HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/21/2000 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATIQN COMMITTEE �, MINUTES June 21, 2000 Members Present: Chairper�on Alderman Baird, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd Others in Attendance: City Clerk Althoff, Assistant Administrator Maxiener, Alderman Bolger, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, Park Maintenance Superi.ntendent Tom Schmidt Chairperson Baird called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. RECI�tEATIa1�i CENT�R REFERENDUl� DISCU3SIU11i I�ire�tor Qf Parks an.d Recrea.tion Merkel initiated discussion regardin.g the advisability of plac.ing the recreational center referendum question on the November ballot in light of McHenry High School District 156 recent annauncement of their intent to alsa plaee the higki school referendum question on the November ballot. It was the consensus of the committ�e to place the recreation center referendum question on the November ballot. Alderman Bolger opined the recreation center referendum � �uestion would not succeed if placed on the November bailot in addition tQ the high sehool referendum question. Some discussion followed regarding the most essential recreational programs. Director Merk�l stated the most popular programs in�luded dance, adult athletic, preschool,�itne�s and craft classes. It was the consensus of the conzmittee the inclusion of ineeting/classrooms in the final recreation center design was crucial. Alderman Glab also noted the inclusion of a fitness center was imperative, as this amenity�crould produce significant revenues to offset operational costs. Aldermari Bo�ger �uggest�d the cQmmittee consider leasin�g the nQw vacant Motorola facility located in the McHenry Corporate Center for the recreational facility, Some discussion follnwed regarding.safety and vehicular traffic issues. In resgQn�e to Cha.irgerson Alderman Baird's inquity, Assistant Administrator 11Baxeiner in.formed the comm�ittee bond counsel; �hapman 8s Gutler were develoging the appropriate and legally correct referendum. question Ianguage for council c�nsideration. The refer�ndum language should be completed within the next week or twQ. Assistant Maxiener �xplained the referendum question language development was more `— complex than origina.11y understood, as the fuiancing mechaxusm selected by council was com�lex and required voter approval on several separate "\ '\ '� �ppC70�V�C7C7C7pp����W0�0�0�0��000�C70�0�CJ��00C7�C7��C7C1�OC70C7��00VC7��WO0�0��V0� Parks and Recreation Comm��te� Min�tes � June 21, 2000 Page 'I`v�rQ actions. Voters will need to apgrove the pragerty tax increase, establishmenr of a re�reational property tax levy and the re�ommended tax rate. Director Merkel noted the 2000-01 budget includes $50,000 for e�enditures incurred associated with the development and puhlic education of the recr�ation center r�ferendum question. Ghairperson Alderman Baird ogined placement of the recreatian center refer�ndum question �n th� November ballot wa.s prefer�bl� to �lacement on the April ballot as four of the su� City Qf McHenry corporate authority positions w�uld be on the ball�t permit�ing a significant �hange in the makeup of the council. This council should determine the recreation �ent�r issue_ Discussion continued yvith the committee noting providing accurate a� well as complete information to the public regarding the proposed referendum question(s) would be a challenge. The information should include minimally; site location, construction �ost, funding mechanism and plan renderings. Chair�erson Alderman Baird aiso suggested a table comparing the City of McHenry's recreatiQnal services, � }�rograms and tax rate to other McHenry County muni�ipalities are in�orporated into any informational mat�rials. The committe� directed st�ff to submit the ref�rendum language to full �ouncil for final discussion and consideration. McHenry High School student, Courtney Foster suggest�d the committee consider adding raffles and other activiti�s as part of the Gity's general avvareness and informational recreation �enter campaign. UPDATE MCHENRY ZONE BKATEPARK Director Merkel provided the committee