HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/13/2002 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday,March 13,2002 Aiderman's Conference Room, 7:15 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd. A.bsent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, City Clerk JoneS, City Administrator Lobaito. Chairman Low called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. McHenry County Conservation District Request Director of Park and Recreation Merkel stated a request has been made by the McHenry County Conservation District to construct a storage facility adjacent to the Prairie Path Bike Trail on city property. He explained the facility would include a small parking azea, trail information display and extensive native landscape installation. The facility would be used by local trail volunteers to house their equipment. Three possible locations have been considered for the storage facility, which would be constructed of split face block. Director Merkel noted the facility would be owned and maintained by the Conservation District. Alderman Murgatroyd opined he is in favor of the storage facility, which would encourage maintenance of the area, but would discourage easy access to the property. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to recommend to Council approval of McHenry County Conservation District's request to construct a storage facility on City property and to work with Staff regarding an agreement to use the property north of Orleans, near the � raikoad tracks, in the Mill Creek Subdivision to construct a storage facility. All ayes. Motion carried. Petersen Park Waterfront Development—Grant Update Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported the Petersen Park Waterfront Development Project is scheduled for grant submission this year. It was opined with the McCullom Lake sewer extension project moving forward it is a propitious time to proceed with the grant application. It is the intention of StafF to apply for two grant funds for funding of the entire project: • The Motorized Boat Access Development Grant, which has a September 1, 2002 deadline;and • OSLAD/Lawson Pazk Development Grant,which has a July 1, 2002 deadline. Director Merkel stated he has met with both Scott Smith of Smith Engineering and Ken Fiske to discuss submission of the grant application to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Director Merkel noted the program's funding has been cut back over the last few years and of the thirteen grants submitted last year only five were funded. Discussion and Recommendation on Horsepower Limits on McCullom Lake Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported last yeaz a letter was sent to waterfront residents regarding the 7.5 h.p. limit on McCullom Lake and the City's concerns regarding enforcement of the ordinance. Director Merkel noted he has received a number of comments regarding compliance with the ordinance. Director Merkel iterated the 7.5 h.p. limit was �"' established by the McCullom Lake Conservation Club in 1950. Compliance has been hindered in that the 7.5 h.p. motor is no longer being manufactured. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee March 13, 2002 �. Director Merkel observed the consensus of the local residents seems to be the adoption of an ordinance, which would permit a 10 h.p. limit on small boats and a 20 h.p. limit on pontoon boats. A strong feeling exists among the lakefront property owners that McCullom Lake should retain its character as a passive recreational lake and these horsepower limits would closely reflect actual usage of boats on McCullom Lake. Bob Kirshner was consulted and indicated no issues with the 10 h.p. limit for small boats and 20 h.p. limit for pontoon boats. Alderman Glab expressed concern and opined it is impossible to �naintain a passive lake while increasing horsepower. Cha.irman Alderman Low noted she recalls at the last committee meeting the subject was broached and 10 h.p. and 20 h.p. limits were acceptable to maintain a passive lake. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding whether or not to recommend adoption of a new ordinance permitting 10 h.p. limit on boats and 20 h.p. limit on pontoon boats, and how to enforce the ordinance if adopted. Restricting the number of permits was suggested as was providing those parties owning motors in excess of 20 h.p. a year in which to comply with the ordinance if adopted. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to meet with boat owners in the McCullom Lake area in April to discuss enforceability of the horsepower ordinance. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated he would keep the Committee apprised of � progress at a future Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Director's Report a] Request for Proposal, Pool Master Plan: Director Merkel informed the Committee regarding the Kequest for Proposal for a new swimming pool. He noted there is $10,000 budgeted for a study for a conceptual plan for a new swimming pool. The City will provide all information and a conceptual plan will be developed for the existing site and a non-specific site. Director Merkel stated he does not anticipate receiving the conceptual plan before early fall, at which time he will bring it back before the Committee for review and comment. b] Skate Park, Governors Hometown Award Nomination: Director Merkel stated the first round of the Governors Hometown Award Nomination is the site visit, which is scheduled to take place on March 19, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. The City should be informed of the nomination in May. The award ceremony takes place in Springfield in mid-June, 2002. Responding to Chairman Alderman Low's inquiry Director Merkel noted Carol Chrisman intends to present the City with a check in the amount of approximately $60,000 and the Skate Park Committee continues to raise funds. Director Merkel stated the Skate Park Committee has fundraisers and a number of special events tentatively planned for Summer 2002. Chairman Alderman Low opined it would be appreciated if the Committee were informed of any special events scheduled to take place in the Skate Park. � c] Parks and Recreation Department Staffin� Update: Page 3 Pazks and Recreation Committee March 13, 2002 �- • Directc�r Merkel advised the Committee letters have been sent out to Summer 2001 staff. It is anticipated some of last years Staff will be returning. Applications will be taken throughout the summer. • Director Merkel noted Cindy Witt would be returning to the Department in her capacity as Recreation Supervisor on April 17, 2002. Her health is good and continues to improve. • Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry regaxding the status of William Hobson's employment, Director Merkel noted he would continue employment with the Parks Department through the first week in May to facilitate a smooth transition following Cindy Witt's return. • Director Merkel informed the Committee Park Rangers have not been budgeted. City Administrator Lobaito stated he is discussing logistical surveillance of the parks for this season with Acting Chief Donahue. Upon appointment of a new Chief of Police and formulation of the 2003/2004 budget the issue will be addressed. d] Arbor Dav Pro�ram, April 26, 2002: Director Merkel informed the Committee donations are cc�ming in and the Arbor Day Program is scheduled for Apri126, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. He noted Mrs. Overton has requested trees be planted at Overton Park. Director Merkel is hoping to combine the tree planting at �verton Park with the Arbor Day Program, however there are some family issues, which require resolution prior to finalization of plans. `"' New Business New signs have been received indicating there is no snowmobile on McCullom Lake. Letters have been sent out reminding residents of the aeration system. The boundary signs for the various parks have not been erected. The efforts of Summer Staff will be employed to install the signs. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m. Ayes: Low, Murgatroyd, Glab Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, ;� , Susan E. Low, Chairman �