HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/22/2002 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, August 22, 2002 Alderman's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Murgatroyd. Absent: Alderman Glab. Also in Attendance: Ma.yor Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Superintendent of Park Maintenance Schmidt and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Bob Klein, Director of the YMCA in McHenry County Rick Reese, Development Director of the YMCA Chairman Alderman Low called the Pazks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. YMCA Feasibility Discussion Director of Pazks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee the YMCA Feasibility Study and Recommendations had been completed. Director Merkel introduced Bob Klein, Director of YMCA in McHenry County and Rick Reese, Development Director. Mr. Reese stated due to the lack of facilities and/or overused facilities the City of McHenry and the YMCA Board of Directors have agreed a partnership would be beneficial to meet the program needs of the community. The opportunity will enable residents of the community to participate in a variety of programs. � Mr. Reese informed the Committee the anticipated site of the Recreatian Center will be west of the Municipal Center, adjacent to Knox Park. Mr. Reese noted it has been suggested the City of McHenry and the YMCA, in a joint effort, construct a 50,000 square foot facility, which would contain a gymnasium, swimming pool, locker rooms, multi-use rooms, pre-school area, arts and crafts and exercise areas. The costs associated with the construction of such a facility aze projected to be between$6 million to $9 million. Mr. Reese summarized the Feasibility Study and outlined five recommendations as follows: • Project Development o A detailed project proposal to be developed with rationale for support, which should include a three-year business plan exhibiting how the new facility can be maintained from operational income. The partnership between the City of McHenry and the YMCA would be detailed as to their respective responsibilities. • Public Relations o A public relations committee should be developed as soon as a plan for the campaign has been undertaken. • Campaign Planning Committee o A campaign planning committee, to be appointed by the Board chair, composed of a maximum six members of whom no more than two are members of the board � of directors. It is suggested other members be community leaders, noted for planning and organizational skills. • Calendar Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee August 22, 2002 �. o A reasonable calendar should be prepared and followed. The timing of the campaign should be adjusted to adequately accommoda.te the time required to develop the case for support and to identify, cultivate and recruit the appropriate campaign leadership. • Consultation o A flexible agreement would be entered into with Jeffrey Byrne and Associates for capital campaign consultation during the planning stage of the campaign. Due to experience and skills of the senior staff at the YMCA of McHenry County consultation during the final stages may be reduced. Mr. Reese stated the YMCA would embark on a capital campaign to provide a portion of the funding for the recreational facility in the City of McHenry. The role of the YMCA would be clearly articulated as a prelude to countywide solicitation. A lengthy discussion ensued encompassing the possible cost projections for the building, furnishings, and fundraising efforts. Alderman Murgatroyd opined the project is an asset to the community. Chairman Low concurred. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low, to recommend Council continue discussions with the YMCA regarding the Recreation Center with a Resolution to be prepared and presented � to Council for approval. Ayes: Low, Murgatroyd. Nayes: None. Absent: Glab. Motion carried. Freund Field Improvements Director Merkel stated in 2000 a Freund Field Master Pla.n was developed for the renovation of the park site. Funding for the improvements was scheduled in the CIP and the new playground was installed in 2001. Director Merkel noted this fiscal year, $50,000 has been allocated for the conversion of the tennis courts into a 3-court basketball complex. Director Merkel noted the existing asphalt surface is in need of repair prior to the application of any new court marking or striping. Of three possible options, it was suggested Option No. 2 including one basketball court on a sport court surface and two asphalt surface repair and reseal courts with removable basketball goals and standazds, for a total of approxima,tely $45,000 be chosen. It was noted this opion remains within the $50,000 allocated to the project while still providing the most viable development of the facility. Director Merkel stated the project would be undertaken in the fall. Price quotations for the work and purchase of the equipment have been solicited. Director Merkel stated there might be potentia.l for a donation toward the basketball court �-' development from the James Althoff family in memory of Tim Althof� Some discussion took place in mid-April and Director Merkel informed the Committee he would follow-up with a Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee August 22, 2002 � letter to J.L. Althoff. Chairman Low suggested she and Director Merkel meet with Mr. and