HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/8/2004 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,January 8, 2004 Aldermen'sConference Room, 7:30 p.m. '� In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon, Alderman Murgatroyd. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Director of Paxks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Community Projects Coordinator Hobson, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Petersen Park Addition Plan Review Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel presented a revised Concept Plan No. 6 for review by the Committee. He noted Plan No. 6 includes the recommendations received at the September 11, 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Director Merkel made particular note of the following features: • Controlling access gate; • Berms for screening purposes; • Wetland drainage area with conservation landscaping; • Water spray park; • Labyrinth meditation garden • Pavilion area overlooking the lake Mayor Low expressed support for the meditation garden. � Alderman Condon suggested the controlling access gate would be better placed near the existing parking lot to the north of the park. Responding to Alderman Petersen's inquiry, Mayor Low stated Metra has presented two different preliminary plans for consideration. A lengthy discussion ensued regaxding whether or not the number of baseball/softball fields proposed in Plan No. 6 would be utilized. Director Merkel noted the concept provides for a community-wide destination for softball and soccer events. Alderman Murgatroyd expressed concern regarding drainage issues and opined he opposes the fishing lake at the south end of the park. Mayor Low expressed concern regarding the impact on vehicular tr�c in the area. Director Merkel informed the Committee an additional recommendation is needed as the original Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) awarded to the City for the project was in the amount of$11,100. A contract was awazded to SEC Planning in the amount of$10,800. A supplemental award was received from the County in the amount of$8,086, bringing the total project budget to $19,186. Director Merkel stated that Staff is suggesting continuing with the ne� steps for furthering the park design, including preliminary engineering, probable opinion of � costs and recommendations on development options. SEC Planning would submit a supplemental proposal for additional work, which would be within the project budget. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee January 8, 20(►4 � Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to recommend to Council, based upon Concept Plan No. 6, to approve spending the remaining Grant funds, and to direct SEC to proceed with preliminary engineering to determine the feasibility of the proposed uses, encompassing a walking path around the perimeter of Petersen Park. Ayes: Condon, Murgatroyd, Peterson. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Regarding the Sponsorship/Solicitation Policy for City Programs and Special Events Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated as directed by the Committee Staff has drafted a Sponsorship Policy, which would provide guidelines for Staffand local businesses as to what the City deems appropriate and acceptable regarding sponsorship and advertising in public facilities during events. Director Merkel provided the Committee with copies of the draft Sponsorship Policy noting the draft policy encompasses the following topics: • Sponsorship types; • Sponsorship guidelines; • Advertising guideline; • Solicitation; �- • Political activities; and • Approval process of sponsorships. Director Merkel stated the intent of the Sponsorship Policy is to assist the City and community organizations in securing acceptable local sponsors to support the variety of programs and special events taking place throughout the year. Assistant City Administrator Lockerby stated the City Attorney has opined the matter involving 1� Amendment rights is a complicated subject in terms of the City's power to impose restrictions in public facilities during events. A discussion ensued regarding 1�` Amendment rights. Mayor Low stated any vendor, or party, serving food to the general public should have a permit from the County Department of Health. It was the consensus of the Committee to incorporate the following changes into the draft Sponsorship Policy for the City Attorney's review, and that the revised version be returned to the Parks and Recreation Committee to be discussed further at a future meeting: • The City shall designate the area of distribution; • A vendor serving food to the general public must have a permit from the County Health Department; and • The vendor must sell the product. � Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee January 8, 2004 `' McCullom Lake Weed Eradication Program Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that the dramatic increase in the Eurasian Water Milfoil aquatic weed in McCullom Lake has resulted in numerous citizen complaints and severe impediment to recreational use of the lake. Director Merkel stated Staff has monitored the lake over the last two years and has observed the increase in weed growth along with lower water levels. Director Merkel noted at the September 11, 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting Staff was directed to report on the condition of the lake and research the cost and procedure involved for application of an herbicide treatment to eradicate the Eurasian Milfoil. Staff contacted Aquatic Weed Technology (Aquatic). He noted this firm was used for a partial application on the lake in 1995 as part of the renovation of the lake during the USEPA Clean Lakes Program. Based upon Aquatic's familiarity with the lake, and previous restoration efforts, a proposal was obtained in the amount of$13,450 for treatment of the lake. Director Merkel informed the Committee the proposal was solicited with the understanding that it was for informational purposes regarding weed eradication procedures and for budgeting purposes. If approved by Council bid specification and proposals would be developed for competitive bidding and included in the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 budget. Director Merkel indicated an aggressive management plan, utilizing a fluridone herbicide, is recommended for the eradication of the species. It was suggested the program � begin in the early spring with monitoring of the water temperature, plant species present and stage of plant development. The appropriate time for application would then be determined and the treatment commenced. Application of the chemicals lasts from three to five years depending on the environmental conditions. Director Merkel stated all herbicides used by Aquatic are registered with the State of Illinois and Federal EPA and all applicators are licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. When properly applied the materials present no hazard to people, fish or wildlife. Alderman Murgatroyd opined he supports a chemical application provided there is no adverse impact on the environment. He suggested the City notify homeowners in the vicinity of McCullom Lake prior to initiation of the procedure. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to recommend bid specification and proposals be developed and sought for a weed eradication program for McCullom Lake. Ayes: Condon, Murgatroyd, Peterson. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Regarding the Development of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan � Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that there has been some discussion in the past regarding the development of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan for the City of McHenry. He stated a comprehensive plan would provide the Council and Staffwith Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee January 8, 2004 �— guidelines for open space planning and property acquisition, facility development, and recreational program needs. Director Merkel stated the cost of this type of plan is between $60,000 and $80,000, with the precise cost dependent upon the e�ent of public input. Director Merkel informed the Committee that in 1990 the City contracted Management Learning Laboratories of Champaign, Illinois to conduct an attitude and interest study to survey the community's interests in Parks and Recreation services. The study was an evaluation of existing services and an effort to determine the needs of the community regarding future programs and facilities. The study did not provide a detailed open space plan or park development plan. Director Merkel stated a Comprehensive Park Master Plan would assist Council and Staff in providing quality recreational opportunities for cunent and future residents. Alderman Murgatroyd opined he would be interested in seeing a concept plan regarding what type of recreational opportunities the City would like to offer residents. A brief discussion ensued regarding the merits of a Comprehensive Park Master Plan and the cost of conducting the study. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staffto proceed with the development of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Director's Report a. Freund Field Plan Revisions �, Director Merkel summarized the draft plan submitted by SEC providing for parking and access to the south end of the AlthoffBasketball Court Complex. The following suggestions were made by the Committee: • Close the park at 9:00 p.m. • Move the parking lot further to the north. b. Shamrock Farms Plan Revision Director Merkel presented the revised Shamrock Farms Park Plan as redesigned by 3D Design. Director Merkel noted the recommended changes suggested by the Committee at the November 13, 2003 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting have been incorporated into the Plan. Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to recommend to Council the approval of the revised Shamrock Farms Park Plan as submitted by 3D Design. Ayes: Condon, Murgatroyd, Peterson. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee January 8, 2004 � c. Petersen Park Crrant Status. Phases I& II Informing the Committee the work has been 90%completed, Director Merkel provided a status report of the Phase I Boat Area Access Crrant awarded to the City and the pending Phase II Waterfront Development Project. New Business Athletic Supervisor Perkins informed the Committee a meeting has been scheduled for February 18, 2004, with the Youth League at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Center to arrange scheduling and use of the City's baseball fields. Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 10:17 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Res ectfully submitted, � � � `I"��'-��.�.._ Robert J. P� n, Chairman �. �.