HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/15/2003 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,May 15,2003 Alderman Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Condon, Alderman Murgatroyd. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Superintendent Park Maintenance Schmidt, Parks and Recreation Intern Sarah Jacobs, Building and Zoning Superintendent Schwalenberg; City Engineer Scott Smith of Smith Engineering and City Clerk Jones. Alderman Peterson arrived at 7:50 p.m. Alderman Glab arrived at 8:00 p.m. Also in Attendance: Mel and Lois Prust 3527 Larkin Lane, McHenry Chairman Alderman Low called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. For the benefit of Alderman Condon Chairman Low asked the Committee members and Staff to introduce themselves along with their positions in the City. Discussion Regarding the Disposition of the Knoz Barn and Farm House Located on Wheeler Park Fen Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee the purchase from the � County of McHenry of the Green Street Property located across the street from the Municipal Center has been completed. He stated the land and structures have been transferred to the City as part of the Miller Road Project. Staff ascertained the barn was built in 1913 and the house constructed around 1920. Director Merkel noted the barn and the house are in poor condition and, based upon an inspection conducted by Building and Zoning Superintendent Schwalenberg, the buildings are structurally dangerous and unsafe. Director Merkel stated Landmark Commission members had an opportunity to walk through the structures, prior to the water leak in 2001 and subsequent damage, and noted the structures have no significant historic value. Director Merkel informed the Committee Staff is seeking direction regardin� the restoration or demolition of the structures. Director Merkel introduced Building and Zoning Superintendent Schwalenberg; Superintendent Schwalenberg stated the house is unfit for occupancy and the barn structure is dangerous and unsafe. He opined the cost of restoration would be prohibitive noting the following repairs to each structure: House • Severa.l cisterns exist just south of the house and need to be filled or covered in order to prevent someone from falling in; • Several windows have been broken out on the east side of the building; • Both the front and back door are open and the front inside door is missing; � • Front and back porches have rotted to the point where someone could fall throu,gh if not careful when walking; • The house has no electricity and no water; Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee May 15, 2003 `-- • Damage has been caused by a leak from water running in the sink on the second floor causing the following damage: o Ceiling finish, plaster and tile, in the dining room collapsed. o Hardwood flooring on both the first and second floor is buckled. o Fixtures filled with water, froze and broke. • Open electric wiring e�sts throughout the house; • Holes are present in the roof, causing additional water damage and promoting decay; • A section of wa11 was removed in the basement and questionable support was installed; • Hydonic heat e�sts in the house, which could have been damaged by not winterizing the system for cold wea.ther storage. Barn • The well pit off the northwest side of the building is covered with several scraps of plywood; • The north wall of the barn is leaning out at the top approximately 3 to 6 inches; • Support posts on the east side of the barn have decayed and slid off the foundation; � The structure is open and needs to be secured; • Several posts and beams are cracked and splitting; • The main floor has decayed to a point where large holes are present; • The northeast quarter of the main floor of the barn is settling, causing support posts to break through the flooring; � • Wood pins are being sheered offor torn from mortise and tenon joints; • The vent stack for the lower level of the barn has decayed to a point that it is near collapse; • The structure is no longer weather-tight resulting from holes in the roof and sides; Director Merkel informed the Committee he has spoken with the McHenry Township Fire Protection District and the McHenry County Conservation Service regarding possible demolition activities. The Fire Protection District is interested in the house for training purposes, but has no interest in the barn. Director Merkel informed the Committee he is aware of groups that disassemble old barns as a commercial enterprise, stating no money was allocated for demolition of the barn or the house in the 2003/2004 budget. Discussion ensued. Chairman Low introduced resident Mel Prust. Mr. Prust stated his house is adjacent to the lot on which the house and barn are located. He noted they would like to see the barn stay but understands the current safety issues and the costs involved in restoring the structure. Responding to Mr. Prust's concerns regarding what construction is anticipated should the house and barn be demolished, Director Merkel reported the proposed Wheeler Fen Land and Water Reserve are linked with the McHenry County Highway Department plan to construct an arterial road along the southern border of the proposed Land and Water Reserve with the remaining properry planted in prairie grasses and plants indigenous to the area. A brief discussion ensued. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to recommend to Council that the McHenry Township Fire Protection District be permitted to utilize the house structure for �"' training purposes, subject to the property being maintained in good repair by the Fire District during use. All ayes. Motion carried. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee May 15, 2003 � Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to direct Staff to explore options regarding demolition of the barn structure. All ayes. Motion carried. Discussion Concerning Setting the Dates for SEC Planning Consultants Meeting Regarding Petersen Park Addition Director Merkel explained the first step of the Petersen Park Addition is a Public Planning Meeting to obtain information from residents and user groups. He stated discussions have taken place with SEC Planning and the tentative target date for a Public Meeting would be in the evening between June 16 through 27, 2003. Directc►r Merkel stated notification has been received from the McHenry County Planning and Development Department the additional CDBG funding has been received from HUD and an amended action plan has been forwarded for the County Board's approval increasing the Planning Grant by $8,086. Director Merkel noted the original request was in the amount of$25,000 and initial funding was approved at $11,100. The additional CDBG funding will provide a total of$19,186 for planning the project. Director Merkel informed the Committee he has met with representatives of Smith Engineering and SEC Planning requesting a Phase II proposal to include the services deleted from the Phase I proposal based upon the original $11,100 grant allocation. Director Merkel stated Peter Verdicchio, ASLA, of SEC will be the Project Manager for this CDBG Grant funded `„ project. Scott Smith of SEC informed the Committee Phase I would complete the planning process. Three concepts, from passive to active, will be submitted for the project. Mr. Smith stated the three concepts will be brought before the Committee at the June 12, Z003 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. Mr. Smith stated there exist three issues which should be addressed at that time: • Drainage • The Donovan Street lift station • Soil issues Following a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Committee a Public Input Session would be tentatively scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July l, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Alderman Peterson arrived at 7:50 p.m. Approval of Engineering, Preparation of Contract Plans and Specifications for Freund Field Director Merkel summarized the proposal from Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. to provide services for the Phase III Renovation at Freund Field. He noted the services provided would include surveying, engineering plans and specifications, bid documents and bid review at a cost of$11,966.40. � Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee May 15, 2003 `.- Director Merkel informed the Committee the Freund Field Phase III project is budgeted in the 2003/2004 CIP for $135,000 from the Developer ponation Fund. Improvements identified in Phase III include: � parking lot renovations, • drainage, • relocation of the ball field, � new fencing, • spectator seating; and • landscape improvements. Director Merkel stated completion of the project is anticipated by Spring 2004. A brief discussion enst�ed. Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to recommend to Council the Engineering Contract Plans and Specifications for Freund Field be prepared at a cost not-to-exceed $11,966.40. All ayes. Motion carried. Review of Plans and Specifications for Foa Ridge Park Playground Renovations Director Merkel announced the Fox Ridge Park Playground is scheduled for renovation as part of the City's 5-yea,r Capital Improvement Plan ("CIP"). The improvements will include the removal of existing equipment and safety surfacing, installation of subsurface drainage, new `-- safety surfacing, and new play apparatus. Staff is seeking the Committee's direction regarding the preparation of bid specifications to be presented to Council for authorization to go to bid for the project. It is anticipated bids would be presented to the City in summer and a falUwinter construction schedule would be set. Director Merkel stated the project is included in the Fiscal Year 2003 CIP and is budgeted at $100,QOQ in the Developer ponation Fund. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to recommend to Council that Staffprepare bid specifications for the Fox Ridge Park Playgound Renovations. All ayes. Motion ca.rried. Alderman Glab arrived at 5:00 p.m. Presentation on Urban Forestry Demonstration Project Superintendent of Park Maintenance and City Forester, Tom Schmidt, informed the Committee an Urban Forestry demonstration project is proposed for this year. Superintendent Schmidt stated Staff has sought to implement this type of progam in previous years but has been unable ta secure funding through the City budget, or through Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Forestry Grant programs. Superintendent Schmidt stated the City will receive $84,600 from the Meyer Material anne�tion to replace trees removed on their newly annexed pit site. Staff believes the Demonstration Project would be an excellent use of those funds to reinvest throughout the community for the forestry program. Superintendent Schmidt noted the � forestry program coincides with the City's efforts for downtown improvements and the Riverwalk development. