HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/9/2004 - Parks and Recreation Committee i PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING .- Thursday, September 9, 2004 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. � � In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt,Planner Martin, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Also in attendance: Charles Werth Frank Colomer Mary Mahady Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Peterson requested a11 in attendance to introduce themselves. New Business Recognizing the residents in attendance might have specific issues which they wished to discuss, Chairman Peterson suggesting addressing New Business first to allow the residents an opportunity to be heard without having to wait to speak. Mr. Charles Werth of 812 S. Riverside Drive addressed the Committee noting the city is experiencing significant erosion on the Fox River banks in the city park adjacent to his property in McHenry Shores. He stated there has been more than 12' of erosion on these banks within just the past three years. He suggested the city construct some type of barrier to prevent further erosion. � Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel concurred there is an erosion problem in this location as well as further north on the city lot at the intersection of Washington Street and Riverside Drive along the Fox River. It was the consensus of the Committee to include this issue as an agenda item for consideration and recommendation on the ne�rt Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. Alderman Glab reported area residents have complained regarding the impassability of the Whispering Oaks Park Path. Supt. Schmitt responded a large tree had fallen in the path and it was removed during the past week. A lengthy discussion followed regarding Staff monitoring the path to assure it is passable at all times. It was also pointed out the banks of the Boone Creek are eroding and some adjustment of the location of the path inland might be necessary. Alderman Condon requested the Parks and Recreation Committee Agenda Packets be compiles similar to City Council Packets to provide better ease of following during the meetings. Director Merkel will advise Staff of the change. Alderman Condon expressed concern with Staff's reworking soccer fields during the soccer season and renovating the baseball and softball fields during the summer baseball season as well. She suggested the improvements be done prior to the commencement of the athletic seasons. Alderman Condon also reported the Petersen Park score board has not been operational for the � past two years and inquired why it has not been repaired. She opined Staff is not adequately maintaining the fields or the equipment during the off-season. Page 2 • Parks and Recreation Committee September 9, 2004 '� A lengthy discussion followed regarding the lack of available usable soccer fields for team use and the number of non-residents on the teams utilizing city fields for soccer games. Alderman Condon stated she would like a commitment that Staff will cooperate with the soccer , baseball and softball leagues and that all facilities will be fully operational prior to the commencement of the athletic seasons. Chairman Peterson suggested an end-of-season meeting might be helpful far the leagues to provide feedback to Staff regarding the status of the fields and various facilities. Chairman Peterson stated there should be better communication between the leagues and Staff. He encouraged both pre-season meetings and post-season meetings with the leagues. Petersen Park Addition Final Plan Review Director Merkel reminded the Committee the Petersen Park Addition planning project is being funded by the McHenry County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). An original $11,000 was allocated for this project and a contract was awarded to SEC Planning Consultants to guide the city through the planning stages. Director Merkel stated an additional $8,086 was allocated to the city for this project from supplemental funds received from the county. Before the Committee this evening is a $3,660.30 contract to provide an Opinion of Probable Cost for the completion of the Petersen Park expansion. Director Merkel stated it is Staff's recommendation to approve the contract to provide an Opinion of Probable Cost in order to move the Petersen Park expansion project forward. �, General discussion occurred regarding the proposed expansion plan of Petersen Park. Alderman Condon shared Mayor Low's thoughts regarding the proposed layout. She stated Mayor Low expressed concerns regarding the proposal being for an active park. She believes the expansion should be for passive parklands. Alderman Condon opined Petersen Park is a destination spot for many leagues. She suggested keeping all active park areas together on one site is desirable. She stated the proposed layout including soccer fields, baseball fields and softball fields in the expansion is good. She noted league participant numbers are increasing in all three leagues. Alderman Glab expressed concerns regarding the City of McHenry having to provide all of the new fields for the area leagues, particularly the soccer federation. He noted the city is constantly expanding its fields and services. Discussion followed regarding non-city resident membership on leagues. He suggested the city put pressure on surrounding communities to construct new fields as well. Alderman Condon asked if the amount of available grant funds would be adequate for Smith Engineering to provide an Opinion of Estimated Cost for this project. She suggested $3,345 is not enough to provide a true estimate and the city would be wasting these funds to expend them in this manner. Chairman Petersen stated acquiring an estimated cost would facilitate placing this project in the ,� CIP flow as Council would have some basis for estimating the projected cost to expand Petersen Park. �age 3 • Parks and Recreation Committee September 9, 2004 � In response ta Alderman Condon's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the gates across the road would be utilized to prevent cut-through tr�c and also provide a measure of security during hours when the park is closed. Some discussion occurred regarding the illumination of the ballfields. In response to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated there are appro�mately 200 parking spaces in this portion of Petersen Park. At the conclusion of the expansion there would be more than 500 parking spaces. Alderman Glab stated he is not in favor of spending $3,445 at this time when the Petersen Park expansion project may not actually be done for several years. He noted a current estimate of cost would no longer be valid if the project is not constructed for five or six years. Director Merkel suggested as the gant money has been awarded, it would be in the city's best interest to spend the remaining money on the Opinion of Estimated Cost. Discussion continued regarding the best means of determining an estimate of cost without spending the $3,445 required by the Smith Engineering contract. Alderman Condon suggested the Committee recommend to Council that a drainage study of this area be conducted to determine the feasibility of placing roads, parking and fields in this area. Motion by Glab, seconded by Condon, to recommend to City Council that the remaining $3,445 in the CDBG Grant for the Petersen Park Addition Final Plan not be expended and that the � project be put on hold at this time. Voting Aye: Glab. Voting Nay: Peterson, Condon. Absent: None. Motion failed. