HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/13/2004 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, May 13,2004 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon. Absent: Alderman Glab. Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Community Projects Coordinator Hobson, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, City Clerk Jones. Also in attendance: Bob Andronowitz, Partner in River Bend Limited Partnership, LLC Hank Armbrecht, Vice President RiverBend Benders Snowmobile Club Dan VanKirk, International Watercross Association Chris Nobbe, 121 S. Cross Trail Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Peterson requested a11 in attendance to introduce themselves. Snowmobile Water Cross Event Request—Petersen Park Community Projects Coordinator Hobson informed the Committee that the City has been approached by the RiverBend Limited Partners, LLC and the International Watercross Association, requesting the use of Petersen Park to host a Snowmobile Watercross event in September 2004. Elements of the event would include: • Snowmobile races; � • Vendor booths with food,beverages and sponsors' goods; and • Beer garden for alcohol sales. Mr. Hobson stated a disc jockey would play music throughout the day and handle announcements. The possibilities of a band, a small fireworks display, a snowmobile jump competition and a jet ski show have been discussed. The vendor and festival area would be set up separate from the pit area where the snowmobile events would be located. Staff has been assured that no alcohol would be permitted in the pit area. Mr. Hobson informed the Committee the event would be set up on Friday, be held on Saturday and Sunday, with tear down and clean-up occurring on Monday. Preliminaries would be held on Saturday with races running from approximately 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Race finals would be held on Sunday from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Estimated attendance at the event for the weekend is approximately 3,000 persons. A video of the event was viewed by the Committee following Mr. Hobson's presentation. Following the video presentation Mr. Andronowitz assured the Committee that the snowmobiles would be stationed in the pit area and are moved to the beach area by either being driven or carted on a dolly to the starting line. The snowmobiles start from a standing position � on the beach and race onto the open water around a series of buoys situated in an oval prior to returning to the beach. All of the snowmobiles have mu�lers and use environmentally safe lubricants. Additionally, fuel tanks are sealed so in the event one of the snowmobiles sinks there Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee May 13, 2004 �- is minimal or zero leakage. A safety crew is stationed on a special pontoon boat that is able to raise machines and rescue divers quickly. Local Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's) would also be on hand. Mr. Andronowitz stated the Association is seeking to promote a family oriented event in a venue that wc�uld allow the event to grow. He assured the Committee that any possible damage at Petersen Park would be addressed immediately. It was stated the event grounds would be closed during the night and no camping would be permitted. The group provides their own security. It was noted that no problems have been reported in the last four years of the event. Community Projects Coordinator Hobson has contacted a number of the references provided. All responses were positive, with the exception of a dispute over the running of a concession at the previous facility. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel noted the Country Meadows Craft Show is scheduled to be held in Petersen Park on September 19, 2004. Mr. Andronowitz informed the Committee that while the event is usually held the third week in September, if that week was unavailable a back-up date of October 2 and 3, 2004 has been established. Local vendors would be solicited for participation. A gate fee of $10.00 per adult would be charged and children under 12-years of age would be admitted free of charge. Chairman Alderman Peterson suggested wristbanding for individuals consuming alcohol. A lengthy discussion ensued. � Alderman Condon expressed concerns regarding possible interference with the Petersen Park Expansion grant fund work. Director Merkel provided an overview of the work currently underway in Petersen Park. Director Merkel noted the first week in October would be a viable date for the event. Mayor Low expressed support for the event. Responding to an inquiry, she stated it might be possible for Council consideration of the event at June 7, 2004 regularly scheduled meeting. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to City Council the approval of the snowmobile watercross event at Petersen Park the first week in October 2004. Aye: Condon, Peterson Nay: None Absent: Glab Motion canied. Wheeler Fen/Jaycees Park Plan Proposal 3-D Design Director Merkel informed the Committee a proposal for design services has been received from 3-D Design Studio for the Wheeler Fen site and the Jaycee Park Playground renovation. � Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee May 13, 2004 �-- Director Merkel reminded the Committee on March 12, 2004 approval was granted for Staff to request design proposals for the Wheeler Fen property. Following a discussion regarding planning services and the unique natural resource of the fen area, a proposal for the preparation of a base map, concept plan development and final design and presentation has been submitted. Director Merkel informed the Committee that Jaycee Park Playground is scheduled for renovation this year. The renovation is included in the CIl' Budget under Developer ponations. The renovations will include: • new concrete curbing; • new play equipment; • installation of drainage under the wood chip safety surface; and • landscape restoration. Continuing, Director Merkel noted access to the playground would be