HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/12/2000 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING `, MINUTES September 12, 2000 Members Present: Chairperson Aldernian Baird, Alderman Murgatroyd 4thers Present: City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel Athletic Supervisor Michael Perkins, Thompson Dyke 8v Associates representative Todd Reese Parks Maintenance Superintendent Tom Schmitt arrived at 8:15p.m. Volunteer Project Zone representatives Carol Chrisman, Marty Kampmeier, and Bud Smith Chairmari Baird called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. MCHENRY SKATEPARK BID REPORT AND PROJECT UPDATE—Director Merkel distributed the bid results for the Project Zone Skate Park. He noted only two bids were received although five packets were distributed. JEM Morris of Big Rock, Illinois submitted a base bid of $417,114.60 and Schaefges Brothers of Wheeling, Illinois submitted a base bid of $355,384.50. Some discussion followed regarding the bid prices. Both Director Merkel and � Thompson Dyke 8s Associates representative Todd Reese noted the bid prices were substantially higher than estimated due in Iarge part to the specified fall completion date. They opined the price would be considerably lower if a spring, 2001 date was specified. Mr. Reese suggested the price might be reduced as much as fifty to seventy thousand dollars if a spring completion date was specified. In addition, most of the qualified contractors are currently too busy to submit a competitive price and construction prices in general have increased. Further discussion followed regarding reducing the scope of the project and/or the feasibility of negotiating the cost of some of the unit priced items. It was the recommendation of staff and Mr. Reese to reject both bids and rebid the project with a spring completion date. Volunteer Coordinator, Carol Chrisman, recommended new bids with a spring completion date be developed and sought. She stipulated, however, bids be submitted prior to November 30�, with a bid award prior to the end of the calendar year. She noted work awarded within this timeframe would ensure project initiation in early spring. It has been the intent of the volunteer group to have the skatepark functional by March or April of 2001. Ftiirther discussion followed regarding the absence of discounted and donated materials and services within the bid specification packa.ge. In response to Parks and Recreation Chairperson Baird's request Ms. Chrisman noted additi.onal monies will be raised. She cited the sale of inemorial bricks, �. Parks ar�d Recreation Committee Minutes � September 12, 2000\ Page'Irw�� donations by skateboard and roller blade manufacturers as well as associated businesses and raffle monies as additional revenue sources. She also requested the committee recommend, in light of the project delay, an alternative area for skateboard and roller blade activity. The committee directed staff to develop new bid spec�cations with architectural consultants, Thompson, Dyke and Associates incorporating all discounted and donated materials and services as well as providing for a spring completion time. The delay in completion will also permit additional opportunities to obtairi rnore donations. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Baird, to recommend to full council the rejection of all submitted skatepark bids and rebid the project with a submission date prior to November 30�, an award of bid prior to December 313t and bid specifications inclusive of all donated and discounted materials and specifications and a project completion date of spring, 2001. Voting Aye: Baird, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: Glab Motion carried. � Ms. Chrisman also noted the donation barometer has been completed and will be installed at the Front Royal Drive and Route 120 intersection within the next few days. Donation monies will also be sought for annual maintenance. Chairperson Alderman Baird also recommended staff monitor donations and contribution amounts closely keeping council apprised of total amounts. Some discussion followed regarding the possible need to utilize city monies to pay for any danation/contribution shortfalls. . In response to Ms. Chrisman's request the committee agreed to provide an alternate skatepark site for ttie balance of the calendar year. Parks and Recreation Director Merkel suggested Knox Park Pool's parking lot. Athletic Supervisor Micha.el Perkins suggested the usable area be barricaded permitting the inclusion of portable ramps and other rollerblade and skatepark apparatus. FOX RIDGE PARK DEVELOPMENT Parks and Recreation Director Merkel presented a rendering of the proposed Fox Ridge Park layout plan. He recommended bid specifications for the Park's development be developed and bids sought for a spring completion. The plan as presented included three baseball fields, two softball fields and two soccer fields. � Parks ar d Recreation Committee Minutes � September 12, 2000 Page'Three Some discussion followed. Chairperson Alderman Baird suggested the plan be revised to include one small softball field and one large ba.seball field. He cited the need to accommodate both the girls' softball teams and the older boys baseball teams. Alderman Murgatroyd noted the purchase and use of break-away bases will permit the use of one field for multiple league usage. Chairperson Alderman Baird noted most boys and men league teams required a pitching mound, while most girls and women leagues prohibit pitching mounds. In response to committee inquiry, Director Merkel stated the 2000-01 