with a copy of the d�sign plans and fun�iraising reporr for the propo��d Skate�ark. He rep�rr�d bid specif'ications ar� being developed by architectural �rm ThompsQn, Dyke and Associates and it is anticipated bids will be sought and reviewed during the month of July with a formal letting in early August. The plans as presente�i include an optional as�halt-walking path around the park, �Qvered shelters, a landscaged entrance and benches. The e�s�ing g,rav�l lot will provide parking. The proposal also include� a second phase for the development of a BMX tra�k. `.. Parks arEd Recreation Commi�tee Minutes � J�ne 21, 2000 Page Three Currenr fund raising efforts in�lude: Representative Franks member initiative $100,000 McHenry Kiwanis Noon Club $ 30,000 McHenry Rotary Club $ 10,000 McHenry Lions Club $ 3,000 May auction $ 15,000 Russ Weyland memorial donations $ 3,500 Miscellaneous and anonymous donations $ 1,500 TOTAL $163,000 Director Merkel also noted several lo�al contra�t�rs have agre�d to donat� gravel, site grading, and plumbing, lumber mat�rials. Ald�rman Bolger �xpressed his wi�h to �omplete this proj�ct by September. He also suggest�d the committee r�commend to full council a special re�ognition avvard for Volunt�er Committee Chairpers�n �arol Chrisman by the City of McHenry. DANCE PROG,RAM 2DQ0 PROGRAM LUCATION � Director Merkel reported the recreation division dance programs can no 1Qnger be accommodated at the Parkland Junior High School because of recent renovations to this facility. Staff has investigated numerous alternatives and is re�omm�nding use of the Municipal Building's sh�ll space �n the second floor. Director Merkel r�ferenced Recreati�n �uper�risor, Gindy Jerden's, memQ Qf May 22nd. Ms Jerden's memo enumerates the nece�sar� building improvements and material requirem�nts. Glasses would be conducted Qn Monday, Tuesday, Wednesda� and Thursday ev�nings from 5:00 p.m. until $:00 .p.m. Existing mirrors and dance bars could he relocated from Parkland to the Municipal.Building. Some di�cussion follou�ed. The committee instructed Director Merkel tQ grQvid� additional cost information regarding rhe pro}�osed dan�e class relocation. In addition A1dErman Glab r�quested Director Merkel provide the committe� members vvith statis�ical data r�lating to r�sidential vs. nonresidential participation level� for th�se dance prQgrams. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry staff noted these building improvements were not included in the 2000-2001 budget but could b� easily accommodated with sim}�le departmental expenditur� reallo�ations. Director Merkel al�o noted existing staff could comglete much of the construction required_ � Parks ar.d Recreation Committee Minut�s � June 21. 2000 Page Four Alderman Murgatroyd expressed some reservations, noting a possible conflict between the proposed building improvements project and the Main Street downtown redevelopment project as staff is scheduled to assist with both projects. Staff was directed to provide additional information regarding anticipated project beginning and completion dates. Staff was also directed to investigate the possibility of utilizing existing parks department and building maintenance summer staff for the building improvement construction. PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT RECOMMENDATIONB Director Merkel reported parks division employee Robert Combs who has successfully completed the National Playground Safety Institute Certification Classes had completed playground safety audits. In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Director Merkel noted the State of Illinois has increased its enforcement of federal regulations governing publicly owned play areas. The City of McHenry is currently in compliance as the audit has been completed and the parks department is � developing a maintenance and replacement plan. Director Merkel stated in conjunction with the maintenance plan development, the parks department is seeking committee input and suggestions regarding playground equipment removal, replacement and maintenance. Some discussion followed. Director Merkel stated the most expensive replacement is the playground surface material