Mrs. Althoff in the near future to discuss the project in detail. Holiday Lighting Update Director Merkel stated the electrical improvements in Veteran's Park, Whispering Oaks Park and Green Street Park would be completed in time for Holiday Lighting. He noted the electrical reno��ations at Veteran's Park would exceed $10,000 and will be put out to bid. Specifications are being prepared by AlthoffIndustries. Director Merkel informed the Committee new outdoor lighting displays would be purchased from Temple Display of Oswego, Illinois as follows: 1. Elf Trimming Tree $ 590.00 2. Elf Lighting Tree $ 990.00 3. Rocking Horse $ 575.00 4. Jack-in-the-Box $ 930.00 5. Alpha Blocks $ 600.00 6. Animated Toy Train $5.370.00 Total $9,055.00 The displays are commercial grade and will replace the homemade units donated by the McHenry Raccoons. McHenry Parks Maintenance personnel will do work with assistance from the Public Works Staff, as required. � Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low, to recommend to Council the purchase of holiday displays for 2002 in the amount of$9,055.00 Ayes: Low, Murgatroyd. Nayes: None. Absent: Glab. Motion carried. Park Development Planning Director Merkel reported six new parks would be added to the City's existing park system within the next three years. The new pazks are being brought in with new subdivisions or the purchase of open space adjacent to recently completed developments. The park locations are as follows: 1. Shamrock Farms (one large park and two tot lots) 2. Liberty Trails(one pazk site with playground installed by developer) 3. Riverside Hollow(one lot with playground equipment installed by developer) 4. Petersen Park(20-acre addition south of the existing athletic azea). Director Merkel stated the two largest parceLs should have site plans developed. The site plans will outline the future use of the sites to serve the needs of City of McHenry residents cornparably within the respective neighborhoods. Upon completion of site plans Staff will be in a position to obtain estimates for development of the park sites. Director Merkel advised � estimated amounts would be brought before Council for review and placed within the CIP for future development. Page 4 Pazks and Recreation Committee August 22, 2002 � Director's Report a. Fox Ridge Ball Field Usa�e Request Director Merkel advised he has received requests from two baseball organizations regarding the utilization of Fox Ridge Park for make-up games. He noted currently Fox Ridge Park is set up only for practice sessions. There are no washroom facilities and parking is insufficient to accommodate the attendance at games. It was suggested the fields might be used for make-up games only on certain days and the Parks and Recreation Department personnel open the park in the morning and the Police Department personnel lock it in the evening. It was the consensus of the Committee to recommend Staff research surrounding municipalities regarding procedures under similar circumstances. b. East Beach Park Request Director Merkel presented a letter from Robert R. Joesel a resident at 4609 Shore Drive. Director Merkel noted he has spoken with Mr. Joesel in the past regarding certain improvements to the East Beach Park. According to Mr. Joesel's letter he obtained information from neighbors in the vicinity regarding certain suggested improvements to the park as follows: • Trim pazk trees � • Replace of playground equipment • Enlarge and upgrade of half court basketball court • Provide additional garbage cans • Provide additional picnic tables o Place wood chip mats under picnic tables • Remove the fence separating the parks and replace it with a hedgerow • Jnitiate a program to prevent shore emsion • Initiate a program for weed control • Replace or reset lakeside benches • Install cooking grills • Landscape port-a-potty area to inhibit tipping over of facilities � Provide a bulletin boazd • Maintain and level the beach annually Director Merkel stated he is providing the list for inforrnational purposes. c. Communitv Development Block Grant Director Merkel informed Council the Community Development Block Grant for the Petersen Park washrooms and utility eartensions in the amount of$100,000 was submitted on July 31, 2002. d. Church of Holy Apostle—Kelly Miller Circus � Director Merkel informed Council a request has been received from Church of Holy Apostle to use Petersen Pazk as the site for the Kelly Miller Circus on September 16, Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee August 22, 2002 L.. 2002. Director Merkel noted the late date for submission of the request citing a misunderstanding. Alderman Glab opined he appreciated the information and has no objection to the event however, would appreciate if the Committee were informed in a more timely fashion. New Business Alderman Low requested outstanding Skate Park issues and matters concerning enforcement of horsepower limits on McCullom Lake be placed on the Agenda at the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting scheduled for October. She requested Director Merkel contact Chief O'Meara and Deputy Chief Brogan to request their attendance at that meeting. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low,to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Ayes: Low, Murgatroyd. Nays: None. Absent: Glab. Motion carried. Respectful�y submitted, � t � .� ti� Susan E. Low, Chauman `.. �