HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/8/2001 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 8, 2001 Alderman's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Murgatroyd. Absent: Alderman Glab. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Park Maintenance Schmidt. Members of the Community in attendance: None The meeting was called to order by Chairman Low at 7:00 p.m. Park Ranger Program Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel advised the Park Ranger Program was started in 1995 under the supervision of the Public Works Department. The program was set up to provide park security in the afternoon and evenings during the week. One Pazk Ranger was responsible for informing residents of pazk rules and regulations, building and entrance gate lockups and reporting any vandalism or unusual activities in the parks. Any serious violations or damage were reported to the Police Department. In 1996 responsibility and supervision of the Park Ranger Pmgram was transferred to the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff was increased to three part-time employees. The duties and responsibilities rema.ined the same. The increase in staff enabled the City to provide additional security and an employee on duty at all times the parks rema.ined open to answer resident � concerns or questions. Director Merkel noted the Park Ranger Program has provided services to the public, decreased vandalism and increased the presence of park security at park sites during non-business hours. The Park Ranger Program has relieved the Police Department of certain duties involved with locking the parks each evening. Director Merkel advised the Committee one of the major issues to evolve in recent years is the Ra.nger's lack of enforcement power. This has been a frustration to the Ranger staff when dealing with recurring problems or uncooperative individuals. Rangers have no authority to enforce compliance or issue citations. In serious situations regulaz patrol o�icers are summoned for assistance. This past year the Park Department lost two of the most qualified Park Rangers and Staff feels this is an excellent time to evaluate the Park Ranger Program. Director Merkel outlined an informal comparison survey conducted of surrounding communities. In response to Chairman Low's inquiry, Director Merkel stated he would like to see some changes in the program. It was suggested the Park Rangers should have enforcement ability or alternatively the Police Department take over patrol of the City parks. Discussion ensued. Skate Park 3-Month Report and Participant Survey Director Merkel advised the Skate and Bike Park has been open for three months and attendance is good. Staff monitors the activities at the facility at random. Director Merkel stated three `- issues have been observed to be ongoing problems in the Skate and Bike Park: Page 2 Parks and Recreation 11/8/Ol L. • Helmet; enforcement • Smoking • Foul language and rude behavior Director Merkel stated increased supervision and enforcement of rules and regulations are key to resolution of these issues. The following issues were brought forth for discussion: • Helmet ordinance • No smoking ordinance • Increased supervision by Parks & Recreation Department employees. Admission fees could be implemented to defray staff cost. Chairman Low suggested a fine be imposed on individuals who chose not to comply with the rules and regulations. Alderman Murgatroyd concurred and suggested banishment from the park facilities for a week or a month, while difficult to enforce, may be effective. Knoz Park Pool Master Plan Director Merkel advised the Fiscal Year 2001-2002 budget includes $12,000 for a master plan of the Knox Park Pool facility. Ongoing consideration of the Recreation Center, including possible installation of a swimming pool at the facility, has postponed action on this issue. Director Merkel suggested hiring a consultant to evaluate enhancement and/or construction of expansion to the pool facility, at a reasonable cost, to better serve the community. In response to Chairman Low's inquiry Director Merkel summarized various services and options available from �, companies in the surrounding azea who specialize in aquatic facilities. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low, to direct Staff to prepare specifications, to be brought before Council, for renovation and possible expansion of the existing pool facility located at Knox Park. Ayes: Low, Murgatroyd Nays: None Absent: Glab Motion carried. Parks & Recreation Directors Report Holiday Lighting Program— Whispering Oaks and Veteran's Memorial Park. Director Merkel presented a report regarding the holiday lighting program for the two parks. He informed the Committee the Raccoon organization, which has in the past taken part in the decorating and lighting ceremonies will no longer be involved in the project. Play�round Renovation Pro� — Planning 2003. Director Merkel informed the Committee planning for the 2003 playground renovations begins this winter. The pazk sites scheduled for renovation in 2003 aze Veteran's Memorial Park and Fox Ridge Pazk. Miller Riverfront Park Restoration Report—Hey Associates—Director Merkel presented a report regarding the wetlands renovation program conducted at Miller Riverfront Park. Hey & � Associates has been contracted to assist with technical advice and some subcontracting. Page 3 Parks and Recreation 11/8/O 1 � Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low,to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Ayes: Low, Murgatroyd Nays: None Absent: Glab Motion carried. Respectfully submitted � � c���_ Susan E. Low, Chairman � �