and installation of curbing. The 2000-2001 budget includes $75-80,000 for Fox Ridge playground replacement. Director Merkel noted the following parks' playground equipment has been installed within the past eight years and remains in good condition: Althoff Park Jaycees Park North Oak Park Pebble Creek Park Petersen Park Shelter A Petersen Park Ballfields Equipment has been removed from these parks: Knox Park [wood climbing units only] West Beach McHenry Shores Park �.. Parks ar d Recreation Committee Minutes � June 21, 2000 Page Five Staff is recommending the equipment be replaced at the following parks as soon as financially feasible: Veterans Memorial Park Petersen Park's Mark IV unit Fox Ridge Park East Beach Park M<<libu Tot Lot Ki�vanis Tot Lot Further ciiscussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee the playground equipment at these six parks is completely replaced within the next two years. The remaining parks should be checked routinely for safety violations. PROJECT REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS 2000-2001 Director Merkel stated the parks department was seeking committee input on proposed capital projects. �. Director Merkel noted, as previously reported, staff anticipates skatepark construction by fall or early winter. Petersen Park's band shell needs to have an entirely new electrical design developed and installed. The McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce organization will be contacted to ascertain their special needs as well as to solicit a possible monetary donation. Some discussion followed regarding the development of Fox Ridge Park along Boone Creek and Dartmoor Drive. In response to Alderman Glab's concerns, staff noted the existing area residential homes would not be negatively impacted by this construction. He also suggested some type of tot lot be developed at this park site. Staff also noted the Fox Ridge parking lot might temporarily be a gravel surface. Some discussion followed. It was noted the Fox Ridge Park improvements project should be bid in August with construction of soccer and ballfields in September. It was noted the member initiative monies received for this project must be spent within this fiscal year. Some discussion followed regarding the Open Space Land Acquisition Development [OSLAD] grant submission. Staff noted the City of McHenry had been unsuccessful in obtaining grant funds for the Petersen Historic `-- Farm Land Acquisition. A grant application has been submitted for the third and last time. Staff also has submitted an Open Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � June 21, 2000 Page Six Land Tru st grant application for this project. Alderman Murgatroyd noted the City of McHenry was in the firral year of�ts Petersefl Farm land purchase contract �vith Cnriands. If both grant appiications �re unsuccessful, the City of McHenry will need to �nd the means to pay for the balance of the Petersen Farm land purchase. Further discussion occurred regarding the development of the Petersen Park/McCullom Lake�vaterfrant area. The committee did no�e the c�mpleticm af the glan design by Marquette Universit� students under the supe�vision a�d guidance of local firm, Smith �ngineering. In response to staff s reeorrimendation the eommittee suggested an QSLAD grant application be submitt�d for the development and instaiiatian of a boat access. Director Merkel no�ed grant financing was at an 80 f 20 split percentage. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the current 7.5 horsepower limitation on McCullom Lake. Ehairperson Alderman Baird direeted Chief of Police Kostecki, City Administrator Lobaito and Parks Director Merkel develop alternative solutions for committee consideration. � ANY AND ALL BUSINESS Alderman Bolger requested staff place a bench or two at the Green Street/Route 120 park. Director Merkel agreed to place a temporary bench at this park noting heavy-duty, durable matching decor benches were on order. These benches will be similar to those ordered for Neumann Park. In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry staff noted the Green Street property owners and merchants were being kept apprised of the Neumann Park developmental time frame. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. ` Voting Aye: Baird, Glab, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. The meeting was ad' d at 9:10 p.m. � � w William Baird, Chai on MCHENRY ZONE SKATE PARK FUNDRAISING AS OF 6/20/00 �. *Cash Donations/Contributions Jack Franks $100,000 McHenry Kiwanis Club $ 30,000 McHenry Rotary Club $ 10,000 McHenry Lion's Club $ 3,000 Auction—May 20, 2000 $ 15,000 Misc. Cash Donations 5 000 $163,000 Donations of Materials/Confirmed Rough Grading of Site Drainage & Plumbing Supplies Labor for Installation of Asphalt Path Donations/Pendin� � Gravel & Concrete Steel Rebar & Wire Mesh Lumber *Does not include current raf�le for Car/Grill/Bike or Fall Raf�le of Harley- Davidson Motorcycle. , /pete/skatepark/fundraising `� __ . _ ,� �� • . ��t� of �IcHenr xr � � 333 South Green Street McHenry,Illinais 60050-5495 �� -�.� NIEMORANDUM To: Parks &Recreation Committee From: Cindy Jerden,Recreation Supervisor Re: Dance Pragram Space Date: May 22,2Q00 The McHenry Pazks&Recreation Department affers a Fall to Spring Dance Program which has been in existence since 1981. For several af those years,the program has been held on the stage � at Parkland School. With the renovations to the schc�ol,this space is no longer available to use. After speaking with school administrative staff,they currently have no other location suitable for the dance program. I propose that the Dance Program be�oved to the Municipal Center s#arage azea on the second � floor. Mirrors and dance bars currently located at Parkland School would need to be relocated to t�ie Municipal Center. The back storage area would need 'unprovements which would include building a sturdy wall on which the mirrors would be mounted,building an access door to the . remainder of the storage area,and tiling of the flaor. These improvements would need to be completed by eazly September when the next dance season would start. Currently,the mirrors expand approximately 29 feet aeross and 6 '/2 feet tall. The wall of minors is composed of several mirror panels. Two bailet bars are installed across the mirrors approximately 4 and 4 'fz feet from the floor. If relocated to the Muncipal Center,the dimensions of the rQorn would be approximately 29 feet wide and 22 feet deep. The mirrors and bars wauld need to be shortened by only a few inches. If the dance program were moved to the Municipal Center, dance classes would be held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Classes would begin around 5:00 pm and would end approximately 8:00 pm. Ballet,tap and jazz classes for children ages 3 and over would be offered. Attaehed is a likely schedule for the next season of the dance program. Cc: John Lobaito, City Administrator � . Clerk's Office and Pablic Works, Pazks and Police Administration Building and Zoning Recrtadan (Non-Emergency) (815)383-2100 (815)363-2170 (815)363-2160 (815)363-2200 Fax(815)363-2119 Fax(815)363-2173 Fax(815)363-3186 Fax(815}363-2149 1� v Fa112000 Dance Program Schedule(Tentative) Monday 5:00 pm—5:45 pm Creative Rhythinic Mavement 5:45 pm—6:30 pm Ballet I 6:30 pm—7:15 pm Ballet II 7:I5 pm—8:00 pm Ballet III Tuesday 5:00 pm—5:45 pm Ballet/Tap I 5:45 pm—6:30 pm Pre-Ba11et 6:30 pm—7:15 pm Jazz I 7:15 pm—8:00 pm Jazz II Wednesday 5:00 pm—5:45 pm BalletlTap I 5:45 pm—6:30 pm Beginner Jazz 6:30 pm—7;�15 pm Ballet/Tap IT `,, 7:1 S pm—8:00 pm ' Ballet/Tap III ,� Thursday 5:00 pm—5:45 pm Ba11etlTap II 5:45 pm—6:30 pm Jazz III 6:30 pm—7:15 pm Advanced Jazz 7:15 pm—8:00 pm Advanced Jazz Number of Students: 1999-2000 132 Antieipated: 2000-2001 130- 1 SO � •� ' PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT CITY QF MCHENRY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS 8t RECREATION � DESCRIPTION OF PLAYGROIlND RENOVATION WORK Plav�rounds that shouid be replaced as soon as scheduled Border Equipment or Curbing Fibar Site Replacement Installation Installation East Beach Park X X X Fox Ridge Park X X Kiwanis Tot Lot X X Malibu Tot Lot X X Petersen Park X X X Veteran's Memorial Park X � X Plav�round Sites that should be replaced in the next 4-6 years � Center Street Park � � . X X Greekside Park X