budget includes $225,000 for this project. The $225,000 includes the $100,000 member initiative grant monies from State Representative Franks. Director Merkel a]so presented Assistant Public Works Director Marcinko's estimate far the installation of a gravel parking lot in the amount of$153,180.00. �.irther discussion followed. Alderman Murgatroyd reminded the committee of the recent $5000 donation from the Girls Figtail League. He also suggested other ball leagues be solicited for donations. It was the consensus of committee to direct staff to obtain a proposal from Smith Engineering for the development of bid specifications for Fox Ridge Park � improvements for the submission to full council. POOL RESURFACNG RECOMMENDATION Director Merkel reported proposals were sought for the resurfacing of Knox Park Pool. The 2000-01 budget includes a $63,000 line item for this project. Site inspections were conducted on an individual basis at the contractor's request. It is staff s intent to make a forrnal reeommendation to full council at the October 4+� regularly scheduled council meeting to facilitate a spring, 2001- completion date. Staff investigated several surface types including PVC, epoxy, and fiberglass. Cost and scope of services are directly related to surfacing material type. Director Merkel also recommended bid specifications be waived and proposals sought. The committee directed staff to investigate surface types providing council with samples one to two weeks prior to formal council consideration and action. Director Merkel and Athletic Supervisor Perkins will conduct area-wide site inspections of similar renovation projects comparing cost, aesthetics, maintenance and durability of surface types. Parks Superintendent Tom Schmitt arrived at 8:15 p.m. � Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � Septemb�ar 12, 2000 Page Four NEUA�ANN PARK CO�PL�TION/DEDICATION Director Merkel reported the Neumann Park landscape improvements will be completed within the next few weeks. Landscape architect Barry Anderson will be supervising the planting of small perennials and construction of the pergola is scheduled to begin next week. Director Merkel suggested the cornmittee consider scheduling a declication ceremony in early to middle October. Some discussion follow+ed. In response to committee inquiry, Director Merkel reported the drainage issue with the adjacent properry owner to the north has been resolved satisfactorily. DIRECTORS REPORT Director Merkel reported notification regarding the success of the City of McHenry's OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition Development) grant subxnissioM would be received sometime in October. Grant monies would be awarded in December or January.. The City is, as yet, awaiting notification regarding the OLT (Open Land Trust) grant submission. If the grant submission is unsuccessful the grant � application can be rolled over and considered again in the next fiscal year. Director Merkel noted the City of McHenry is in a unique position as the land parcel in question is available. Director Merkel also informed the committee he had shown Greg� Akers of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources the Petersen Park Waterfront Plan and conducted a tour of the site. Mr. Akers opined elements of the plan may be eligible for the DNR's Boat Access Area Development Grant. Director Merkel also noted the scoring for this particular grant program is not, unlike many other DNR grants, based on past funding success or current open space land acreage. He suggested the committee consider future grant submission for this project. Continuing Director Merkel citing future sewer extension plans noted development of the proposed Waterfront Plan might be delayed. Staff is anticipating sewer line installation in trus area to serve Village of McCullom Lake residents. The extension of sewer lines would also facilitate the development of public washroom facilities. Some discussion followed regarding the feasibility of developing elements of the Waterfront Park prior to the completion of the Village of McCullom Lake sanitary sewer extension project. It was the consensus of committee to reevaluate the project in July of 2001. In conclusion Director Merkel distributed a letter he received from Sheri Damask requesting a ballfield be named in honor of her father and first McHenry Pigtail Lea.gue President William Sheehan. He noted the request was, �, in al.l likeli.hood, prompted by the recent dedication of a Petersen Park field in Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes � Septembcyr 12, 2000 Page Five memory of Otto and Fran Larsen. The request for the Larsen Field dedication came from the Figtail League while the request for a Sheehan Field is from one individual. Some discussion followed regarding dedication policy and procedure. It was the consensus of the committee to deny Ms. Damask's request and consider only dedication requests as submitted by appropriate organizations. The committee directed staff to send Ms. Damask a letter of denial. SENIOR CITIZEN3 TRAN8PORTION PROGRAM Director Merkel noted Representative Franks ha.d obtained member initiative monies for senior transportation in the McHenry area at the request of ��l.derman Glab. Several options in written format were presented by Recreation Supervisor Jerden. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee to defer this issue until Alderman Glab's input could be ascertained. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Ba.ird to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � Chairperson William Baird �