HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/6/2004 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, October 6,2004 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Also in attendance: Lolly and Jeff Peters, 4707 Ashley Dr, McHenry Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Peterson requested a11 in attendance to introduce themselves. Discussion: Future Dog Park Facility Recognizing the residents in attendance and their interest in a future dog park facility, Chairman Peterson suggested this item be discusse�first. Director Merkel informed the Committee this agenda item is a result of many inquiries and calls within the past two years regarding the City's interest in providing a dog park facility. Staff has researched other similar facilities in nearby areas, such as those situated in the Lake County Forest Preserve. Director Merkel provided the committee with information available on their website including the user costs, rules and regulations. Director Merkel stated interest in the City's providing such a facility has greatly increased within the last few years. Dog owners are seeking a park to recreate and exercise their pets within the � City. He noted the location and size of the dog park are key to its success. Initial cost would include fencing, lighting, providing water to the park, and parking lot surfacing. Purchase of property would also be required unless the City opts to utilize existing City-owned property. Director Merkel stated the greatest challenge is finding a suitable location for the park. He also acknowledged the City needs to determine how great the interest is in the park—will one park be adequate? Chairman Peterson invited comments from Mr. and Mrs. Peters. Mr. Peters stated they currently take their dogs to Glacial Park which permits dogs, but they must be leashed at all times. He noted dogs are prohibited in all city parks. There is no place in town where pet owners can recreate and socialize their dogs. Mr. Peters stated he is not opposed to a fee being charged for the maintenance and upkeep of the dog park. Alderman Condon expressed concerns regarding City liability should dog fights occur in the park. Mr. Peters stated persons with aggressive dogs are aware of the nature of their pets and would most likely be cautious with them. Some discussion followed regarding possible locations of the dog park. Sites suggested include: • Levy Property • Open area in Boone Creek Subdivision • North portion of Petersen Farm • Northern open space in Riverside Hollow. � Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee October 6, 2004 `-- Alderman Glab noted it would be best not to locate a dog park within a residential neighborhood. He noted the dog park should be for residents and not for the enjoyment of non-residents. He was concerned the park would be overused by non-residents. Alderman Condon stated she is in favor of moving forward with the creation of the dog park. She suggested the dog park be initiated with a minimum expenditure and expand its area, facilities and amenities as the demand for the park increases. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to proceed with a dog park proposal including the projected cost to create it, possible locations indicating the pros and cons for each, and proposed rules, regulations and fee structure. Discussion: Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment and Master Plan Director Merkel noted in 1990 the City conducted a Needs Assessment in preparation for developing a City Parks and Recreation Master Plan. In 1990 and Attitude and Interest Study was conducted. The Study was tailored for the City of McHenry. Response was sought from all areas, age goups, married couples, singles, families and ethnic orientations within the community. He noted 2,200 surveys were sent out. The City realized a 20% study completion rate. Director Merkel indicated he would prefer to have a professional planning firm customize a Needs Assessment and tailor it to the City of McHenry. If a professional firm conducts the � assessment it will be unbiased and more subjective. In response to Alderman Condon's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the 1990 Attitude and Interest Study was completed in approximately 6-9 months. At that point Council chose not to utilize the information gleaned in the Study to create a Master Plan. In response to further inquiry, Director Merkel stated there is money budgeted for the Master Plan in the 2004-2005 Budget. Alderman Condon expressed her opinion the Needs Assessment not be conducted in-house. Alderman Glab stated the City has conducted surveys and assessments in the past. Comprehensive Plans have been adopted and never followed. He stated he does not want to waste taxpayer money on a study which will never be used. He suggested the assessment be completed in-house via the City Newsletter rather than spending tax dollars and outsourcing for professional services. Alderman Glab further stated the City needs to balance park types and uses to accommodate the growth and changing demographics of our community. Chairman Peterson stated he is not in favor of studies. He noted, however, with the ever- changing composition of our community, including the influx of so many townhomes, the needs of the community have changed since the Attitude and Interest Study conducted in 1990. He noted have a Needs Assessment and the implementation of a Master Plan could help with the acquisition of grants to purchase and develop parklands. Director Merkel stated as the community evolves, its needs, programs, and facilities should � changes as well. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee October 6, 2004 `-- Alderman Condon opined a Needs Assessment should be completed and a Master Plan developed. Performing a Needs Assessment Survey and not following up with the implementation of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan is pointless. The Assessment and Master Plan should go hand in hand. If a Master Plan is not created the Assessment Study is wasted. Alderman Condon suggested the Needs Assessment be out-sourced to assure unbiased results. Follow-up questionnaires circulated via the City Newsletter could be used to update the Needs Assessment. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council to direct Staff to prepare a Request for Proposals for professional services to perform a Needs Assessment to be used in the development of a City of McHenry Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. Review and Update: Wheeler Park Preliminary Plan Director Merkel reminded the Committee 3D Design has been hired by the City to develop a concept plan for Wheeler Park. Additionally, Hey and Associates was contracted to conduct a wetlands inventory of the site. Director Merkel noted the present concept plan features a walking trail. The exact location of the trail within the Park is subject to change, following the conclusion of the Hey and Associates inventory. � In response to Chairman Peterson's inquiry, Director Merkel stated an access point to the Senior Citizen Residential Complex to the east could be incorporated into the plan. Responding to Alderman Condon's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the path would be paved with wood chips. Director Merkel also noted his department would work with the McHenry County Conservation District to enhance the plant life within the park. Petersen Park Stage Development Director Merkel reported the existing stage structure at the Petersen Park Beachfront is in poor condition and requires replacement. He noted it is desirable to have a structure that is easily erected and dismantled. The frame needs to be more durable and substantial than the existing stage. The structure also must be able to support lighting fi�rture and protect from the elements when it is in use. Director Merkel also reported Meijer Stores donated $10,000 toward the Petersen Park Development as a result of the City granting parking privileges to Meijer Store employees during their grand opening process and training when the new store first opened. He suggested the $10,000 be utilized in the construction of the new stage. Additionally, Director Merkel intends to ask the Fiesta Days Board for a donation toward the stage construction. Director Merkel stated he will investigate options and costs and bring this item back to the � Committee for recommendation. Director's Report Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee October 6, 2004 �- Director Merkcl reported bids will be sought in the near future for the Petersen Park Shelter and piers. He noted electrical upgrades will be made at Petersen Park some time ne� spring. Director Merkel stated the McCullom Lake clean-up efforts have been very successful. He stated the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting schedule for 2005 will be presented to the Committee to approval at its next meeting in November. New Business In response to Alderman Condon's inquiry, Director Merkel provided committee members with a list of soccer, baseball and softball fields and whether they are currently being utilized for practice or games. Alderman Glab expressed his displeasure with the recent watercross event conducted at Petersen Park Beach. He expressed dismay at the potential destruction of a natural resource, McCullom Lake, as a result of similar use and abuse of the beach and lake. Alderman Glab inquired how the City benefited from the watercross event. Director Merkel responded, noting approximately 700-800' of beach frontage was cleaned by the organizers of the watercross event. Additionally, they assisted with pier removal, thereby saving City Staff time and money. Some discussion followed regarding the entry fees paid to attend the watercross event and the fact that the City did not realize any financial revenue from it. � Adjournment Director Merkel reminded the Committee the next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, November 3, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Nay: None Absent: None. Motion carried. Res ctfully itted, � Robert J. Pet ,on, Chairman �