X Lakeland Park X X NOTES Sites that have the concrete curbing or border in place will require the removal of equipment and sand base by a contractor prior to the installation of the new playground equipment. The fibar wood mu(ch material would be installed to meet accessibility guidelines in all of our new or refurbished playgrounds. � s � . ` PRELINIINARY PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT �, The following is my recommendation for playgrourtd equipment replacement. I have completed safety awdits on all playground equipmer►t with the exc�ption of Fort McHenry,with the resutts of these audits I have prio�itized the ocder of replacement. The following equipment should be repiaced as soon as possible. This equipment was manufactured before current safety standards were adopted,for this reason and others this equipment should be replaced in the following order. 1)Veterans Memoriai Park A)This playground is very high use. B) Removai of all equipment and replace with new. 2) Petersen Park A) Mark IV unit by South paricing lot 3) Fox Ridge Park A) Mark IV unit only 4) East Beach Park A) Remove and replace all equipment with new. B) Move to open area on east side of park. `, 5) Malibu Tot Lot " � ,,,o A) Remove and replace all equipment with n�v. 6) Kiwanis Tot Lot A) Remove and replace ail equipment with new. All of this equipment was instailed in the mid 1980's or before. I feel we should be very aggressive in repiacing this equipment.We try to replace within the next 3 years. The follawing equipment was installed in 1991, This equipment has some minor standards violations, we are able to modify some of these but not all. I recommend we replace these units within the ne�ct 46 years. These units are ail equipped with wood uprights and posts, these pieces are getting rough and starting to splinter this problem wiil continue to deteriorate. 1) Lakeland Park 2) Creekside Park 3) Center Street Park The following equipment has been instatted within the last 5-8 years, at this time this equipment is still in very good condition. 1)Jaycees Park 2) North Oak Park � 3) Pebble Creek Park 4)Althoff Park � -t ~ PRELINIlNARY PLAYGRQUND �tEPLACEMENT 5) Petersen Pa�ic Shelt�"A" � 6) Petersen Park Ballfieids The following equipment has been removed at this time. 1) Knox park w�ood climbing units.(repiace fall of 2000) 2)West Beach park-ail equipment.(no plans to replace at this time) 3) McHenry Shores Beach park-pending • Fort McHenry Playground as of this time has not been audited I hope to do this fail of 2000. At this time I would hope that w�e w�ould hold off on approving any new equipment for{rark sites that do nat currently have equipmerrt in them. I w�auld hope we w�ould show the public w�e are dedicated to the safety of the children who use our parks and replace the equipment in the recommendations above in the first section before developing ar�y new sites. I am aiso at this time in the process of develaping a Playground Safety Program, 1 am working with Pete and Tom on the details of this program.When I complete this, I will present it to you with the hope that we will get backing and approval of this very important program. � �" . . �3� � , _•� ' i �it � of McHenr Y :s� Y , � 333 Sauth Green Street � . McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 ,�. � � MEMORANDUM To: - )ohn Lobatto, City Admtnistrator From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks 8t Recreation Re: Playground (nspection Program Date: 5/17/99 � In response to your memorandum of March 4, 1999, 1 have attached several documents regarding our playground inspection procedures. The regular inspection of piaygrounds began in the early 1990's. This was done by staff on a monthly basis. The form developed for these lnspections is attached "A". The Park Ranger program was taken over by the Parks and Recreatian Department in 1996. The Park Rangers began to do inspections as part of their duties. The contract mawing of the smaller parks resu(ted in our park maintenance staff not visiting the parks on a � regular basis. ,, , . � � I�' 1998, Bob Combs compteted the Nationa( Playground Safery Inspector course (Attachment "B"). This program has been