HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/22/2000 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING � MINUTES March 22, 2000 Members Present: Chairperson Alderman Baird, Alderman Murgatroyd Alderman Glab arrived at 6:40 p.m. Others Present: City Clerk Altho�', Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel Volunteer Project Zone representatives Carol Chrisman, Marty Kampmeier, and Bud Smith Chairman Baird called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He noted the purpose of the committee meeting was to evaluate the two architectural firms who interviewed for the design and development of the proposed skate park facility on February 28�►. Mr. Smith sta.ting he was the desig�ated spokesperson for the Skate Park volunteer group opined the comrnittee preferred the firm of Thompson, Dyke and Associates from Northbrook, Illinois. He noted the firrns' preference for a concrete structure as well as their expertise and familiarity with skate park design and construction made them the natural choice. Mr. Smith also ciarified the volunteer group's desire to pursue the inclusion of a BMX non- motozized bike track as part of the skate park facility. Thompson, Dyke and Associates representative, Todd Reese, had stated, during the February 28� interview, his firm neither design or oonstruct BMX tracks. � Committee Chairperson Alderman Baird e�ressed some concern with concrete's tendency to crack and chip. He requested staff address these concerns with Thompson, Dyke and Associates prior to construction. In response to committee inquuy, Staff noted conversations with mana�ement and on-site visits of skate park facilities have resulted in favorable comments regardin� the maintenance of concrete skate facilities. Coping or metal edge installation of skate park components will be included in the proposed design. Repair, patching and design alteration can be accommodated with little cost and or difficulty. The comrnittee directed Staff to obtain maintenance information from other concrete skate park facilities with similar weather conditions for future review. The volunteer committee request� every attempt be made to complete the skate park facility prior to Winter, 2000. Alderman Baird stressed the importance of completing the project in a timely fashion, however cautioned project integrity would not be sa.crificed in an attempt to meet an arbitrary deadline. Skate Park volunteer, Ms. Chrisman, also informed the committee Representative Franks has offered to seek member initiative monies for the project. A fund raising event was also been planned for Saturday, May 20+�. Cammittee Chairperson Baird informed the volunteer committee he would present the committee's recommendation regarding Thompson, Dyke and �.,,. Associates at this evening's regularly scheduled. council meetin�. Some � Parks and Recrea.tion Committee Minutes March 22, 2000 Page�vo discussion followed. Chairperson Alderman Baird requested staff provide clarification regarding the city's stated financial obligation for skate park design and project management. Some discussion follow+ed. It was the consensus of the committee and volunteer representatives to proceed with development of the BMX bike track even though this aspect of the skate park facility will not be the responsibility of Thompson, Dyke and Associates. Chairperson Alderman Baird directed staff to manage the coordination of both these projects. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab to recommend to full council the selection of axchitectural firm, Thompson, Dyke and Associates to design and manage the construction of a skate park and to authorize staff to begin contract negotiations. Voting Aye: Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd, Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. � At Alderman Glab's request, some discussion followed regarding residency requirements for ball teams sponsored by area businesses. Currently the City requires an 80% residency participation rate. Parks and Recreation Chairperson BaiYd directed staff to investigate and present to the �mmittee current ball league rosters for review and consideration. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd to adjourn at 7:24 p.m. Voting Aye: Ba.ird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. �c � William Baird, Chairperson � `..