HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/16/2002 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, May 16,2002 A[derman's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Cammittee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Deputy Chief Brogan, City Clerk Jones, Parks Maintenance Superintendent Schmidt, and Athletic Supervisor Perkins. City Administrator Lobaito arrived at 7:20 p.m. Chairman Low called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion and Recommendation on Horsepower Limits on McCnllom Lake Director of Pazks and Recreation Merkel reported on April 24, 2002, the Parks and Recreation Department hosted a meeting of lakefront residents to discuss the horsepower limits on McCullom Lake. He stated the horsepower limits have become an issue due to complaints received regarding lack of compliance and enforcement of the 7.5 h.p. limit. Director Merkel noted the 7.5 h.p. limit was established by the McCullom Lake Conservation Club in 1950. Compliance has been hindered in that the 7.S h.p. motor is no longer being manufactured. Director Merkel observed the consensus of the residents seems to be the adoption of an ordinance, which would permit a 10 h.p. limit on boats and a 2S h.p. limit on pontoon boats. A strong feeling exists among the lakefront property owners that McCullom Lake should retain its character as a passive recreational lake. Chairma.n Low stated she attended the meeting on April 24, 2002 and concurred with � Director Merkel. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding whether or not to recommend adoption of a new ordinance permitting 10 h.p. limit on boats and 25 h.p. limit on pontoon boats, and how to enforce the ordinance if adopted. Athletic Supervisor Perkins opined most pontoon boats are powered by a 20 to 25 h.p. engine. Deputy Chief Brogan opined enforcement would be difficult as it would be necessary for an officer to actually observe a violation in order to issue a citation and testify �n Court. Alderman Glab expressed concern regazding enforcement since violations have been ongoing over a long period of time. He suggested a three-year moratorium to permit boat owners to come into compliance with any new ordinance adopted. Alderman Murgatroyd opined he would prefer McCullom Lake remain passive and residents be cited at their docks if not in compliance with whatever ordinance is adopted. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to research restrictions on passive lakes in the vicinity and return to the Committee with findings. Motion by Murgatmyd, seconded by Glab, to recommend Council request the City Attorney to ea�plore enforcement of different horsepower limits and legal issues concerning boats docked in the water not in compliance if an ordinance should be implemented regarding �-' horsepower limits on McCuliom Lake. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee May 16, 2002 � Ayes: Glab, Low, Murgatroyd Nayes: None Absent: None Motion carried. Discussion af Supervision and Proposed Ordinances at McHenry Zone Skate Park: Helmets and No Smoking Director Merkel opined since the opening of the City's Skate Park in July 2001 activities at the Park have been monitored. The largest number of complaints concern: • Participants not wearing helmets; • Smoking;and • Behavioral issues. Director Merkel noted most park patrons are respectful and comply with the rules. Staff continues to experience difficulty with participants 16 years and older regazding helmet compliance and smoking on the premises. Director Merkel stated it is the opinion of Staff the vnly alternative to enforcement of rules and regulations in the Park is the adoption of a helmet ordinance and enforcement by the McHenry Police Department. He noted there were no funds allocated in the 2002/2003 Budget for Staff super��ision of the facility on a daily basis. In researching similar facilities supervised with part time staff, it was discovered a fee was charged for daily admission or a season pass was � issued. Alderman Low sta.ted Alderman Wimmer has voiced his concerns regarding the issues noted. She stated she has also been informed numerous parents have expressed concern to Staff about bringing their younger children to the Skate Pazk because of the behavior of some of the older participants. Alderman Murgatroyd suggested participants at the Skate Pazk should be charged a fee far utilization of the Skate Park. He opined i�the Skate Pazk is to be conducive to a family environment there will have to be full time supervision. Any fee for admission to the Park would go toward the cost of full time stafFmg at the Park. Athletic Supervisor Perkins opined his support of staffmg the Skate Park. A lengthy discussion ensued regazding staffmg, the cost of staffing, and enforcement issues. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to explore the cost of supervision and various hours of operation to facilitate monitoring smoking, swearing and inappropriate behavior in the McHenry Zone Skate Park. Director Merkel stated certain special events are anticipated to take place in the Skate Pazk during the months of July and August 2002. It was opined a,ny events taking place in the Skate Park should first be discussed at a Parks and Recreation Committee meeting prior to scheduling. He suggested scheduling a `' meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee and invite Carol Chrisman to discuss any anticipated events for the surnmer. Page 3 Parks and Recraation Committee May 16, 2002 � It was the consensus of the Committee it is appropriate for the Skate Park Committee to discuss any spccial events with the Parks and Recreation Committee for submission to Council as an Agenda item. A Parks and Recreation Committee meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss planned and future special events in the McHenry Zone Skate Park with Carol Chrisman and the Skate Park Committee. 2002/2003 Project Implementation Schedule Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel summazized the annual 2002/2003 Project implementation schedule and targeted completion dates. He noted this schedule is prepared annually to assist Staff in scheduling budgeted park improvements and capital purchases. Grant Preparation Proposals—Conservation Services Directc�r of Parks and Recreation Merkel outlined two proposals submitted by Conservation Services for the preparation of submission of grant documents for the Petersen Park Waterfront improvements. He noted two grant applications would be submitted for the project: • The Motorized Boat Access Development Grant, which ha.s a September l, 2002 deadlirie; and • fJSLAD/Lawson Park Development Grant,which has a July 1, 2002 deadline. `'" Motian by Murgatroyd, seconded by Gla.b, to recommend to Council tha.t Staff work with Conservation Services of Woodstock, Illinois to prepare an application for the Boat Access Area Development Program Grant and to prepaze the Park Development Grant Application. Ayes: Giab, Low, Murgatroyd. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Director's Report a] Director Merkel informed the Committee regarding the status of Veteran's Memorial Park Playground renovation. He noted due to cost, Veteran's Park would be the only park renovated this fiscal year. T`he renovation of Fox Ridge Park playground equipment will be postponed. A lengthy discussion ensued regazding the fire truck in the pazk and the merits of keeping it when the playground equipment is replaced. b] Director Merkel stated the City ha.s received a proposal for the Green Street island- landscaping project. He noted funds are budgeted for professional landscaping and maintenance. The project is scheduled to come before Council in the fall of 2002. T'his year flowers will be planted. Alderman Murgatroyd departed at 8:50 p.m. `.- New Business Superintendent of Park Maintenance Schmidt informed the Committee the Whispering Oaks entrance sign has been reinstalled. Page 4 Parks and Recrc:ation Committee May 16, 2002 � Athletic Supervisor Perkins requested the Committee consider the installation of lights at Knox Park Field No. 2 due to the number of Youth Leagues. Alderman Glab informed Council the Whispering Oaks Community Center is interested in exploring a joint venture for a Senior Service Center for citywide use for all senior citizens. Alderman Glab inquired about the status of landscaping of the AT&T structure situated in Knox Park offof Green Street. Motion by Glab, seconded by Low,to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Ayes: Low, Glab Nays: None Absent: Murgatroyd Motion carried. Respectf�lly submitted,� �f ��` L��7,�(", y ( Su$an E. Low. Chairman ,�. �