HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/9/2003 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,January 9, 2003 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderma.n Low, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd. ��bsent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Superintendent Park Maintenance Schmidt, and City Clerk Jones. Mayor Althoff arrived at 7:12 p.m. Alderman Bolger arrived at 7:20 p.m. Also in Attendance: Robert Joesel, 4609 Shore Drive, McHenry, Illinois Neal Shepler, 1640 Pleasant, McHenry, Illinois Greg Lofgren of the Landmark Commission Chairman Alderman Low called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Chairman Low requested a deviation from the Agenda introducing Mx. Robert R. Joesel, a resident of 4609 Shore Drive. Mr. Joesel addressed the Committee distributing his letter dated June 19, 2003 and voicing disappointment his issues regarding the following have not been addressed: • Trim park trees • Replace playground equipment • Enlarge and upgrade half court basketball court � • Provide additional garbage cans • Provide additional picnic tables o Place wood chip mats under picnic tables • Remove the fence separating the parks and replace it with a hedgerow • Initiate a program to prevent shore erosion • Initiate a program for weed control • Replace or reset lakeside benches • Install cooking grills • Landscape port-a-potty area to inhibit tipping over of facilities • Provide a bulletin board • Maintain and level the beach annually Mr. Joesel complimented Superintendent Park Maintenance Schmidt and his Staff for maintenance o f the beaches. It was the consensus of the Committee to address Mr. Joesel and his neighbor's concerns at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting scheduled to take place on February 13, 2003. Chairman Alderman Low assured Mr. Joesel he would be provided with notice of the meeting. Petersen Historic Farm Discussion Assistant Administrator Lockerby informed the Committee with the death of Robert Petersen, Staff is seeking direction regazding future use of the Petersen Park pazcel. � Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee January 9, 2003 �-- Alderman Murgatroyd inquired about the cost of a museum. Alderman Glab suggested the entire property should be looked at comprehensively. Chairman Low opined the untimely death of Robert Petersen has precipitated decisions by the City. She stated she is aware of Mr. Petersen's wishes regarding a historical working farm. Superintendent Park Maintenance Schmidt suggested inspection by a structural professional. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the contents of the house and barn, security issues at the property, and the possibility of a caretaker. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to research what steps are required to facilitate a historic museum. The information is to be brought back for further discussion at the February 13, 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Community Development Block Grant Director Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee the City of McHenry was recently awarded two Community Development Block Crrants ("CDBG") for Petersen Park. A planning grant was made in the amount of$11,100 for the expansion of Petersen Park and a $70,446.50 Infrastructure Grant was awarded for the washroom/utility building near the beachfront. � Director Merkel stated professional services will be required to complete the project. An architect's services will be required to complete the design and bid specifications for the washroom/utility structure and the concept plan for the park expansion should involve a planning firm. Petersen Park Plan Director Merkel noted it is the intent of the City to add approximately22 acres, recently acquired from Cunat Brothers, Inc., to Petersen Park. Currently the site is agricultural. The proposed improvements would consist of a roadway e�ension (Donovan Street) through the site to an existing parking area just north of the site. Site improvement would include drainage, mass grading, lighting, recreational facility layout, and walking path layout. Director Merkel stated Smith Engineering Consultants has submitted a proposal to complete a topographic survey of the site and development of the final plan with opinions of probable cost. It was the consensus of the Committee to consider the Smith Engineering Proposal and render a decision at the February 13, 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Petersen Park Washroom Building—Selection of Architectural Firm Director Merkel presented a pmposal for design and bid specification from Cone Kalb Wonderlick, an architectural, planning and design firm in Chicago, for the proposed Washroom/Storage structure in Petersen Park. A brief discussion ensued. Director Merkel informed the Committee the firm has worked �` with the City previously in the renovation and updating of existing washrooms to ADA standards and the development of the washrooms at Fort McHenry in Whispering Oaks Park. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee January 9, 2003 � Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to recommend Council approve a contract with Cone Kalb Wonderlick for the architectural design of a proposed storage/bathhouse facility at Petersen Park, subject to the City Attorney's inclusion of a paragraph in the contract regarding performance parameters for the architect. All Ayes. Motion carried. McCullom Lake Horsepower Ordinance Update Director Merkel, referring to City Attorney McArdle's letter dated November 4, 2002, stated Illinois statute provides for City authority to license, regulate and prohibit water craft used within its jurisdiction. It was opined the regulation includes limitation of horsepower on certain boats. The limits previously discussed were 10 h.p. for boats and 25 h.p. for pontoon boats. Director Merkel stated the only outstanding issue is the Grandfather Clause. Alderman Glab announced he is opposed to the Grandfa.ther Clause entirely. Chairman Low suggested a compromise of one season to pernut existing property owners, who currently own motors exceeding the new limits, an opportunity to change to acceptable limits. A discussion ensued regazding the Grandfather Clause and notification of lakefront property owners. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to direct Staff to draft an Ordinance, effective May 1, 2003 to be presented to Council, limiting the horsepower limits on McCullom Lake to 10 h.p. for boats and 25 hp. for pontoon boats, subject to a one-season e�ension for existing � property owners, who currently own motors which exceed the limits an opportunity to comply with the new limits. All ayes. Motion carried. Discussion on Special Event Fees Director Merkel informed the Committee most of the ongoing special event programs pay no special event fees. The activities are in cooperation with the City and exempted by written agreement or waived by Council action. It was suggested some programs contribute money back to the City for use of the parks and personnel. Alderman Glab opined all programs have some impact on the City parks. The Committee discussed a possible fee structure and requested new or proposed special event grograms, requesting waiver of fees, be required to direct their request to Council. Director Merkel was directed to provide the Committee with a list of proposed improvements to be suggested to certain groups using City parks for special events. Youth Commission Basketball Program Request Athletic Supervisor Perkins informed the Committee on October 15, 2002 a meeting was held with Steve Buss, Donna Schaefer, Alderman Low, the Mayor and Assistant City Administrator Lockerby to discuss the possible involvement of the Parks and Recreation Department interacting with the McHenry Area Youth Council (MAYC) basketball program. `' Mr. Perkins stated currently the program is under the umbrella of the MAYC, but MAYC plans to disassociate itself with the basketball program effective Fall of 2003, as the size and Page 4 Pazks and Recreation Committee January 9, 2003 L• scope of the program has outgrown MAYC's ability to provide adequate staffmg and support. The City has bE;en approached to assist in overseeing the program by handling some of the duties associated with the program such as: � Advertising the program in the Parks brochure; • Preparation of flyers; • Handling registration of the program; • Assumption of insurance coverage for the program; • Acquisition of school facilities for practice and games; • Preparation of roster sheets; • Assistance with team drafts; and • Preparation of league schedules. Mr. Perkins expressed concern regarding liability, impact on staf�ing and should the City undertake the basketball program, would this set a precedent and encourage youth organizations to seek assistance from the City to oversee their programs. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding Mr. Perkin's concerns. Chairman Low opined with the magnitude of projects currently underway the timing is currently inopportune. It was the consensus of the Committee to not support the City of McHenry's increased involvement with the MAYC Basketball Program at this time. Dates for 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee Meetings �- Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel outlined the 2003 dates for Parks and Recreation Committee meetings and proposed topics of discussion as follows: • Petersen Park Plan(20-acre acquisition) • Petersen Historic Farm Plan • Petersen Waterfront Development • YMCA—Recreation Center Development • Shamrock Farm Plan • Fox Ridge Park Playground Renovation • Petersen Park Stage(Meijer ponation) • Urban Forestry Demonstration Project • Natural Resource Management Plan • Park Maintenance Update and Review of Projects � Miller Riverfront Park Bridge & Trail Development; � Knox P��rk Pool Architectural Evaluation Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to approve the tentative dates in 2003 for Parks and Recreation Committee meetings: Thursday, January 9, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room Thursday, February 13, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room Thursday, March 13, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room Thursday, May 8, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room � Thursday, June 12, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room T'hursday, September 11, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room Thursday, October 9, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee January 9, 2003 �-- Thursday,November 13, 2003 7pm Aldermen's Conference Room. All ayes. Motion carried. Director's Report a. Status of Fire Truck Restoration Directoi• Merkel provided a report regarding the restoration of the fire truck located previously in Veteran's Memorial Park. The fire truck does not meet national standards. Renovat:ion will be costly. It was suggested the fire truck be used for display purposes only. A brief discussion regarding temporary storage of the fire truck ensued. Director Merkel is seeking direction from the Committee on how to proceed with the project. b. Field Student Pro�ram—Spring 2003 Director Merkel stated Ms. Sarah Jacobs, a graduate of McHenry High School, would be complet ing a 12-week internship with the Parks and Recreation Department during Spring 2003. He noted from 1996 to 2001 Sarah was employed by the Department as a lifeguard. Sarah is currently a senior at Eastern Illinois University, majoring in Parks and Recreation Administration. Her internship will begin on March 10, 2003 and end on May 30, 2003. c. Tree Citv USA Recertification Director of Pazks and Recreation Merkel recognized the participation of the Public Works Department in the formulation of the breakdown for the Application for Recertification as � a Tree City USA. Director Merkel informed the Committee the City of McHenry has been recognized as a Tree City USA for seven consecutive yeazs. New Business Alderman Glab expressed continued concerns regarding the display of signs in public right-of-ways. Adjournment Motion by Low, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, S san E. Low, Chairman �