday's agenda packet. Chairperson Alderman Baird also requested the committee consider and recommend approval to full council for the purchase of a portable- pitching mound. He explained the Association would reimburse the City in two installments. One-half of the expense would be reimbursed this � season and the balance next season. Some discussion followed. "1 r� '\ ;<:t ; ,, , ��:t � , • �t . � ,, ,; � . r _ , � �. . . , "'� Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes February 29, 2000 � Page Four Chairperson Baird noted the McHenry Boys Baseball League has ofFered to donate $300 toward the portable mound purchase as well. This equipment wiii be made available to other ball leagues. It was the consensus of the committee to recommend to full Council the authorization of an unbudgeted expense to purchase a portable pitching mound with the understanding the Shamrock Baseball Association would be reimbursing the City for the futl purchase price prior to calendar year end, 2001, and donating to the City with one hatf to be paid in 2000 and one half in 2001. Alderman Murgatroyd left the meeting at 10:07 p.m. PROJ ECT U PDATES: Petersen Park Maintenance Building - Director Merkel noted the Petersen Park Maintenance Building is 90% complete. The Park maintenance vehicles are now being housed at this facility. Outdoor restoration needs to be completed. Ballfield Lighting Bids - Director Merkel informed the committee a bid �.- opening was scheduled for tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. Several bids were submitted. It is anticipated these lights will be instalted during the 2000 bail season. Neumann Park Bids - Director Merkel informed the committee the general terms and conditions of the design contract were being reviewed by the City Attorney. Upon rompletion this project will be let for bid submittal. A project cost can then be obtained for inclusion in the 2000-20001 budget. Construction would not occur until after August 15t. Petersen Farm Wetland Restoration - Current property owner, Cor�ands, is working with the Soil and Water Conservafiion Department to evaluate the area and determine the project's scope. The Soil and Water Department will be the coordin�ting agency. Application deadline for the Open Land Trust Grant is April 1�. The Parks and Recreation Department is currently working with consultant Ken Fiske to complete the City's application. Mr. Fiske has volunteered his services for this project. PLAYGROUND RENOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Director Merkel suggested this toplc be addressed more fully at the next Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. Both Petersen and Knox Parks should be � Parks an d Recreation Com�i�tee Minutes � Februar�T 28, 2000 Page Fiv�� considered. Equipment and ballfiei�d�lesign for Freund Field will also be addressed as per Alderman McClatchey's request. FIVE YEAR CAPIT�,L DEVELOPMENT PLAN-Director Merkel noted Marquet�:e Univ�rsity students were working, as a class project, on a five year pro�ram for the City o�McHenry's Park and Recreation Department. Further discuss�on regarding the capital plan will be addressed more fully at the next Parks and Recreation Department Committee meeting. Mc�ttifln �y Glatar s.econded by Baird to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. Voting Aye: Baird, Glab VQting 11Tay: None Absent: lt�urgatroyd �Iotion carried. �I�e m�ting was adjourned at 1�:20 p.m. �. _ �� v , � �� William..B�r�, G�airperson �