developed by the National Playground Safety Instftute. This program was developed in response to the new guideiines estabiished by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Beginning this summer Bob Combs wi![ be responsible for regular playground safety inspections. A new playground inspection form has been developed (Attachment "C"). We have also developed a playground equipment complaint form to track any calls made by the public or received by the Park Rangers (Attachment "D"). The inspection program will also include an annual playground audit. This is a comprehensive inspection of each playground in our park rystem. A copy of this audit document is attached ("E"). SLIMMARY The playground inspection program wil( identify units that wii( need to be renova[ed or replaced to meet the new standards for safety and accessibiltry. We have ptanned to complete the audiu of all playground sices and present a report to the Parlu and Recreation Committee in the fall of 1999. PM/kiq /pete/playinsp cc: Bill Oeffling -Park Maintenance Superintendent � Bil( Baird - Park Committee Chairman Clerk's�ffice and Public Works, Puks and Police Administration Building and Zoning Recreation (Non-Emergency) (815) 363-2100 (815)363-2170 (815)363-2160 (81�)363-2200 Fax(815) 363-2119 Fax(815)363-2173 Fa�c(815)363-3186 Fax(815)363-2149 _ . r� -. ..A.. `, PARK 'PLAYGROUND INSPECTION & �MAINTENANCE REPORT PARK: . . . .. . .. . .. . � . . .. . ' DATE INSPECTED: . . "I certify that the follawing items were inspected and found to be in the conditions as listed below at the park being inspected," ISATISFACTORY, IF N0, WHAT pATE COh1PLETED ITEM ' � ' YES � NO � � HAS TO �BE DONE & BY WHOhi ' 1 . Climbing Unit . :.. . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . _ 2. Fi re Truck . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . .. .... 3. 4-Way Animal Rocker t . .. . . . . .. . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 4. Geodesic C1 imber. .. .� . . . .. .. . _ _ . . . .1 . . .. _ . . . .. . . . . .. �. . . . .. ..... .. 5. �Obstacl e Course � " � � ' � "' � � ' � � � ��� I. . _ . . . . . .. . _ 6. Park �Benches . . ... � . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . ... . � . . .. . _ ......_ 7. �Sand Area � � � � �} � � � ... . . . . . . .. . .. _ . . . . � . . . . . .. _.._ .. .. 8: �See��Saw ... .. . _ ... ._ .I. ... . .... _ .. .. . . ... .... . .. .. _ _ ._ . __.._ . . ... ... . . . .. .. . . .... _ _ .. ; � � ' � . ...... . .. . .. ...... .. . . .. . . . . ...._ _-- 9;.. .Slide. .. . . . ._ . . .. . .. ...... .. �. . .. .. .. .) � 10'. �Spring Animals_ _ .. .. ._ . _ . . .. . . . . . ... .I. .... . . . . . . . . . . � . . .. _ . - - - - 11 . �Stage Coach � � � � 12. Swings � � � � � � , Baby � , � Strap i ' ; 13. Train & Caboose � � ; 14. Walk Bridge � i ' 15. � C � � 16. i I 17. � i I + , : s 18. I i � ; I ` ' f i9. . ; � 20. Other � � � � � Inspector' s Signature Sup. Maint. Director /0017F y I/�I1 � �' • .� r'�',.` �•; 'i�i � • . ��C'r- .'.'itti',:w•• _ _.... :, �� � � .� G Fx�. � �, ¢ • _ � `� .p !• 1999IPRA/NRPA � - -�' National Play9round Safety ; � . inspe�tor Course and Exam 1 � '�: �'="� March 17 & 18, 1999 .� _ ,; - at Wheaton Park District Cosnmunity Center '- ` r 1?77 S. Blancharcl Rd. in Wheaton,Illinois �,-:-„`-„"" ..,=.�,,.�„•;:�,.��-== _;,�5,�'c�,�,�•�^""_ • Design a playground that protects children from injury. • Administrators • Identify safety haz�rds on the playground and the • Supervisors steps neecled for correction. • Public Works Departments • Review risk management techniques and liability • $uilding and Grouncls problems,and the implementation of risk manage- Maintenance Staff � ment programs. • Engineers • Learn how to conduct an audit of your play- • Architects grounds. • Playground Equipment � • Become familiar with the US Consume;Products Representatives Safety Commission Guidelines and the AST1V1 • Operators and Caretakers of StandArcl for Public Use Playground. Playgrounds in Parks,Schools, • Identify the differences in ec�uipment and their Summer Camps,Day Camps, impact on playground safety. Hotels/IZesorts,Day Care Centers • Learn about safety in accessibility and the recom- • Agencies such as YMCA/ menciations of the ASTM standard. YWCA,Head Start,Boys& • Become aware of the characteristics of the various Girls Clubs,Police Athletic surfaces used on playgrouncls. Leagues According to tl�e Consumer Products Safety children's rights to Flay.iVPSI promotes nationally the Conul�ission,2UO,OOU children evere treated for importance of piay in a child's c.