improved with the installation of a new sidewalk from the Park Ridge Estates Subdivision south through the park, connecting to Barnwood Trail. He stated the sidewalk would improve handicap accessibility to the playground and also provide a direct route to Riverwood School. Director Merkel informed the Committee that the services of a landscape architectural firm with playground design experience is need for the renovation project as the design and installation of the playground must conform to all new consumer product safety commission standards and National Playground Safety Institute guidelines. Additionally, the access walkway and transition areas `. must meet ADA requirements. Chris Nobbe, a resident of 121 South Cross Trail, addressed the Committee. Ms. Nobbe informed the Committee that she is the coordinator of the Neighborhood Watch in her area. She stated concerns regarding the following: • Safety issues due to destructive teenage element; • The darkness of the park; • Destruction of park equipment; • Obscene graffiti on playground equipment; • the unsafe positioning of the stop sign at Jaycees Park. Ms. Nobbe suggested the following be taken into consideration during renovation of Jaycees Park: • Install lighting in the park; • Provide curbside access from Cross Trail; • Install a crosswalk from Oregon Trail to the park; • Install signs indicating"children at play" around the park. Director Merkel assured Ms. Nobbe her concerns and suggestions would be brought to the attention of 3-D Design Studio. � Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee May 13, 2004 �— Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to recommend that Council approve the design proposal submitted by 3-D Design Studio for Wheeler Fen and Jaycee Park. Aye: Condon, Peterson Nay: None Absent: Glab , Motion carried. Natural Resources Management Plan Proposal Hey & Associates Director Merkel informed the Committee a proposal has been submitted by Hey and Associates for professional services regarding natural resources management in the city. Director Merkel noted the Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the maintenance and management of a growing number of unique open space areas. Several of the sites contain wetland mitigation areas that have been committed to management plans as required by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Director Merkel informed the Committee that Staff met with representatives of Hey and Associates to discuss development of a Natural Resource Management Plan for five specific park sites. Also discussed was the possibility of a stream bank stabilization project on Boone Creek. Director Merkel stated the Natural Resource Management Plan would serve to identify � and prioritize the restoration activities in the selected park sites. The Plan would also include cost estimates for all recommended work. Director Merkel indicated the estimated cost of the Plan for the five park sites would total $17,000. He noted this amount does not include the restoration efforts along Boone Creek or the Public Presentation. Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt informed the Committee that some form of stabilization of Boone Creek banks should be addressed in the near future. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to City Council the approval of the proposal submitted by Hey and Associates for development of a Natural Resource Management Plan in the amount of$17,000. Aye: Condon, Peterson Nay: None Absent: Glab Motion carried. Freund Field/South Parking Lot Development Director Merkel provided updated information regarding costs submitted by the contractor for the Freund Field Phase III improvements, which includes installation of the south parking lot and the alternate entrance to the basketball courts. Director Merkel noted the estimated costs for the added work was reviewed and approved at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting held on March 12, 2004. � Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee May 13, 2004 `-- Director's Report a. 25�`Anniversary Pro�ram Report Director Merkel announced the Parks and Recreation Department is promoting its 25th anniversary with several special programs and a variety of commemorative items. b. Petersen Park Phase II Bid & Proiect Schedule Director Merkel outlined a project schedule for the Phase II development of the Petersen Park WaterFront Plan. He announced the majority of the construction work would take place from September 2004 through May 2005. A re-opening ceremony is anticipated for July 2005. c. Petersen Park Plan—CDBG Comaletion Director Merkel informed the Committee that the planning phase of the project has been completed and the preliminary engineering/opinion of probable cost estimates is being prepared by SEC. This phase of the project is tentatively scheduled for completion in June 2004 in order to comply with the deadline established by the County Community Development Block Grant. New Business Alderman Condon stated she observed vehicular tr�c on the field during the soccer game on Saturday, May 8, 2004 at Althoff Field. She requested Staff look into the matter. �, Alderman Condon requested information regarding how the fences on the soccer field are anchored. Superintendent Schmidt informed her that the fences are weighted and all the fences are portable except for Knox Park. Alderman Peterson suggested the right-of-way property located at the Old Draper Road, consisting of approximately 1-acre, might be used by the Parks and Recreation Department. Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:29 p.m. Aye: Condon, Peterson Nay: None Absent: Glab Motion carried. p ct y � , Robert J. Pet s , Chairman � � Memorandum To: Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Alderman Peterson Fm: City Clerk Jones Date: September 1, 2004 Subj: Committee Meeting Minutes Enclosed please find the March 11, 2004 Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. Please review and, if you approve, sign and return to me for distribution. Thank you. /kmk � �