HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/26/2003 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,June 26, 2003 Alderman Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Low, Alderman Murgatroyd (arrived at 7:07 p.m.), Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Alderman Bolger, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Superintendent Park Maintenance Schmidt, City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Carol Chrisman Chairman Alderman Low called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Discussion Regarding the Skate Park Special Event Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that $1,000 has been budgeted for Skate and Bike Park Special Event Programs for the year 2003. The first event suggested is a demonstration and competition program for skaters and BMX participants the weekend of August 2 and August 3, 2003. Director Merkel stated the Parks and Recreation Department staff would be assisted in the Program by a group of volunteer parents and local participants. Local businesses would co- sponsor the Program providing or donating materials and supplies for the event. Proceeds fram the Program would go toward maintenance and improvement of the facility. �, It was the consensus of the Committee to support a two-day event. Preview of Petersen Park Pianning Meeting Scheduled on July 1, 2003 Director of Park and Recreation Merkel stated the development of the Petersen Park Concept Plan for the 22-acre addition would begin with a public panning meting scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 1, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Director Merkel informed Council SEC Planning Consultants (SEC) has been hired by the City to conduct the planning process for the site. He explained that letters have been sent to all adjoining property owners inviting them to attend the public planning meeting, and invitations have also been sent out to all Petersen Park user groups as well as the Olde Mill Pond Property Owners Association. Director Merkel noted SEC has submitted three different concept plans as examples of the types of activities that might be accommodated on the site. Each of the concept plans illustrates a different level of development and includes various options. Director Merkel informed the Committee Peter Verdicchio of SEC would be the lead planner for the project and would facilitate the July 1, 2003 Public Meeting. He stated input from the public planning meeting, together with suggestions by the Parks and Recreation Committee members, would guide the development of a draft plan. Other factors of influence to � the plan are: • Drainage issues; • Soil types and limitations; Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee June 26, 2003 �- • Utility extensions; and • Desirable setbacks and landscape buffers. Alderman Bolger opined that nothing be done prior to the drainage issues being addressed and resolved. A lengthy discussion ensued resulting in no action. McHenry County Conservation District Safety Watch Facility Plan Director Merkel stated in 2002 the City was approached by the McHenry County Conservation (MCCD) about the location of a Prairie Trail Safety Watch facility to be located in McHenry. He stated volunteer trail safety watch personnel and MCCD Staff would utilize the sma11 kiosk type facility. Director Merkel noted similar facilities are located in other communities along the trails as a convenience to safety watch volunteers and not used by the public. Staff recammended and Council approved the use of City-owned property north of Orleans Street and east of the Union Pacific Rail Line for the facility. Director Merkel noted the MCCD has included development of the facitity in this year's budget. Director Merkel stated the property would be transferred to MCCD and they would be responsible for maintenance. Director Merket stated this information was provided to the Committee for informational purposes only. `-- Director's Report a. Skate and Bike Park Mana ement Director Merkel reported that onsite Skate and Bike Park supervision would begin on Monday, July 7, 2003. The goal of the program is to have supervision at the facility to provide a safe and controlled atmosphere for participants of all ages. He stated enforcement of rules and appropriate behavior would be monitored. b. Policv on Band Concert Snonsorship/Advertisin� Director Merkel stated he is looking for direction from the Committee regarding initiation of a formal policy on sponsorship of City Band Concerts, or advertising and/or solicitation during these events. Director Merkel noted the City has received numerous requests over the years. Most requests have been denied, as sponsorship has not been encouraged in the past. Alderman Low opined a public event such as the City Band Concert is not an appropriate venue for campaigning or solicitation. She stated whatever direction the Committee opts to take must be consistent. The Committee should determine: • Are sponsorships going to be encouraged and accepted? • What criteria will be acceptable for a sponsorship? It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to research the sponsorship policies of surrounding municipalities and to discuss the matter further at a future Parks � and Recreation Committee meeting, prior to making a recommendation to Council to establish a policy. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee June 26, 2003 `-- c. Holidav Decoration Purchase Directar Merkel stated Staff has reviewed the available holiday lighting displays from several vendors. He noted it is Stai�s intent to make a recommendation to Council in August to submit an order to facilitate delivery in the fall. Director Merkel provided the Committee with photographs of suggested holiday display�. The Committee recommended the Holiday Bear and Teddy Bear Snowball Fight to continue the ongoing theme in Whispering Oaks Park. Alderman Bolger opined the cost of the suggested decorations is excessive, but he approved of the overall decoration theme for Whispering Oaks Park. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low, to recommend to Council the purchase of Holiday Bear and Teddy Bear Snowball Fight. All ayes. Motion carried. d. Citv of McHenrv/YMCA Management Draft Agreement Director Merkel provided the Committee with a draft Shared Use Agreement between the City of McHenry and YMCA of McHenry County dated June 9, 2003. Assistant City Administrator Lockerby explained the agreement is still in the draft stage and several management issues continue to be discussed. Alderman Murgatroyd suggested change orders should be set up so all change � orders need not be approved at the Council level. Responding to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated he had no concern with a portion of the Parks and Recreation Department Staff being housed in a separate building from the Municipal building. Alderman Low stated she has been impressed with the meetings she has attended and the results achieved to this point. It was the consensus of the Committee that the Advisory Committee has authority to continue amending the Shared Use Agreement between the City of McHenry and YMCA of McHenry County. e. Pronosed Charges Initiated by School District Director Merkel informed the Committee he received notice from the school districts that forthwith outside groups using the school facilities will be charged as follows: $12.00/classroom for a three (3) hour period $15.00 for use of the cafeteria or gymnasium for a three (3) hour period Director Merkel stated this is recent information and he will look into it further and advise the Committee of his findings. �. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee June 26, 2003 `-- New Business Alderman Condon stated she has received several complaints from residents living adjacent to Jaycees Park regarding vandalism to personal property. She noted the following suggestions have been made and she would like to discuss them matter further at a future meeting: • Neighbornood Watch • A light in Jaycees Park Adjournment Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � ��� � Susan E. Low, Chairman � �