�e�•elopment. playground accidents in 199�.Of these,70 percent or 1�0,000 oaurred at public p�irks and school yards. How • 1VPSI pro�•ides the most current comprehensive traininn does your equipment measure up?Hoiv many prevent- grogram on public playground satety,including the able injuries occurred in your parks? de�•elopment and distributi��n of playground training and satett•products. Sp�msored by� Illii7ois Park and P.ecreation Associatiun, 1PP.t1 P<�rks and l�'atural Resources Secti�n,and NRPA • NPSI pro�•ides input to help de��elop a responsible l�atiun�(Playgro�md Safety Institute,this course is the public policy��•hich guarintees the safetv of our children. most comprehensi��e training pmgram offereci on play- At the sime time,I�rPSI ad�•ocates sound fiscal responsibil- �round h�lzard identification and risk management it��to gro��ide resources for the ongoing maintenance and mcthud;.Ad��anced readin;and ten hours of trainin�«•ill support of the polic��. prep�re t•ou to take the Certified Playgro�uld Safety Insptctur Exam ti�•hich is sche�iuled at the culmination of Resource�rurterinls dez�eloped especinll�for tl�is cot�rse nrc � thi�certificatiun cotirse. iiicl�rded i��t)ie registrarivri fee nud z��ill be�ltetile�i to all preregistered pnrticipn��ts.O�i-site registrniTts slrar�lrl riote • Tht nationll Playground Safetv Institute promotes that tlie esnn�ii�ill begiren oa the se�cond dn�of tl�e course. � -`�lCHENRY .. .. PARK PLAY� _dD INSPECTION 8L � C ci. MAINTENANCE REPORT ,�. Park: v Date Inspected: Inspector's Signature: Superintendent of Maintenance: Park Director: "I certify that the followng items were inspected and found to be in the conditions as tisted beiow at the park being inspected". Satisfactory, Date Completed � - i , 14. Walk Brid 2Q. Other � � lforms/plginsp , CITY QF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS „ „ ~ ? � D ; Ptayground Equipment Complaint Date: Taken By: � Park Name: Equipment: Name: Address: Details of Complaint: Describe Action Taken: . Completion Date: /Porms/playcomp � " , �� ,.,_ �/ , City of McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation � Pro,�ect Timeline Plan Fiscal Year 2000/01 May, 2000 PURCHASES Item Budget Cost Purchase Bv 4 WD Pickup w/plow $30,000 September 1,2000 Ball field/Soccer Liner $3,700 July 15,2000 15 Picnlc Ta61es(Veteran's Memorlal Park) $6,000 June 15,2000 Park Identiflcation Signs $7,000 June 15,2000 Pool Deck Equipment/Funbrella 54,000 June 1,2000 Roll Down Window Grate/Althoff Park $2,800 August 1,2000 Tables-Plastic for Special Events 52,000 June 1,2000 Preschool Equipment $1,500 August 15,2000 Computer&Office Technology Upgrades $3,000 July 15,2000 . *Phone System Replacement 7 500 City Bid 567,500 'QROJECT IMPLEMENTATION �.�rk Improvement Bud et BiJQuote Date Project Start Jaycee Park Walkway/Bike Path $12,000 August 1,2000 September 15,2000 Althoff Park-Drainage Improvements $10,000 August 1,2000 September 1,2000 Knox Park Soccer Field Renovatfon S12,000 July 1,2000 September 1,2000 *Veteran's Memorial Park Electric Renovation $15,000 August 15,2000 October 1,2000 Knox Park Pool Surface Refinishing 63 000 August 15,2000 September 15,2000 $112,000 Capital Development Bud et Bid/Quote Date Project Start *Knox Park Playground $84,000 September i,2000 October 15,2000 *Freund Field Playground $60,000 September 1,2000 October 15,2000 *Neumann Park Development $50,000 completed August 1,2000 Fox Ridge Park Parking/Ball fields 5225,000 August 1,2000 September 15,2000 *Knox Park Skate Park 225 000 July 15,2000 September,2000 $644,000 Grant Application Project Start Petersen Historic Farm Acquisition OSLAD July 1,2000 tersen Park Watertront BoatAccess Grant September 1,2000 � *Bid specifications and documents prepared by architect or engineer assigned to project. pete\budget\project timeline