HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/13/2003 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS& RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,February 13,2003 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Glab, Alderman Murgatroyd. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Director of Pazks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Superintendent Park Maintenance Schmidt, and City Clerk Jones. Mayor Althoff arrived at 7:12 p.m. Alderman Bolger arrived at 7:20 p.m. Also in Attendance: Mr. Wayne Lattanzio Mr. Robert Joesel Mr. Greg Lofgren, Ms. Marya Dixon-McHenry Landmark Commission Mr. Scott Smith, Smith Engineering Consultants Mr.Nea1 Schepler Chairman Alderman Low called the Pazks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Discussion Regarding a Request for a Cruise Night Program Green Street Business District Director Parks and Recreation Merkel stated he met with Mr. Lattanzio, following Mr. Lattanzio's attendance at the City Council meeting held on January 13, 2003, regarding a � proposed Cruise Night Program in the City of McHenry. Tentative dates, projected times and possible locations were discussed. Mr. Lattanzio expressed hi s enthusiasm for car shows and suggested newspaper ads for the program might be sponsored by area businesses. Chairman Low reported she has received positive response from the community since Mr. Lattanzio brought the matter to Council for consideration. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to pursue a summertime Cruise Night Program in the City. Staff was directed to formulate a proposal including da.tes, times and location, and to explore the possibility of entertainment. Discussion Regarding East Beach Park Referencing a letter received from Mr. Joesel, a resident of Lakeland Park adjacent to the East Beach, Director Merkel noted concerns expressed in the letter relate to East Beach and West Beach, including: • Fark equipment has been removed and not replaced; • Pazks should remain usable for families; • The waterfront beach area contains no sand; • Parks trees are not being trimmed; • Parks landscaping has not been done; L. • Possible relocation of the fence so the beach area can be expanded. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee February 13,2003 �, Chairman Low�noted Mr. Joesel's requests are not unreasonable and do not appear to be overly costly. Director Merkel stated the fences are in the process of being repaired. Benches and trash cans are being replaced. Chairman Low sta.ted the Parks and Recreation Department appears to be responding to Mr. Joesel's concerns. Mr. Joesel expressed his appreciation for the Committee's efforts on his behalf. Petersen Park Farm Discussion Director Merkel informed the Committee the City would assume control of the Petersen Farm Property in May. He pointed out the property should be secured. T'he City has applied for an Historic Preservation Grant to repair the silo and restore the barn. Director Merkel stated the City should consider long-term plans for this property. Mr. Greg Lofgren, member of the City's Landmark Commission Currently on sabbatical, spoke on Landmark Commission ideas for the utiliza.tion of the Petersen Farm Homestead Property. He stated the Honiestead might be a good place to house Landmark Commission offices, partially for security purposes. He noted initially no great influx of money is anticipated and encouraged the City to consider sma11 ventures regarding plans for utilization of the property. Alderman Mwgatroyd stated the concept of open space preservation was the original intent of the City when the property was purchased. Alderman Glab suggested Staff prepare a resolution � outlining the intent of the City to comply with the terms of the Robert G. Petersen Trust to maintain the property as an historical site. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to direct Staff to prepare a resolution for Council consideration and approval; the resolution should outline the intent of the City to comply with the terms of the Robert G. Petersen Trust to maintain the Petersen Farm Homestead Property as an historical site. All ayes. Motion carried. Some discussion occurred regazding the creation of a museum on the premises. Mr. Lofgren stated start-up costs for a museum have been included in the Landmark Commission budget. Community Development Block Grant Program (Petersen Park 22-acre E�pansion) Planning Pronosal from SEC Plannin�Consultants Mr. Scott Smith stated the Petersen Park 22-acre Expansion Plan proposal for planning and engineering services has been revised and now includes a detailed scope of services totaling $10,800, well within the$11,100 grant allocation. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council that the Petersen Pazk 22- acre Expansion Plan Proposal for planning and engineering services be awarded to Smith Engineering Consultants in an amount not-to-exceed$10,800. All ayes. Motion carried. � Page 3 Pazks and Recreation Committee February 13, 2003 `.. Anurovai of Architectural Firm Director Merkel noted he has conferred with City Attorney McArdle regarding the proposed contract for Architectural Services for the Petersen Park 22-acre Expansion and the issue of performance penalties. City Attorney McArdle suggested a default provision in the Contract to protect the City. It was suggested Attorney McArdle review the contract prior to execution of the document by the City. Motian by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to recommend insertion of a default provision in the contract to address performance penalties and that City Attorney McArdle review and approve the proposed contract for Architectural Services for the Petersen park 22-acre Expansion prior to it being presented for Council approval. All ayes. Motion carried. Boat Area Access Grant Director Merkel outlined for the Committee the $88,000 Boat Access Grant for informationaI purposes. Some discussion followed regarding the architectural design and supervision fee for construction management. Director Merkel noted the cost for updating specifications would be approximately $2,000-$3,000. The bid letting would be approximately$7,000. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to direct Staff to work with Smith Engineering to prepare a proposal for submission to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for approval. All ayes. Motion carried. �, Director's Report a. City Band Concert Schedule Director Merkel reported the City is anticipating nine band concerts again this summer. The concerts will begin on June 12th. Themes will once again be utilized. Staff is in the process of contacting local restaurants to serve as food vendors for the concerts. b. Jaycees Fireworks—Julv 5, 2003 Director Merkel noted this year's fireworks are scheduled for July 5`�. He informed the Comrnittee $25,000 is being requested in the 2003-2004 budget for this event. Chairman Low noted some safety issued need to be addressed prior to this year's event. c. Namin�of Three New Citv Parks Director Merkel stated City Parks have historically been named for the subdivision in which they are located. He suggested the following names for three new City Parks: • Shamrock Farms Pazk • Liberty Trails Pazk(tot lot) • Riverside Hollow Park(tot lot). Alderman Glab opined he would prefer some of the parks named after individuals. A brief discussion ensued. Alderman Low noted the provision stating Council reserves the option to change the names in the future. � Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee February 13, 2003 `. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to recommend to Council the three new City Parks be named, subject to Council reserving the option to change the names in the future, as follows: • Shamrock Farms Pazk • Liberty Trails Park • Riverside Hollow Pazk. All ayes. Motion carried. New Business Director Merkel reported the 2003 Athletic Facilities Scheduling Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting would be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2003 at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Center Classroom. Chairman Low stated she attended the Old Mill Ponds Homeowners Association Board of Directors meeting last week. Concerns were raised rega.rding Lot 106. She noted since the subdivision is completely built out the Homeowners Association would like the City to maintain Lot 106, which is currently overgrown and unsightly. This matter was referted to the Parks Maintenance Staff. Alderman Murgatroyd noted with regard to Fox Ridge Park,the gate has periodically been found to be unlocked at night during the sutnmer months. Residents in the azea have expressed concern regarding this park being left open. It was suggested further patrolling of City parks be addressed as a part of the 2003-2004 budget process, as there are no longer pazk rangers providing security `,. patrol services. Adjournment Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low, to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, , Susan . Low, Chairman �