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee May 15, 2003 L. Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee the demonstration area would encompass the area north of Elm Street from Riverside Drive to Richmond Road and south of Washington Street. The streets included in the service area aze: • Riverside Drive • Park StT•eet • Court Street � Green Street • Richmond Road • Elm Street • Pearl Street • Broad Street • Washington Street He noted this area was chosen based upon the following criteria: • A large number of hazardous and dead trees requiring removal; • Abundant planting spaces; • Pruning requirements for the remaining trees in the area; • Overhead and underground utilities; • Road and driveway configurations; and • Tree species requirements. � Superintendent Schmidt stated the time frame for work in the demonstration area would be from the summer of 2003 to spring 2004, with tree removal occurring first. During summer 2003 thirteen (13} trees would be removed, which have been identified as hazardous or dead. In the late summer early fall all remaining trees would be pruned. In spring 2004 planting would take place. The proposed budget for the demonstration area is $25,000 based upon the following distribution of funds: • Tree removal 13 trees @ $750 ea. $9,000.00 • Tree pruning 200 trees @ $25/hr. 5,000.00 • Tree planting 41 trees @ $250 ea 10,250.00 TOTAL $25,000.00 A lengthy discussion ensued regarding notification of residents and details of the project. Assistant City Administrator Lockerby suggested a cost-sharing program for residents who desire a tree in the parkway in front of their home. Discussion continued. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to recommend to Council the implementation of the Urban Forestry Demonstration Project, in an amount not-to-exceed $25,000. All ayes. Motion carried. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to research a cost-sharing program to accommodate residents interested in the planting of a tree in the parkway in front of their home. � Page 6 Parks and Recreation Committee May 15, 2003 `-- Director's Report a. Re uest to Name a Park Facility in Reco�nition of a Local Resident Director Merkel informed the Committee support has been indicated regarding naming Petersen Park Baseball Field No. 1 in honor of longtime resident and local baseball umpire, Curtis Bremer, who was recently inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. A brief discussion followed. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to recommend to Council that Petersen Park Baseball Field No. 1 be named in honor of Curtis Bremer with the dedication to be instituted in mid-June 2003. All ayes. Motion carried. b. Report on Status of Riverside Hollow and Liberty Trail Parks Director Merkel informed Council that he, Superintendent Schmidt and a representative from Custom Landscaping have met with the developers of Riverside Hollow and Liberty Trails to review the plans for the development of the parks in the respective subdivisions. Director Merkel noted the Annexation Agreements for the subdivisions require the developers to install the playgrounds to the City specifications. The tentative schedule for installation is: • Riverside Hollow June 2003 • Liberty Trails July 2003 � Addressing Alderman Glab's inquiry, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby suggested the Annexation Agreement be reviewed regarding the City's responsibility for maintenance of the parks following construction. c. Report on Skate Park Imvrovements and Supervision Director Merkel informed the Committee arrangements are being made for supervision in the Skate Park facility this season. He noted $29,000 has been budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Budget for part-time sala.ries and $18,000 has been budgeted for fencing to enclose the two Skate Pa.rk facilities. Fencing is scheduled for installation in June. Supervision and posting of revised rules and regulations are targeted to begin on June 30, 2003. Director Merkel stated a report on the proposed programming changes for the Skate Park facility would be presented at the Parks and Recreation meeting scheduled for June 12, 2003. d. Proiect Time Line for Ca�ital Improvement Projects Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Director Merkel reported that Staff is developing a project timeline for the Capital Improvement Projects and planning projects for Fiscal Year 2003/2004. The project timeline will be used as a tool to assist Staff in keeping projects on schedule and to keep the Council informed regarding the status of various phases of the projects. � Page 7 Parks and Recreation Committee May 15, 2003 `- New Business Director Merkel suggested discussion be considered at the August 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting regarding the removal and/or relocation of the backstop at Fox Ridge Pazk. Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, �,.�.� r Su E. Low, Chairman � �