HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/9/2001 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 9, 2001 Alderman's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendancc: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd. Also in Attendance: Alderman Wimmer, City Administrator Lobaito, Assistant City Administrator M�einer, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, City Clerk Jones, Superintenden-t of Park Maintenance Schmidt. Alderman Glab anived at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Althoffarrived at 7:35 p.m. Members of the Community in attendance: Jim Bolz 895 W. Main, W. Dundee V3 Realty Dwayne Gillian 1230 Newton Avenue, Batavia V3 Realty John and Deborah Fanlon 612 Whitmore Trail Fox Ridge Park Bryan and Kara Linak 608 Whitmore Trail Fox Ridge Park J. and L. Hansen 4405 Sussex Drive Fox Ridge Park Jim Simon 614 Whitmore Trail Fox Ridge Park The meeting was called to order by Cha.irman Low at 7:15 p.m. Fog Ridge Park Project Chairman Alderman Low noted some issues had arisen during the construction of the parking lot at Fox Ridge Park. Chairman Low recognized the residents in attendance and invited them to state their concerns to the Committee. Deborah Fanlon, of 612 Whitmore Trail, addressed the Committee stating their main concerns � were safety issues: • The boundary of the parking lot being so close to the backyards in the subdivision. • Parking and drinking after park hours in the parking lot. Mrs. Fanlon mentioned three items which would make the pazking lot more acceptable: • Installation of a swinging gate,prohibiting accessibility to the parking lot after hours; • Decreasing parking spaces by approximately twenty pazking spaces which would distance the parking lot from adjacent residential properties; • Installation of a berm, visually distancing the parking lot from residential properties. Discussion ensued. Alderman Murgatroyd noted District 15 will construct a school on the property adjacent to the park. At tha.t time, the parking lot will be paved, possibly reconfigured, and used for the benefit of the school as well as the park. Mrs. Fanlon, stated the residents were informed of the eventuality of a school. Cha.irman Alderman Low noted no action will be taken regarding this issue this evening. The Parks and Recreation Committee will make a recommendation to Council, and it will then be up to Council to take formal action. Mrs. Fanlon expressed concern that construction would continue undermining the residents' opportunity to address the issues. Staff opined the project is under the City's supervision and would be monitored. \.• Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee 8/9/O 1 �. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low to recommend to Council at the August 13, 2001 regularly scheduled Council Meeting: 1. Installation of a gate at the driveway entrance to the parking lot to prevent vehicles from entering the parking lot after the park is closed. 2. Move the parking lot back an additional 10-feet, providing a total of 30-feet from adjacent rear lot property lines. 3. Install a 4-foot high berm between the parking lot and adjacent rear yards. All ayes. Motion carried. V3 Realty Company Parkland Donation Director of Parks & Recreation Merkel reminded the Committee V3 Realty at the July 11, 2001 regulazly scheduled Council meeting proposed donation of a 14.45-acre parcel for parkland in lieu of Parks Developer ponation Fees. City ordinance requires 1 '/2 acres per 100 population. The projected population of Riverside Hollow Subdivision, based upon a 50% mix of three and four bedroom units is 277. This calculates to a parkland requirement of 4.15 acres. Jim Bolz, attorney for V3 Realty Company, addressed the Committee and requested the City accept the 14.45 acres of open space as a donation to the City in lieu of park donation fees. Mr. Bolz stated V3 is not requesting a 100% reduction of fees, but would appreciate some consideration in return for the 14.45 acres donation. Discussion ensued. It was the consensus of the Committee to deny the request to forego Parks � Developer ponations in exchange for the V3 Realty donation of 14.45 acres of parkland. The Committee recommends the 14.45 acre pazcel remain open space, owned and maintained by the Riverside Hollow Homeowners' Association. NISRA Participation Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported the Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association (1VISRA) provides vital recreation services to local children and adults with disabilities. Director Merkel noted there has been some informal communication with the McHenry Township Supervisor exploring the possibility of a joint 1VISRA membership with the City of McHenry. A combined membership could offer more program opportunities and a cost savings to our local residents who utilize NISRA services. Director Merkel noted there would be a cost savings to the City if NISRA dues are shared with McHenry Township. Discussion ensued. It was the consensus of the Committee the township should take the lead in a joint membership effort with surrounding municipalities. McHenry would then consider joining under the township umbrella. Skate Park Opening & Management Director Merkel reported the concrete section of the Skate Park is open and has experienced large participation on a daily basis. Staff is hoping to have the wood ramp portion of the park open by September 18, 2001. Director Merkel further informed the Committee the emergency telephone, which automatically dials 911, has been installed. Installation of the telephone was donated by Radicom. Also, the water line has been installed for the water fountain. There � continues to be concern about non-compliance with the helmet regulation. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee 8/9/O 1 L. Staff opined there have been several instances requiring closure of the Skate Park. In response to Chairman Low's inquiry, Staff stated no specific funds were set aside for Skate Park patrol cost as the Skate ]'ark was to be self-regulated. Director Merkel advised a meeting has been scheduled with City Administrator Lobaito and Chief of Police Kostecki to discuss Skate Park security and supervision issues. Parks & Recreation Directors Report A. RC Club Request — Director Merkel noted he received a letter from Larry DiRubbo, President of the Chain of Lakes Eagles RC Club. This club participates in and supports the sport of building and flying radio controlled model airplanes. Mr. DiRubbo's letter contains two inquiries: • Explore the possibility of radio control demonstrations in conjunction with other activities planned for the City; and • Inquire about access to public recreation lands in order to fly the model airplanes. It w-as the consensus of the Committee that Staff obtain additional information and invite members of the Chain of Lakes Eagles RC Club to address the Committee at a later date. B. Horsepower Limits on McCullom Lake — Discussion occurred regarding motorized boats on McCullom Lake. Motorized boats are restricted to 7.5 HP by Section 16.47 of the Municipal Code. It was noted many residents have purchased boats and motors �, that are far in excess of this restriction. Primarily the violators are owners of pontoon boats. The weight of these boats makes it impractical to power them with a motor of 7.5 HP. Additionally, it was discovered that no one currently manufactures a motor smaller than 9.9 HP. Mayor Althoff advised she had with Bob Kirshner concerning environmental issues concerning the larger motors. Mr. Kirshner opined he favored a 10 HP motor for row boats, and a 20 HP for pontoon boats. Discussion ensued. Staff opined enforcement continues to be an issue. It was the consensus of the Committee to restrict the power of motorized boats to a 10 HP engine, and to review the use of 20 HP motors by pontoon boats at a later date. The Committee suggested enforcement is a sepazate issue, which should be addressed by Staff. C. East Beach Rec�uest—Director Merkel reported he was advised by a resident of a lack of sand at the East Beach Park swimming azea and general lack of improvements to the beach. Director Merkel noted the sand has been replaced on the beach several times. At this time there are no plans to replace the sand on the beach. Director Merkel pointed out the following issues with this beach: • The configuration of the beach is long and sha.11ow. • Unless the beach is reconfigured and graded to obtain the proper slope, any sand � replaced would continue to wash away due to wave action. • There is no supervision at the beach. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee 8/9/O 1 � • 'I'here is a life buoy. • An alarm phone for emergency purposes is installed, within 250 feet of the beach. • 2esidents are discouraged from swimming at East Beach because it does not meet state standazds. The Committee directed Staff to notify the resident the beach is not in compliance with State standards and will not be improved. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � � �' ���ti,�- � Susan E. Low, Chairman � �