HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/12/2002 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday,June 12,2002 Alderman's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Glab. Alderman Murgatroyd. Absent: None. ALso in Attendance: Alderman Wimmer, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby and Athletic Supervisor Perkins. Also in Attendance: Carol Chrisman Lucille Moberg Melody Dvorzsak Bud Smith Briana Jakiala Kathy Lundy Chairman Alderman Low called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Discussion of Skate Park Special Events and Fundraisers for Summer Chairman Alderman Low expressed the City's support for the Skate Park and appreciation to the Skate Park Committee for their continued efforts to improve the project. The Council is concerned tha.t the Skate Park be a safe facility for all who wish to participate in the activities offered. � Chairman Alderman Low noted Director of Parks & Recreation Merkel had made mention at the last Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting of special events the Skate Park Committee has planned for summer 2002. It is the consensus of the Committee the Skate Park is a City park and the same protocol should be followed as required by other events taking place in parks in the City. Carol Chrisman stated the Skate Pazk Committee has not approached the Council with a request to use the Skate Pazk for special events because they are not informed until nearly the last minute. Two events currently in the concept phase are: • A skate clinic, to target younger aged participants an�cious to learn; and • DK Bike Tour, which usually costs $3,000, has offered a free clinic in August because they are so impressed by what has been accomplished. Alderman Murgatroyd stated the Committee should be made awa.re of as much information as possible regarding any events (i.e., proposed date, time, City's responsibilities, the Skate Park Committee's role) in the concept phase, even if a date is unavailable. It was the consensus of the Committee the Skate Park Committee should provide information on a regular basis regarding proposed events in the Skate Park to Director Merkel for inclusion in the Friday Report. Ms. Chrisman informed the Committee she did not anticipate a program plan would be secured for any proposed events for summer 2002 until the end of June or early July 2002. She `'' stated the Committee would be advised of any events planned for the end of July and August at least two weeks prior any event taking place. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee Ju.ne 12, 2002 L, Discussion on Issues Related to Skate Park Management and Supervision (Rule Enforcement) Chairman Low stated since the opening of the Skate Park in July 2001 complaints involve non-compliance with Skate Pazk rules and behavior problems. Additionally, many telephone calls have been received with complaints regazding: • No helmets • Foullanguage • Smoking Recognizing there aze only a few problem makers, Alderman Low stated the goal of the Skate Park is to have a family oriented activity, which is a fun, sa.fe environment for all ages. Carol Chrisman noted the Skate Park Committee requires the assistance of the City. She realizes there is no ordinance to enforce the helmet requirement, and the kids know there is nothing the police can do to force them to wear a helmet. She suggested staffing the Skate Park with adults for the purpose of supervision or enacting an ordinance enabling police officers to write tickets to offenders. An extended discussion followed. It was opined the kids have to know there will be consequences if the rules in the Skate Park are not followed. It was suggested the area officers should have a stronger presence. Suspension of pazk privileges was suggested as an enforcement option. � Athletic Supervisor Mike Perkins noted the skate park in Fox Lake is located directly behind the Police Department. If a participant is not wearing a helmet, they are asked to leave the premises. He informed the Committee he reseazched comparisons of different regulations in some Skate Parks in the area with the following results: Orland Park Hoffinan Estates Not open unless supervised Not open unless supervised Fees for residents and non-residents Daily attendance sheet Season passes and punch cards $2.00/day and hand stamp $3.00/day residents $55.00 season pass (resident fee) $4.50/day non-residents During school(3:30 p.m—7:00 p.m.) 13 yrs. And older(helmets) Weekends (11:00 a.m. —7:00 p.m.) 12 yrs. And younger(full geaz) Summer(11:00 a.m. —7:00 p.m.) (Note: 11-1 is grade school only, 1-5 is all ages and 5-7 is high school and older) Chairman Alderman Low noted former Police Chief I�ostecki had suggested set hours for the skate park would make patrolling and enforcement more effective. The Skate Park Committee expressed strong opposition to any fee being charged for use of the Skate Park. `' It was the consensus of the Parks and Recreation Committee, Staff and the Skate Park Committee to review the following: Page 3 Pazks and Recreation Committee June 12, 2002 �. - Consider the possibility of regulated hours at the Skate Park to accommodate younger participants. - Discuss supervision options and police presence with Chief of Police O'Meara and Deputy Chief Brogan. The Skate Park Committee expressed interest in taking part in the discussions. - Consider the option of suspending a repeat offender from the premises. - Consider a helmet ordinance. - Committee should be kept informed as proposed programs approach. Director's Report Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel had no Director's Report. New Business The nea�t Parks and Recreation Committee meeting is scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on July 8, 2002 in the Aldermen's Conference Room Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Ayes: Low, Glab, Murgatroyd Nays: None .4bsent: None Motion carried. � Respectfu y submitted, :�-f�--��7 � '�-�— Susan E. Low, Chairman �