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council, to move forward with the Petersen Park Addition Final Plan and to enter into an agreement with Smith Engineering Consultants to provide the city with an Opinion of Estimated Cost, and to include this project in the city's CIl'Budget for 2005-2006. Voting Aye: Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. Presentation: Revised Bike Path Plan Director Merkel informed the Committee a collaborative effort was made by various city departments to provide the newly revised Bike Path Plan. Recreation Supervisor Cindy Witt, Planner poug Martin and former Assistant City Administrator John Lockerby all worked extensively on creating the revised Plan. Input was received from regional and local bike clubs. An Open House was held on May 10`h at which public provided comment. The Plan was also displayed at the McHenry Public Library for a month. `.. 'Page 4 � Parks and Recreation Committee September 9, �004 \.. Director Merkel stated the Plan includes ties to the McHenry County Prairie Trail, the IVIPC Regional Plan and potential connection to the Morraine Hills State Park. Director Merkel also advised the need to connect to neighboring villages and municipalities. Alderman Glab stated the portion of the path along Boone Creek would never be installed. Director Merkel responded noting the document is merely a proposal and is not intended to be a blueprint for e�ct delineation of the Plan. It would be used as a tool to display the Plan to new developers as they come before the city with development proposals. Planner Martin addressed the Committee stating the Plan provides for key route access to parks, schools, conservation areas, as well as existing and future bike paths in neighboring communities. He noted there are three types of paths: • On road; • Off road; � Share the road. Alderman Glab stated the proposed share the road path on Dartmoor Drive would eliminate existing on-street parking in that neighborhood. He feared property values would decline if the parking were eliminated. Alderman Condon stated she is glad the city is being pro-active and planning for the future bike path. She suggested inclusion of the share the road bike path route on Dartmoor Drive would �. increase home values. The bike path is an asset to the community. Chairman Peterson concurred with Alderman Condon. He commended Staff for creating such a detailed well-thought out document. In response to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated the city's approval of a Bike Path Plan would facilitate grant application opportunities should they arise. It is good planning to have an approved Plan in place. Discussion followed regarding specific challenges faced when creating the Bike Path Plan including: • Green Street on road traffic—should the path be striped; should sidewalks be utilized; • Dartmoor Drive in the Fox Ridge section where share the road would be required • Boone Creek soils issues. Alderman Condon asked what the neart step would be once the Plan has received formal Council approval. Director Merkel responded bike route signs would be installed, rules and regulations would be created, methodology explored to address the Plan challenges. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to Council that the proposed Bike Path Plan be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Peterson, Condon. `.. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. �'age 5 � Parks and Recreation Committee September 9, �004 �-- Discussion: Parks and Recreation Fees and Charges Director Merkel reported Administration and Finance have decided to review fees city-wide, including those assessed by the Parks Department for programs, rentals etc. Director Merkel noted the Parks Department relies heavily on the fees paying for its programs. He stated there are five areas which Staff is recommending be addressed when fees and charges are reviewed: • Program Cost Recovery; • Special Event Fees; • Picnic Fees—resident and non-resident ; • Waiver of School District Residency Requirement; • Scholarship Program. Alderman Condon suggested the city attempt to seek donations to support a Scholarship Program. She acknowledged it would be inappropriate to utilize t� dollars for a Scholarship program. However, solicitations for scholarship fund monies could be sought. It was suggested the organizations who utilize city parks for their fund-raising efforts could be approached for scholarship donations. Alderman Condon, referencing the possible waiver of school district residency requirements, stated services should be proved to city residents first. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the utilization of parks for picnics by non-residents. Discussion also occurred regarding the permission to serve alcoholic beverages on park property. � Staff will survey neighboring communities and determine their fee schedule for recreation progams and services. In addition, Staffwill investigate ways to reduce city liability in its parks when alcoholic beverages are served. Director's Report Director Merkel reported the piers have been removed from the la.ke. Paving the entrance to Petersen Park has begun. Soil samples have been ordered so that the picnic shelter project can go out for bid. Discussion: Ordinance Prohibiting Encroachment Activities on Park/City Property Director Merkel stated the department has experienced people living adjacent to city property encroaching on city property through fence placement, burn pit locations, dog runs, etc. The purpose of the attached ordinance is to prohibit encroachment on city-owned property. A brief discussion occuned regarding ways to cause the offending party to pay for the cost incurred in providing proof of ownership, i.e. cost of providing a Plat of Survey. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council that an ordinance be adopted prohibiting encroachment activities on park/city property. Voting Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Voting'vay: None. `,. Absent: None. Motion carried. . �age 6 - Parks and Recreation Committee September 9, �;004 �-' Adjournment Following a brief discussion, the following meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee were rescheduled: Wednesday, October 6, 22004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room Wednesday, November 3, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 10:14 p.m. Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Nay: None Absent: None. Motion carried. Re ful sub ' , Robert J. Peters n, hairman � �